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...myself included.

Don't deny it!
While you toss away your 'leftovers' a child starves in Africa
While you drive your SUV a Malaysian family is walking 5 miles to get to the nearest community bathhouse.
We wear clothing made by children in sweatshops.

Why are we so selfish? Is it because we've been sheltered by our government?

2006-09-13 15:21:04 · 25 answers · asked by Tofu Jesus 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Why are leftists so self-hating? I have many theories on that...one of which simply deals with the reality of evolution...indeed, part of the human family, now protected by technology, was slated to be dinner for the predator....

Like you with your sillly leftists religious notions...now if you said "all humans" as opposed to "americans", I would treat you differently...not as a pathetic self-hating insect.

2006-09-13 15:26:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Sad, but you enjoy all the things money can buy, god can not interfere with the sweatshops only man can, as for my left overs I have none, my family was very poor in America, so my mother only cooked enough for one days meal, lunch & dinner were the same, and I do the same, Am I selfish because my truck is 16 years old and fuel is $2.60 a gallon, no it is not I that is selfish, it is all the investers that do not care where there money is coming from, I am just a worker like the childrene in the sweatshops, but paid more and that allows me to live in my country, for if I do not return to work I do shall walk and live on the street, So I say why do you not critize your masters, the great coperitions that run this country and why do you ask the working people of america why they drive at all no mater if its an SUV or a old junker, shame on you to call the American worker selfish, when its the wealty that have the blood on their hands, the american workers are the slaves to credit, for they sold a wortless product called money and shackeled us with the holy bible to keep us in line, shame on you

2006-09-13 22:38:33 · answer #2 · answered by man of ape 6 · 0 0

This is a prime example of perverting the truth:

the child starving in Africa had nothing to do with us having an over abundance of food, but it had everything to do with conditions beyond our control. THAT IS NOT SELFISH.

driving an SUV has nothing to do with a Malaysian family wlking 5 miles to get to the nearest bathhouse, but it had everything to do with the parents not having sufficient jobs to support the family. THAT IS NOT SELFISH OF U.S. CITIZENS

I do not wear clothing made by children in sweatshops and anything like that happening is the fault of the government they are in.


2006-09-13 22:45:30 · answer #3 · answered by Search4truth 4 · 0 0

Not all Americans are selfish...mostly just the conservatives who dump in their pants at even the thought of change. On just about every issue it is the Republicans who show their selfish need to keep the status quo intact...civil rights - it is the conservatives who do not want blacks or hispanics to vote or to have the rights of a white person.

marriage - even though most conservatives get married about 3 different times in their lives, they still cling to some fantasy that there is a sanctity of marriage that gays will destroy...even though the adulturous republicans have reduced marriage to little more than a bad joke.

Welfare - Yeah, there is never too much money that can be kept in a republicans pocket, they will do anything they can do to make sure not one dollar of theirs goes to helping people who do not come from a silver spoon in the mouth family.

Abortion - it is pure selfishness which drives conservatives to object to abortion, they want to believe it is murder and they wish to cling to this belief, and force others to believe it as well...simply to make themselves feel like God is smiling on them. Do they ever offer to house and feed an unwanted and unloved child??? NEVER.

Religion- If christian repubs had their way, christianity would be the law of the land. Repubs selfishly believe only they can be entrusted by God to rule, all other religions are of course..evil.

2006-09-13 22:38:09 · answer #4 · answered by stephenjames001 2 · 0 0

If you've learned any kind of World History, you'd have realized that ALL countries how are at the top or used to be at the top are selfish.
Take China for example: China used to be the richest country in the ancient world; they had everything, and every knowlege. And they were selfish, just like the U.S is right now.
See, a country that is powerful has the RIGHT to be selfish, though of course, life gives everyone a chance, and the U.S, just like China, WILL eventually sink, if not fail, and become less selfish and arrogant.
So enjoy our selfishness and riches while we can; there's nothing we can do about it.

2006-09-13 22:35:24 · answer #5 · answered by Creative Name 3 · 0 0

TOFU JESUS!!! Don't go all Republican on us, okay?
What the heck? "Why are all we Americans so selfish? MYSELF INCLUDED."

Your Kingdom is not of this world!!! YOU'RE NOT AN AMERICAN!

And the reason Americans are so selfish is that we think this life is all there is, even if some of us call ourselves Your followers. We've gotta get all the goodies now, before time's up. Frightening images of starving people in the 3rd world can sometimes serve to FUEL the desperate grab for material security.

I'm going to add one thing though. There are quite a few 18 year old American men who have come back from Iraq minus two legs. They were told to go because "Iraq needs our help." I don't know about you, but misguided or not, they've given WAY more of themselves on behalf of others than I ever have.

2006-09-13 22:35:48 · answer #6 · answered by miraclewhip 3 · 0 0

It's because we've been raised with a certain standard of living for many generations. People in America feel they are entitled to whatever they can get their hands on. I had the sweatshop debate with one of my hardcore capitalist friends one time. Her attitude is that she went to college (on a huge college fund her parents saved for her) and got her degree and now she makes lots of $$. So she expects everyone in the world to be able to do the same. She refused to listen to the logic that it's really freaking hard if you live in a 3rd world country, it's been done before but how likely is it really? People are sheltered and while they have an idea, they don't know what it's really like outside of the suburbs.

2006-09-13 22:28:13 · answer #7 · answered by Reject187 4 · 1 0

Good point , and actually I am not american but I have to say that not only americans are selfish ofcourse but it could be at any country no matter rich or poor!!

well thats not the topic ,
but the Real Topic is about childrens starve in Africa .. and This is Very True..
and I recommed for anyone cannot get child , to make adoption to one of these poor childrens , cause You are really saving a soul from Death

and I believe anyone of us could be in their situation ,why not?

nobody had choosen his country of birth , his parents or being poor or rich !

I hope we all can help in this ..God help

2006-09-13 22:28:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. The child in Africa is hungry because of their governments.

2. The Malaysian family is under similar hindrance.

3 I'm against child labor abuse also, but with almost all of American textile industry closed down, foreign suppliers have the market. Besides, the abuse that goes on elsewhere is not due to our needs.

2006-09-13 22:33:14 · answer #9 · answered by rangedog 7 · 1 0

I see what you're saying...I take many freedoms for granted. But I think there are a lot of people who freely give service and time to others. We have the master example to live by. I definitely need to be more thankful and humble about the wonderful gift of living in a free country, where I can worship God according to my own conscience, and not by force.

2006-09-13 22:26:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The economy is like a monster doing what it does. I don't know of anyone who liked it when we lost industry and started buying cheap goods from overseas in a new "service economy." If 1% of Americans want an SUV that is still a huge number and enough to make sure I always get stuck behind one in traffic!

2006-09-13 22:26:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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