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seems to be a lot of evidence pointing to this, also no roman records of jesus dying on a cross or even causing any commotion. Where is THE RECORDS OF JESUS HAVING EXISTED

2006-09-13 15:09:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

There are several references to Him and/or His "cult" or "superstition" (church) from Roman and Jewish writers of the later first and very early second centuries. It is true that there have been some fabrications or changes made to these documents over the years by overzealous Christian translators and the like (for example, poorly written-in lines to Josephus's writings extolling Christian theology in a way that Josephus never would have), but carefull examination of the tone and style of writing and comparison against translations into the languages of non-Christian societies clearly reveals what the additions were and allows their removal, leaving the underlying truth that the original authors did MENTION the teachings of Jesus or the actions of His followers, simply without ENDORSING them as the re-writes did. These writings alone clearly place the Christian beleivers into the later half of the first century -- and that was after they had become numerous enough to be noticed, meaning they almost certainly must have existed for at least some many years or decades before that, prior to being noticed by these writers and authorities.

2006-09-13 16:26:27 · answer #1 · answered by Mustela Frenata 5 · 1 0

Never mind that there are records of Jesus.

But one thing to consider is the bottom line: Whom did it (that is, the alleged cult) benefit?

All of Jesus' apostles were penniless. They were eventually murdered. Jesus was penniless and was eventually executed. Paul was in prison after his conversion. Who was the one who got the big money or the big power? Normally--not always, but vast-majority-wise--in a cult, someone is getting the power and/or the money.

The Roman procurate surely didn't benefit one way or the other from Jesus' life or his crucifixion. The Sanhedrin, the Pharisees, the scribes...none of them were getting the cash or the props.

So what would have been the motive for a Jesus cult?

2006-09-13 22:19:10 · answer #2 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 2 0

Jesus as a man is not fabraicated man as you think and never say that he was made up as a cult movement because you are committing sin on that way. It seems you do not believe in the existence of GOD.Please read the bile on the new testament regarding the records of jesus having existed and still existing. In mathew it is written the origin of jesusHis birth the visit tro him when he was born his teachings the miracles he made,, treatment of the sick telling aboput this death to come through the cross and many others In the book of Mark new testament it was told that he is the son of GOD, about his being baptized and may others as proof of ;his existence

2006-09-13 22:32:03 · answer #3 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 0 1

Reporting on Emperor Nero's decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed Rome in A.D. 64, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote:
Nero fastened the guilt . . . on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of . . . Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome. .

a little before the second century huh?

2006-09-13 22:15:21 · answer #4 · answered by SETFREEBYJESUS 4 · 3 0

This is so sad.

The bible itself has been attacked for the last 1600 years and has remained unchanged and still stands historically and spiritually accurate. I do not remember having met an Atheist who denied that Jesus existed. That's like the people who deny the Holocaust ever happened. Its just plain silly. Jesus most certainly existed. The questions are 1 Who Was He? 2 Who is he now?

I have a theory too. I believe that people will believe anything as long as it is not in the Bible.

GOD Bless ya!

2006-09-13 22:35:55 · answer #5 · answered by Bye Bye 6 · 2 1

"Was jesus a fabricated person, made up in the second century as a cult movement??" -- No.

"Where is THE RECORDS OF JESUS HAVING EXISTED?" -- Can't help here, sorry, not my field of study. I know there must be something, people have found many records from many sources.
Again, sorry.

2006-09-13 22:13:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Read the books A case for Christ and A case for faith. Both written by a former athiest who had set out to disprove the bible and Jesus. In the process he found overwhelming proof, that would hold up in any court of law, that the bible, jesus, and faith are very real. He found all of this while interviewing many professionals including, proffessors, lawers, scientist ect.. There are historic writings that prove Jesus existed, outside of the bible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus

2006-09-13 22:39:00 · answer #7 · answered by Dionsays 2 · 2 1

From what I have read Jesus was a really common name back then. That's kinda like saying "does Chris (or any common name) exist in 2006". There were lots of guys named Jesus, and the Christ title was added later.

2006-09-13 22:16:48 · answer #8 · answered by skeptic 2 · 1 2

there aren't any records, but there is evidence of several would-be messiahs turning tricks (uh, i mean performing miracles) at the same time.

miracle working was a sine qua non for any cult leader at the time, so Jesus was just one of many.

since some parts of the Jesus biography seem to have happened to various of the other "messiahs" it has been speculated that Jesus per se never existed and that he's only a composite of these other "saviors."

2006-09-13 22:13:14 · answer #9 · answered by Brendan G 4 · 1 3

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Lived for 33 years and was crucified for all our sins. His body was in a tomb for 3 days, then He rose from the dead. He is the creator. He is the Light of the world. He will be the final judge on judgment day. Are you ready to face Him?
Yes, He lived. He lives, and He's coming back. Very soon.

2006-09-13 22:16:14 · answer #10 · answered by samson316 3 · 0 2

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