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Human beings have been worshipping their imaginary gods for thousands of years. The Egyptians built the pyramids for their imaginary gods. The Romans worshipped Zeus and his imaginary friends in huge temples made of marble. The Aztecs sacrificed thousands of people on gigantic stone altars for their imaginary masters.
It is obvious that God and Allah are just as imaginary. The problem is, this is the 21st century, and the followers of these imaginary beings are becoming more and more dangerous. September 11 brought this truth to life in vivid detail, and there are many other indicators as well.

This prompts a question: What if rational, intelligent human beings begin uniting together to help heal the delusion and make our world a better place? It is an intriguing thought. There would be many benefits.

But how? How can we begin improving our society, so that it becomes ratio

2006-09-13 14:39:21 · 43 answers · asked by california gurlie poo 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

psssh, if i knew that well let's just say i would be out there putting that in motion, rather than sitting around answering peoples questions on yahoo.

2006-09-13 14:42:00 · answer #1 · answered by Vanilla 2 · 1 2

If ever there was an intelligent human being, Einstein would be one. He set out to prove that God did not exist and wound up becoming a believer. Many rational, intelligent human beings are Christians. Consider the fact that nothing in the Bible can be disproven. Historical records support many facts from the Bible. The book of Isaiah, which was written 400 years before Christ's birth, predicted Christ's birth and many things that happened afterwards. You might think God is imaginary, but you'll find out when you die. I only hope you come to your senses before it's too late.

2006-09-13 15:23:14 · answer #2 · answered by rabecky 3 · 0 1

You have obviously not looked very much into this topic. The pyramids are tombstones for kings. The Romans worshiped Mars and Jupiter, and it was the Greeks who worshiped Zeus. There is only one God who has demonstrated that He is more than a planet or star in the sky, and even the Greeks were wise enough to add Him to their list!

For forty years, the God of Israel lead His people through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Not for forty minutes, or forty seconds, FORTY YEARS. This cannot in any way be called a 'natural phenomenon'. These people, the Israelites, were not 10 lost wanderers, or 50 mistaken radicals, but over 2 million men, women, and children - a nation. Two million people witnessed the miracles of God for over 40 years, committed this to paper, and we have this testimony still.

The God of Israel announced His plans from the beginning, continues to prove His divinity through prophecy, and will not faulter because you don't believe in Him.

I suggest you actually do some research instead of swallowing someone else's atheistic or anti theistic pablum before you decide how you are going to spend your eternity!

2006-09-13 15:19:14 · answer #3 · answered by claypigeon 4 · 0 1

it is wrriten: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.”—1 Thess. 5:3.

Conditions in human society today certainly parallel what happened on earth just before God destroyed an ancient world by means of a global flood, sparing only righteous Noah and his family. Of those days, the Bible says: “Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth . . . And the earth came to be ruined in the sight of the true God and the earth became filled with violence.” (Gen. 6:5, 11) “Just as the days of Noah were,” Jesus Christ foretold, so it is in our time. (Matt. 24:37)
Once again the entire earth is “filled with violence” because “the badness of man” is abundant. Such conditions before the Flood gave evidence of the impending end of that ancient system of things. So today the evidence of world conditions in fulfillment of Bible prophecy clearly establishes the fact that this present system of things is in its “time of the end,” its “last days.” This has been so since the year 1914 C.E.—Dan. 12:4; Matt. 24:3-14; 2 Tim. 3:1-5.

Thus, while the world will be deluded by vain hopes during the coming declaration of “Peace and security!” Jehovah’s servants will not be. Instead, they will take this coming fulfillment of prophecy for what it really is: a final signal that the “great tribulation” is about to begin! They know, too, that after God’s “day of vengeance” is finished, his faithful servants will enter a righteous new system of things to begin endless life on a cleansed earth that will be transformed into a paradise. (2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 7:9-17) As all these thrilling events rush toward us, what should our attitude be?

2006-09-13 15:02:22 · answer #4 · answered by jvitne 4 · 2 2

Sadly, war is the product of human realism. Although fanatics attribute wars to their deity to get away from the blames. Fact is most leaders put their country before other nations.

Religion is related more closely to idealism -- perfection where war and evil do not exist, or at lease under control. Too bad there are extremists such that things just flipped upside down.

There seems to be no unity in our global consciousness.

2006-09-13 17:35:29 · answer #5 · answered by : ) 6 · 0 0

I am going to let you in on a secret...
the world already is trying to be that ratio place, hence all the problems.
If people took responsiblity for themselves, had morals, did what was right and stopped being so self serving we wouldn't even have any issues, yet it is people like you who change your mind like you do underwear then have the gall to condemn me because I stand for something.
There is a GOD and when you are standing before him I certainly hope you have practiced your ratio enough.
I am not trying ot be hateful or mean but tired of people trying to prove what there is no disproof of, You really have no desire to know GOD is real and that is why you chose to take the easy way out.
I pray for people like you and it makes me sad that you have made this type of choice.

Good Luck in life and God Bless

2006-09-13 16:39:42 · answer #6 · answered by melissa s 4 · 0 1

who ever said human beings were ever rational.a belief in something greater than your self is about the only thing holding us back form complete insanity.
If gods are imaginary then we're stuck with the idea that everything is just an accident and that would be the complete end of the thin veneer of civilization that were have and more people would be making up their own rules about what is right and wrong.
The only way to improve the world is to drive home the point that whatever you think we all have to share this planet and what effects one effects all.

2006-09-13 14:59:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If a person is a true believer in God and God sent His Son, Jesus, down to earth as a man and as a man He was crucified on the cross for mans sins and we followed Christ's teachings there would be no more wars. BUT there are so many different beliefs and not the true belief that Christ died for our sins, there will probably be wars. We must also put satan in this arena too, he is the father of all lies, he is corrupting the minds of the weak in spirit. satan is roaming the earth trying to get people to do wrong. satan is the one behind all this mess that we are in, not God. Once we get satan out of the picture it will end. Remember in the Bible, satan looses. This is just my thoughts.

2006-09-13 15:40:35 · answer #8 · answered by morris 5 · 0 1

I think you might be missing the big picture. Egyptians and Romans kept their (& those of surrouning countries) people employed by using religion to provide a workplace. The Aztecs had a protein shortage that limited growth. They didn't have the pill and apparently abstinance didn't work.

In our modern world Christianity keeps people working dead end jobs.

What big problem do Islamically based society's have?

It's better to send dissenters to create havoc in some other country than to than to try and answer their tough questions at home.

Yes, religion is a wonderful tool for keeping people oppressed. But, you know what? They love their oppression.

Sad to say, many people are just cut out to be slaves! And they'll defend that right to the death.

That's why they fight, that's why we write.

2006-09-13 14:59:57 · answer #9 · answered by elge13 3 · 1 3

Just because I can't see you, does that make you imaginary too?

I admit that there are false gods, but there is one real God. The complexity of every creature in two genders and the wide variety of plant life which is also very complex is enough for me to believe that there is a God that created this world.

But now is where you also have to admit that a lot of bad thisng have happened in this world in an attempt to wipe out religion; remember Stalin or Hitler? Were they rationalin their beliefs.

So, throw out all religious beliefs and the things that have sprung up from them ans see what happens. We would have to throw out most of our laws that prohibit stealing and murder, infidelity in all types of relationships would be rampant and acceptable, even the idea that we should obey the laws established by our government; they are all christian principals. Go ahead, throw them out, but don't complain when your significant other finds another person to sleep with, or worse yet ifyou might get raped. Better yet, be thankful for the christian beliefs that have given us good laws and principals.

2006-09-13 15:03:19 · answer #10 · answered by Marty 4 · 0 3

I'll focus on part of your statement as it might well be the basis for the entire statement.

If we change the word "followers" to "fanatics" we might be onto something. A minority of fanatics in any religious tradition can tarnish the image of a whole group. Look at the prejudice caused in our country by a small group of people falsely claiming to be acting in the name of Islam. Look at the way some people respond to Christians in general after an experience with a "Fire and Brimstone" fundamentalist.

May I suggest that you look beyond these people to those around you who simply, quietly practice their religion. I'm acquainted with people like this from several traditions. Their belief, faith, and practice has a very positive effect on their lives and the lives of those around them.


2006-09-13 15:04:07 · answer #11 · answered by On The Path 3 · 1 2

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