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How was He able to fulfill about 400 prophecies in the old testament that were foretold thousands of years before His birth. Several of the prophecies are pretty specific like: "He will be born in Bethlehem", "He will be crucified, mocked and tortured", "Not a bone of his will be broken" or "He will be pierced in the side" just to name a few. Surely mere mortal men could not orchestrate these things. The non believers of that time knew the prophecies, why would they carry out certain events to make them come true unless it was all driven by Gods will.

2006-09-13 13:58:22 · 18 answers · asked by iamwhoiam 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Well grasshopper, you will get no argument here. The bible preaches to have faith and believe and the truth will set you free.
Even today if you will go back in history and look up what the old names of the countries were call even more of the bible will be clear. It's like a book or a movie that you don't get it all till you have watched or read it many times. That is why they call it Bible study. Good Statement, and yet you somewhat answered your own question. But true. Have a good one:-)

2006-09-13 14:05:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, let's see here... Some nefarious people sense a business opportunity relating the popularity of salvation cults in the area, at that time. So, they decide to up the ante by creating a fictional character as the centerpievce of the cult, and scam everyone into believing he was real. They start by looking into scripture, and making a list of prophecies. They mix in some of the essential elements or typical hero-savior myths, such as Mithras. Virgin birth... resurrection... solemn feast... etc. Then, they concoct a narrative that contains all of those elements. Its very odd... the bits and pieces of Jesus' life that are accounted for in scripture (not counting the supposed 40 days in the wilderness) adds up to just 3 weeks... yet he manages to fulfill all those prophecies in that short amount of time. Amazing.

The gullibility of Christians never ceased to amaze me. Get a grip. Modern biblical scholarship makes a very compelling case for the idea that Jesus never existed... that he was, in fact, entirely fictional.

The Jesus Puzzle

2006-09-13 14:12:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You know, in JK Rowling's Testaments, "the one with the power to Vanquish the Dark Lord approaches" and would be born "as the seventh month dies" sixteen years prior to this most recent disclosure--the year of Harry’s birth. It further promises that "the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."

Maybe Harry is Jesus.

2006-09-13 14:31:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since the only source that he DID fulfill those prophesies is a book written by those who tried to prove and show us he DID, neither the source book, nor the proofs themselves carry any weight of evidence at all, unless you already believe it is true and the Catholic Church was inspired by the Holy Spirit when they edited the books and decided the Bible canon.

2006-09-13 14:42:03 · answer #4 · answered by juexue 6 · 1 0

Your a fool, there were many religious people of that time who were born in Bethlehem that were mocked, tortured and crucified. Have you ever studied history at all. Did you not pay attention to world history at all?

2006-09-13 14:02:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Very easy - the people who translated his message and put it into the new testament did so with an eye towards having him fulfill the prophecies in the old testament.

2006-09-13 14:00:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Great question!

Please consider these tidbits:

Jews for Jesus = Vegetarians for Hamburgers

God? He or She?

Church? Christianity? Jesus? Dying?

What is the Imacculate Conception supposed to mean?

Does Imacculate Conception have anything to do with "VIRGIN BIRTH"?

Google Imacculate Conception and learn that is NOT.

What else do you falsely believe?

Jesus, the basis of Christianity? .

If Jesus died, he could NOT have been God.

Can Gods die?

If Jesus 'died' on Friday and 'undied' on Sunday, what else besides Saturday was sacrificed?

Did Jesus give up Saturday for us?

No Eternal sacrifice, big deal for a day!

If Jesus died for our sins, there should not be any more sins, else why go through with it?.

If Jesus really DIED, he should be dead, dead, dead!

Life after death is like virginity after childbirth.

If the flesh of Jesus died, what was seen walking and talking on Sunday?

If you believe this stuff, you are not going to like the folks who don't. You want them to believe it too to validate you.

Christians want everyone to convert to their non-thinking in order to be 'saved'.

Believing and not thinking is like choosing to be lost.


[Do Christians on Yahoo! answers feel righteous when they report questions they disagree or disapprove of?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Hey that's cool, nine of pentacles I agree with you, that certain participants report abuse just because they don't like the answer or question, which in itself is abuse just consider the source, narrow minded and pompous .]

2006-09-13 14:18:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What billthedude said. Here's some food for thought:

"Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions. The ancient world was rife with tales of virgin births, miracle-working saviors, tripartite gods, gods taking human form, gods arising from the dead, heavens and hells, and days of judgment. In addition to the myths, many of the ceremonies of ancient religions also match those of that syncretic latecomer, Christianity. To cite but one example (there are many others), consider Mithraism, a Persian religion predating Christianity by centuries. Mithra, the savior of the Mithraic religion and a god who took human form, was born of a virgin; he belonged to the holy trinity and was a link between heaven and Earth; and he ascended into heaven after his death. His followers believed in heaven and hell, looked forward to a day of judgment, and referred to Mithra as "the Light of the World." They also practiced baptism (for purification purposes) and ritual cannibalism—the eating of bread and the drinking of wine to symbolize the eating and drinking of the god’s body and blood. Given all this, Mithra’s birthday should come as no surprise: December 25th; this event was, of course, celebrated by Mithra’s followers at midnight.

Mithraism is but the most striking example of the appearance of these myths and ceremonies prior to the advent of Christianity. They appear—in more scattered form—in many other pre-Christian religions."

2006-09-13 14:12:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Jesus (ISA in ISLAM) is the prophet of GOD. But the BIBLE is distorted to fit human desires. Remember there are about 31 gospels - Why only 4 gospels are in the bible? What's wrong with others?

2006-09-13 14:11:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If Jesus wasn't who Jesus said he was, he'd be a liar. But he is.

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. Matt 16:16,17

2006-09-13 14:05:29 · answer #10 · answered by Jay Z 6 · 0 1

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