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Ok i cant throwup or have like a cough or something cuz my parents will know im faking. Please help!! NO LECTURES!!!!!!!

2006-09-13 12:23:47 · 8 answers · asked by heavy_metal_freak113 2 in Education & Reference Other - Education

I only need to get out one day.

2006-09-13 12:27:40 · update #1

and ive tried to fake sick almost every tuesday and thursday since school started 3 weeks ago so i need something that will really work.
Gym is on tuesdays and thursdays and i hate Gym.

2006-09-13 12:50:41 · update #2

8 answers

Heres a bunch of ideas

1. If you are planning on staying home the next day, tell your mom or dad that you don't feel well the night before.
2. Complain that your head hurts very badly and that your throat hurts. Use plenty of cough drops. Make sure it's the "healthy kind."
3. Sleep in until someone has to come wake you up the next morning, and complain about your sickness.
4. If your mom or dad suggests they take you to the doctor, just reply, "Well, I don't think I am that sick, but it would be very hard to concentrate at school." If your parents won't fall for that, say, "It's probably not a serious or long term sickness, so I don't think we need to go to the doctor but I wouldn't do that well in school today." It also wouldn't hurt to add that you don't want to make the other kids at school sick. Don't overdo the "school" talk, though -- it would be better if they bring up the suggestion of you not going.
5. When you are at home during the school day, make sure you don't spend the entire time watching TV and playing video games. You have to cough, and if your mom wants you to, you also have to sleep. But hey, that's not so bad! Everyone wants to sleep in, right?

Alternate Method

1. Mush up some bread and add some water.
2. Get some food dye, (black is best) and add it in, but make sure it is only one drop.
3. Get an egg, beat it and add it into the mix.
4. Keep this mixture in a drink bottle, and when your mom is somewhere near the toilet but not in the room, say "I think I feel sick".
5. Run to the toilet with your drink bottle hidden and then close the door. If you can, lock the door.
6. Tip the mix from the bottle to the toilet in batches, make heaving noises just before each batch.
7. Smear a little on your face so they smell it on you.


* Don't push the sore throat too much. If your parents suspect strep throat, that's a guaranteed trip to the doctor. Have it hurt more at some times and get better and worse. Strep throat would get increasingly unbearably worse.
* A good, vague symptom is the multi-faceted upset stomach. Mom decides to send you in to school despite your best efforts? Wait until she leaves the scene, run into the nearest bathroom, flush the toilet, and emerge wiping your mouth. Pour and drink a glass of water "to get the taste out of your mouth" while you explain that you just upchucked.
* If you try to throw up and it doesn't work, go into your bathroom, or a bathroom other people frequently use, lay down and fall asleep next to the toilet. Your mom or dad will find you there, and they will probably laugh and then wake you up and tell you to go back to your bed and sleep. It would be a good idea to put your toothbrush in the sink and knock over the cup. Be creative -- make it look as convincing as you can that you threw up.
* If the tactic fails because your parent requires actual evidence, try putting vegetable soup or something similar in the toilet, to make it look like you threw up.
* Also, you can try closing the bathroom door, filling up a cup (or your hands cupped) of water, spilling it in the toilet, and making coughing/gagging sounds, as if you were vomiting.
* Another technique for the strict parent is to wait until they are not paying a lot of attention to you, run to the bathroom and leave the door open and make loud heaving noises. Then go to your parent and say that you just heaved, but nothing really came up, but you feel like you are going to barf.
* This is going to sound disgusting, but just tell your parent that you have bad diarrhea. Parents will not usually demand to see their child's poop to make sure that they actually have diarrhea. You could also plead the 24 hour bug with diarrhea. Say you threw up in the night, now all that is left is really bad diarrhea. Disgusting, but it works.
* After telling a parent that you've thrown up (and they believe you), insist on eating something like crackers because it will "make you feel better". If they say yes immediately, then don't use this tip, but if you have to fight them a little, but they give in, this is perfect. Eat everything they give you EXTREMELY slowly, then wait about half an hour. Run to the bathroom and tell them you "threw up", that they were right, and even throw in some crying if you can. This will make them feel guilty AND make them think you're really sick.
* Don't complain too much, or your mom will get annoyed and send you back to school (or take you to the doctor).
* When you get a cough drop, make sure it's the kind that tastes good, or you will want to spit it out.
* Sleep in to make it more believable.
* Wet your eyes and rub the bottom eyelids until it hurts just a little. That will make you "look tired and sick" as the redness spreads with a more natural look. Don't overdo as simply rubbing your eyes hard would be a dead giveaway.
* Another way to turn up the heat of the thermometer: rub it. Using your index finger and thumb, twist the tip of the thermometer (if it's a digital one) back and forth without damaging it. This will heat the thermometer very quickly and efficiently, so be sure not to overdo it.
* This can also be used for the forehead, just don't get caught doing it.
* The first few minutes of the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" can be another valuable resource.
* Try rubbing your eyes to the point where one or both eyes are blood-shot (add a small amount of soap or shampoo if necessary). Complain about your eyes being shut together the moment you wake up, also mention how much they burn and itch. You parents will assume you have pink eye.
* Try this on a well-intentioned parent: "I know I've missd a lot of days mom/dad, but I don't feel good. I want to go to school today because "insert something here", but I don't think I can." Usually this works.
* Rub your eyes a lot, cough when you start to talk, stay quiet, and keep to yourself. It's also a good idea to plead not hungry- sick people usually have no appetite- and the thermometer trick is to drink hot water within a half hour before you use a thermometer. It will raise your mouth temperature. Vice versa, DO NOT drink cold water or eat cold foods within a half hour of using a thermometer. Curl up and sleep whenever you can, and say that you think you're getting sick, because you have been coughing a lot for the past week or so.
* If you sound like your mom/dad and they leave the house before you, try calling yourself in sick, but only if you sound exactly like them. *NOTE/WARNING* This can be suspicious, if you don't sound like your parent.
* If you're trying to pull off the "I can't even leave my bed" illness, try spraying your face with warm water from either a spray bottle or if you dont have one try using one of your moms old hairspray bottles. But don't do it a lot because your parents might think you have malaria or something else.
* Do push-ups, jumping jacks, or sit-ups and then get under a heavy quilt to make your face flushed, red, and sweaty. This also increases your temerature.
* Suck on a cough drop. This increases your temperature by .3-.5 points.
* Dangle your head upside down over the side of your bed, this makes your face red and increases your facial temperature.
* Make sure you plan your illness, stock up on food in your room so you can miss meals and have plenty of fun things to do so you can pretend to sleep. If possible, buy a new game, film, CD or book to pass the time.
* Actually get sick. It always worked for me. Take your shower at night and sleep next to an open window or a fan. Your nose will be all stuffy in the morning. It goes away about noon, and you never really felt too sick at first anyway. Failproof.
* If you walk/ride your bike to school, insist that you are too tired to do so, and ask to be dropped off to school. Later, act sick in class and ask to see the nurse. Say, "I feel really sick. I didn't this morning, but asked to be dropped off to school, but I think it's gotten worse now." Or, just state you got dropped off and ask for some medicine. Most of the time, the nurse will insist you go home.
* To fake the common cold:
1. Don't clean your ears for a day or two before; if you take a trip to the doctor they will see this as a sign of congestion.
2. Talk as if your nose is stuffy.
3. Say you have a headache and your entire head feels like it's going to explode.
4. Say your stomach feels like you're going to throw up, but not really, kind of like it's just very rumbly.
5. Say your throat hurts, badly, and talk low.
6. If your parents say (mostly mom)"why don't you just try going to school" just say "what's the point if I could just stay here right now and save the work of getting off work to go pick me up when I could just stay here right now". Still sound sick and say it slowly.
7. A great tip is fake a really bad headache and if your parents play the why don't you try to go to school card just say: "Mum, My head really hurts it doesn't need the torment of noise that school has".
8. Smear a little green cover-up on your face. A pale, green face will get any parent worried about millions of illnesses.
9. Headaches are priceless. Ask your parents if you can turn off the lights in the room next to yours because it's making your head hurt.
10. Mess up your hair. If you look good, they'll think that you're fine.
11. Appear uninterested in things that you love.
12. If you have the armpit thermometer, put a hand warmer under your armpit before your temperature is taken. But don't leave it there while the you have the thermometer undearneath your armpit or your parents will notice the lump, and the temperature will be higher than you want it.
13. If you really do not want to go to school, start crying. For boys, this will work more or less, as your parents might think that the issue is very serious, but could also believe you are faking.
14. React to things slowly! If your mom says "hey, I got you something!" wait about 3-4 seconds, and then turn in her direction sloowly.
15. Don't agree to every symptom. Plan out what symptoms you will have in advance, and how intense they'll be.
16. If you want the tired look, use red eyeliner (that you are not allergic to) and put it under your eyes. Make sure it isn't sparkly or "out there". Also use dark gray or black eye shadow and smudge just a thin layer where bags would normally be (to get the “I didn’t sleep last night" look). You might want to use waterproof because if your parents suggest that washing your face will help you feel better, it won’t come off. Make sure that the eye shadow isn’t sparkly or “out there" (go grayer as your skin gets lighter. If you are black, mix a little gray with a lot of black and some brown.)
17. If you are vulnerable to asthma or some other breathing problem, try to drink/eat dairy products. This will create mucus in the lungs and give the "flemy efect", although you will probably have to take medicine.
18. Making your lips look chapped almost always helps. Don't lick your lips or drink anything within a few minutes of seeing your parents and this may help achieve the chapped lip look. If this doesn't work apply a little bit of light toned cover-up to your lips.
19. If possible, act sick weeks in advance, but, when your parents say you should stay home, insist you need to go to school. After doing this a few times you will be able to get away with staying home without as much ado. Also, a few days before you don't want to go, make sure your parents know how you're looking forward to something at school. This way, they won't suspect anything.
20. Never sound apprehensive about or even mention an upcoming test, but be honest when asked. Say something like, "I THINK i have an algebra test today"
21. Always do any work that is due the day that you will be sick.
22. Say, "It's not that bad, it's just a minor cold, I guess I can go to school,"- or something along those lines.
23. Offer to pick up schoolwork. if ur parents agree, do the easiest assignment and start a harder one. then say that u couldn't focus b/c of the congestion/ headache/ whatever.


* Again, do not complain too much, or you will have to go to the doctor. Also, never mention specific illnesses, as that will seem suspicious.
* While staying home, do more than just watch TV and play video games.
* Do not say that your stomach hurts. Everyone uses this excuse, and your mom or dad will not believe it!
* Some parents won't believe you no matter what, so you always should put hot water on the thermometer before showing it to your parents.
* Some parents might get suspicious at your taking a trip to the bathroom with the thermometer, so a better way of getting the right temperature reading would be to turn a lamp on and put the thermometer to the hot bulb. This method, however, is more likely to get you in trouble as you might misjudge the ammount of time necessary for the right temperature. You don't want the temperature to be too high because that will make your faking too obvious.
* Another way of getting to the desired temperature reading without resorting to hot water or hot lightbulbs is simply rubbing your hands together until they feel HOT and then holding the thermometer. Your skin (as long as it is dry) will hold the temperature long enough and the temperature shouldn't get too high as in the case with the bulb. Just remember don't go higher than 100.5-101.2 Fahrenheit, or it will get you a trip to the doctor.
* A trip to the doctor isn't always bad; if you're usually trust worthy, when the doctor says there's nothing wrong, your mom might even feel bad because there's nothing to ease your pain.
* An even better way to get the thermometer up: make your sick self a little cup of tea. That way once you have had some or all of it, you can then say that you tried to feel better but you really think you should take your temperature. Insert the thermometer pretty soon after you drink the tea. This way your mom or dad can watch you with it in your mouth and they won't be as suspicious as they would if you went to the bathroom or something.
* Don't beg/plead with your parents or say "school stinks!" This is a complete givaway, and your parents will immediately know that you are faking!
* If all fails and your parents find out you were faking, make excuses. For example, tell them that this was the first time ever, and you did it because you didn't get any sleep the night before. Try to be sincere, and act like you'll never do it again. If your parents are pretty laid back, be honest with them.
* This never works when you are an adult, and if you skip out on work you could lose your job. Use these childhood tricks where they belong - in childhood.
* Do all of your homework the night before, or just appear to. If you don't, your parents will think that you are expecting to be absent and will ask questions. If you forget and they ask you, just say "I'm going to do it later" or "There wasn't any assigned"
* Say you don't feel like you have a fever, you feel cold. (when you have a fever you don't feel hot you feel cold, your parents may mistake your ploy as ignorance, and that you are trying to go to school rather than skip).
* If you try to create an excuse (e.g. I have a test, I have to turn in a report and I did not finish it, etc.), your parents will not buy it.
* Don't acidentally jinx yourself! It is not fun to take medication on vacations!
* Remember to continue acting sick! I cannot stress that enough. I faked sick a couple of weeks ago, but got sprung for 'magically' feeling better.

2006-09-13 12:37:58 · answer #1 · answered by Scooby Doo 2 · 0 1

Crap, kid, you're only thinking of yourself. Think outside of the box. Ask your mom to take the DAY OFF WORK AND GO SHOPPING WITH YOU. She WILL, guaranteed, but work it so there's like 2 hours of shopping then you figure out how to spend the rest of the day like you like. A little sucking up can go a long way, you hard-headed rebel. Ya gotta learn to play your dumb parents. They're obviously suckers if they raised you.

2006-09-13 12:33:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tell them you're very cold, then burning up. You just "can't get comfortable," you're lightheaded, and you're shaky. If they offer to let you stay home, refuse the first offer with a, "Well, I'd really rather not miss today. I'd like to try to go." Add in some drama and shakiness and you're set.

2006-09-13 12:33:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stay in school. Seriously. Don't you think you're teachers and parents are going to get wise to the fact that you're trying to get out on those two days? It's just gym, dammit, worse things than that will happen. Just live with it and grow up, little girl.

2006-09-13 12:25:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

run away from home for a day

2006-09-13 12:32:01 · answer #5 · answered by tanjeriney 5 · 0 0

pretend to have fallen down the stairs

2006-09-13 12:26:30 · answer #6 · answered by s.o.f 1 · 0 0

wait until the term ends.

2006-09-13 12:26:27 · answer #7 · answered by askance 4 · 0 0

tell them that your time of the month is really bad!!

2006-09-13 12:29:22 · answer #8 · answered by thesunnshynne 5 · 0 0

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