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Love is a concept from our creator. True love ( and not all Christians have learned this one yet) cares about the feelings of others, wishes the best for others, and is willing to put the needs of others above their own needs. Christians are call by God to "Love your enemies. Do good to those who persecute you." Those outside of Jesus do not respond to others with true love. They experience a degree of it but only with those emotionally close to themselves. When they are placed under conflict by those with whom they have no intimate relationship they have no moral direction or command to love people with whom they are in conflict. So it is natural for them to lash out with hate upon those who speak of Jesus' Love.

It is normal for those outside of Jesus to rationalize conflict and think -- Do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you. Whereas a person who is in submission to Jesus is commanded to treat others as they would wish to be treated. I believe many times if we Christians would cool our jets and meditate on this Christianity would be so much more appealing to those outside of Christ. Christ is a lamp set on a hill that will draw people unto Him.

So I believe Christians should start acting more Christ like and the world will come to Him. And I believe non-Christians are not capable of acting Christ like because they are not in Christ. It is just a normal way for a non Christian to act. We've gotta quit acting like they do, though. It is within our ability to change. It is outside their ability to change without Christ.Hopefully something I have said here will motivate Christians to start acting Christlike. Hopefully, something I have said here will change the way non Christians respond and in some small way help them begin a journey toward their savior. It's going to be very interesting to read the responses to this question. Please believe me when I say I wish the best for all who read this question

2006-09-13 12:04:10 · 19 answers · asked by yagman 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Goldwing1 That is exactly my concern. I don't understand why we Christians who are called to treat people with respect so often act in an unChristlike manner. It simply doesn't have to be this way.

2006-09-13 12:09:12 · update #1

d chino m. No insult was intended it's just the way I see things. I believe I have the ability to listen to what you believe without responding in anger. The question was about why we respond in anger. Why can't people just simply listen to what I think and either accept it or discard it without responding in anger?

2006-09-13 12:13:02 · update #2

to wise. Thank you for proving my point

2006-09-13 12:15:11 · update #3

to reverence. You get it. Thanks. If we can get past our anger then maybe we can come closer together.

2006-09-13 12:16:42 · update #4

To all. I could have chosen to phrase my question in a much less provocative tone. I chose not to because I wanted to prove a point. Not that I am right and that you are wrong (gonna burn in hell) I phrased the question in this fashion because I knew their would be some who get it (the fact the we have a choice on how we respond to each other) and those who don't. But by them not getting it I they themselves would prove my point for me.

Thanks to all. Really. Let's get away from anger and start talking rather than fighting.

2006-09-13 12:21:02 · update #5

To Kiki la

Of course it is biased. NO ONE can come to a dicussion without bias.

2006-09-13 17:59:39 · update #6

19 answers

All of that stuff is in your head. It isn't the real world. Jesus does nothing to influence a person's behavior. The example that is set by your parents and those who raise you as a very young child is the primary diktat of a person's attitude to other people. Your primary influences, clearly, have taught you to prejudge people as crude and distasteful unless they agree with their religious beliefs. They have fostered prejudice, not love. They have lied and deceived you. They have ruined your life.

OK. Here I am wasting the chance of a best answer award in a futile attempt to give some good advice to someone I know isn't going to pay any attention because they've already made their mind up about the whole thing. What a great martyr I am. They should make me a Saint.

2006-09-13 12:25:17 · answer #1 · answered by Frog Five 5 · 2 0

you don't quite hav the concept of love down either, Not saying that I have mastered it by any means, but I have found that Christians by in large have no better Idea what love is than the heathen. the fact that the divorce rate is the same in the Christian community, as the non Chirstian proves it.
there are three different kinds of love spoken of in the greek Arros (where cupid comes from) a love that we can feel, and are willing to embrace as long as we are not put out, or do something contrary to our own desire. sadly this is the love that most couples have for each other, and even worse, is the same love we have for Chirst, which keeps us powerless to keep from sinning against him.
phillidelphia- or brotherly love
and finally agape: This is the kind of love that Christ had for us. Agape, demonstrates itself, ie. Chirst demonstrated his love for us in this: that while we were STILL enemies, (sinners) Christ died for us. Everything that exists, exists FOR God, there is no doubt that it is all about him, yet he demonstrated his love in this: that he made it ALL about US!!! He sent his Son to Earth, so that we might Kill him. Chirst did this willingly, Because the end result pleased him,(We would be reconciled to him). Chirst's entire life was one demonstration after another of AGAPE Love, and we are: as Christians, called to follow that example, and deny ourselves, consider others more important that ourselves, love our enemies, just like Chirst did.

2006-09-13 12:23:15 · answer #2 · answered by setfreejn836 3 · 0 0

I have been reported and abused by Christians on here because of my non-Christian religion. I am Hindu and try to reflect that as best I am able. However I get completely frustrated with the calls for salvation and the burning in hell I get as a response a lot in religious forums.

To say that one can not act Christ-like (caring, considerate, loving, respectful) if they don't accept Christ is completely nonsensical and narrow minded. Bitter people will remain so, regardless of their faith.

2006-09-13 12:15:23 · answer #3 · answered by Switch Angel 3 · 2 0

Wow, my religion is not Christianity and we have this idea. We are also older than Christianity by at least 500 years. Don't act like only Christians have the abiltiy to love, that is simply not true. What leads you to believe that Buddists are not capable if true love, that is our whole religion. If you say it is because we do not know Jesus in the way you do then you are no better than those you condemn.

"In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves"
- Buddha -

"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, this is the eternal rule"
- Buddha -

"Overcome the angry by non-anger; overcome the wicked by goodness; overcome the miser by generosity; overcome the liar by truth"
- Buddha -

2006-09-13 12:12:02 · answer #4 · answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6 · 0 0

I am an atheist. I am mentally unable to believe in a god. Being an atheist wasn't something I chose, like you chose your religion, it is a part of who I am, "biologically" and mentally. I cannot ever understand what drives people like you to devote your lives to something I regard as an impossibility and a lie.

I hope reading this can maybe help you to realize the truth, that faith is not something that is possible for all people, and thus being an atheist is not a fault. I hope that you will someday understand what I have come to, that each person has their own version of the truth, and thus no one possesses anything more accurate than anyone else. I do not blame you for believing in an impossibility, but rather I have realized that for you, it may be all that is possible. Have a nice night.

2006-09-13 12:13:42 · answer #5 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 3 1

I am an atheist, and I do not respond in hate. Some do, and some christians do.

Your question is biased. I am experiencing true love. I love my son and boyfriend unconditionally.

I help out those who are in need in my community, especially the children who have parents that do not feed them.

I can change, without your false god. And i will never follow this "path" to your "saviour".

It is also natural for anybody to lash out with anger, anger is an emotion that everybody has, regardless if some believe it was given to you by god, or just by evolution.

You are closed off, trying not to think outside the box. You can still hold your beliefs, with being more accepting.

2006-09-13 12:10:11 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 2 2

i do not hate Christians. What i don't love is what some Christians do. commonly, those Christans are of the fundamentalist variety. they trust that in view that i'm Pagan, that I worship devil. they have quite unfavourable recommendations in direction of me, and refuse to take heed to something that contradicts their recommendations in direction of me. Too, i don't love the Christians who coach that Catholicism is evil. i in my opinion would under no circumstances take suggestion from a Christian suggestion column. i'm no longer Christian, so natrually, an suggestion column in protecting with Christian ideas doesn't have a tendency to resonate with me. i do not trust that the Christian God created this international. We come from diverse factors of vantage. Christianity, taken actually, is adversarial to me and my faith. The Christian Bible says that I should be positioned to demise. Christians, over generations HAVE positioned human beings of my faith to demise. the present President of america, a Christian, has spoken out adversarial to my faith. So, there has a tendency to be somewhat mistrust. in my opinion although, i do not hate Christians. I do exactly not like a number of what a number of them say. i do not trust each and every thing of the scripture that they use. i imagine Christ change into smart, yet no more beneficial god than should be any individuals. as long as Christians do not attempt to transform me, we may be able to have an spectacular courting. reward, --Dee

2016-10-16 00:32:39 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I couldn't agree more. If more Christians acted Christ-like more people would be drawn to Jesus. Instead when you act like the world, noone notices the difference. Maybe more people than we realize who claim Christianity aren't really heavenly bound? While I wish it weren't so, I believe it's likely.

2006-09-13 12:11:54 · answer #8 · answered by Tammy R 2 · 1 0

The attributes you have given to christianity also sound remarkably similar to every other major religion. Can we imply that from your viewpoint a true bhuddist can not show true love to all as you do? They do not live in christ but show all of the qualities you have mentioned and more.

This is not meant as a derogatory message but I just want to point out that true love of all can be universal and is not just a soley christian attribute.

2006-09-13 12:17:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree with everything. Alot of people say their a christian but are not. Titus 1:16 THE CLAIM IT WITH THEIR MOUTH DENY BY THEIR ACTIONS. The bible says only a few will make it through the narrow gate. 4 ways to check your faith in Christ. What you do with your $, Time, How you treat your enemies, Do you real want Jesus to return.

2006-09-13 12:18:17 · answer #10 · answered by thomas3599 1 · 0 1

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