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I was brought up as a christian, when I was younger I was way into it because that's what I was tought. I realize now that every culture has their own take on religion. I don't wanna sound like I think I'm too smart for religion, but I think it's foolish to believe something just because that sounded like a good religion to your parents. Why should other cultures be punished for worshiping "false" gods. To them they are real, they are simply being loyal to what they were tought. Does anyone else find these things strange????

2006-09-13 11:55:46 · 28 answers · asked by Smirx 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Each person must follow his own heart, the religion that makes him complete, or no religion, if that is what he believes.

2006-09-13 13:27:09 · answer #1 · answered by Shossi 6 · 0 0

To me it is strange to believe in things just because that's what Mommy and Daddy taught us. Ultimately, when we all appear before the Pearly Gates, we will be answerable only for ourselves. We will not be able to say 'But Mommy and Daddy taught me this...'(1) We have to examine things for ourselves(2) and pray to God to understand the truth (3).

And so you know, I did this myself. My parents brought me up without religion, and I later became a Christian. The main attraction was the Person of God. And I admit that in some measure, I was using very different criteria than what I was brought up with to come to the conclusion that He exists, namely that I directly sensed His presence.

But later, I got to know the Scriptures better, the historical facts, the teachings, and this did not at all harm my faith - if anything, it enhanced it greatly. And the same goes for studying and talking with others about other religions. I gained a greater understanding of why I am a Christian, while at the same time learning whatever good was to be learned from those other faiths.

God gives light to everyone(4), and we are responsible for what we do with the light we are given. If we do not make good use of it, even that which we have could be taken away from us(5) and we could end up in a darkness which warps our minds and seriously impairs our ability to understand spiritual things(6). On the other hand, if we make good use of it, we will be given more(7)...

2006-09-13 19:28:32 · answer #2 · answered by songkaila 4 · 0 0

It has become popular in our day and age to say that no religion is the correct one. There is good in every religion. All paths eventually take us to God. That's a comforting thought. It sounds so generous and loving and accepting. We can be so tolerant of whatever anyone else thinks. No need to search for the truth, either, for we are lulled to sleep with the refrain that it makes no difference which religion we believe in. No need to trouble yourself at all. Just close your eyes, do whatever you want to do, and all will be well.

And thus the devil lulls you into a false sense of security and well being. Like the snake he is, he charms you into ceasing to resist him.

Then one day you go back to meet the God who created you. Suddenly you realize that you haven't a leg to stand on. Why didn't you realize that there is only one true God, and many false ones? Why didn't you try harder to find the truth and try to live it? Why did you listen to the devil? Why did you let yourself be led like sheep?

Not everyone does, you know. Some take the trouble and make the effort to find out which religion is the correct one. They realize it is foolish to just accept a religion simply because it was accepted by their parents. But they know, deep down, that there is truth, and the truth is revealed by God. Truth is not decided by a vote. It is not decided by popularity. The correct religion is not decided by men. Men decide to accept the true religion, or they decide to reject it. Or they decide to not bother with trying to find it, finding the effort too taxing for their feeble minds.

But God is anxious that you find the truth. God will help you.

2006-09-13 19:15:51 · answer #3 · answered by Doctor 7 · 0 0

No, not strange at all, you said you were brought up as a Christian, however you did not say that you ever became a Christian. This explains why you would believe the way you do. Sounds like you never excepted Salvation and therefore never were grounded in the Gospel. I suggest you Read Romans 10:9-13, do what it says and you will have a different outlook on things. You will then be able to see, as now you are still blinded by the lies of satan and if he can keep you that way it will make him more than happy. You see he does not care what you believe and long as you don't except Jesus.

2006-09-13 19:11:58 · answer #4 · answered by PREACHER'S WIFE 5 · 0 1

How should the Christian respond to feelings that Christianity's claim to exclusivity comes off as arrogant, cruel, or intolerant?

I highly recommend listening to an audio lecture given by accomplished philosopher and Author, Dr. William Lane Craig on this issue. Throughout the talk, he gives sound advice in understanding how the Christian can understand Christ's message in a culture that questions the plausibility of there being a "One True Religion" in a world of so many options.

Gives a good history lesson to!

2006-09-13 19:04:55 · answer #5 · answered by Daniel 3 · 1 0

There is only one true God,one true son of God,one kingdom of God.Boy are you going to be surprised when you find out the great truth,when the chosen one brings you the holy truth from his Father.To tell the whole world,one God,one son,and the time is at hand,for the coming of the kingdom of God.For when the true Messiah comes he fulfills the word of God,and the mystery of God will be finished.Then time comes to close the door to this and open up a door to a brand new world yaaaaaaaaaa soon For the son prepares the way before the Lord,that's to say make one city a holy city,for the HOLY ONE to return and judge you all

2006-09-13 20:04:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is true that people worship what they know but God has revealed himself to the world through his Son Jesus with many prophecies, miracles, and witnesses and he says that no one comes to the father without going through Jesus. The bible also says that if someone is truly seeking the truth then they will find it. I believed in many different things before but I still keep searching and I finally found Jesus or actually he found me. My life so dramatically changed just as it says in the bible. I became a new creation, old things passed away and all things became new. As nice as it may seem to say what ever people want to believe should be OK, it will not ultimately get them right with God when it is all over. God made one way through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

2006-09-13 19:06:19 · answer #7 · answered by handsomeworshipper 4 · 1 0

WHO decides it? It has ALREADY been decided my friend. By: God Himself. end of Story.

here is how it all works...

Romans 8:28-30
You’ve heard the saying, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Well, in the case of man and God, it’s true. We please and honor the Lord when we try to be like Him. In Romans chapter eight, the apostle Paul lays out the process God uses to transform believers into reflections of Himself.
Starting in verse 29, Paul writes about those the Lord foreknew.. Foreknowledge involves more than simply seeing events in advance. It also includes bringing to pass whatever the Lord desires for His children’s lives. Foreknowledge specifically involves conforming believers to His image. God has a plan for which He sees the beginning, middle, and end.
Paul also wrote that all believers are predestined. God knew before Creation who would choose to receive salvation and who would reject it. All those who are saved are predestined to be formed in His image.
Verse 30 tells us that believers are also called. God places on the heart a desire to know Him. The call goes out to every person because it is not the Lord’s will that any should perish. However, few will act upon His offer and seek salvation (John 3:16; Matthew 7:14).
Paul also explains that Christians are justified. Whoever hears God’s call and receives salvation is declared no longer guilty. The stain of sin is wiped away.
And finally, we learn that those made holy by the blood of Christ are glorified. Living believers regard themselves as becoming like Jesus. But the Father sees them in their future imperishable bodies — as perfect reflections of Himself.
Humans think of time in segments. But God doesn’t operate that way. That’s why He can foreknow His children in their glory. And everything He allows into a Christian’s life is designed to shape him or her into a glorious reflection of Himself.
Good Q*

2006-09-13 19:04:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're right, everyone thinks and knows that their religion is the right one. Of course this is impossible because they all believe in different God's and their God's hate each other. I went though the same thing you did, and realized that if only one could be correct, then none were correct. All of the religions that believe in a God are false. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, all false and dangerous.

2006-09-13 19:07:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Each person must decide on their religion or non religion. If they happened to be right about their choice of supreme being, they would not be punished. But if they do not repent and PUT NO OTHER GODS BEFORE -----, they will be punished for their sins.

2006-09-13 19:11:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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