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hi friends i was atheist once i got saved when i was 18 i 36 now. today turn to jesus for who sever shall cal upon the name of the lord shallbe saved romans 10-13

romans 10-13 for whosever shall call upon te name of the lord shallbe saved .

i tell you nay but except ye repent ye shall likewise perish luke 13;3

jesus died for us on the cross shed his blood to wash away our sins 1 john 1;7 and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanseth us rom all sin .

call on the lord today satan hates you wants you to burn in hells fires where their worm died not and the fire is not quenched mark 9;48

say this sinners prayer if you want to be saved today or son. dear lord jesus i know i am a sinner on my way to hell i repent of my sins . i believe you died rose again the third day i know i am a sinner on my way to hell come in my heart wsh me in your blood lord jesus in jesus name amen.

this is rodney singing out in jesus amen

2006-09-13 11:45:55 · 18 answers · asked by Rodney C 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers


2006-09-13 11:52:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Genesis 19:5-7 Lev 18:22 Did not God judge homosexuality here?
1 Corinthians 6;9 they have no place in the Kingdom.
Other readings=DEUT 23:17 Job 36:14 Joel 3:3
Penalty= Lev. 20:13
Practiced at Sodom GEN 19:4-5

Nations to be judged at the second coming=Joel 3:2 Matt 25:31-46
God did not create homosexuality.
Get the facts from the source.................

2006-09-13 12:05:03 · answer #2 · answered by papaalw 4 · 0 0

You are mixing Old Testament with New Testament.

God no longer "Judges" people under the law for Christ came to fulfill the law. Judgements from God and His wrath was common in the Old Testament because there was no one at that time that took on ALL the sins of the world onto himself so that God would no longer see His people as the sinners they are.

God sees all of those who believe in Him as if they were sinless.

Those who do not believe are judged by the law already and are damned.

The judgement for the unbeliever is done. The judgement for the believer is done.

2006-09-13 12:09:42 · answer #3 · answered by MD 3 · 0 0

while the Bible does speak against homosexuality, there are a few things i think Christians get misdirected on regarding this issue. it's complicated, which is why there's the misdirection. first, while i'm not saying it isn't a sin, it isn't the unforgivable sin. God won't send a single person to Hell for homosexuality. The only thing he cannot forgive is rejection of himself. Furthermore, until someone comes to know God, it is useless for them to change any part of their life themselves. So why focus so on the sin of homosexuality? The real tragedy is people who are lost to God. The next thing i think Christians are misdirected on is, those who make up the gay community and are not Christians (i believe there are plenty of gay Christians, but that is another issue i won't get into right now) are not out living a good life against God: they are living a desolate life, because they don't know God. I don't think we should despise them. We should want to help them. and a lot of radical intollerance of what they see as the way God made them isn't doing it. When someone becomes Christian, we can help them as best we can to understand what God's plan is for their life. but if our mission is to end homosexuality, we are sadly misled! Sin will always exist, as will sinners, and even those who are saved will always be susceptible. but when i hear so much of what i am pressed to define as anything other than hate speach, coming from those who represent the God who loves us all, i think we need to seriously rethink our priorities.

2006-09-13 12:04:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK, here's a thought.

Indonesia--population mostly devout Muslim, Hates gays -- Tsunami

USA--population good number devout Christians, Hates gays -- Regular Tornadoes, Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes

Middle East (Iran, Iraq etc) -- Mostly devout Muslims, Hates gays -- Earthquakes, Sandstorms, the US military

Canada, Spain, Netherlands and Belgium -- mixed religions, equality for gays -- nice weather, peaceful people, no natural disasters.....

Tell me again how God punishes countries who give freedom and equality to gays. The above list would tend to lean another way.

BTW papaalw, if you are going to quote scripture at least do it honestly. Not one quote you gave is either true or accurate since the Bible was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, two languages I do know. On another note, the KJV is not the real Bible but a VERSION, and implicit in that is the fact that passages were re-written to suit a political and imperial time. Learn the ancient languages, read the books as they were, then you get to throw quotes, but not until. Until then, you are just another Christian Poseur.

2006-09-13 12:08:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the entire earth is cursed with a curse & judgement has come & will proceed to return till the merely precise Judgement of Messiah. u . s . & many different international locations have blatantly exceeded over Torah & will pay the fee. there's a lot extra to this than meets the attention, look on the web content given via Lone Ranger. ALL we choose now's some worldwide chief to declare war, Israel wins, build the Temple back, worldwide chief publicizes he's Christ & God, gets assasinated & rises from the ineffective after 36hrs, seeing as christians already have confidence that & the entire worldwide would be sucked in. Make it a Friday & have him come again to existence on the Sunday & the photograph is finished.

2016-09-30 22:24:12 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't understand the question. Furthermore, why is homosexuality a factor in the "judging" of America? Every country has homosexuals, its natural, and really, not a bad thing. You sound incredibly judgmental and bigoted, something Jesus didn't advocate. Love all brother.

2006-09-13 11:49:50 · answer #7 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 1 0

Come on! Get with it. Being gay is not a sin. It is an trait that is decided at the time of conception. I do wish you Christians would put a lid on it.

2006-09-13 13:21:59 · answer #8 · answered by Shossi 6 · 0 0

both preaching and bigotry are against the rules here. however, to follow your rant Jesus said. "let he who is innocent throw the first stone," judge not lest ye be judged", and "do not attempt to remove the mote from your brother's eye while there is a timber in yours" Try living by those rules for once in your life.

2006-09-13 11:49:34 · answer #9 · answered by judy_r8 6 · 2 0

No, I believe God will judge us independently not as a country.

Grace to you and God Bless!

KAK - you are miss-informed. God didn't create sin, therefore He didn't create the homosexual lifestyle.

Just because you are attracted to someone of the same sex, doesn't mean you "have" to act on it. Sin is a choice. - Grace to you!

2006-09-13 11:49:01 · answer #10 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 0 1

I think that the real sin is promiscuity. Loyalty is a constant and adherance to it is the only way.

2006-09-13 12:12:41 · answer #11 · answered by samssculptures 5 · 0 0

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