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Was someone there taking notes and watching it all unfold? I think it takes a tremendous amount of faith to believe in something nobody is 100% sure about. Could it be Neanderthals or primates who are supposed to be our distant relative were just another race and were wiped out along with the dinosaurs in the flood? How is a meteor more believable than the flood? How is that a theory full of holes stands up to The Holy Bible? Couldn't it all be interconnected? Everything had to start from something. Something could not have come from nowhere. Couldn't 6 days to God be billions of years to us? There is no proof of anything so why are evolutionist so sure? Oh and yes I have studied evolution and read the books. I am not naive. Please no offensive answers. I'm looking for thought provoking answers, thank you. I'm looking for solid proof. I am not questioning my faith, I'm questioning yours.

2006-09-13 09:12:29 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'd like to add that I am not lieing about taking evolution. I have done lots of research and found holes even from the answers you have given me. Is there anyone out there with something to say rather than trying to bash believers of creation? It's interesting how irrate some athiests get about protecting their "belief" in evolution. They are protecting the knowledge that their life means nothing that in the end they are just worm food. I personally would not die for that. Nor would I be shouting it on the mountain tops.

2006-09-13 10:11:31 · update #1

23 answers

I have often wondered this myself... The Bible was written by people that were there, or at least by people who received word from people that were there. It is strange how some people are so eager to believe in a blatant guess that eyewitnesses.

By the way, when it comes to evolution... how come all the primates didn't change... and if your answer is because not all of them needed to change, then how come ALL of the Neanderthals needed to change.. how come there aren't a few still around like the primates? Furthermore... the man that invented the evolutionists theory, denounced every word of it on His deathbed. I do not see a single person of Christ denying God on their deathbed. Kind of makes you wonder how someone can believe in something when even its inventor didn't...

Good Question by the way...

2006-09-13 09:19:09 · answer #1 · answered by ToYkaT04 3 · 2 4

You're missing the point completely.

Evolution is not a matter of faith, it is not an attempt to give us all the answers today and claiming they are 100% correct. That would be religion and this is what Creationists do. They therefore have to invent the evidence afterwards, which is why it is such an entertaining (in a sad way) pseudo-science.

Evolution is an explanation which answers observations we make in nature. So far, it's the only one that can account for them all. One day, I'm sure we'll find something Evolution as we know it today cannot explain. When this happens, we'll have to replace the theory of Evolution with a new theory. But here's the thing: it will have to explain everything Evolution had already explained. That places severe restrictions upon the 'next' theory. Creationism/Intelligent Design, for instance, is right out. They weren't working with the superficial observations people bothered to make before the exploration of the planet, and certainly not when new species from around the world were starting to be catalogued.

Evolution doesn't have to explain everything today to be plausible. Holes and gaps are simply 'things we have yet to discover'. A contradiction, however, is a different matter. Like finding the fossil of a bunny rabbit in a pre-mammal era layer. Suffice to say, we haven't.

You didn't mention what books you've read. But since you suggest that Neanderthals were washed away with Dinosaurs in a flood, I'm guessing they were Creationist books. All Neanderthal and Dinosaur fossils found are from eras very far apart.

Again, this is not a matter of faith. It's a matter of going where the evidence leads us. Thank you, C.S.I., for that quote...

Edit: Again, you say you've studied Evolution carefully, which is easy enough to say. I recommend reading Richard Dawkins, his books have been a real eye-opener for me. I know there are plenty of anti-evolution books out there but they tend to be written by passionate people with less insight into evolution.

Your final point, that Atheists are desperately trying to defend their 'faith' in face of mounting evidence to the contrary is... quite ironic to say the least.

2006-09-13 09:36:12 · answer #2 · answered by ThePeter 4 · 1 0

it's strange how people believe an idea that someone came up with when that person didn't even believe his own idea.

the hard evidences that we find as laws in physics, biology, and history show us that evolution is impossible. first, you must have universal evolution. the universe must be made from nothing. atheists cry "big bang", but the law of conservation of angular momentum negate such an idea.
secondly you must have material evolution. if everything was at one point hydrogen, how do we have so many elements? even with intelligence incolved, we can't fuse past iron.
then there's biological evolution. i won't go too deep into this to save time and space, but a few questions: where are the missing links? all of the ones provided so far have been hoaxes or lies. how did the first life form? sure we can make amino acids from simple matter, but the conditions that they are made in cannot support life even at an ameobic level.

really there are only two reasons anyone would believe in evolution: they have been lied to and simply accept the facts rather than using the scientific method and studying to find out for themselves. or, they refuse to believe in a higher power and use the evolution idea to get rid of the concept of God.

2006-09-13 14:25:37 · answer #3 · answered by lordaviii 6 · 1 1

Why are creationsts so sure that creationism occured?

What you are doing is fitting your worldview into what a 2000 year old book told you because you already decided the translators and the original hebrew writers were flawless in putting to paper what what up until then passed through time as a oral history.

Science doesn't blindly accept anything as fact. Even Darwin's original theory was flawed, and has since then been modified. Science will test something enough with repeatable results before coming to the conclusion that "it's true".

Creationists take it on faith, and that's fair, but you're comparing apples and....orangutans.

2006-09-13 09:30:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This my sound stupid but bear with me.

I see evidence of evolution everyday. One of the most facinating things I see (and you could too, if you looked hard enough at it) are trees. Its not just humans and animals that evolve. Its every living thing. In my town there is a road that is pretty heavily traveled by both cars and semi-trucks. This is a 4 lane road, not a highway or interstae, just a normal road. In the median of this road are trees which stand roughly between 15-30 feet high. The branches of these trees overhang the road. But if you are following a semi-truck down this road you would notice that where the branches that overhang the road and would normally be low enough for the trucks to hit dont grow. They stop just at the point where the truck would hit them. Before you start thinking that the trucks hit them and break them off, let me tell you something. I have stopped, gotten out and looked at the branches of these trees. They arent broken. They just stop growing before they get to the point where the trucks would hit them and break them. The branches that are higher than the semi-trucks grow over the road just fine. I have seen when some of the older trees in this median have been replaced with younger trees. The younger newer trees are very robust and have a lot of branches everywhere, but as they get bigger they actually stop growing over the road. Just like the trees that have been there for years. If there is a road in your city like this, look at it next time you drive it. Stop. Get out. Look at the branches. they arent cut or broken. They just stopped growing. These trees have adapted to their environment. They actually changed the way they grew to acommodate the space that they have been planted. Thats Evolution. You can see it everyday. Just look for it.

2006-09-13 09:49:25 · answer #5 · answered by wilchy 4 · 1 0

the certainty is that some scientists have simplified it down already then college textual content textile e book writers have been given at it. It has already been dumbed right down to the element the place very few human beings right here unquestionably understand what that's. With some exceptions merely approximately each and everything written right here approximately evolution by ability of creationist and anti-creationist alike is incorrect. organic and organic evolution is any exchange interior the frequency of alleles in a inhabitants of organism over the years. examine that definition against, say Google "outline: evolution" or the get entry to in communicate Origins, or countless college biology departments. Now, you should get it by way of to the creationists that this does not contain the beginning of the Universe and it does not incorporate the beginning of life. yet they have been informed for years that it does by ability of creationist lie factories (CLFs), ignorant mom and dad and doubtful pastors. then you ought to get them used to the belief of frequency, populations and statistical ameliorations in frequency. Then thump the belief of "allele" into their heads. that is a minimum of severe college usual stuff and demands a working expertise of easy information and a minimum of the beginnings of an expertise of genetics. maximum persons unquestionably don't have the basics of expertise those via fact they weren't in any respect taught them or they have forgotten them. The CLFs understand this and because of this their parasitism of a few Christian sects is this form of fulfillment.

2016-10-14 23:26:54 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

"How is a meteor more believable than the flood?"

Meteors exist. There is not enough water to cover the earth, period. End of discussion.

"Couldn't 6 days to God be billions of years to us?"

Yeah, sure. If we decide the bible means something it doesn't actually say, then well... we can make it say anything right? I think that umm... Adam and Eve were the names of the first two single-celled organisms. There, the bible is right again, how cool! Retard.

2006-09-13 09:24:14 · answer #7 · answered by The Resurrectionist 6 · 3 1

Evolution itself is an observable fact. The THEORY of evolution attempts to explain these observations. Just like the THEORY of gravity attempts to explain why things will fall to the earth if you drop them.

The theory itself is modified as we discover new things (like DNA).

Also, the second you start personally deciding which parts of the Bible are metaphors and which are literal, you've lost all hope.
If you say the creation story is a metaphor, isn't it possible that the tales of Jesus are, too?

2006-09-13 09:21:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You are, without a doubt, lying about having studies evolution and 'read the books'... otherwise, your question would not have been filled with so many idiotic misconceptions. Science does not 'prove' things. 'Proof' is for mathematicians, coin collectors and distillers of alcoholic beverages. Proof in science is applicable only in the 'negative' sense... i.e., hypotheses and theories must be 'falsifiable'. When scientists do experiments (to validate 'predicted' results), they are NOT trying to 'prove' they are RIGHT... they are trying to FIND OUT if they're WRONG. NOT being wrong simply builds confidence that one is on the right track... it 'proves' nothing.

Evolution is not a matter of 'belief. I keep reading in here that "... evolution is just a theory... not a fact." That, as it turns out, is true... although the word 'just' is inappropriate, and misleading... and it indicates that people just don't understand what a scientific theory is; they seem to think that a theory is just an 'idea'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In science, a theory occupies a higher stratum of importance than mere 'facts'. Theories EXPLAIN facts. The theory of evolution provides an explanatory framework for the OBSERVED FACTS that the genetic makeup of populations of organisms changes, over time (in some cases, over distance)... and that over an extended period of time (hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of generations), the accumulation of those changes can result in speciation. It explains the OBSERVED FACT of transitional species found in the fossil record.

Theories live or die on the basis of their explanatory power and falsifiability. Theories, as an explanatory framework, allow one to make predictions which can subsequently be validated by way of experiments or future observations. That means that in order to be valid, a theory must be falsifiable... and all that it takes for a theory to be falsified is ONE INSTANCE where an experiment or future observation achieves a result that is CONTRARY to what the theory predicts.

Evolution, as it turns out, has NEVER been falsified... in nearly 150 years. Further, all findings and observations to date... in molecular biology... in genetics... in paleontology... have SOLIDIFIED the explanatory power of evolution... NEVER detracted from it.

For those that say that evolution does not account for new species... horseshit. Examples abound, both in the 'world' and in the laboratory. One of the most interesting examples, and the most enlightening, has to do with a kind of bird (plovers, if my memory is correct) that occupies adjacent habitats all the way from Siberia to Britain. Because of environmental differences in these adjacent habitats (topology, food availability, competitor species, predators, vegetation), natural selection has produced genetic differences between the populations in these adjacent habitats. Birds in adjacent habitats can still mate with each other... the genetic differences are small. However, the birds from the Eastern-most reaches of Siberia CAN NOT mate with those from Britain. Over the reach of MANY habitats, the accumulation of genetic differences makes them a DIFFERENT SPECIES.

2006-09-13 09:21:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

In as much as I was not around to see how everything came into being (and neither were you),I say, "I don't know ..... YET!" To assume that some god, my less than intellectual ancestors made up, instantaneously farted the universe into being, is absurd. There is a plethora of evidence to support Evolution and none to support God Theory.

2006-09-13 09:29:46 · answer #10 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 1

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