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I buy homeless people lunch because things are never going to get better for them. (I don't give them cash because they typically buy booze with it).
When you die, it is all over, so you may as well help the people around you.

I don't believe in God, heaven and hell, talking donkeys, ghosts knocking up virgins, etc....but I'm curious as to the Christian view---is an atheist who routinely helps the poor doomed to hell while a Christian who is "saved", but looks out for #1 on the way to heaven?

2006-09-13 09:04:40 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Couple of quick comments:
1) - "xtian" was because I was running out of room, and is a comment shortening of Christian. I used the long form where I had room below.

2) The homeless guys claimed to be Christian (not that I care), but it stands to reason that if you thought some magical land existed after you die, you may not work as hard in this one.

3) No - I haven't been an atheist forever. Religion, at its best, preaches basically that everyone should have everyone else's back.
At its worst, it breeds intolerance and a naive belief in fairy tales, the latter which leads to a lack of technological progress.

My disbelief in a higher power & afterlife doesn't mean I can't help people out. They aren't mutually exclusive.

2006-09-13 09:15:37 · update #1

This is not a question on why I left Christianity and became an atheist. I really have no interest in becoming a Christian (unless someone has a polaroid of God they can show me).

If you'd like to track down that path, feel free to send me a message privately, as this question is not the place for it.

2006-09-13 09:23:20 · update #2

37 answers

yeah, doing good things has little to do with a particular faith.

you want to know something ive noticed in life
most of the time the agnostic and atheist people are actually kinder and more understanding.

my personal opinion is the emphasis in christianity of good/bad, heaven/hell, black/white and judgment of sins, tends to make christians more judgemental and cold shouldered toward people that they may have already judged as a person.

2006-09-13 09:08:20 · answer #1 · answered by anonymous w 4 · 3 0


Your actions say that you are a good man.

Yes, I am a Christian (Roman Catholic).

In the book of James (New Testament) it states that "faith without works is dead".

Well, you have half of it right in the works.

I do know that there were people other than the apostles doing healings and driving out demons from people.

The apostles told Jesus about it and that they told those people to stop, but they didn't.

Jesus told His apostles to let them be for "those who are not against you are for you".

Given how Christianity has ended up being perverted by so many "so called" Christians it is no wonder that so many don't believe.

In the book of Revelations it states that come Armageddon, all souls will be raised from the grave and judged.

It is further written that even though you don't believe, your soul will be shown the truth in the end and that if you accept the truth and accept God and His Son, Jesus then you will be accepted into Heaven.

Please, please keep up the good works and being a good person.

If you don't believe, that is okay for now.

God will eventually show you not only the truth but how much He loves you and how much He appreciates how much you have been helping out your fellow man AND Him by being a benefit to others.

Even though you claim to be an atheist you have a lot of love in your heart to help out others like that and that is what God is about.....love.

And I, as a Christian, am proud to call you my brother, for your actions are far more Christian than many who claim the name, Christian.

Thank you for doing your part to make the world a better place.


2006-09-13 09:29:55 · answer #2 · answered by sworddove 3 · 0 0

Oh, if only God had chosen you to determine how one gets into heaven, but alas, then you would be God, and where would that leave us?

At any rate, God tells us that He is completely perfect and holy and that we are all sinners and therefore, cannot exist in His presence as we are. In our sinful state, the best works that we do are still like "filthy rags" compared to His holiness. The only way we can ever spend eternity in the presence of God (which is what "heaven" is) is to be forgiven for those sins, and the only was to be forgiven is through the blood sacrifice--a perfect, sin-free sacrifice--who was Jesus Christ.

So while it's great that you do good things and those things actually can improve your life and the lives of others here on earth, if you never accept the free gift of Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf, then when you die, you will find yourself separated from God for eternity (which is what is known as "hell"), not because being an atheist condemns you to hell, but because not being covered by the blood of Jesus keeps you out of "heaven."

What about those "Christians" who "look out for #1"? Jesus says that many of them are fakes and that He knows the difference. The Bible also teaches that there will be rewards for those believers who do good works--not all believers will have the same rewards in the end. Those who seek to be blessed in eternity must be servants to mankind in this life.

2006-09-13 09:18:27 · answer #3 · answered by happygirl 6 · 0 0

If you were a poor man such that you could not get a wife and you were told that if you joined a terrorist group if you could not read well or own a true Quran if they said to you if you die for our cause you will get that many virgins it would be apt to entice them possibly. Ignorance the Quran does not say anything like that I know of.

Most Aetheists I know believe in the strength of greater goodness. It also says in the Bible judge not lest you be judged so those who judge you are not actually following the Bibical advice. My sister who was raised as an aetheist and was accepted into the Unitarian church as an aetheist because our family believed in the greater goodness and spirit of goodness which is one interpretation of many as to what God is that the Unitarians accept as they are taught tolerance. But I do not think they accept Satanism because many are associated with the abuse of animals and humans. Not that all are but it may be against their principals but they are taught to respect the rights of those who practise such for whatever reasons as long as they do not infringe upon basic good humanity.
If they want to be a Satanic worshipper what harm is it if they do no evil say no evil? I hear plenty of evil from those who claim to know the Quran and the Bible who obviously cannot read well enough to truly understand and comprehend it. In my opinion. More power to them if it is just a freewill choice to believe it but it is not in these books.
It also says blessed are those who believe but do not know.
Also the road is wide but the way is narrow.
Also it says
The greatest gifts of all are faith hope and charity of these three the greatest being charity.
I think you showed true Godliness in the act which I really think is someone made a typo and it was meant to say Goodliness. Or did not spell well.

2006-09-13 09:11:13 · answer #4 · answered by Faerieeeiren 4 · 0 0

I'm a Catholic, although I try my best to follow the bible and not people's OPINIONS..anyway...I honestly can't IMAGINE being atheist...but I do think God comes to everyone in a special form or way.I believe if you are helping other people out of the goodness of your heart and because you want to, not because you want to "look good" or whatever, then you will ultimately be rewarded.but then again, if you don't believe in any god or God then is there a heaven and hell for you..but I am not God so i have no right to say what shall happen to you. i could probably write a book on this topic, but i won't-haha.

2006-09-13 09:14:00 · answer #5 · answered by E H 2 · 0 0

fake theory structures (aka faith) can injury a infant's life. coaching a infant a twisted and distorted way of seeing the international, via actuality this brings happiness, is irresponsible and hazardous to an incalculable quantity. In different words, that's a risk. it ought to not have a extensive effect, in spite of the undeniable fact that it ought to have very solid, risky outcomes. A fake theory equipment, while embraced wholeheartedly as "the reality," interior the face of considerable information to the choice, finally ends up in a dissociation from certainty and from a functional expertise of how issues paintings. ..

2016-10-14 23:26:34 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It's wondeful that you are doing something for the homeless. You are already a better person than I.

BUT a Christian, which I am, believes you can only go to heaven through Christ. It's sad that some of the biggest jerks, which I may be one of, might make it into heaven while others don't. The thing is that it's not hard for you to go to heaven. You, yourself, can never do enough to "buy" your way into heaven though.

2006-09-13 09:10:52 · answer #7 · answered by T 4 · 1 1

I like your thinking. Amazing, you can still be a good person and not believe in God? But we atheists are supposed to have no morals. Your going to give us a bad reputation.

According to the Christian beliefs, you can be as good as you can on Earth but if you don't accept JC as you savior then you are pretty much screwed. No matter how much good you do. But Christians can pretty much do as they wish, be it good, bad ,evil, or even being neutral in a situation and all they have to do is ask God for forgiveness and that's it. They are clean. they can go to the big H. Seems their God is a very vain and arrogant being doesn't it?

2006-09-13 09:17:32 · answer #8 · answered by wilchy 4 · 1 0

From a Christian perspective, your actions are not the determining factor. It is your relationship to God. Since believing in Christ as Lord and Savior is required to enter into Heaven, and since you do not hold that position, it would appear that after death you would be headed in that direction. But, since I cannot see into the future, I cannot say for certain. Its above my pay grade.

Just a note, doing good things is wonderful, and I'm glad you are reaching out to those less fortunate. Christians also do acts of charity, but our motivations are different; we do it as an overflowing of love from God, through us, into the lives of others. If a Christian does nothing to help others, I do not think they can honestly claim the title of Christian. Faith in Christ without acts of love and charity is a dead faith that will not lead anyone to Heaven. Good works are the evidence of the impact of Christ in one's life and if there are no good works can one really claim to have faith?

2006-09-13 09:14:01 · answer #9 · answered by Tim 6 · 0 0

Here's the thing anyone who is kind to people will one day buy Jesus a lunch talk to Him accept Him as a friend and perhaps not even know it. Then all your pretend atheism will be for naught. You can not get out of it If God loves you He will call you to Himself and if you are one who gives love then a little name calling is not gonna stop you from your eternal reward. It says every knee will bow, listen up that means you, and you know what if what you say is true you are going to cry tears of joy when your knee bows, and those guys preaching damnation are gonna grit their teeth from where ever they are.

2006-09-13 09:15:45 · answer #10 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 0

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