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Don't you think that the dogma of Darwinism, which is both fatally flawed and blasphemous. should not be promoted as fact to highly suggestible children, and that they should be offered a properly researched and planned Creationist account AS WELL (note the capital letters!) to give them an alternate view?
It's just I'm sick of a flawed theory being rammed down my neck. Reading Creationist material made me realise that it, as a theory, is absolute rubbish, and Creationism is sensible. I just want any of the children I have in the future to be brought up according to the Bible, not some mumbo-jumbo!
In fact, evolutionists have created the biggest evil in the world- look at Hitlers Aryan race theory that his Aryan race was superior to the Jewish 'inferior' race. Point proven!

2006-09-13 09:03:12 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm NOT calling anyone a Nazi, I'm just saying the evolutionist Nazis were the most evil, alongside any other regime which tried to apply Darwinism to society.
And when I say 'properly researched' I mean from the Bible and proper Creation science research.

2006-09-13 09:12:06 · update #1

I would also like to add I do believe in science, just not evolution.

2006-09-13 09:22:02 · update #2

Maybe I should just have kept quiet....

2006-09-13 09:29:38 · update #3

27 answers

I don't think evolution is proven, by any means, and I don't think anyone can prove creation either. That's why the new theory of "intelligent design" came about.
No one is going to win in any debate on these subjects, just as I cannot prove to others that God exists, nor can I persuade them of my faith.
Christians have to live in the world with all of its godless, Satanically inspired systems, but we are not part of these systems. I think that some of our pain and suffering is to endure this situation, continuing to have faith in our saviour, Jesus Christ, right up to the end of our lives.

2006-09-13 23:54:38 · answer #1 · answered by Rude 4 U 3 · 0 0

OK having seen this I have to say the idea you propose is 100% wrong.

Evolution is a scientific theory (check out what that means in science and you will see it is more than just an idea) and yes we all accept it has flaws which is why it is not called the LAW of evolution. It happens to be the best scientific theory we have at this time.

Creationism having nothing at all in any way to do with science should never be taught anywhere near the science classroom and since it has no evidence at all behind it besides the bible, which is not valid scientific evidence, it should not be taught as alternate anything.

You say Creationism is sensible and I say to you we have dinosaur bones so explain them if they were not listed in the bible and how humans look different than we did 2 thousand years ago (we are much taller and less hairy overall as a species)

Evolution created evil???? Don't know where you pulled this from but let me point out...HITLER WAS A CHRISTIAN WHO CONVINCED OTHERS THAT KILLING JEWS WAS GOOD SINCE THEY KILLED JESUS (ignoring that it was actually the Romans did it). Popes and Kings in the name of CHRIST have slaughtered, tortured, beaten, and raped anyone who opposes them..it is RELIGION that has created almost the entire supply of evil in the world.

One more thing...you say Darwinism is blasphemous and I would like to know how? Where does God say nothign has ever changed or ever will? it was the bible written by MEN (God wrote nothing in the bible..closest thing God wrote was 10 commandments and those were brought and broken by Moses) that said that and as we all know..PEOPLE ARE DUMB and these same people believed the Earth was flat because they didn't know better so does that make the world flat?..NO

You believe what you want but if you want to warp kids by teaching creationism is as scientifically valid as evolution then you are a satan worshipper trying to make humanity destroy itself

2006-09-14 11:56:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, Darwins theory was once partially incorrect however, modern science has proved nearly all of it. There are still some areas that need further work but it's now inevitable that they will in fact be proved at some time in the relatively near future.
As for Creationism - well, there's no evidence whatsoever for it. It was produced by people reading the bible and trying to come up with a theory that "proved" the bible. However, if you'll believe it, then you'll have to also believe that the Sun rotates around the earth and the earth is flat. All three go together, and all three ire equally laughable.
Evolutionary theory must be taught to children as we wish them to understand the world around them, creationism shold be shown to older children as "primitive superstition" which is, I'm afraid, exactly wath it is. Something for the intellectually bankrupt!

2006-09-13 22:43:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're right, Darwin had put forth a flawed theory. But you know what, the current model of evolution is much more updated.

If you're equating evolution to Naziism, then you do not have the fundamental understanding of science and biology to truly understand the mechanisms of evolution.

And that's alright, not everyone is made to be a biologist.

Creationism may seem sensible to you because it fulfills some need for a benevolent being up there, but that is irrelevant when it comes to the science class room. Nature happens whether it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling or not. Ugly hyenas eat cute little bunny wabbits. That's nature whether we like it or not.

Creationism isn't a SCIENCE. God cannot be quantified, measured, or tested with repeatable results in the laboratory. Unless you want a scientist to come into your church and teach an alternative theory to creationism, then leave creationism out of the science classroom.

2006-09-13 09:18:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Got to be careful there, what if your kids want to know how Petrol is made or where oil comes from?
These things alone predate Adam and Eve!
Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick but in creationism isn't the world aged by adding up all the people in the Bible back to Adam and Eve? Which they believe makes the world 12000 years old if not I am barking up the wrong tree but if I am wrong i apologise but if I am right you can never take your kids to a dinosaur adventure park or museum or let them get a conventional education or the may think you filled them full of lies.
Another thing I posted a question on Gideons and learnt there are at least 2 copies of the Bible going around ( King James and New King James ) so its officialy been rewritten my point being...... its not the word of God then is it.

2006-09-13 10:25:45 · answer #5 · answered by Goatboy 2 · 0 0

Evolution is proven

Genisis was written 3000 years ago, I remind people that only 500 years ago the vatican thought that we where at the centre of the universe. We have fossils of dinosaurs, which havnt seemed to be mentioned in the bible, also we have fossils of our ape like decendents. So don't tell me there is no missing link.
genisis is a metaphore to help people 3000 years ago understand where we came from, cant you, a mordern human accept that evolution is pluasable and still happing today. Children are being born with bigger thumbs to adapt to new technology like games consoles and computers.


Religion is the greatest evil if it makes you blind to the truth

CRATIONISM SHOULD NOT BE TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS there is no proof, there is overwealming proof of evolution.

Blasphemy is just something religions made up to prevent people questioning them.

Please tell me what these flaws are!

And no I am not a Nazi, im just open minded.

2006-09-13 09:55:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

But any reasonable scientist would know what Hitler said was a load of crap, yet somehow everyone does actually believe in evolution. Think about it. If natural selection didn't exist, it would have to happen anyway.

You are criticising evolution for being dogma, and saying you want a justified theory, then saying you want your kids taught by the Bible. So you think Christianity is scientifically provable? And that scientists have the right method for finding knowledge, but happen to all have it wrong about evolution? In other words, that religious folk do science better than scientists? How ridiculous.

2006-09-13 09:09:53 · answer #7 · answered by DS 4 · 4 0

Great, now we're Nazis. If you want a serious discussion, settle down first. Right now you're just a shouting loony.
What do you mean, 'Evolutionist Nazis'? Was Darwin a Nazi? Is Richard Dawkins? Was Carl Sagan? You know Hitler was a vegetarian painter, right? Just like yourself, the Nazis never understood Evolution. None of you could ever get past 'survival of the fittest'. This is nothing but 'guilt by association' and it is a reprehensible tactic. It totally invalidates any point you could try to make.

2006-09-13 09:08:54 · answer #8 · answered by ThePeter 4 · 6 0

Because evolution does not require faith it does not require anything it is and will be it not a force but a process and be stopped.
It not good or evil it will go on long after we are dead and until the planet dies in 5 billion year time when the sun runs out of fuel. I ask you then in return where did Kain and Able get there wife's from

2006-09-14 04:28:16 · answer #9 · answered by Ben 3 · 0 0

The Catholic church is the Church that existed till now the Protestant reformation. there are a number of similarities and adjustments, yet indexed below are the countless significant ones. Catholics have confidence in: a million. Authority of the Pope 2. actual Presence of Jesus contained in the Eucharist 3. Seven Sacraments 4.Reverence for Mary by using fact the mummy of God (yet no longer worship of Mary) 5. The Mass in basic terms God makes a decision who's in Heaven. no longer human beings :) desire this enables!!

2016-09-30 22:17:25 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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