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my little sister is being homeschooled just because she got picked on in school for a couple days, me ,...I'm 19, I got picked on all the way through school for being poor and they never homeschooled me, and i was molested. My sister now is a spoiled little brat, she bosses my parents around, and everytime I come to the house she is playing playstation, she doesnt do much school at all, I have first hand expirience and I DO NOT like homeschooling. How does a child learn reality if you shelter them from it. You build personality in school, if you shelter them forever, when they finally leave the nest, they will be clueless and make so many mistakes it will dumbfound you.

2006-09-13 08:25:32 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Home Schooling

I used to get picked on for being molested, me and my familia had to move out of state, my parents didnt molest me someone else did, my sister now is the most spoiled child I ever met, she has no respect, she has never been spanked or grounded, its a shame I just dont get it, am i missing something?

2006-09-13 08:30:59 · update #1

I'm sure if i were homeschooled and my parents did all the work for me I would have graduated with high honors like all homeschooled kids, i mean we all know what goes on during homeschooling

2006-09-13 08:32:25 · update #2

38 answers

i think its stupid too. and a lot of times the parent teaching the child is not very smart. my little sister was homeschool for a while. my step mom - who was teaching her - is a moron. she was 6 years old and didnt even know the alphabet. needless to say my dad put her in school.

i feel that some homeschooled children miss out on a crucial lesson in life. and some grow up to be socially inept.

however, if the parent teaching the child is well educated and the child has access to many of his or her peers, then the consequences of homeschooling is usually minimized or even nonexistant.

2006-09-13 08:31:17 · answer #1 · answered by NAQ 5 · 2 9

My daughter was in school for 5 years prior to being homeschooled. The last three years she faced some tough social situations, mainly because she was one of only a handful on caucasion children in the school. However, we made the decision to home school not just because she had a rough time socially, but because she simply does not learn well in a traditional classroom setting. She is an auditory learner and had a processing disorder on top, so that simple things like memorizing multiplication tables is extremely frustrating.

Most homeschool parents go out of their way to be sure the kids get as much socialization as possible. Homeschool kids still hang out with their friends in the neighborhood and on their teams. Even in homeschooling groups, there are cliques, cool kids and the "wierdos". It is life like any other school aged child gets, just in a different setting.

Finally, I can understand why you are so angry about how your schooling worked out. It sounds like there were a lot of things that were unfair. Parents aren't perfect. We do the best we can and admittedly, sometimes we screw up. I went through something very similar to what you describe, but my parents handled it the only way they knew how. They pretended it didn't happen and while i was never left alone with my molester again, I was expected to be polite and friendly when we saw him at family gatherings. I was angry at them for a long time...still am in some ways...but they did what they could, what they thought was right. It doesn't make it easier or let them off the hook, but it let me start working through the rest of the emotions I had hidden for so long.

2006-09-13 12:13:59 · answer #2 · answered by Annie 6 · 1 0

I'll tell you something. You had my sympathy until you said this:

"I'm sure if i were homeschooled and my parents did all the work for me I would have graduated with high honors like all homeschooled kids, i mean we all know what goes on during homeschooling"

My boys works hard to EARN their accomplishments. Nothing is handed to them, just as nothing was handed to me - I worked hard to overcome obstacles, too. I would be doing them a GRAVE disservice to "do all the work for them". I don't know of ANY homeschooling parents that would even consider this.

In our state, homeschoolers don't graduate "with honors", they just graduate. If homeschooled students test higher on PSATs, SATs, ACTs, and other standardized tests, don't you think MAYBE they actually know the material? Or did their parents take THOSE tests for them, too.

Maybe your parents learned from what happened to you and that's why they chose to homeschool her. If she's just out of school, it's generally considered a good idea to allow children to have some downtime (a week for each year of public school) before they start into homeschooling. Or, maybe she's doing the work when you're not around - we can get through an entire day's work in about 4 hours.

Life is not easy and it won't get any easier for you if you keep loooking at others and how easy they supposedly have it. I'm sorry about the terrible injustice that was done to you, but the past will NEVER change. You can use it as a crutch that keeps you from moving forward, or you can learn to stand on your own two feet and not let the molester have the victory. The choice is yours.

2006-09-13 10:47:06 · answer #3 · answered by homeschoolmom 5 · 3 0

I'm sorry that you have had such a bad life. Maybe your parents don't want your sister to experience the same horror that you went through. I hope that you are not bitter and jealous --- that is called sibling rivalry.

If your sister is playing playstation and not doing much school then she is not going to be prepared for real life.

You can become a good friend to her by encouraging her to do better.

Study for yourself about the realities of homeschooling. Show her what you learn. Teach her how to think for herself. Let her know that she can excel by becoming her own best teacher. She can learn to do her math completely on her own. She can write simple essays and read really good books.

Is she playing all day? or is she studying when you are not with her?

Why not find something really good to do together? Become friends.

Let her know about the possiblity of getting into a really good college. Help her to focus on her studies. Are you in college? Do you have a really good job?

Homeschooling didn't make her into a brat. Poor parenting can do that to any child no matter what is the method of education.


2006-09-14 03:22:56 · answer #4 · answered by Barb 4 · 1 0

I'm sure if i were homeschooled and my parents did all the work for me I would have graduated with high honors like all homeschooled kids, i mean we all know what goes on during homeschooling


Excuse you? Please get your facts straight. That's not right..
I've been in a public school my whole life. I'm now a sophmore, and my school was so terrible, my mom decided to homeschool me.
She doesn't teach me, a private teacher with a full education does.
When I need help, the attention is on me. Not 30 other kids that are throwing paper balls around the room and making stupid jokes.
And I'm not anti-social.Like I said, I've been in a public school my whole life until this year. I still hang out with my friends 2-3 times a week, I talk on the phone, go on Myspace, AIM, MSN, etc.
I go to the college over here for a few classes everyday.
My mother doesn't do ANY of my work, I do it myself thank you very much.
Sounds to me like you're just jealous of your sister, no offence.
Please don't throw around things like that as if their facts, those really just your biased opinions..

2006-09-13 18:47:33 · answer #5 · answered by tiffany! 2 · 1 0

I agree with you to some extent. I am in high school and I have been home-schooled different years thru my school years. I went to public school for 5 years and I know how the world works. I am not sheltered at all, I work at my fathers business, so i am able to socialize with people. But, on the other hand. My brother has been home-schooled his whole life. He is 3 years younger than me, but he dosen't know how hard real life is.

But, on the deep end would be that family with 16 kids that come on tv sometimes. They don't let their kids see anything that comes with the real world. The oldest is 17 and he feels like he shouldn't date, but he should find a "life partner". They can't go out and do anything. They stay in their home and sit. They all play the same boring instrument and they all wear the same color clothes. That's sheltered!

I wouldn't trade my public school experiences for anything in the world, everyone should have to go to public school at least 1 year. Then, they would see how hard life is, and how lucky they are.

Your sister's case is very different than most homeschools. It bothers me that people think just because you stay at home, you don't do anything. I went to school, and i know that homeschool is actually more difficult. Your sister's education is being ignored by your parents, which is horrible. Nearly 90% of homeschools are conducted by caring parents who don't want their children to go to school, for the reason of they want to be with them. Your "first hand experience" isn't normal experience. You don't need to base your judgement of homeschooling only on your experience. Also, your sister will get her judgement day. In homeschooling, depending on what state you live in, she will have to take many tests to make sure that she is on level. If she does poorly or fails, then she must go to public school and is never allowed to participate in homeschooling again.

2006-09-13 08:44:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your sister's behavior is not a result of homeschooling. Sorry but I feel it's your parents fault. Homeschooling is not for everybody, but for some, and especially intellectually advanced kids it's a very good thing. I was semi home schooled and I've also attended both public and private schools. Your little sister will have to build character later in life when she has to grow up. I don't have any sympathy for you or your sister. Your being whiny and jealous and your sister is not putting any care or effort into educating herself. Stop caring about how you feel that everything is unfair in your life and try considering what you can contribute to the world that might be positive. Grow the f**k up.

2006-09-13 08:40:27 · answer #7 · answered by Sager 2 · 5 0

I help homeschooling 1000%. i'd by no potential deliver any of my little ones to a public college. (I even have had undesirable reports with public colleges.) I do college from domicile now at a cyber college. My parents do no longer do an outstanding purchase for my education; my cyber college does. i'm sophomore, too. I even have an outstanding variety of acquaintances who're domicile-schooled/cyber schooled, and that i've got acquaintances at my church little ones team, at my 4-H club, and different places. i'm a lot socialized. the better area approximately it extremely is shifting at my very own %. - I even have various disabilities/well-being situations (i'm deaf. I actually have a recommendations tumor, and that i've got rheumatoid arthritis, between MANY different issues.), and thanks to this, I tire very extremely. and that i'm in discomfort most of the time. So i'd desire to take a seat back a lot. My cyber college facilitates me to attain this, and do schoolwork when I can. i'll continually be a extensive supporter of homeschooling/cyber colleges! :)

2016-09-30 22:16:44 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The failure or success depends on both the parent and the child participating fully. I agree that some kids thrive in public schools and I agree some kids would be much better off in a home school environment. Home schooled kids can also participate in extracurricular activities and be able to fit in socially as well. That too depends on the parental involvement with the FULL scope of educating their child.
I'm afraid there's no easy answer. Being human we all have different strengths and weaknesses and personal feelings of what need more attention.. (math, science, history, social interaction)
It might be worth while to write down your concerns, list the pros and cons and present them to your parents in a non confrontational way.... as that too will aid in the process.
good luck.

2006-09-13 11:03:47 · answer #9 · answered by iamcreen 2 · 0 0

I pulled my son out of public school when he was in 7th grade, the school here, cater to the children that cant speak English, there was always riots, fights, drugs and bomb threats, he was in a learning disability class which he sat at the back of the class and did not get nothing accomplished through out the day.The last straw was when they had to lock the school down due to the different races meeting in the gym to fight,,that was it for me..I found a home school with the help of my sons doctors. This school is awesome. they still have field trips teacher conference,principals, detention ,counselors, Gym,all the stuff public school has,and when ever he has to take a test they all meet at the public library,so there is no cheating.They supply all the books, the Internet,computer., school fees, school supplies.He takes all the class's a student in public school would take but with more help and more time to finish his assignments.Its a web cam school, the teacher can see the students and the students see the teachers.he has 5 hours a day to do school work. hes doesn't change class's so he isn't interrupted by a bell. so he gets his work done sooner then. students in public school. He was way behind in all of his class's when i pulled him out of public school he was making F's and D's his last report card had A's and B's and this year he is doing so good that he is doing 9th grade work instead of 8th grade which he is in the 8th grade..
this year the public schools are rebuilding all the schools and most of the students are in trailors..so dont knock home school until you understand it. You sound like you are a bit upset do to what happened to you and you are taking it out on your sister..Theres nothing wrong with homeschooling..my son see's and spends all the time he wants with his friends so he's not missing out on anything...

2006-09-13 10:00:47 · answer #10 · answered by bllnickie 6 · 1 1

I can understand your feelings about your little sister. But you do have to realize that this is your parents choice. I do agree with sending her to public school at some point. Just because someone gets picked on doesnt mean you should stay home right? I had 2 best friends who started home schooling for high school. They were already deprived of social activities from their parents, and after their homeschooling, they were worse off than when they went to public school.

I was picked on througout my entire schooling life. And still today I get picked on about my weight. I believe everyone gets picked on, but that doesnt make it right. I also believe that it also depends on how you react to it. I may have been picked on in High School, but I was one of the more popular kids because I stood my ground and didnt let their comments effect my schooling or my sports. Being overweight and in school sports seemed to get peoples attention. I had most of the student body respecting me rather than making fun of me.

So please let your parents know that they should let her go to a different school or let her face the children who made fun of her. Maybe you can help her become quick witted with good comebacks. Maybe you can help her have good self esteem. The probable reason for her being spoiled and acting the part is because she is insecure with herself. I think good comments and a good home make great self esteem. Instead of breaking her down...build her up. Help her with her self esteem. You know as well as I do they she will need it throughout her entire life.

2006-09-13 08:44:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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