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i used to believe in god infact i was a christian but my faith has been severly shaken since my first husband killed himself, churches have told me hes in hell, ive prayed to god to feel him again to have him come to me in my dreams but nothing iam so dissapointed with life, yet iam scared of death

2006-09-13 08:22:42 · 33 answers · asked by shelly 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Sorry to hear about your husband. Maybe this will help. Jesus compared death to rest and sleep. When the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the Bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60) Jesus then enlarged on that basic truth by saying that the dead can neither love nor hate and that “there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in [the grave].” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10) Similarly, Psalm 146:4 says that when a man dies, “his thoughts do perish.” We are mortal and do not survive the death of our body. The life we enjoy is like the flame of a candle. When the flame is put out, it does not go anywhere. It is simply gone.

But there's hope. Jesus said that “all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus’] voice and come out.” (John 5:28, 29) Similarly, Revelation 20:13 says: “The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them.” “Hades” refers to the common grave of mankind. This collective grave will be emptied. All those billions who rest there will live again. The apostle Paul said: “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) These billions of “unrighteous” ones will not be forgotten. They too will be resurrected and given time to learn about the true God and to serve him. During a period of a thousand years, the dead will be resurrected and given an opportunity to join faithful humans on earth in serving God. This period is what the Bible refers to as Judgment Day. John 17:3 says: "Their taking in knowledge of you the only true God and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." All you have to do is "take in" this "knowledge" and love will motivate you to do the rest. Best Wishes.

2006-09-13 08:47:49 · answer #1 · answered by Rachel B 3 · 0 0

Sweetie, they want you to be scared because it keeps you in line. There is no hell or sin. Man made those words, not God. Does it make sense that your husband would be in hell? Was he a bad person? No, so he is with God right now. Does it make sense that sexual orientation is a choice that would send anyone to hell?No, it doesn't. Does it make sense that a man cannot sit on your bed during your time of the month? No, it does not. The bible is illogical and false. Please believe that God loves us all. He does not care which path you take and there are many paths. Keep praying for a dream and say it out loud. He will come. My best to you and my condolences on your loss.

2006-09-13 08:33:37 · answer #2 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 2 1

You do realize that your avatar is wearing devil horns. Anyway, who cares what the church says. They do not control every aspect of your life. They can guide your beliefs, but it is up to you decide where they go. If your husband was good man then he should be allowed in heaven. I am not a Christian, however, I cannot believe that God would punish him for what he did. A person could commit suicide because they were out of their mind. That does not mean they should go to Hell for something they could not control. Your husband may not be able to come back to you but that does not mean that he is not in a good place.

2006-09-13 09:09:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My twin took his own life, as a young man, 25 years ago.
The scar remains but the pain subsides with time.
We don't have all the answers. We don't even have all the questions. One day we will understand.

Isaiah 55
8 For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
9 For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

So for now I rest in His mercy and grace and say Blessed be the name of the Lord. Since then He has revealed Himself in such wonderous ways you could not imagine.

Faith in Christ can free you of your fears.

John chapter 14
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.

Read Psalm 63.

Don't stop praying! He hears you.
I'm praying for you right now.
God bless you.

2006-09-13 08:48:12 · answer #4 · answered by NickofTyme 6 · 0 0

Try to find a state that youre not afraid of death.
Religions prey on fear so i wouldnt fool with their hellfire and brimstone

Just hang in there. Not for any one religion, not for any magical father figure in the clouds. Do it for yourself.
despite what people claim Nobody REALLY knows whats after death. for a human mind to understand it would be like an ant on top of his anthill trying to comprehend the grand canyon.

the afterlife may be great, it may be horrible, it may be nothing, but once its done its done, you cant worry about the past. you will never know anything about death until you die. And you cant control when you die, so its not worth worrying too much for.
So until then just make the best you can out of each day. Better yourself, look positively, help others. The answer to happiness is not in any religion on earth. its in one place. inside you. and you have to find it your own way.
You never know how great things might end up with time.
just keep your head up, good luck, i hope everything turns out well.

2006-09-13 08:32:57 · answer #5 · answered by anonymous w 4 · 2 0

One of two things has happened:


You were once saved and have "fallen from grace" through your life choices allowing sin(s) to creep back into your life;


You were never really saved to begin with. You may have believed in God, but the devils also believe and tremble. (James 2:19)

As for your late husband, only God knows for sure based upon the condition of his spiritual heart at the time of death. And the Bible offers no hope for him if he slipped into eternity unprepared to meet God. That is what The Bible teaches.

God's response to your cry depends on how far away you have drifted from God, and how earnest you are in your prayer for Him to make Himself real to you. He will answer your prayer in His own good time. In the meantime, continue to pray. Find yourself a Bible-believing church and begin to attend regularly. And most important, if you truly want to find God then begin reading His Word daily. Don't expect to understand it all in your first reading for that will NOT happen. Pray just before reading for the Holy Spirit to open your heart and speak to you making God's truths known to you as you read.

Feel free to contact me through email for more personal help and guidance.

2006-09-13 10:31:19 · answer #6 · answered by MrDan 1 · 0 0

You say you used to believe in God, and in fact you was a Christian......

If being a Christian, to you, means you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, then the answer is quite simple..... when you die you will live in Heaven with God eternally. It is not possible to lose your salvation - once you've accepted the gift, it's eternally sealed.
Many times when there is a death we react with anger and resentment towards God. If your first husband was a Christian (as described above with a life changing experience with Jesus) then he will be in heaven. God did not make exceptions to salvation - you can go to heaven after you accept my Son unless you commit this particular sin...... ALL sins, past, present and future, were forgiven. When Jesus died on the cross how many of your sins were still in the future? Did you answer all of them? I'm assuming you are not over 2000 years old...... so when He died for you - IF YOU ACCEPTED HIM as your savior, then all of your sins were nailed to that cross with Him before you were ever born.
Life can be disappointing at times. We were never promised that the Christian life would be easy, but we were promised that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. You can pick up today where you left off and determine to follow Christ again. Or if you never made that decision, you can do it now. If you believe in your heart that you are a sinner (you've done things wrong in life at times), and accept that Jesus died for YOU so these sins would be forgiven, the simply pray and ask His forgiveness and tell Him you want Him to take control of your life, to be your savior and lord. He promises that He will save any person who calls on Him. Please feel free to contact me if you need more information. I will be praying for you and your family to make a decision to follow Christ.

2006-09-13 08:40:35 · answer #7 · answered by heartforhelping 3 · 1 0

First no one but your husband and God can tell you where he is. You can assume by the way he lived. But it's pretty judgemental to say this person is in hell.

I am a christian and only God knows someones heart. Keep praying. Also God answers our questions through his word.

If you are a christian take heart in these verses.

9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
28 "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
29 "My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand.
30 "I and My Father are one."
John 10:27 - 30

Also A good book to get to go along with your bible reading is Charles Stanley's How to Listen to God. I am reading it now and he really explains how God communicates with us.

2006-09-13 09:09:27 · answer #8 · answered by melly mom 1 · 0 0

it is not anyones place to tell you that your husband is in hell. only God knows what he was thinking and only God knows for sure if your husband is in hell or in heaven. you said that you used to be a christian and now your faith has been shaken up pretty bad. if you did really accept Christ into your heart at one point then all you need to do is pray that God will help you get your walk with Him back on the right path, but if you never really prayed then you should pray that God will come into your life right now and stay with you all of your life. He will listen and he loves you so pray either way. if you are a child of God then you should have no fear of death what-so-ever, because you know that you will end up in heaven with Christ some day walking on streets of gold.

2006-09-13 08:35:55 · answer #9 · answered by 19D Lil Sis 2 · 0 3

Don't be scared.The Devil only brings the fear of death.
Death is the only thing we can be sure of.
Every one of us have to die when the appointed time comes.
Don't worry over the dead ones because nothing can be done to help them. - Sorry if I'm rude.
We the living must make use of the grace of God and get ready to meet our Creator.
Submit yourself into the Mighty Hands of God ,Hewill take care of you.Be happy .Jesus loves you with an everlasting love.Human love changes ,but never is God's love.
You are in my daily prayers.
May the Good God bless you!

2006-09-13 08:52:24 · answer #10 · answered by Winnie 1 · 0 0

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