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I keep reading that we need to protect our borders and deport all illegal immigrants. I would like to know how that can be done realistically.

Keep in mind there are about 12 million of them, they are hiding and they don't have ID. You gotta find them all and lock them up somewhere while you work out the details of how you fly them back. (you need lots more ICE agents and jail beds). Once they are out, how do you keep them from turning around and coming right back? A wall can be climbed over, tunneled under or through. How do the companies replace 12 million workers? Keep in mind you are against passing a law that would give them legal status or let them come legally to work. Are the companies so rich that they can afford to pay $5 more per hour for American workers? Wouldn't the smaller restaurants, construction companies, farms etc. go out of business?

I am really interested in hearing a solution that could work.

2006-09-13 08:14:29 · 22 answers · asked by grdnoviz 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

22 answers

There is a relatively simple solution that no one in government wants to enforce. If workplace enforcement were to be consisting and extend to every employer, the source of the jobs would dry up and most of these people would head to greener pastures, mostly on their side of the border. However this would require checking all the employers, and enforcing the current laws that regulate who can work in this country. Unemployment in the US would drop significantly, there would be a backlash for a while from the illegals loss of income, but by the end of a year, the changes would have a huge social and economic effect. Most would be for the better. Social services would be reduced in some areas by 85%. Traffic would drop radically, and the wear and tear on the infrastructure would be reduced, saving the taxpayers a lot of money. Hospital emergency rooms would open back up, and be used for what they were intended for.
No, you are right. There are some businesses that would not survive. However if they are relying on a resource that is not legal to begin with, then they deserve to go down. Where would a drug dealer be if no drugs were smuggled into the US. He would probably have a job at one of these businesses you refer to.

2006-09-13 08:26:19 · answer #1 · answered by yes_its_me 7 · 5 2

First we need a Wall along our southern Border. And enough Border guards to actually secure it. Second you simply start screening for Illegals company by company Deporting them as you go. People say It can't be done because the economy would collapse. That's BS the process would take time to deport 12 to 20 Million Illegals. It's not like will wake up one day and POOF there all gone. Companies would have time to Hire New workers to replace the Illegals. If companies agree to work with the Federal Government and Prove they cannot get Legal US citizens to do these jobs then we could possibly look into allowing some to stay on Work Visa's AFTER the go through a security and back ground check.

2006-09-13 17:10:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have ambivalent feelings about the goal once the problem is stopped going forward, and the 'bad sort' are gone (the twice illegal and gang members).

However, turn it around and say what would happen to the size of the illegal population if everywhere people affirmatively DON'T ASK and enforce, they DID ask and enforce?

Schools? Yes we have to give education, but I didn't see anything saying there couldn't be enforcement. Hospitals? After emergency service, of course, and for policy reasons we might exclude vaccinations from this.

Traffic tickets? College applications? Loan applications?

And what if we had much more secure ID and a database employers could easily check against?

Change the idea of giving instate tuition to illegals to the certainty that if anyone even knows they are illegal, they will be deported, not given discounts or funding. Dismantle all benefits with a similar reasoning.

It would sure be a different world than it is now, and many might not think this was such a good place to come to, illegally.

Turn it around. EVEN IF THE 12 to 20 million stay (hopefully with no ability to vote or bring in absent family, even down line), I think we will need to do these things to keep the situation from getting logarithmically worse as time goes on. Not doing these things now just delays the tough decision. It doesn't make it less necessary.

Also, walls and tunnels create bottlenecks at minimum. I'm all for that sort of reduction of traffic. And with LA County alone spending $1 billion a year on services for illegals, I think the country could afford a lot of busses and plane tickets.

What would YOU propose?

2006-09-13 15:22:50 · answer #3 · answered by DAR 7 · 3 2

This is what is killing the American economy. Employers are hiring these illegal immigrants to do jobs for $3-5/hr instead of hiring citizens that will do the job for $8/hr. In turn, since these immigrants aren't being paid the legal and documented way, they aren't paying any taxes at all, and guess where a lot of the money is going??? Back to their family in their home country. Those families use the money to support themselves THERE and the money rarely, if ever, gets back to the US treasury. They take the lower-paying jobs away from poor, uneducated, and/or young Americans who would do the same job for minimum wage AND pay TAXES. They would spend it in the US, so it would go back into the monetary system of the US. But the less they have, the less they spend, and the less money from taxes we get. Economy goes into regression and, eventually, depression. We can't let them run our country into the ground just because they let someone else or ran their own into the ground. If they're legal, let them stay, if they're illegal, deport them as fast as possible and step up procedures and security to keep them out. Reward people to turn them in, and punish people that house them and support and give them jobs.

2006-09-13 15:59:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 1

That is a solutionless non-problem. If we wasted the billions necessary to gather up 10+ million Mexicans and took them to the border there is no reason to believe that mexico would permit us to dump that refugee expense onto them. They would probably close the border to us. What would we do then? Invade them? Would we open permanent enternment camps for generations along the border? Do we start putting undocumented toddlers in jail? Do we build family prisons?
NO, we only need to give them the greencards so that they can pay taxes, not be a burden, and have a right to the same income expectations. ( and expense to the employer ) That, in itself, will reduce the demand for illegal ( exploitable ) labor.
No "amnesty plan" will do anything except increase the problem, unless it is backed up by a strong border AND realistic legal immigration quotas, not the absurd 50,000 that we permit now.

2006-09-13 17:12:18 · answer #5 · answered by Kenneth B 5 · 2 1

If our government was truly concerned about Americans they could get them out..... most cities, counties, states have cops - give them the power to deport - they all know where the illegals congregate just load up buses - when it's full head to the border - cross the line & kick them out.

OR cut off all social services, JAIL ANYONE that hires, feeds, protects an illegal..if there are no freebies the trash will leave.

2006-09-13 18:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There is no way to stop crime permanently. Not going to happen. Can't be done. There is no way to stop illegal immigration. Not going to happen. Can't be done. Because every beach, every river, ever stretch of border is another point of entry.
What we need to start doing is establishing rules and procedures that are effective and practical given the reality of the situation, and stop jumping up and down and screaming about the problem.
You hit the problem exactly "knowing who is here and where they are". And that requires an effective and practical plan to deal with the 12-15 million illegal immigrants already here. And that's not going to happen when the only plan anyone comes up with is "deport them". Because that's just like saying "arrest and imprison all the criminals". Don't you think police have been trying to do that for decades? Not going to happen. Can't be done.
We need sensible, practical, effective solutions. Not extremism.

2006-09-13 15:37:59 · answer #7 · answered by el_oso_candeloso 4 · 1 2

If you punish the empoyers that employ them then we won't have to spend one cent of taxpayer money to deport them. If the jobs are gone they will leave on there own. At one time companies were paying hire wages and they could afford it but when they could hire illigals at lower wages and make more profits they went that route. Illigals hurt the american economy they drive down wages and since they make less they pay less taxes which drives up the deficit which lowers the GDP which hurts employment, which means companies hire more illigals to maintain there profits. We need to get back to higher wage workers paying more taxes lowering the deficit and increase the GDP.

2006-09-13 15:23:54 · answer #8 · answered by region50 6 · 1 1

Have citizens report people they know to be illegals. Enforce the laws so that companies who hire illegals and people who rent to illegals get fines or jail time. Build a wall they can't climb and if they do, have more border patrol agents there to stop them. and the companies who can't afford to pay fair wages can go out of business if they can't pay the minimum wage. i don't think $5.15 is too much to ask for. they are being greedy and cheap.

2006-09-13 15:23:35 · answer #9 · answered by Niecy 6 · 1 2

The only proposal is to take away the carrot and they wont come. The carrot being jobs for some and social services for others. If we take that away from illegals by jailing employers than they wont come and eventually many would self deport. It is a lie however that they are comming to feed their families compare how an illegal looks comming here to those really hungry in Africa thats who is starving not these illegal mexicans.

2006-09-13 15:21:09 · answer #10 · answered by scottfreefunny 2 · 4 2

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