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Who dont know how to train their dogs correctly?

2006-09-13 07:42:11 · 27 answers · asked by BahamaBlue 2 in Pets Dogs

27 answers

I almost totally agree. It's not enough to "give a dog everything." It's not a child. A bad dog owner is not just one that neglects or beats the dog (although obviously those people are terrible). A less obvious, but possibly even more damaging, dog owner is one that doesn't bother to train their dog and treats them like a child or like the dog owns them. People who don't know how to train breeds like pit bulls simply shouldn't own them, regardless of how "cute" or "loving" or "tough" they are and I believe that is the MAIN reason those dogs have such a bad reputation. If you tell a dog constantly that they're in charge, when a situation they perceive as a threat comes up, they're going to react aggressively, if just out of fear. I'm not saying you need to beat a dog into submission, please don't think that. Dogs deserve all the love in the world. BUT, they have to be properly trained as a part of being properly cared for. Now, the one exception to my rule may be a dog with a biological disposition toward agression, some kind of disorder, as another person pointed out, but that's a different (and more rare) situation. And I think the show another person was referring to was the Dog Whisperer, which I love. I'll put a link in my sources.

2006-09-13 07:51:09 · answer #1 · answered by missa 1 · 1 0

I totally agree! However all dogs are individuals and have there own personalities. Some are more aggressive and some more submissive etc. However that does not mean that just because you have a dog who has a aggressive type personality that your dog is going to hurt you or someone else. Hence that is where training steps in. Also it also depends on if you spay and neuter. Irresponsible owners are the problem.


Any dog, any breed, Raised wrong can be dangerous!
Ban bad owners!

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)- Laws against the ownership of specific breeds and mostly targeting the group of dogs characterized as "Pit Bulls". All dogs of these types are considered dangerous and illegal regardless of temperament, training, and disposition of the individual dog. Preconceived judgments are passed onto every dog based on the actions of some

Prejudice- Perceived judgment of opinion: and irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or there supposed characteristics

So my question is When was prejudice ever a good thing?

BSL targets the wrong end of the leash! Ban ignorance Ban irresponsible owners NOT Breeds!

BSL is just a quick fix... like putting a band aid over a problem. It will not be fixed until tougher laws for pet ownership are instated and enforced!

I agree with you! You said that so well. Bravo. If I could I would give you 100 thumbs ups hehe.

Let me ask you... Okay you think that labs were bred to be nice? Okay... well Pit Bulls were to fight (only one of the things they were bred for... they were bred for other things as well) but they were bred to fight dogs NOT people. Okay and also if some dogs are prone to aggressivness while labs are not then why is that according the the American Temperament Society Labs and Golden retrievers scored lower on the temperament test than Pit Bulls? Pit Bulls passed with a 86% While golden retrievers got a 76%. Hmm. Ironic isn't it?

2006-09-13 14:47:43 · answer #2 · answered by Kamunyak 5 · 0 1

Absolutely not. Just a labs are bred to be sweet and nice, some breeds of dogs are bred to be agressive and mean. This is the work of disreputable breeders who breed only for money. Because of these tendencies, I would be hesitant to get any dogs that are known for agression. You simply never know when they might snap at you, your children, your other pets, or a stranger.

Yes, cruel owners can bring this out in a dog to an extreme, but it's far easier to do in some because of the way their brains and genetics are.

Good breeding, meaning putting a stop to unethical backyard breeders and puppy mill breeders, can help reverse this disposition. This means that no one who isn't a reputable breeder working with a champion dog should have an unaltered pet and risk passing on poor genetics.

2006-09-13 14:52:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No I don't agree. I have seen some dogs (and cats) just go "off" without any mitigating circumstances. People should not EVER trust their dog alone with something that is smaller than them. 99% of the time the dog will not do anything. For those 1% that do, it leaves behind a lot of grieving parents.

2006-09-13 14:57:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I do agree that some dog owners fail to train their dog properly. I also believe that some breeds are risky to own, they can turn for no apparent reason no matter how much training they receive.

2006-09-13 14:52:04 · answer #5 · answered by mogirl 2 · 1 0

Just as with humans, some ARE born with brain malfunctions..some breeds ARE more prone to that..as in 'Springer Rage'..a true epilepsy type disorder that causes aggression..

In 38 years of breeding and rescuing, I have had 4 dogs that were actually mentaly ill.

(a Cocker, a Doberman, A Pit bull, an Afghan)

2006-09-13 14:46:21 · answer #6 · answered by Chetco 7 · 1 0

NO I DO NOT AGREE. there is gentle breed that turn out to be mean for what ever reason. iam so tired of people coming on and swearing what a great pet there pits are. they say how friendly and loving they are, and most are in there young years but 99% will be put down by there own owners by the age of 5. you never see them on here saying how wrong they was about there friendly loving pet.it want ever happen but that breed needs to be done away with. thank god most cities want allow them in the city and in my town(in texas) you cant even have if you live within 15 miles of my city.

2006-09-13 15:33:24 · answer #7 · answered by BLOODHOUND 6 · 1 1

I think the majority are attributed to bad owners, but, just like humans, there can be some really bad dogs. Some humans are inherently anti-social and some animals can be as well.

2006-09-13 16:27:06 · answer #8 · answered by zachler41 1 · 1 0

I agree with that 100%. There used to be a show on the animal planet about that same thing. It was something about why good dogs go bad. You might check out that site. There can always be a fluke in any dog, though.

2006-09-13 14:45:11 · answer #9 · answered by makeitright 6 · 1 1

Why is it so hard to believe that dogs can be bred to show aggression?

Just follow my logic here a minute: For example, Border Collies are bred to herd things. Oftentimes, they herd small children and nip them. And any dog breeder will tell you, "DUH! That's what Border Collies do..." Nipping/herding behavior is the number one reason BC's are surrendered for adoption. So if you want to adopt a BC, you need to consider their instinctive behavior.

Some creep here in Wisconsin was breeding Pit Bulls to fight each other. The dogs were seized and need three, count them THREE, people to handle them. Yes, the owner was a sad excuse for a human being. But he bred these dogs to fight to the death. So when these sweet little Pit Bulls get placed with humans and turn and bite their faces off, dog breeders everywhere will turn to each other and say, "DUH! That's what Pit Bulls do...."

2006-09-13 15:00:13 · answer #10 · answered by Doe 3 · 1 0

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