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use this excuse.

Well little johnny is getting interaction with other kids, I've even heard and seen it posted where people have said that children who stay at home with their mothers don't. Do they know how dumb that sounds?

I mean I laugh out loud to myself when I hear that garbage. Please. We have 2 playroups, we are involved in MOPS and my kids get plenty of interaction without them being in daycare.

I know everyone can't stay at home with their kids, but to assume that kids who stay at home with their mom or dad don't get interaction with other kids is absurd. Why do you think people say that all the time , the ones who use daycare?

THIS IS NOT A BATTLE of stay at home moms or dads vs working parents. this is a battle of assumptions

have a great day, i need to finish prepping dinner before naps are over! toodles

2006-09-13 07:37:57 · 32 answers · asked by wilowdreams 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

how are playgroup expensive? arent there kids in your neighborhood?

2006-09-13 09:33:20 · update #1

jellybean im not judgemental but you are the type of woman who would say nasty things like stay at home mothers smother their kids, ROFL , really? how would you know when you're not one.
I dont smother my kids they get alone time from me as well

2006-09-13 09:37:41 · update #2

amelia its as shame you dont know what mops is. youre ugly attitude might benefit from it

2006-09-13 09:39:11 · update #3

rebel did you know that teaching colors and numbers is your job not the daycares>

2006-09-13 09:40:39 · update #4

32 answers

hello , all I was a stay at home mom when my dd was little.
Now she is 11 yr old. To start with my dd never went to day care or preschool, she was far ahead of kids in kindergarten. She was
reading simple books call Bob books at 3 yrs of age new her alphabet and could write her name. She could also count to 20, with
or with out objects. Also she had play dates to socialize and went to
her cousins to spend the night and had plenty of socialinzation.

So I think what ever you choose to do to rear your child is ur choice, but don't make un eduacated guesses about others life
I think either is fine for a child and no mother should slam another we are all in this togather.

2006-09-13 09:48:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a stay at home mom too! I wouldn't have it any other way. I think that kids get interaction many ways. My 2 boys play pretty well together. I think people that have to use daycare maybe feel guilty. That might be the reason that they say that. When my child was a baby he was in daycare, so I have had it both ways. Being at home with them is the best interaction they can get. Who else gives ur child better attention then you. I agree with the play groups and so on. But there are kids all over my neighborhood that want to play often. Just ignore those people...they just wish they could stay home with there children too!

2006-09-13 09:10:18 · answer #2 · answered by LeeLynn 5 · 1 1

WOW!! Why is everyone taking this inquiry so personally?? All the lady is saying is that if you take your kids to day care - u don't need an excuse. You are your own person - be proud of the decisions you've made!! You are YOUR child's mom - and mom knows best!!

Socializing a child is obviously a very important piece to raising a healthy child. However, saying daycare/no daycare socializes more than the other is ludicrous!! How do you think children were socialized prior to the popularity of 2 income households? They played with the other children in their neighborhood!! Or their siblings, cousins, parents, etc.

So, to all parents daycare or no - tell your children to put down their XBox controller and go outside and play!!!!

2006-09-13 08:48:57 · answer #3 · answered by May 3 · 0 0

Uh, I don't know...maybe because there is truth in it? My son went to day care and he was a very outgoing and friendly young man. A lot of mothers who smother their kids at home all day and bash day care going kids have little shy punks that are afraid of their own shadows and don't know how to play with mates their age.

Good for you to be involved in MOP or whatever the hell. Guess what? Some parents that work are involved in their kids daycare very seriously and take the time out to volunteer there when they can and participate in their kids development away from the home.

You sound awfully judgemental and pretentious. You can't even be upset if you get more nasty grams than mine. First of all, people have seen your other questions and answers up here, and a lot of folks know your negative stance on working mothers/parents. Glad you are living your fairy tale. Good for you. Stop putting other people down for doing what they have to do and if you really feel so strongly abut this, why not begin this debate in real life with some hardworking parents?


2006-09-13 08:21:11 · answer #4 · answered by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4 · 0 0

Check this out, both my parents wored full time.
My dad worked with the Army from 6am to 4pm. I would be with my mom for the morning and most of the afternoon. then at 4:30 my dad would come home and my mom would go to work untill 1 or 2 in the morning. When I was 4 I was in preschool. not as a daycare because my mom was heavily involed with my preschool. but it stayed that way untill I was in 5th grade. I was 10 my brother was 12, so my mom got a regular 8-5 job and me and my brother were home alone for three hours untill my parents came home. So it can be done. I was very interactive, and never went to daycare. I'm still here, I came out all right. so whats the big deal?

2006-09-13 07:53:37 · answer #5 · answered by danksprite420 6 · 0 0

Well, I really don't know why they would say that. I mean yes it's good for kids to be around their peers that interaction is good. Just as much as we love adult conversation, they would love to play and be with their peers. But kids and parents who stay home
together is not a bad thing. In fact on the days when I'm off or play hookey from school. I keep my youngest son who's 3 home with me. I feel if I'm home he should be with me. Thats valuable time we have together. I know some parent still send their kids to daycare even if they have the day off. I think thats lazy and putting your responsibilities off on someone else. The only reason I think a child should go to daycare if the parent is off is because...1. Maybe you had lots of errands to run. 2. Your sick. 3. Your going to the doctor. Thats it. Its definatley not a bad thing if the kids stays home with Mom or Dad. Thats just more quality time under your belt, which in turn will bring your bond closer together. It also doesn't have to be a day blown off, it can be educational play, reading, counting, and so much more. Boy I can go on and on. But the fact is...... People should stop sending their kids to daycare cause their lazy.

2006-09-13 07:57:14 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I don't say that. I am the first person who will tell someone that I wish I could afford to be a stay at home mom. I think a lot of the people who say things like that probably feel guilty b/c they can't keep their kids at home. The main thing parents need to do is make the best of whatever situation you have.

And, just so everyone knows... My hubby & I don't work to support an extravangant lifestyle. We work to support our family. The last vacation we took was last summer. We went to the beach with my M-I-L who has a friend with a place. If we had to pay a hotel bill, we would not have gone anywhere! We sacrifice a lot to live in the area of town we do. And, we CHOOSE to do that so that our kids will have a safe neighborhood and good schools. Believe me, I would love to be an at home mom. When I took maternity leave, I was in HEAVEN. But, I accept the choice that we made.

2006-09-13 07:44:24 · answer #7 · answered by laneydoll 5 · 3 0

Why do you think that everyone is as outgoing and social as you?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Because some people do nothing with their children but sit at home and watch TV. That is definitely not better than daycare somewhere.

Some day-cares are better than preschool. They have organized activities, teaching them the alphabet and numbers.

The kids play outside in a safe monitored environment. There is a stay at home 3 year old that walks the streets in my neighborhood with no supervision. Is that better?

Just because YOU do those things doesn't mean MOST people who stay at home do them.

2006-09-13 09:15:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think some of the reasons parents say that is because of guilt. They feel guilty that they cant stay home and possibly jealous so in order to make daycare sound better they say how wonderful the interaction with other kids is in daycare. They dont say that little Johnny has an ear infection or a cold 99% of the time. I stay at home with my daughter too and dont belong to any groups, but weather permitting she goes to the park/pool all the time and she has a great time with the kids there. At her last dr. appt. the nurses kept telling me how smart my daughter is and when they found out I stay home with her they were not surprised. I agree that I dont want to start any battles either since I am VERY lucky that I am financially able to be home with my daughter and soon to be son. None of my friends are so lucky.

2006-09-13 07:58:41 · answer #9 · answered by sooz 3 · 2 1

I'm a stay at home mom, but if I had to put my kids in daycare, it might comfort me to believe it was good for them because they would be playing with other kids all day. My daughter is very shy with other kids, but she is 2 and isn't necessarily at a stage in her development where she would interact with them a whole lot anyway (I think.) I live in a small town that doesn't offer a lot of activities for kids her age and I haven't made a lot of friends yet (been here less than a year) to start a play group. Maybe a one day a week in daycare would be good for her. I'm not worried though, since she will have a sister to play with in about 2 months.

2006-09-13 07:42:55 · answer #10 · answered by S. O. 4 · 1 0

I stay at home with my children (2 and 8 months) and they don't get a lot of interaction with other kids. Play groups are expensive and require good transportation around here. Going to the park is even hard because the bigger kids push around the toddlers and it becomes dangerous on the park equipment. But that doesn't mean she needs daycare, she'll get plenty of interaction with her sister until she starts preschool.

I think parents who don't work and put their kids in daycare are using it as an excuse to be lazy.

2006-09-13 07:45:47 · answer #11 · answered by Amy 3 · 0 1

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