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Ok, I am going through a rough patch in my life-

Me and my brother are fighting A LOT.
I wake up constantly in the night.
I am getting a lot of mood swings (teenage).
I have a lot of headaches
Two good friends have gone to different schools than me.
I really like a girl who is taken and it's driving me mad.
Please help me relax and handle my life which has gone bananas!

2006-09-13 07:19:42 · 31 answers · asked by Patch 1 in Health Mental Health

31 answers

start working out...You will find that you will be able to focus your "teenage" aggression on the weights...You will be stronger than your brother so he will think twice before messing with you...you will be physically exhausted so you will sleep better...you will make new friends at the gym....girls will begin to notice a change in 2 months, you will have to beat them off of you with a stick!!

Plus, exercising gives you positive "endorphins" these are like all natural uppers!! You will be back to you in no time!!

Good luck my man!!

2006-09-13 07:24:51 · answer #1 · answered by O Jam 3 · 5 0

First of all remember you are only young once, you have no real responsibilities and the whole world ahead of you. This is not a rough patch, this is a tiny blip on the scale. A rough patch is the bank foreclosing and trying to repossess your house when you have 3 children to feed and a wife relying on you to look after them all.

Best relaxation is to lie on your bed, and picture your dream holiday (and girl) and what you would do and what everything looks like.
If you are really wound up, go through all your body parts starting at feet and tense and relax them, by the time you get to your face you should be relaxed.
Get to sleep as early as you can and either picture your dream (above) before you nod off, or put some relaxing music on - classical will sooth you and you might just like it!!!
Ignore your brother and he will get fed up riling you. Kill him with kindness by offering to share, do his chores, whatever, he will be so confused!!
You will be moody - teenages are, mums are, dads are, it's all good preparation for life.
So your mates have gone to another school, make some new ones and then you'll have loads of mates and lots of news to share
Forget the girl - there will be others. My hubby and I met at school, dated a litttle while, went off, had fun and came back and married each other at 23.

And finally say every day God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Eventually it'll all fall into place

2006-09-13 07:29:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Awww, that's sad how all this is happening at one time. You need to do things that you enjoy to get your mind off of what's going on. Whatever you like to do- play video games, watch movies, work out- do it and do it often to keep yourself in a good mood without resorting to drugs.

Also, your brother is always going to be your brother. Swallow your pride and mend the relationship with him. It may suck to turn the other cheek but your life will be much easier if you do this.

You are restless and have headaches because you are stressed. Even at night when you're sleeping your mind is totally fixated on your situation. Once you start picking up activities, that will pass though. Especially if you start excercising, you will sleep through the night. Working out helps with anxiety.

As for your friends, that sucks, but you'll bounce back. I used to make new friends every year! You should try that too. Stay in touch with the old ones, but make new ones and you'll fill that void.

As for the girl, surely she's not the only pretty girl in your school. She's taken- so be it. You can mope about it, or you can find someone else. Keep your eyes open. Besides, high school relationships don't last long. Pretty soon she'll get bored with the guy (or vice versa) and she'll be free for you to sweep her off her feet.

I hope this helps. I'm not a teen anymore, but I'm not too old to remember what it was like either. What you're going through now will dictate how you handle future stress as an adult. You can do it positively and make lemonade out of those lemons (ex. working out to deal with stress and getting an awesome bod in the process) or you can let it defeat you. If you roll over and let it get you down now, everytime you have a problem in the future you'll deal with it the same way. That does not breed a successful adult. Overcome these obstacles and you will learn so much and be so much stronger. It's growing pains dear. Good luck!

2006-09-13 07:41:14 · answer #3 · answered by Just gorgeous dahling 4 · 0 0

All the things you describe are very common to teenage life. You are not alone. I would suggest that you find an adult you can confide in and trust for a 'sounding board'. Someone you can go to or call on the phone and run things by and get support and guidance. Maybe someone like a pastor or like the 700 club on TV. God is good and prayer is amazing. Trouble will come and go throughout our whole lives and there is nothing better than the Lord and especially being a part of a church family.

2006-09-13 07:28:55 · answer #4 · answered by Momma Jay 1 · 2 0

Well at the end of the day there is no real way people can make you chill other than weed but what I always do (and im so chilled i could be dead!) is I just sit down and think does it really matter. ye my mates have gone to diff schools than me but i will make other mates, So what there is a lass I fancy who has a bloke i can always knock him out if I have to ( :-D ) You and your brother fight because you dont know how to show your feelings and the waking up and moodswings will subside the more chilled you get. have a bit of alone time just to think about your life and stuff. Maybe get a game like GTA or Saints Row and really kick the life out of people. Try to chanell your anger into other things and soon i will subside.

2006-09-13 21:00:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1st why are you fighting do you both wind each other up leave him alone go back when things calm down
2nd try a hot milky drink b4 bed read and have a soak in a bath and put your Walkman on or pod on while trying to sleep used to work for me
3rd mood swings all normal its all them horrible hormones mixing about your becoming a man every1 your age is going through this
4thmates come and go in life only your mates who are there for you are there till the end i never see any of mine when i was at school so don't worry they be more new 1s at the new school
5that this age girls go out with boys break up and get with sum1 else get with someone new she will want you then as the sayings go you always want what you cant have and the grass is greener on the other side good luck babe xx

2006-09-13 09:49:11 · answer #6 · answered by munchie 6 · 0 0

ok...most important...learn how to stop, and breathe. Try to make sure you breathing is slow and even. I wont go into techniques cux most teenagers i know dont wanna hear that stuff ;) Try doing things that you enjoy. When you are feeling really stressed, write it down. Draw, write, talk to someone that will listen without jusdgment. Exercise. Thats one of the best ways to help you destress. A good workout, or a long run, you'll be tired, and the endorphins in your body will help you to feel more relaxed and content. If you cant find ways to cope with the stress on your own, and feel like its building and that you're going to explode, thats when its time to get some real help. Talk to your doctor about it and about anxiety, and maybe he/she can help with it medically.
Good luck, i know its hard to be your age and dealing with so much. But you will pull through it, you sound like a strong person, so keep trudging, and you will get where you're going.

2006-09-13 07:25:42 · answer #7 · answered by Fade__Out 4 · 2 0

Listening to soothing music and avoiding music that is the opposite helps. Talking to a friend that you trust may help too. Obviously counselling would help, but I don't think you are that bad. Try to do relaxing activities. Forget the girl - she's taken - start looking at the others! You can get in a vicious circle and that can lead to clinic anxiety or depression. so take paracetamol for the headaches, get enough sleep. Relax, listening to music or watching TV before bed. Don't use alcohol to relax or if you do just the odd drink or your system will get used to it and it will be ineffective - unless you drink in large quantities then you risk a few vital organs - like your liver! Try to reduce stress by handling it or avoiding it. Make your peace with your brother - reach an agreement or agree to differ.

2006-09-13 07:37:38 · answer #8 · answered by Mike10613 6 · 0 1

Everyone goes thru stages like this mate so try not to worry, yotu need to start chillin in the evening b4 bed... read a book or magazine,drink plenty water...your probably dehydrated which is causing the headaches.
Ah know how difficult it can be to relax so try taking up some exercise each day...martial arts or boxing are always good ways to get rid of anger and anxieties you may have....it might also put your brother off from fighting with you! lol!
Hope this helps hun xx

2006-09-13 07:39:12 · answer #9 · answered by manda_ecosse 2 · 0 1

breathe, man. stop fighting with your brother, if it bothers you so much. i mean, brothers fight. you'll probably be closer once you're older. teenagers get mood swings. i get mood swings, i'm 25. the waking up and headaches could be caused by stress. excedrin migraine always works great for my headaches (as well as any other aches or pains). friends, well, friends come and go...unless they're going to be friends of yours for life. then...you guys will keep in touch. i only have 1 friend that i talk to on a regular basis that i was friends with in high school. the girl...girls will come and go too. i KNOW how you feel, believe me. there was this guy in high school that i was absolutely obsessed with. for like a couple of years, too. i saw him a few months ago, actually, and saw what a loser he had become. it's funny. anyway...you'll figure things out. if you're angry about stuff or whatever, just remember....it's better to be pissed off than to be pissed on.

2006-09-13 07:34:09 · answer #10 · answered by practicalwizard 6 · 0 1

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