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2006-09-13 07:18:49 · 114 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

114 answers

The qualities are built in already to women.
All moms don't think they will know what to do. They figure it out.
Having other moms around to talk to helps

2006-09-13 07:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by Dennis K 4 · 4 8

There are so many qualities that makes a woman a good mother, but the most important one is the ability to love and forgive. The qualities that make a good mother come over time, a mother just doesn't instantly know, they grow through the trials and tribulations that they go through with their child and the childs father, they learn together and through that growth is a bonding that can never be broken down.

A mother will learn, love, patience, understanding, agony, fear, she will learn to live with sleep deprivation and even though she is exhausted, she will still have the ability to get up and go when her child needs her. There are too many qualities that I have learned over the years, but one that is so important to me is that I am not only a mother, but also their friend, there is nothing and I mean nothing that we cannot talk about and face together.

A man can encourage the woman he loves in all aspects of her life, but being there and raising a child together will bring the qualities that each of you seek in eachother as long as there is open and loving communication.

2006-09-14 10:52:09 · answer #2 · answered by Carrie H 3 · 2 1

Qualities Of A Good Mom

2016-12-26 16:08:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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What qualities must have a woman to be a good mother?

2015-08-14 11:42:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Love is one of the most outstanding qualities that a Mom should posses. This love is for her kids not for herself or anything else. Then, a good mom should have the quality of intuition and understanding that will help her to understand and feel the needs of her kids.

A good mom should have the qualities to discern the various growth phases of her kids and change accordingly. She should have the qualities of a malleable metal wherein she will mold herself to the needs and wants of her kids but at the same time stay strict and strong (metal) to guide her kids as to what is good for them and their future.

A good mother should have the quality of a Grape vine wherein she will provide stable and strong foundation for her kids to grow and develop while she herself absorbs the love and support provided by her husband.

In this age of single mothers / unwed mothers / surrogate mothers etc people tend to forget what a Mother is all about.

There are various reasons for the above phenomenon but even then one may think that a stable family environment with a single mother is OK and that it is not a big issue, we have to know that it is a big issue.

Single mothers cannot entirely provide the love that only fathers can provide to baby girl or the male strength figure that a father can provide to a son. In schools when kids see other father come by to bring the kids home they surely feel it. Even though their Moms may always come to school to bring them home, this issue will always be felt.

This is not meant to flame the great single mothers out there in the world. It has it has to be understood that Kids with the single parents have to take on some of the responsibility of the house. Statistically, children in single parent homes fare worse than those with two parents.

When we consider all this, we understand that greatness and the incredibly superlative qualities that single Moms should posses. There simply cannot be enough said about all the qualities and capacities that single mothers or mothers should posses.

2006-09-13 16:56:37 · answer #5 · answered by ArnieSchivaSchangaran 4 · 0 1

She must:

Be loving, firm, openminded, forgiving, tolerant, and always ready to defend her child to the outside world.

Be clear and concise; children can't tolerate lectures, their attention span is not long enough.

Be interactive with one's children from the earliest days; to help the child develop proper knowledge - of language for example - without stripping the child of individuality.

Be there. Always have time to listen to a child's problems no matter how trivial - the child doesn't necessarily know how important it is(n't).

Be a guide.

Be fun to be with.

Be silly sometimes so that the child knows and understands that one can be a responsible adult and still have childlike qualities.

Be restrained: it is better to demolish a book than to lay a hand on a child.

Be restrained: it is better to scream and cry into one's pillow than to be abusive to a child (yes, a child can often bring out baser instincts and while it is acceptable to have a rip-roaring, no-hold-barred argument with another adult one cannot do this with a child - a child is not mature enough to understand).

Teach the child how to budget - time, money, resources.

Allow the child to make mistakes; then help the child to understand what is right, what is wrong, what can be made better, easier, less stressful.

Let the child experiment with all those enriching activities such as music, science etc. without immediately assuming a firm guiding hand to turn him or her into the next Mozart - children love all manner of activities but don't necessarily want them to be their careers.

Let the child discover that the personal is more valuable than the material - that breakfast in bed is more meaningful than a purchased birthday gift.

Always be there with hugs and kisses, but respect the child's need to distance her/himself as s/he grows up.

2006-09-14 07:52:26 · answer #6 · answered by kerangoumar 6 · 1 0

Kindness,patients and a true love of screaming children. Truthfully there are no set rules as to how you have to act. If you want to know if you will be a good mother then find a real mother with a colicky baby. If you can deal with this child through the night without pulling your hair out or saying whew i am glad that is over in the morning then you have the right traits to become a mother. Remember all babies are cute and we love to hold them until they start crying and we cant get them to stop. the true test of a parent is the ability to over come these obstacles with patients and love. if you feel trapped or threatened or overwhelmed then think about your decision carefully! While you might think that this is all your decision it is not. You are bringing a living soul into this world, one who will be with you forever. Choose wisely.

2006-09-14 02:43:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thats actually a really good but easy question. Not just to be a good mother but also a good person you should have the qualitiies of the fruits of the spirit. love, joy, peace, lonsufferinf,kindness, goodness, faith, mildness,self control. No this is not a religious answer but a logical one. Of course if a person has these qualities that will make then capcable of being understanding, fair, patient and self sacrificing. My mom who is actually very religious has always been there for me with love and understanding even if she wanted to kill me at the time. Unfortunately I myself have a lot of problems due to stupid choices I've made as an adult an she is raising my two children because I do not have the stability to do that myself. I'm hoping one of these days I will be able to be a great mom like mine because nothing is better than the unconditional love a child shows you but if you can't give them what they need them you don't deserve them. I guess because even though it hurts me I was a good mom for doing what was best for my childrens wellfare and that would be the most important quality of them all.

2006-09-13 14:17:10 · answer #8 · answered by sxyknkyblonde 1 · 1 2

I'm not one, but I was raised by a very good one.

Infinite patience.
Knowing she didn't have to be a supermom and cultivating a network of friends and family and other women she could talk to and with.
Being able to see all sides of a story, not just her own family's.

Being her family's advocate when she had to be in the outside world.

Being a good example of a wife , a community person as well a s being a great mum.

Having a good sense of humour because as she used to say if you have children and a husband you need a good sense of humour.

Believing in something bigger than yourself,whatever you want to call it and emparting that wisdom to your children.

Having respect for yourself and emulating respect for others as an example to your children and spouse.

Cooking moderately well, being able to budget well on sometimes very little money, keeping the house tidy but not obsessing over every dust bunny like it is your mortal enemy.

Taking time to have fun, smell the roses and revel in your family and friends.

2006-09-14 02:23:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My late wife was the greatest mother I have ever known. You would do well to emulate her.
1. A good mother should be compassionate.
2. A good mother should be gentle but firm in discipline.
3. A good mother should always stick to her principles
4. A good mother keep her child clean.(harder than you think).
5. A good mother knows the whereabouts of her child.
6. A good mother will not allow her child to experience some things for themselves providing they are harmless.
7.This one is most important, a good mother will listen to the problems of their children and not blow them off because something more excitingcame along.
8. A good mother will always be for the child.
These are eight rules my wife followed in raising the children.

2006-09-14 12:37:35 · answer #10 · answered by robert s 5 · 5 0

A great question and a wide assortment of answers reveals many opinions as to What qualities must a woman have to be a Mother?
I come from a scriptural understanding mixed with my own personal experiences. I started out many years ago thinking that all women were automatically designed to be good mothers. I was very far from the truth. The nature that God has placed within the woman is to nuture and procreate (have children) but something has happened in the world that has lead women to take on the male genders attitude in many cases. Some are propelled into this by divorce and many other reasons, not all women deviate to the left or right from God`s plan and design but many have.
A Mother as designed by the Creator is a Woman capable of great compassion, deth of love for her family that surpasses her own self, aheart that beats for her children, she will do whatever it takes to take care of her children. She will go without in some cases in order for her children to have a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. But most of all her children know beyond a shadow ofany doubt that their Mother loves them and approves of them and will always be there for them in thick and thin. These are the traits of a true Mother.
Today to many women and men are saying I`m to busy, I must work so I can not be the parent I need to be. I beg to differ, a parent can still be a parent regardless of working 3 jobs or not. True time is limited but when time is available, what are those parents doing? Some are seeking self satisfaction and and not pouring into those children as they should be.
The one thing I have found as a parent of 6 biological kids of my own and 2 step kids. When I took on the task of parenting I also understood that I was stepping back from seeking self gradification as a single person, and I realized that the children took my priority as far as being cared for, fed, shown positive affirmation and love.
So I hope this helps, but I`m sure you have a pretty good idea already of the answer you seek. Being a Mother is probably the greatest gift a woman can ever have bestowed upon her. Being able to pour herself into that little baby, nurse it and bond with it, and watch that child grow into a beautiful person.

2006-09-14 03:30:04 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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