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All through history Christians have been trying to force others into being Christian. Why? Because the religion sucks and no one would bother with it on their own will. So I ask a quiestion about a different religion and most of the answerers tell me to be christian.

I think that is ridiculous. It makes me believe that Christians are brainwashed just trying to brainwash others.

2006-09-13 07:10:23 · 50 answers · asked by The Weed Fairy 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

what am i forcing upon you? i asked why christians are trying to force their belief on others, is it becaus etheir religion sucks and no one would bother with it on their own?

2006-09-13 07:13:10 · update #1

they are trying to destroy other paths?
sounds like a nice peace loving people... along with their historical reputation for killing those who do not belive in their religion

2006-09-13 07:14:39 · update #2

50 answers

Christianity is essentially a criminal business enterprise... in fact, it is the world's longest running and most successful Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scam. The product they are selling is the illusion of 'salvation'... and the 'pay plan' doesn't kick in until after you're dead. Meanwhile the VICTIMS (having been deceived into believing that it is their God-given duty) are out there busily recruiting MORE victims. What a racket! FORTUNATELY, it only works on those who are gullible enough, and sufficiently lacking in critical thinking skills, to fall for it, and buy in to the prepackaged delusion. UNfortunately, THAT accounts for about 75% of the population of the USA. (There are a lot more people who DON'T know how to think properly than there are people who DO know how to think properly.) That is why there are a lot more religious people in the USA than there are 'Free-thinkers'... including Atheists. Also, Christians are generally too dense to realize that proselytizing (spreading the 'good news') is a key element of the Christian MLM MARKETING PLAN, which was instituted after Christianity lost the political power that had previously allowed them to simply torture and kill anybody who did not comply. Now, they obliviously try to just pester and annoy people to death, through persistent obnoxiousness. If you stop to think about it, you will realize that Christians are very much like the Borg, on Star Trek Next Generation: "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." I would not be surprised to learn that thoughts of Christianity provided the 'creative spark' for the Borg concept.

2006-09-13 07:19:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

You know when you make a huge generalization about a group of people, whom you obviously do not know every one of them, you only draw into focus your own ignorance. I am Christian and to be completely honest, I could care less whether you are saved or not. God gave you free will to choose whatever you think is right. You would be one of the people the disciples would have shaken the dust from there feet after leaving your door. You are obviously stiff necked and hardhearted,as well as intolerant. Christianity has no place for that. Why don't you try satanism which would simply allow you to be you and enjoy all the carnal pleasures and such that you like. But whatever the case may be, try not lumping all people into one category. I came to my faith after a long hard struggle to decide what was right and I educated myself on as many other religions as I could before I adopted this one. There are so many different varieties of Christians that you could search through them all day and find no 2 the same. By all means call me brainwashed, but until you have walked a few miles in my shoes, which I don't think you are able to fill, leave my spirituality alone.

2006-09-13 08:35:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Who's forcing you?
Modern liberties of to practice any religion any way or not, to say whatever you like, meet with whom you please, and so forth are based upon the Christian Reformation in which these very issues were fought over. Now in Westernized countries where Christians have 'imposed' these very views through colonization and imperialism you cannot be put in prison for having a viewpoint different from that sponsored by the government.
This is not true in countries which are not 'Christian', such as Saudi Arabia, China, and Burma (sorry, they changed it's name). It is true in India which while it is certainly not Christian (we apparent neglected to impose our religion) was once a part of the Christian British Empire and of Japan which enjoyed a similar regime under the USA occupation. Oops! Forget to impose our religion there as well. Christians once enjoyed a worldwide monopoly on power. In each and every country so colonized, it was NOT religion that was imposed but FREEDOM.
Compare this fact to the Arabic and Turkic empires. Muslims have always imposed their religion and destroyed individual choice, beginning with Mohammad beheading Christians and Jews who would not covert, through pre-British India to modern Africa. Or haven't your teachers told you about the Sudan?
If we are brainwashed about anything it is the belief that Iraqis want our freedoms and liberties. The era of naive colonialism is past.

2006-09-13 07:39:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They try to force others to be Christian because they're taught that if they don't, they could end up in hell. They're basically trying to get brownie points for god. Christianity is a religion that is out to convert as many people as possible, by whatever means necessary. The reasons for this is a whole different subject.

I remember your other question and I did read some of the other responses. I couldn't read them all because the "Christianity is the only way" stuff was making my blood pressure go up. My advice to you is to ignore those people. There are many religions and they all have their virtues and vices. I don't truly believe that any of them are "right" or "wrong." Find the one that best fits you and be happy and fulfilled in your life.

2006-09-13 07:26:53 · answer #4 · answered by Avie 7 · 1 1

Hey I resent that remark. As a Christian, a believer in Christ but not the religion, I do not care whether you believe in what I say but I would like you to see how I behave, hear what I say and then you can make your own decisions. There is the thought that this world will not end until the bible is spread totally aroung the earth. So there may be some who are trying to speed up the process and unknowingly slowing it at the same time.

2006-09-13 07:18:15 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. PDQ 4 · 0 2

Christians are not the only ones who practice this deplorable tactic. Look at the radical Islamics who are willing to blow us up and kill as many humans as possible till we convert to their way of life.

This is what I refer to as religious self preservation. To some extent each of the major religions espouse that they are the way, the light, the one true salvation of the human soul to receive their just reward after death. Whether this reward be in heaven, 72 virgins, or simply returning to the universe in a peaceful state.

In order to keep members from straying (or thinking) they impose strong penalties for those who would dare break the faith. These range from death to excommunication, to simply being asked to leave and not come back.

It is not far from the truth that some zealots are brainwashed to the point where any free thought is forbidden. That simply is ignorant, and not where one should feel comfortable being involved with. That being said, the belief in a higher power can help us all here in this life.

Remember that religion was invented by man, for man to comfort him in times of trouble. Religion also serves as a road map on how to live life in this plain of existence, and as mentioned earlier prepare one for whatever comes next.

2006-09-13 07:26:55 · answer #6 · answered by Frogface53 4 · 1 1

For one thing, this is a tad to harsh for me. Christians try to convert others because the Bible tells them to, in order to be a good Christian they have to spread the word. However they vary on how zealously they do the spreading and I'll be the first to tell you that some of them do try to cram it down your throat. It's the same with Islam, and for the same reason. I'm not really against them trying to convert me, it's just that once I say I'm not interested they should flipping respect that and back off. Which most do.

Aside from that the Bible tells them to I think most others fall in to one of two categories: the one where they try to convert you because they truly think you'll burn in hell and they don't want that to happen to you, or the one where they cram it down your throat because it makes them feel superior to you.

2006-09-13 07:43:48 · answer #7 · answered by horselover1416 3 · 0 0

this question is terribly out played. the reason is...for better or for worse. that a part of the Christian doctrine is to spread the Gospel. So "they" (not all of "they" of course) think that basically in trying to turn you towards Jesus (the way the light and the life) they are fulfilling their calling ("mission") by converting "you" and making more Christians in the word. it is absurd from the outside, of course. Especially if you are perfectly content with the religion you observe or with the lack of "observance" you desire. Your choice, and rightly so. But, let's face it...everything is absurd from the outside!

The problem with the whole spreading the gospel thingy (which is a conundrum in the creed itself)....If messiah has come, then there is no longer need to spread the word of "god" for all shall know "the word of the Lord"....you know the rest of the story. So is Jesus really THE anointed one???

blessings upon you (whichever ones you prefer, te he he)

2006-09-13 07:19:36 · answer #8 · answered by tharedhead ((debajo del ombú)) 5 · 0 2

Lets say your a passenger on a very large cruise ship. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. The person standing at the door tells you that there is a fire on the lowest level of the ship and it's your responsibility to spread the word of the ships impending doom. Would you start knocking on doors or just save yourself? If you started knocking on door and were met by people that didn't believe you would you stop trying?

Trying to force people doesn't work. They need to make their own decisions. But if I am presented with an opportunity to spread the word I hope I'm prepared to do so. If you chose to go down on a sinking ship, that's your choice. But I'm going to let you know that there is a way out, believe what I tell you and follow my instructions. Believe that Jesus is Lord, seek his forgiveness and committ yourself to follow His ways, constantly trying to make your life more and more like His.

2006-09-13 07:26:06 · answer #9 · answered by Rick D 4 · 1 2

I think you are confusing trying to force ideas upon some one with passionate concern for the souls of men. Kidnapping a person in Iraq holding them hostage with a gun to their head and telling them to renounce Chirstianity and become a Muslim ---- now that is forcing your beliefs on someone. In the first situation all I have to do is walk away. In the second I die. Give me a break. The irreligious say we shouldn't sensor televison because we have the right to turn it off. Goes both ways though. If you don't like what you hearing on the Christian TV--- turn it off. If you don't like what your Christians at work are saying --- get another job.

2006-09-13 07:21:05 · answer #10 · answered by yagman 7 · 0 2

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