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I don't under why many Christians (though not all Christians) feel that I, and all other non-Christians, should convert to Christianity.

I am a Pagan, and for me it is the only spiritual path that has ever felt true or correct. But I don't think that everyone should believe what I do, or that anyone other than myself would be happy believing what I believe. I think that the path I'm on is a good spiritual path for me, and for me alone.

I didn't ever believe that any other religion was true, no other religious beliefs ever sounded like anything but odd stories to me. I fully understand that many people do believe that their religious paths are true, and I think that these religions are true for the people that believe in them.

But I would be a very unhappy Christian. I don't believe in any of the Christian doctrins, and I would be unhappy pretending to do so. I don't understand why anyone would want me to pretend to be something I just never could truly be. Can you explain it to me?

2006-09-13 06:44:06 · 31 answers · asked by WatersMoon110 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

F.i.e.r.c.e. - No other religions are out there trying to convert me. Only Christians are telling me that their religion is the only true one, and that I have to join it.

If Buddhists or Hindus were coming to my door to tell me that I had to join their religion to become saved, I would also ask the same questions of them, but they aren't. Only Christians are so full of pride as to not only assume their personal religion to be correct, but to tell me that I HAVE to join it or their deity will punish me.

2006-09-13 06:52:46 · update #1

valmikey - I believe that my spiritual path is correct for me, but not for everyone. Something doesn't have to be correct for every single person that has, is, or will ever live to be right for me.

You have more or less just proven my point. Christians believe that their religion is right for everyone, just because it is right for them.

2006-09-13 06:55:56 · update #2

Justcurious - Just because Jesus was tortured and killed in a painful way doesn't mean that Christianity is correct. Many, many people were crusified by the Romans.

Not to mention that the most important part of Jesus' life really should be His message, not that He died in a horrible way.

2006-09-13 06:58:22 · update #3

dezmodnar - but religion, unlike work and other physical activities, has no proof. I can no more prove that my religion is correct than you can prove that it is incorrect. All I have is personal experiences and faith, which is all that anyone has.

And how can religion be anything but personal. One person interpts a Bible verse to mean something, while another sees it as saying something else. One person might see the Hand of God in the sunrise, and no one can say they are wrong. But someone else might just see the sunrise as a normal activity, as the Earth rotates on its axis.

Religion and spirituality is personal. How could anything but personal truths be correct?

2006-09-13 07:02:26 · update #4

MrDan - I'm not judging Christianity on what Christians do. Maybe if you had actually read my question, you would have seen that. I'm asking why so many Christians want me to attempt to follow a religion I don't believe in.

Christianity is a fine religion. I don't see it as any better or worse than any other religion out there. It just isn't a religion that I can see as right for me to follow. I don't understand why anyone would desire for me to follow a religion that I don't see as true or correct for me.

If you find that Christianity is best for you, good. I'm happy that you have found a religious path that is good for you. But just because something is good for you doesn't mean it is the only good religion out there. I don't understand why anyone would believe their religion to be the only correct one.

2006-09-13 08:05:29 · update #5

31 answers

Nope can't explain it, I think you made a valuable point though...everyone will choose different spiritual paths, it doesn't have to suit everyone, just that person! that's so true. Sad more people don't share that philosophy....though some (even some christians) do!

2006-09-13 06:49:33 · answer #1 · answered by Joeygirl 4 · 4 3

You are right, you would only be pretending. It is the Holy Ghost that can make you a Christian. It is a step by step process. Only He can change your desires and your feelings. But to get back to your question; Why you should become a Christian? The answer is to avoid eternal damnation. I can't think of a better reason. This is how you can become a Real Christian without pretending to be one. Just pray,

"Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I want to believe that you sent your Son, Jesus, to pay for my sins by dying in my place and that you raised Him from the dead. Please come into my life so that I will have the desire and the power to live for you, in Jesus name, amen!"

When you did this prayer, God will give you the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is the Holy Ghost that will save you if you let Him and if you are obedient to that Spirit. That is why we are called "Born Again" Christians. It is because we have a new Spirit, the Holy Spirit. It is not by calling yourself a Christian or living the Christian life, it is having the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living in you. I have never been happier or live a more exciting life since the Holy Ghost entered my body. It is the Holy Ghost that makes us one with God so that we can have an everlasting loving relationship with God as our Father.

2006-09-13 15:04:27 · answer #2 · answered by Apostle Jeff 6 · 0 1

With all or the religions, someone must be right (including atheist or whatever). But the question is which one. Since all can't be correct, one must be or none.
I choose Christianity. The Bible is accurate in it's history and predictions. So since it hasn't been wrong, then this is what I believe. The Bible revealed truth before "it's time". Such as in the Old Testament ... life is in the blood. Medical science figured this out about 200 years ago. The Bible stated it about 5000 years ago. This is one example of many.

2006-09-13 13:58:24 · answer #3 · answered by RB 7 · 1 1


Upon what do you base your beliefs?

Is there a god?

If so, which one?

Hinduism has over 339 gods.

Buddhism is an off-shoot of Hinduism.

Confucianism proudly proclaims itself a philosophy and NOT a religion.

Islam teaches that the God of Abraham, father of Ishmael, (the Abraham of The Bible, Genesis 12-22 or so) is the ONE, TRUE GOD: Allah. The Qu'ran states in several places that it was given to substantiate the sacred writings of both the Jews and the Christians.

Judaism proclaims that Jehovah or Yaweh is the ONE, TRUE, God.

And Christianity agrees that Jehovah, God of the Hebrews is the ONE, TRUE, GOD, but asserts that the Hebrew Scriptures teach of the coming of a Messiah who would redeem sinful man from his sins.

Mormonism also asserts that The Bible is true and outlines the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ very succinctly.

Of all of the above, only Confucianism, does not assert there is a god.

Then there are the Ancient Mystery Religions which existed in almost every ancient civilization, and basically all worshipped the Sun-God, just under different names.

Mankind, regardless of which civilization you wish to discuss, asserts that there is a god.

It is left up to you to decide which one is true;


to ignore those sacred writings and deny there is a god.

But, as far as I know, pagans don't deny there is a god!

Or do they?

Many of the occult religions worship Satan as their god, and proudly proclaim it.

So if the occult religions substantiate the existence of Satan, by name; if Islam substantiates the sacred writings of the Jews and Christians; if Mormonism substantiates the claims about Jesus Christ; and as you have stated, Christianity seems to be the only religion that actively seeks to proselytize (although I do not think that is quite true) then which religion is for you?

Or is it religion that you are looking for?

For while Christianity can be viewed and practiced as a religion, it can also be understood and practiced as a relationship with God, the Father, God, the Son (Jesus Christ), and God, the Holy Spirit.

Oh, by the way, how many of the sacred writings of these various religions have you read to give you the information necessary to make an informed decision?

Is "truth" one of the goals of your choice, or is merely "religion" satisfactory?

The choice is yours my friend.

I'll choose to believe in my God, the God of The Bible, for I find in His Word what I consider to be the truth. I have read and compared the Rig-Veda and Upanishads of Hinduism; the Gospel of Buddha of Buddhism; the Zend-Aveta, Bundahishn, and Visperads of Zoroastrianism; the Book of Mormon of Mormonism; the Qu'ran of Islam; the Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim, Talmud, and Septuagint of Judaism; The Bible, the Apocrypha, the Pseudipigrapha, the Lost Books of the Bible, the Forgotten Books of Eden, and the writings of the early church fathers of Christianity; several writings of the Essenes and the Gnostics; and NOTHING compares to THE BIBLE!

Read and assess these writings for yourself; and do not judge a "religion" based upon the way it is practiced by its adherents; judge it based upon what it's sacred scriptures teach!

2006-09-13 14:53:39 · answer #4 · answered by MrDan 1 · 1 2

I used to be an atheist, until I had a very powerful experience of God. My outlook was disdainful of Christians, and I figured it was an emotional crutch, but God brought me to a place where I was so low that I cried out to Him, if He was real, and asked Him to allow me to know Him. I changed then, six years ago, and it felt like someone was taking the blinkers from my eyes. The bible made sense, and through prayer, God built my faith in Him, so that I actually have had many supernatural experiences. If the old me met the new me, they would not like each other! I never pretended to be Christian, it just happened! Ask God to come into your life, recognise you're not perfect, and ask God to forgive you, and be encouraged to know that 2000 years ago, Jesus died that all your sins might be forgiven, all you have to do is ask, and you'll come into a relationship with Jesus! May i recommend CS Lewis's "Mere Christianity", as a book which will further challenge your inquisitive spirit!

2006-09-13 13:54:25 · answer #5 · answered by slim1234 3 · 3 1

" I am a Pagan, and for me it is the only spiritual path that has ever felt true or correct. But I don't think that everyone should believe what I do, or that anyone other than myself would be happy believing what I believe. I think that the path I'm on is a good spiritual path for me, and for me alone"...i love this statement of yours because you are a principled individual. people should learn to be themselves. Sorry, but I will say that christian are always selfish in they thinking. They believe & think that God is for them alone. They fail to understand that God is a universal God. IT cares for all including the animals & a little cricket. Any way, with time they will come to understand & know better when the are ready.

2006-09-13 14:05:32 · answer #6 · answered by Celestine N 3 · 1 3

Christianity... maybe ya...doctrins in books .. messages passed down from generation to generation... but in the same since... it's something that gives us Hope and a standerd of liveing right in this world we live in today. They say your consious (the voice of god) lets u decisfer whats wrong or right... or ya maybe it's the way u was raised bye your parents but, However dont u ever wonder sometimes... that accedent u had a kid or that car that almost hit you on the highway. or even that guy / girl you met at a place... is it all couinsidince or is it heaven sent or an angel ect... it's kinda how u look at life and what u expect out of it.

2006-09-13 13:50:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Everybody doing, or believing, what is right for them cannot be.
Some like that idea in a religious context, but it doesn't work in any other application.
Does the accountant tell the boss he is going to answer phones now, because it feels right for him?
If it feels right to withdraw $1000.00 when you have only 200.00 in your account, will it fly?
The truth doesn't bend for us, we bend to it.
All of us must come under the same beliefs.
Ahhh! But what beliefs?
I commend you for not accepting the common so-called christian beliefs!
The trinity, hell-fire, immortal soul can all be shown false by just a couple of Bible comments.
Still, the truth is out there and it is our job to seek it, not content ourselves with some personal, private interpretation.

2006-09-13 13:56:04 · answer #8 · answered by Uncle Thesis 7 · 0 2

*--Have you seriously considered the claims of Jesus Christ? You must decide who Jesus is; either He is who He claimed to be (God), or else a liar, or a lunatic - and He leaves you no wiggle room - like Pontius Pilate of old, you must decide - the verse says, "Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" And if He is the Lord, we had better humble ourselves and trust in Him.
...I pray that you will trust in Him and your Savior and Lord - and when you do, life will come together, and you will begin to understand many things, since you will be right with your Creator.
...Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Come to Me, all you that labor and heavy laden, and I will give you rest; take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls."
...He also promises abundant (full, meaningful) life - John 10:10 says, "I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly." He will change you and give you new desires, and give you a home in Heaven.
...I pray that you will.

2006-09-13 14:02:29 · answer #9 · answered by carson123 6 · 1 1

You're assuming that other spiritual paths are valid. They're not. That's why you should follow Christ. Only by accepting Him as your Savior and following His example can your sins be forgiven, and that's the only way you can get to heaven. If your sins aren't forgiven, you'll go to hell. Now you have a choice, act on this information and follow Christ, or continue doing what you're doing knowing that it will result in hell. It's your decision.

Christianity managed to survive under intense persecution, that alone gives it credence, why would ppl believe something that was a lie. A few disciples died for believing in Christ, as did Paul (who at one time got paid to kill Christians) why would they maintain their faith if it wasn't true? The disciples definitely would have known if Jesus had risen or not, so why would they die for something they knew was a lie?

If you want to understand more of Christianity, please IM me on AIM at jonjames1986. I'd like to try to help you if you want it.

2006-09-13 13:52:25 · answer #10 · answered by STEPHEN J 4 · 3 3

No one wants you to pretend. Hopefully christians are only looking for true converts so if you aren't converted then don't "convert". If you were converted then I think you'd find you would be happy.

Your statements on "true for them but not for me" is a common thought in today's world, but it defies the logical principal of: If something is true then its opposote can't be true.

So my thought is there is something that is really true and we need to put off some of our leanings and biases and search to discover what that actually is.

2006-09-13 13:59:14 · answer #11 · answered by Mister Farlay 2 · 1 1

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