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Well guys did u ever wonder why we seem to think that way. U notice how most people that follow another religion other than Christianity seem to say "Oh well u can believe what you want" "I believe every one can believe what suits them"

Ask yourselves why is it that Christians seem 2 think they have the answer and others don't? Just look at it logically did u ever consider well maybe they talk to u like they are the only one's that have the answers because they really are.

But i couldn't possibly ask any of you to do that kind of mental gymnastics now could I?

Also what's the point of having a religion u are not willing 2 stand up for. If u really think that u may be wrong, and that everyone should have their own no matter what and there is a possibility that they are just as right as u don't u want 2 know that u know that u know.

Who else seems 2 be sure of where they are going what religion offers that?

Again no mental gymnastics here.Just try think outside the box.

2006-09-13 06:05:39 · 22 answers · asked by mmmk92 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Arrogance and obsession with control.

2006-09-13 06:13:16 · answer #1 · answered by Scott M 7 · 2 3

Christians (and some other religious people) have a very long history of attempting to force their beliefs on others, which reasonable people naturally resent. You are free to believe as you wish, and you can count on many who you probably look down on as sinners to defend your right to believe and worship as you please. However, if you will just take a look through this site, you will commonly find people making outrageously false claims (e.g., our laws derive from scripture, there is no reason for separating church and state, only Christians belong in government) in order to justify their wish to impose their own beliefs on others, compelling everyone to act according to those beliefs. Perhaps you would find a more receptive audience if Christians would not be such bullies with their beliefs.

And it is in no way logical to assume the correctness of a position because of the strong belief in that position by the person holding it, as you wrongly argue. (There are books out there that explain how logic works, and you would be well advised to look into them before trying to use it to prove things.) There are many very convinced atheists in the world; does that prove to you that they are right? It shouldn't. Your silly argument is no different.

2006-09-13 07:05:08 · answer #2 · answered by BoredBookworm 5 · 2 0

OK so are you trying to offend people here or what? I do believe people have the right to believe in whatever they want, whether it be Buddha, Allah, Jesus or a magical kingdom in the sea that will one day rule all life on earth. Why do you care so much, believe in what you want and that's it. I personally don't believe in God, I always went to Catholic school and they never convinced me. I feel fine not believing, I don't feel anything is missing, I'm perfectly happy the way I am.
I can't stand it when people say people that think like me are wrong, why would we be? Just because we don't believe in a thing we can't see, feel, hear...nothing. I'm not saying you're wrong or shouldn't believe in what you believe, that's your call, your life, I don't care. But please stop saying so many stupid things in one question.
Just one more thing...thinking outside the box? That's what I'm doing and people that don't believe in God but maybe believe in something else do, you're the one thinking inside the box.

2006-09-13 06:17:48 · answer #3 · answered by julie 3 · 3 0

how ironic that YOU ask non-believers to think outside the box.....that's very amusing! If your religion is the "only" right one....why oh why would you have to kill people to get others to believe? Look at history! I think that each of the religions have very similar themes, if you really look at them (outside your religious box) Prayer and meditation, treating others the way you want to be treated....etc. alot of universal truth....no ONE religion has it 100% right....that you have such a strong desire to shove your ideals down peoples throats are you even following your own religion? try loving people regardless of their beliefs and see if you don't live a more peaceable life. your sarcasm and hatred sure isn't going to convert anyone.

2006-09-13 06:22:10 · answer #4 · answered by Joeygirl 4 · 0 0

you seem to answer your own question: people says that "one can believe what suits them", well, yes, at least we have evolved to times where in most of the countries you are free to think and believe, and practice the religion you want, but the most important is to do it respecting every one elses' rights to do so too. If someone wants to convince you that their way is the only way (in religion, and in any other aspects of life), you are intelligent enough to discern if that is what is convenient for you or not. The decision is in every one of us.

2006-09-13 06:17:52 · answer #5 · answered by Sally 2 · 1 0

The problem is for many christians, it is not enough for them to believe what they want. They feel everone else must believe it as well, and they try to force it on them. Forcing children to pray in schools, forcing their god beliefs on public currency, public buildings, public laws. Calling non-believers names such as fools. Threatening non-believers with torture. Christians seem to have no consideration for others. How many times have we gone to weddings or funerals only to be insulted and called evil by the ministers. If anyone other than christians did that people would complain about bigotry, but when a non-christian complains just a little, they are condemned.

2006-09-13 06:13:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Honestly why give a dam about what other people say....
Whatever GOD you serve or Religion you claim just focus on that.
But at the same time everyone is different.....respect that.
Just because I may be Baptist and the next person may be something else doesn't make me right and them wrong vise/versa.

2006-09-13 06:16:33 · answer #7 · answered by girlegyrl 3 · 2 0

Not forcing your religion on someone and standing up for you own are two different things. When People accuse me of worshiping the devil I am more than happy to explain to them I dont and what I do worship. I do not harass people about their beliefs, and hope for the same from people of ALL religions to do the same. Those who truly want information i am happy to share by beliefs to, but i dont preach to complete strangers.

Why is it Christians feel they are threatened by those of different beliefs? Why do they believe standing up for their religion includes converting everyone to theirs, or attacking others?

2006-09-13 06:35:32 · answer #8 · answered by paganrosemama 3 · 1 0

Leave Christians alone to worship and believe what they will and pass a law to make it illegal for them to attempt to dictate and preach to non believers.

Perhaps non Christians will then get some peace from the self serving egotists that call themselves Christian!!

2006-09-13 06:09:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Anti-Christians have a problem with Christ's difficult teachings... but they attack Christian believers instead.

People are more comfortable attacking and belittling Christians than other religions. It's become very fashionable, cool, and politically correct to target Christian groups.

2006-09-13 06:18:48 · answer #10 · answered by barbara c 1 · 1 2

Romans 10:9, that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in yourheart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Sounds like one way to me.

2006-09-13 06:20:50 · answer #11 · answered by Rick D 4 · 0 1

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