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6 answers

Well...it's illeagal...so it should be punishable. I think Bush is a better president then kerry or gore would have been but he's handled this issue horribly. People are jsut walking accross the borders...why couldnt a terrorist just walk right in either? We need some sort of security system. I dont know what that would be, but thats what Bush is supposed to be figuring out. And it makes me sick when all those illeagal immigrants hold protests in OUR country. Go back to your own country and protest all you want.

2006-09-13 06:05:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Try imagining America minus illegal immigrants. They come to America because the Statute of Liberty stands there inviting all oppressed people and then are exploited by Americans. In the last rwo days how many such immigrants' services did you use directly or indirectly?

2006-09-13 06:13:12 · answer #2 · answered by baheramgor 3 · 1 1

Sierrabluegirl said it all. The illegal immigrants are destroying the countries the hardworking citizens of those countries built. Our governments are setting us up for unrest. Our countries will end up like Zimbabwe if we don't make some serious, drastic changes. We need to purge our government of corruption. Every American citizen should be able to file a law suit against the governement for breach of contract. Our president is not holding up his oath of office. He is the governmental leader.

2006-09-13 17:48:25 · answer #3 · answered by «»RUBY«» 4 · 1 1

the legal immigration & naturalization policy is a mess, lots of hoops and red tape, and can be expensive. However that does not justify breaking the law.

A 15 passanger van can also be expensive, and If i have 6 kids it would really help out my family, but that doesnt mean I can steal it, just because its hard to get and expensive and would help my family...

2006-09-13 06:02:02 · answer #4 · answered by TLJaguar 3 · 1 2

You already know that I am against it.

I am tired of them bringing their 20 kids with each family and the U.S. tax payers having to keep them all up!

2006-09-13 16:01:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i'm not an american, i am a canadian, born and raised here, and proud of it.
i am so sick of immigrants here.
they flee their countrys and their cultures in search of a 'better life' and yet bring their crap with them.
either you wanna be a true canadian, or american, or you don't. if you don't stay home!
canada is the place everyone comes to when they want to abuse the system. the minute they come into the country they start applying for welfare and medical assistance and anything else they can get for free.
we are having a huge battle now over their coming here in their old age and applying for canada pension and old age security, something they haven't ever paid into and yet they are fighting in the courts to get it. meanwhile those of us who have worked here all our lives and paid into the system are being told there isn't sufficient money to pay our medical needs and that our canada pension and old age security are getting low in funds. but gosh it isn't the immigrants fault.
check the worker's compensation files, mainly immigrants on w.c.b.,
check the insurance companies vehicle accident claims, sorry i should say vehicle insurance scams, are mainly immigrants.
they were caught here with an immigrant working in the motor vehicles branch selling driver's licenses! nothing much done to him.
they have been caught in the human resources offices of a major company throwing out the majority of applications from white people, and only forwarding applications from their 'own kind' with the odd white person thrown in. nothing much done to her.
our police force won't hire whites, they wanted non-whites, [political correctness again], but the immigrants weren't too interested, so we weren't hiring anyone!
we have waiting lists of good hard working people from countries such as england wanting to emigrate to canada, they can't get in, but the dregs of other countries can.
as a white canadian if you are caught using a slang term for a nationality other than white, you are branded prejudiced, but by god, there is no one more prejudiced than the immigrants who want to keep their blood line pure. they kill their daughters if they are caught with a man other than their own nationality. they hang out in gangs of their own race and then when called on that fact say its because white people won't welcome them. baloney!!!!
our daughter was attacked by an asian male while she was in school, he didnt belong to her school, came in looking for someone he was pissed at. she was hurt as he wrestled her crutches out from under her arms while she was on the stairs. [she was recovering from surgery and fell down the stairs when he accosted her]
he used the crutches to attack a boy who attended that school. when we arrived at the school to take our daughter to the doctor the school officials, and the police officier, told us we should have sympathy for the little bastard. he was homesick and he was just acting out. his parents brought him to canada, bought a house, opened a checking account so he had lots of money whenever he wanted it and left him here while they went back to hong kong to make more money! meanwhile we sat on pins and needles in fear of our daughter having to have more surgery and being crippled because of this little s.o.b.
here in canada our christian children have been instructed not to say MERRY CHRISTMAS at school as it is offensive to others...and in some schools if they are caught using that phrase they are reprimanded. political correctness has gone to far.
so, am i tired of immigrants? you bet. our children are the minority in our own schools. they come home at least once a school year with lice, because the immigrants don't keep themselves clean. we are told to have sympathy for them, they don't understand! baloney!
they come into our country...break the laws and laugh in our faces. we are hhaving a huge problem with street racing. several people have been killed by the street racers and when we try to have them deported they laugh in our faces and fight for all their worth to stay here. they have no respect whatsoever for their fellow man.
i could go on and on but you get my point!

several years ago an elderly acquaintance said to me that she never used to be prejudiced, but the government made her that way. i didn't understand her then, but i have to tell you, i understand now what she meant.
i believe the government wants us fighting each other.

2006-09-13 06:56:03 · answer #6 · answered by tess 4 · 2 1

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