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Before 9/11 i never thought anything bad about hating any race.
But now i cannot stand the word muslim.
I can't turn on my TV without seeing some muslim ranting and raving about his/her religion.
I think what annoys me the most is the silence from the so called peaceful muslims living in my country, they never gather in their thousands to protests about beheadings and the London bombings or 9/11 or Madrid or Bali.
They just seem to rant about the war which for the record i don't blame them.
The sad thing is i have muslim friends who are good people, but when i'm talking to them they aways give me the feeling that they agree with all terrorist activity thats going on in the world without actually saying it.
I think if they took to the streets condemming these acts of murder i will feel different to them, I know i would.
But at the moment in my country as you know we are actually getting BRITISH born suicide bombers coming out of the woodwork.
So now i hate them, am i wrong?

2006-09-13 05:43:53 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

I can't believe within such a short time some of the questions thats been floating around my head for years have been answered, but still not completely.
I read one post by nidia 1972... and she says " you know i do not dislike or hate the muslim world i am just afraid of them"
I now think this is what i am "AFRAID".
And most of you around the world are the same.
We all have children, i have 4 the youngest is 14 years old, and we hope that when we parents leave this world that our children are safe.
I just remember the days when i walked up my street with none of this crap in my head.
They are the days i want back when we all had our freedom.

2006-09-13 06:31:26 · update #1

Dont forget keep those answers coming in its answering the question probably everyone wants answered not just mine.

2006-09-13 06:34:54 · update #2

58 answers

No, you're not a racist. Your a parent and because of all this hatred that's going on in the world your worried about your children and what the future holds for them. I don't have any children and everything that's going on makes me think twice about ever having any kids. I just think its really sad that all the races and religions of this world can't just accept one another and get along. Its a case of actions speak louder than words. Why sit down and talk about our differences and problems when you can blow someone up and make your point that way. The world has gone to pot, i can't stand turning on the news as all its ever about is war this war that, suicide bombers this suicide bombers that. Personally i don't hate Muslim people i just don't trust them, i know alot of people would say that's wrong or racist, but what else am i supposed to do. I'd rather be safe than sorry so I'm suspicious of MuslI'm's, sorry if it offends but im just being honest. I know you shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush but look at the July 7th bombers, they where British born they looked normal and all they're neighbours said they where such nice guys, but look at what they did. They were supposed to be normal and not radical fundamentalists, it just shows that you don't really know anyone.

2006-09-13 09:23:23 · answer #1 · answered by LOULOU37 4 · 0 4

I think that hate is a bad thing, whether it is directed to someone, a group of people, an inanimate object...

Hating diminishes you.

I have a different view from yours. I can relate to 'what annoys me the most is the silence from the so called peaceful'... I was recently thinking the same thing, but it was while I was watching the devastation in Lebanon, the bloodied, the cluster bombs split in the last 2 days... I don't hate Israelis or Jews, but I am angry, especially since this was a whole state engaging in such acts, not a few isolated extremists, but a democratically elected and supported government.

As far as Muslims are concerned, I'm perfectly ok with them. Sure, I run the risk of getting blown up anytime, any day. But it is may be because, up to now, nobody close to me has suffered that fate, so I am not pushed to hate, not even anger.

I can understand why Muslims would be angry. I can see the differential treatment Israel receives, as compared say to Iraq. I realise that the war has nothing to do with religion, but is about resources (oil in Iraq and water for Lebanon). It just happens that Muslims live there. And it is practical, realistic, pragmatic if cold hearted, to use the religion issue as a banner, a rallying point.

And I see fear and greed as the motivating factor. Fear of losing control over an important resource, greed over control of that resource.

Fear is a great motivator.

I also think that you, being closer to the bombings, also fear for your life and that of your loved ones. I think it is perfectly normal, healthy even. But I think you should be careful not to let fear rule you, change you.

You said you never used to be (racist). It is fear, anger may be that is causing that. Do you think this is diminishing you, making you less compared to what you were? A smaller person, closer even to those who you rightfully fear? Those who act out of hate, with disregard for individuals.

Because when you hate, you lose perspective of individuals, you paint every one with the same brush, not realising that the same paint is all over you, that you are at least as guilty.

I also think that, rather than expecting people around you to demonstrate in the streets, you should frankly ask them what they think. Yes, chances are they do not disagree with the opinions voiced, but chances are, they disagree with the violent pursuit of these opinions.

Did you hate Catholics during the IRA bombing campaigns? How many of your catholic friends demonstrate against the IRA then? Or are you a catholic yourself, did you?

I should stop rambling ...

I personally think you are wrong to hate a whole group of people because of the actions of a few, and that it is bad for you to do so, because it diminishes you.

2006-09-13 16:13:03 · answer #2 · answered by ekonomix 5 · 0 0

I just can not imagine that you hate (a milliard and two hundred millions) just because of 9/11, 7/7..which was done by a group of terrorists who do not represent Islam.The strange thing you say that you know some Muslims and they are good people!!! Most Muslims were against what happened in NY and London, but what most people in the west do not want to understand is have you ever wondered why 9/11 and 7/7 happened. Of course you will say there is no justification for killing Innocent people but why this rule is only applied on the terrorists and not applied on the USA, UK, Israel..who are daily killing Innocent people most of them are Muslims..Muslims do not say-like you- we hate Christians!!!

By the way you are wrong! You are not RACIST, what you are feeling is discrimination! Muslims are not a race, there are Arab Muslims, Chinese, black, white,even American and European Muslims.

2006-09-13 06:22:07 · answer #3 · answered by Abularaby 4 · 0 1

Muslims aint a race so it aint racism.
If a fit muslim bird for example ditches the Burkah and gets a decent pair of jeans and a tight top, If you re you are a red blooded bloke would probably fancy her, not hate her, she aint changed race has she, just religion.
This death to the Infidel mularkey is sadly an intrinsic part of Islam as Muslimism is known so you can have a Anglo Saxon lad convert to Islam just like he could be converted to support Aston Villa or MK Dons, he aint changed race but he might feel like blowing up a train if someone cons him into thinking he will get eternal life, although it is likely most suicide bombers think they are setting the timer and have 5 minutes to get clear whereas the timer switch simply detonates the bomb instantly.

2006-09-13 14:55:26 · answer #4 · answered by "Call me Dave" 5 · 0 0

You will have to search yourself for whether it's racist,forget all the absolutists you're going to soon hear from on your question. Truth is I can't blame you,there is almost no condemnation of terrorist activities by the run of the mill Muslim,the silence is absolutely deafening and I take it as acceptance. The same has been true in the US for decades on issues regarding Black Americans,most may be decent people but they never condemn their own for the huge crime rates they give us and then accuse white Americans of racism for trying to stop the crime. Or the illegal immigration problem we now have,where if you want some to obey the immigration law you're called racist,if they believe the law is wrong then fight to change it but until then obey it,and I am called racist for an attitude like that. Chances are if you have to worry yourself over it your not,but I would bet you find yourself a little put offish with said group until you evaluate each person individually,is that why you ask? At least that has been my experience I have been burned either personally or by looking at the world around me that I find myself distrustful of several groups until I have had the opportunity to evaluate each person separately,if this makes me a racist in some peoples eyes I make no apologies.

2006-09-13 06:01:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You are definitely being racist. I can see that it is out of fear, but that doesn't make it alright. How can you actually believe that your friends are supporting terrorism because they don't openly say that it is wrong. I'm sure that they aren't sayinf that it is right either. And I'm sure that a lot of Muslims would be a little scared to go to protests where there are many angry people that just want to protest against Muslims altogether.

You can't put all people into one category. There is so much killing going on right now. I don't know how every person is justifying this, but everyone feels like they have a cause when they do things like this. I wouldn't condemn a whole religion. It's not like there are not Christians ranting about the horrible Muslim world on television either. The world is filled with bigots.

2006-09-13 06:03:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I'm also in the UK and am sick and tired of hearing or listening about terrorists and Muslims. However I don't hate them as a race, I hate the extremists that threaten our peaceful way of life, regardless of race or religion. In a survey it was revealed that 40% of Muslims said that terrorism could be justified but I totally disagree. How can you justify killing innocent people? Its a sad fact that they were British born terrorists, they lived here and killed their fellow people. They are murderous scums who have no heart. I have nothing against Muslims but there are a minority who support extremism and that is wrong.

2006-09-13 06:03:13 · answer #7 · answered by Squirrel 4 · 3 0

If you "hate" someone strictly because they are Muslim, Yes that would be considered a racist.

I have some friends that are Muslim and they are far from what we are seeing on TV. Remember the Muslims that you see ranting and raving about things are the extremeists. The extremeists are not following their religious teachings in the way it was meant to be. No religion teaches their followers to KILL those that do not believe in their religion.

Aside from that, we all know the media is a whore and has their own agenda as to the stories they cover. The media wants to show the bad in everyone, every country, every religion... all they want is an audience.

Unfortunately these extremeists have hurt the general Muslim population with their actions of terror. With that I do believe in racial profiling, simply because of the makeup of the terrorists and you have to protect yourself against these terrorist actions. So far the acts of terrorists have been carried out by Muslims and we need to observe them.

The "good" Muslims should not be angry with us for trying to protects ourselves. They may know they are "good", but we cannot just assume that any longer. The extremeists have brought the world to racial profiling and those that fit that description have to live with it. They should be angry, VERY angry, at those that brought us to that point.

There are good and bad in each race and religion.

2006-09-13 06:06:39 · answer #8 · answered by j H 6 · 0 1

I'm afraid that 9/11 & 7/7 have done that to many folk.

After a lifetime of disagreeing with the death penalty I wish it were now in force to deal with British born suicide bombers.

The muslim community has, by & large, made a major mistake by not comming out en masse to condemn these evil men & women. In fact someone I work with said he supported them. He is a Uni educated man, with 5 kids; yet he is now full of hatred for the country he lives in. He used to be a friend,now I avoid him like the plague.

2006-09-13 20:56:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So do you hate Arabs or Muslims? Muslims can be West African, North African, South African, Arab, Indian, Asian, etc. You can't really blame Muslims for not protesting the Islamo-fascists as Bush calls them. Did the Germans really protest Hitler? The Italians with Mussolini? The French with Laval and Pétain? Currently the protests from Republicans towards Bush don't amount to anything. They cannot stop the war. If I was you I would take comfort in knowing that every fascist movement fails eventually. They implode. Don't forget that William the Conqueror, Louis XIV, and Napoleon were fascists. The British and French governments have been imploding steadily since their beginnings. Every government is fascist in some degree.

2006-09-13 06:51:23 · answer #10 · answered by mouthbreather77 1 · 1 2

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