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If I complain about my job, people say I should go to school and get a better one, etc. Don't those spoiled people realize that is everyone had big jobs then there wouldn't be anyone to work as cashiers to check them out at the stores, pick up their garbage, clean up after them , serve their food, etc? People are really spoiled and seem to think the lower wage earners are not as good as they are. When the garbage men went on strike in our city, the place was a mess, when the grocery clerks when on strike, I noticed. SHouldn't people have a little more consideration for the hardworking people who get paid very little to wait on them? I hate to hear when some business person is complaining about being tired. Tired? They sit on their butts all day while as the rest of us are on our feet for 9 hours with no break or anything, coming to work when we are well or sick (no sick pay) so why do they complain??

2006-09-13 05:21:40 · 19 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5 in Society & Culture Etiquette

19 answers

Some people were born into good wealthy families and never had to experience what "hard work" really is. Some people just forget what it was like to bust your butt at a lower paying job.

Example; take the government, they want to lower the minimum wage for people who work for tips. Here in Washington State, I believe that the min wage is $7.63; something like that.

Why? So what if someone earns $200 one night, the next night they may only earn $50. There are cheap people out there that think $20 is a good tip for a $400 bill.

I would like to see people survive on $6 an hour with no tips. Could you pay your rent, could you feed your family?

There is just no way to explain the actions and thinking of other people. They think that school is the answer, but some cannot qualify for financial aid or have the money for a better education. For some people, they can't go to school because they have to work one or two jobs to survive.

I have been lucky to get where I am at now. But, I have never forgotten what it is like to work for little pay,and the strength that it takes to put up with the BS from others who have no clue.

2006-09-13 05:43:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know exactly what you mean. If people think that garbage men do not have an important job, try hauling your own trash to the dump for a month. If people think the people that clean the mall bathrooms are not working, try going into one that has not been cleaned for a month. People just need a reason to feel good about themselves, and putting down others is what does it for some people.

2006-09-13 05:30:37 · answer #2 · answered by innocence faded 6 · 1 0

Before I was an attorney, I made sno-cones and sold clothes at Banana Republic. I have nothing but sympathy for low-wage jobs. The difference is, I was a teenager when I had those jobs... I wasn't an adult. People with fancy jobs worked hard for them.

They look down on you because you are less talented than they are. You're not lazy, but you obviously don't have the intelligence or decision making skills to have gone to college. For instance, my family is poor, but I got paid to go to college and got myself into law school, by myself. Don't pretend everyone with a fancy job is spoiled and I won't think you're lazy/stupid. Deal?

Also, a fancier job means a smaller number of people who can do it, hence, exclusivity. Exclusivity makes people feel superior. That's why there are VIP rooms in clubs.

2006-09-13 05:43:59 · answer #3 · answered by darkyhatur 2 · 0 1

While their response seems cruel or unthinking to you, education IS the best way out, but, I do not condone being cruel to anyone, no matter which way it goes.
My dear friend, tiredness comes not only from physical fatigue, but, from mental fatigue as well.. Remember in school, when you had to study hard for a test, and then were very tired? Same thing, only on an almost daily basis.
Yes, you have a hard job, but, you are criticizing them for the same thing you are complaining about.. Deskjobs are NOT all fun and games, and they are stressed, too.
Remember, before criticizing, think of how you feel when they tell you to go back to school and get a better paying job. Of course, THAT is one way to a better job, with less physical stress, and, if you can do it, well and good, otherwise, you'll just have to deal with it.
Good luck on whatever route you take to success.
And I've had both types of jobs, so, I know whereof I speak....

2006-09-13 05:27:57 · answer #4 · answered by chuckufarley2a 6 · 3 2

Actually- all too often a person's self-identity revolves around their job. Couple that with fear of change and "poof" you have a snide 'superior' view of a person's place in society and a desire to be better than someone, anyone else.

Historically speaking, most nobles-Dukes, Barrons, people of power- would refuse to sit down at the table with the very ancestor who created that position for them. They were often someone from a peasent or poor class, definitly not "noble" who through hard work- a strong sword arm and luck- recived rewards for their successes.

Look at how many people are identified by their profession. "My son, the lawyer, or Doctor", or fill in the blank.

All too often a level of money, and/or education is equated with success.

One of the wisest people I ever met dug ditches. A natural phillosopher, well read, intellegent, and one hell of a good ditch digger. He was kind, paitent, gentle, loving and loved, happy and content. Sure he would have liked a bit more money, or a vacation, but he realized money is just paper you use to barter for something. Under what possible theory was he not a success?

Well, he didn't have power! (Or migranes, or self-doubt, or high blood pressure, or drink too much, or a mistress, or pressure, or the feeling at the end of the day that the exact same thing had to be done again tomorrow, and the next day- over and over.)

One of my truism's- you can't be embarrassed by anyone unless you let yourself be.

On the other hand, myself, I miss the old days where I also dug my share of ditches, litterally, it was nice to see in front of you what you accomplished.

As opposed to today where problems come from every direction and I'm expected to fix and deal with them, and am paid to do so. I used to work 60-90 hrs per week, and it almost killed me. I also once took off for two months after the millitary to try and re-find my soul. I've literally starved, where I ran out of food and had zip for three - five days except water and a few crackers untill I could earn money.

Oddly enough I've learned a few things. One, I'm really good at solving virtually any problem. Two money is never as important as work satisfaction- unless you pockets are empty at that moment and you need to feed or take care of a child. Then it really important.

Education does not in any way equate to either intellegence, or wisdom, or kindness, or being a better person- unless you apply it and keep both an open mind and the ability to occasionally laugh at yourself. (And I have a Doctorate.)

That learning for it's own sake is precious, and knowledge from any source is never wasted.

That holding a door for a stanger is equally as satisfying as anything else you're likely to do the rest of the day.

That being kind to waitresses, waiters, janitors, McDonald’s employees, or panhandlers on the street costs nothing, makes you feel better and more important makes them feel better, and it's much better for yourself and your mental and physical well being then being a jerk just because you can.

I know several multi-millionaires, they are worried about the same things as friends who make minimum wages.

Attitude is the key. If you have to (or want to be) a ditch digger, then be the best darn ditch digger around.

But unlike a lot of people, I do not allow myself to define myself by my job. I'm not my job, I do my job/work at it but it is not 'who I am' inside. And if I could never do it again, I'd simple do something else.

It's really just that simple, I don't have to please anyone but myself and my responsibility as a human being is to take responsibility for my own actions and their results. And who cares how self-depressed, self-indulgent people feel.

Because, with but a turn of the cards- their we all are.

Now I'm not saying lets all hug and sit around singing Kum-Bi-Ya, but any decision we each make should be based on the best knowledge and self-responsible behavior availible.

(Unless you cut me off on the freeway- in which case... but I digress.)

2006-09-13 06:13:28 · answer #5 · answered by William B 2 · 1 0

I think you are either complaining too much to the same people and they are getting tired of it, so they are offering solutions. Or, you are complaining to inconsiderate people, who are NOT your friends.

I bet everyone has something they don't like about their job, and have the right to complain about it just as you do, regardless of what type of job they do. I do sit at a desk most of the day, but my job is mentally taxing -- I often feel tired at the end of the day, but it is in my brain, not my muscles and feet and arms and everything else you are dealing with. I am sorry for you, as well.

I appreciate you for being in a service job -- we do need you.

2006-09-13 05:31:43 · answer #6 · answered by jboatright57 5 · 2 1

Couldn't have said it better! I enjoy my 2 crappy paying no benefit jobs and hardly ever get a day off, but at least I don't dread work. My bf hates hates his job, but gets more respect and great benefits. I guess for me it was a choice- I choose to push my college education aside and be happy doing what I enjoy and having a very flexible schedule. Yeah, I get a little jealous when he get 4 weeks paid vaca, but I feel better about it knowing work doesn't make me miserable like it does him.

2006-09-13 05:30:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Some people get beside themselves when they have been elevated to the top. I was once at the top and now I'm making less money. It wasn't because I degraded people that I fell. Once I made Jesus as my Lord and Savior I relocated to another state under His instructions and started over. I'm at peace with making less.

2006-09-13 06:02:25 · answer #8 · answered by Futuremrsjacobs 2 · 0 0

As one of the "spoiled people" who have urged you to aim to improve yourself, I did it because you've made it clear that you can barely get by (if even that) on the salary that you earn, not because of what you do. Frankly, I think garbage collectors and good car mechanics ought to earn more than political lobbyists and many lawyers do. But that's still no excuse for you not to try to improve your skills and education.

2006-09-13 06:56:55 · answer #9 · answered by AnOrdinaryGuy 5 · 1 1

So, then dont complain.

It boils down to sh** or get off the pot.

We say things like that alot of times because alot of people want to complain about what they dont have hoping someone will just decide to help them, instead of working hard to better their own lives.

I am not saying that is the case with you, I am not trying to offend I am just trying to provide an hoest answer to your question.

2006-09-13 06:19:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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