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Sorry, but I am getting really fed up with the questions coming from you religious people on here, or, to be fair, from a number of you.

First, let me state a few FACTS:

1) I am an atheist
2) I do not want you to convert me
3) I am not stupid
4) I have an education

Now, I would explain all those, but as of now, I am down to 600 chars left, so...

My question is, why do you guys have to write so many questions on here that are meant to do absolutely nothing but put down, belittle, or otherwise offend those of us who do not agree with you? Is it not your duty, as a good christian, or whatever else you might be, to treat everyone with respect and kindness? Love thy neighbor and all of that? Yet, every day I see questions like, "Do atheists understand the difference between fact/hypothosis..etc", as if we're stupid people...
Why can't you just believe what you want and let us do the same without you telling us how wrong we are all the time?

Give it a rest.

2006-09-13 04:20:57 · 45 answers · asked by iswd1 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Ahh, add details, forgot about this handy way to make my question longer.

Let me say one other thing really quick here.

I do not feel that religion is a bad thing. Far from it. It teaches many good things, such as the proper way to act, to be good to each other and more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I do not begrudge anyone their beliefs. In fact, I encourage people to believe in something. I am just so frustrated because many of the religious people on here seem to think that because they believe in god, they are so much better than everyone else. Half the things they say completely go against the churches teachings in regards to how you treat other people.

I honestly think that there should be a comprimise made between those of you who believe, and those of us who don't believe, on this site, and in general. PLEASE! Stop referring to athiests as if we're some disease that should be gotten rid of, or like we're all morons, because thats far from true.

2006-09-13 04:27:01 · update #1

Yes, I agree with those of you who said athiests tend to pick fights on here as well, and I do not believe they are any better.

No, I do not think christians are stupid people, as I said in my question, which most people must have missed is that I respect peoples beliefs, and do not begrudge them those.

As to the lady who said I am angry, yes, I am angry. It is hard to click on the answer button and see a question, yet again, that is asked to make us athiests look stupid, and not click on it.

As for sinning, you seem to forget that only religious people believe in sin, from my perspective, what I do, I will have to account for it myself. I do not believe that I can go do anything I want and then ask some higher power to forgive me and all is well.

Bleh, I'm not trying to start a debate here, I am just trying to point out that we should all just leave each other alone and knock it off with the snotty questions meant to hurt each other. It's 100% pointless and infuriating

2006-09-13 04:33:54 · update #2

"Take a look at the last 50 questions Satan. 40 out of 50 are Atheist bashing Christ, God & the Bible. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. In the past 5 months or so, I have NEVER seen a question (or answer) from an atheist that was even remotely spiritual...(which SO MANY of you claim to be in this section for). Your number one reason for being in the Religion section is to condemn. You are the spawn of Satan, and we can over power you any time, any where. Get a life in your pathetic, lonely, miserable world or slither back under your rock. "

Now, please explain to me how this is being christian? This has to be the most snotty thing anyone has ever said to me... crawl back under my rock because I disagree with your belief and ask that BOTH SIDES STOP BELITTLING EACH OTHER? Wow lady, you have got some serious issues. Here I am trying to make peace between two groups who seem to hate each other, and you just sit there and throw more sticks on the fire. Shame.

2006-09-13 04:47:53 · update #3

45 answers

Take a look at the last 50 questions Satan. 40 out of 50 are Atheist bashing Christ, God & the Bible. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. In the past 5 months or so, I have NEVER seen a question (or answer) from an atheist that was even remotely spiritual...(which SO MANY of you claim to be in this section for). Your number one reason for being in the Religion section is to condemn. You are the spawn of Satan, and we can over power you any time, any where. Get a life in your pathetic, lonely, miserable world or slither back under your rock.

2006-09-13 04:33:32 · answer #1 · answered by mslorikoch 5 · 3 5

I am new to this site and I am a Christian. I have read several posts and find it sad that people are taking stabs at each other for what they believe. Just because people have different beliefs about God dose not make them smart or stupid.
I respect people as long as they respect me. Simple. We all have feelings. Just because we believe different doesn't give anyone the right to hurt others.
I think the problem is that people don't intend to really hurt others ( our at least I hope they don't) they just believe or not believe something so strongly that sometimes words just come out wrong. Kind of like any strong debate about any subject you are truly passionate about. It's our nature to get definsive. Were not perfect. I know I am not. I mess up every day. :>)

2006-09-13 04:38:03 · answer #2 · answered by melly mom 1 · 0 0

I'm an atheist too, and I've noticed those kinds of questions as well. However, I've noticed that some atheists also ask questions that are clearly just accusations of stupidity on the part of theists.

You'll probably get some fairly reasonable responses from a number of decent theists, and won't get any useful responses from the theists who are guilty of the behavior you are pointing out.

And of course, questions here really only have a lifetime of a few hours at best before they are pushed too far down in the history, so many of the people you are targeting probably won't even see your question.

2006-09-13 04:28:35 · answer #3 · answered by Jim L 5 · 4 0

How about the questions I see on here every day, like
Are all Christians stupid?
Was Chesus a pole smoker?
How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?
These questions come from people like you who say why do Christians have to be so mean? When will Christians stop trying to convert me?

As for the conversion, I and any Christian who wants to do what Jesus told us to will never stop witnessing to people like you, because we do not want to see anyone go to Hell. I know you do not believe in Hell. That does not matter, we will never quit. I did not believe in Hell my self for 18 years.

I also am an educated person, so people saying all Christians are stupid, are just showing their own lack of intelligence.

I agree we should not put down and belittle the lost. We should pose our questions as legitimate questions, seeking an answer to something we do not know. We would appreciate the same in return.

I 100% agree with your last statement, about bashing each other being pointless.

2006-09-13 04:47:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi. It is absolutely your choice to believe or not believe anything you wish. You are right that it is our Christian obligation to love everyone, that doesn't mean that we have to like what they stand for or don't stand for. I'm sorry that it seems like we're attacking you with questions like the one you gave but we face this from Atheists too. It isn't one-sided. I believe there is a struggle going on that exceeds anything we could ever imagine. I am a Christian and have had atheist friends in the past. We would always get into conversations about God, the world, etc. He would ask the same questions you did and finally I had to let him be who he was. I think this realization helped me a lot. I learned that I will not change your/his mind. All I can do is accept you for who you are, provide you with the best possible example of what it means to be a Christian and pray that God would reveal himself in a way that you can accept and respond to.

2006-09-13 04:33:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It seems to me that you are referring to the questions and comments that us Christians have to hear and put up with. It is everywhere and you just have to deal with it. It isn't just Christians bashing you and making you feel worthless and dumb and UN-educated. The non- Christians do it far more - I couldn't tell you how many questions I have read that said those exact things about Christians. They always ask us if we are dumb and from the hills and how can we believe fairy tales and an imaginary God? So - before you rant and rave at Christians - stop and think and read some of the comments your fellow non believers say to us.
For the record -
I am Christian
I am not trying to convert you - but I feel like anyone can come to the realization and know Christ
I am not stupid either
and I also have a college education.
Thank you for listening.

2006-09-13 04:33:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I also am an atheist, and I agree with most of what you said, but I think that this is the place to ask such questions. If not here, on Yahoo answers than where? I also think its a great opportunity to show them, by using there own comments as examples, that despite all there dogma and there holier than thou attitude, they are no more pious or righteous than anyone else and just because you subscribe to some sort of religion does not mean that you are above belittling those with whom you disagree.

2006-09-13 04:31:07 · answer #7 · answered by hungryhillkid 2 · 2 0

i've seen a lot of questons on here that are MEANT to do nothing but put down belittle those of us who don't agree with the writer posted by non christians too. don't give them the satifaction of having a question answered and maybe they will go away or you can just not bother to read the question in the first place after all just coz it is posted it doesnot mean you even have to look at it it is your choice

having said that i know exactly where you are comming from and i know how you feel.

2006-09-13 04:32:57 · answer #8 · answered by attb 4 · 0 0

I agree with you, but at the same time it goes the other way as well. Athiests and other non-believers do the same thing to Christians. Not all of them. It's just a matter of each group has people who are respectful and people who just want to ignite flames. I just find it sad that Christianity is being represented by people who would act this way. Sad indeed.

2006-09-13 04:35:09 · answer #9 · answered by Guvo 4 · 0 0

So I take it you don't believe in freedom of speech? Don't take what someone says on here so seriously. When someone knows they can ruffle your feathers then they will continue to do so with great pleasure. Whether they are a so called Christian or just the average Joe.

Enjoy life. If you want to be an atheist be an atheist. In the end we will find out who is right and who was wrong. The question you want to ask yourself is do I want to risk being wrong.

2006-09-13 05:16:43 · answer #10 · answered by James C 3 · 3 1

Good question, some indeed do write snotty putdowns in the form of a question.

Maybe, however, the same question can be asked of snotty, belittling athiests who consider believers as stupid, uneducated people who need to be converted into non-believers.

2006-09-13 04:26:44 · answer #11 · answered by kingstubborn 6 · 7 0

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