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People are always saying that God does not exist. Well, I don't see how He could not exist. How come there is more than one race of human? How come its the same with other species? How come humans are the only species who "evolved" to be so sophisticated? Dont tell me that the others did not need to because I would just say then why did we?

2006-09-13 03:22:47 · 12 answers · asked by Mujer Bonita 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am not complaining, I am no more sophisticated than anyone else and I am not primitive. Agnost...whatever, you didnt even answer the question u dumb ***. My question is a logical one and ur just mad because it is and u don't know how to defend evolution. I still dont see how an explosion can make something so perfect. Has anyone ever witnessed an explosion that made something natural and useful at the same time?

2006-09-13 03:40:43 · update #1

How can you sit there and judge what I know lucky fokker? U dont know me. What the **** do you know? U an evolution expert?

2006-09-13 03:46:11 · update #2

\I am a Christian. I believe in God. That is the point of my question. I don't understand how the world could come from some explosion. No matter how long ago it was. I say its called adaptation. Of course if you live in a place where its hot, you will have darker skin... I do love all you guys...even you smart asses

2006-09-13 05:03:09 · update #3

12 answers

Come on- havent you seen all the types of monkeys around? Orangatangs, Baboons, Chimpanzees, Spider Monkeys, Pygmy, etc... Heck! Even a new monkey species was found in Africa last year! So that MUST mean we came from them and that's why there are so many different types of us! lol
Oh no, wait- we came from a spinning mass, right? Yah, that makes MUCH more sense than an all-loving Creator! lol
By these comments, I am being sarcastic and funny.
I fully believe in God, and live my life for Him.
I have studied out evolution a bit, and, it has been proven to be inaccurate, so, anyone who still believes in that theory is ignorant.
That is not to mean stupid, please know I am not trying to insult anyone. But, we are all ignorant on some things (have lack of knowledge/education on) and, some, they go by a comment, or a single theory, but dont see it important enough to study it out and find TRUTH- they are satisfied with mere answers from a so-called expert. (Just remember- experts made the Titanic- a novice made the Ark!)
Research it out, and see evolution has been proven to be not possible. See link below (just one of MANY!) To them, I quote God in JOB 38:4 "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding."
...Meaning, you werent there, so no, you DONT know. I dont care HOW many certificates you have, how many degrees, how much schooling and training...

God allowed scientists to do what they do, for our benefit...but many times, they get too big for their britches, and, pride and greed cloud and replace all practical thinking and imagination which could lead them to truth.
To think we know it all- that is the DUMBEST thing anyone could ever do.
Man makes mistakes- God does not. I will trust in the Word of God, as it has already proven itself true to me ten fold!

If people want to believe once we are gone, that's it- then, so be it. But, I know a whole new life right now, and excitement and hope of an afterlife, that improves the quality of my life now, making me a better person all around.

Too many answers, but only ONE truth.
And so SO many testimonies of those who found God and experienced Him and the supernatural- how can we ignore it? What? Do ALL those people come from the Baboon Family? lol

I think our biggest concern is no longer people being mislead by evolutionists, but the new age and spiritualist movement- that there IS supernatural things beyond (and in) our life here, but, it is anything but our Creeator, Jesus- that there are many gods and spirits, etc... Oh my! So many lost people, and, I am sad for them, and pray for them. That is not a condescending remark, but a heart felt one.
I remember when I didnt know God- I just didnt care of there was one or not. My life was lacking so much and I just did and reached out to everything and anything to fill voids, although I didnt see it. Now, all those viods are filled with God's Spirit and love. I am happy and content with the reality of The Living Word.
When one finds God, your whole world and spirit will change for the better! BUt people have to get past what society has taught us to believe and how the world showed us how to think.
Why bother digging for fossils when we should be searching for truth? Why bother trying to prove people wrong when you could be experiencing something wonderful?

Man canot understand the Bible unless He has trust, hope, faith in God, and His Spirit (1 Cor 2:10-14).

Proverbs 15:32
He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.

I find satisfaction inb knowing that
"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
(Romans 14:11 -and also Phil 2:11)

Praise God!


2006-09-13 03:58:44 · answer #1 · answered by heidiklinden 3 · 0 2

Your question is an argument against God, not for. Why would God create different races? Surely in his omniscience he would foresee that they'd kill each other. Evolution is a far more logical explanation. Certain populations of people lived in areas where darker skin was required to protect them from the sun. Those with darker skin had a lower risk of dying of skin cancer et cetera and so were more likely to reproduce, passing on their darker skin to others and eventually the to the entire population, as this process continued the people's skin would become progressively darker. Some groups of people who then moved to other parts of the world where the sun isn't such a problem lost their dark skin colour because it was no longer as useful and lighter skin allows them to better absorb vitamin D3.

You really should investigate evolution before committing yourself to debasing it. Walk your bridges before you burn them down.

As for how an explosion created something so perfect, it didn't. The Big Bang didn't create people, we evolved from primitive single-celled organisms which were also not created by the Big Bang. Science can answer your questions, but only if you let it. How a concept as ridiculous as God managed to find its way into your tightly closed mind is more of a mystery. Unless it was God who closed it.

2006-09-13 04:02:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Humans at least the closest thing to us have evolvoled over 50,000 years. At that point man migrated out of Africa and started to push his way across the globe. The Africans remained "black/tanned" with big nostrils and hair good for cutting off because it fits the climate of Africa. The European migraters lost pigment gained smaller noses and heavier hair because that it what is needed to live in the European areas. Asians same idea. If you are looking for proof of human climatic adaptibility look no further then the United States. In the south and mid-west americans tend to be larger. In the North people are smaller due to higher concentrations of population. And most convicing of all is that american humans no longer look like their ancestors. Blacks do not look like Africans. Whites no longer look like there European counterparts. Even Asians who have lived in the United States for 3 generations or more tend to have softer features then their far-east contemporaries. In 100 to 1000 years from the Americas will become a race in and unto them selves as equally as diverse as any other nation across the globe.
As far as why did Cro Magnon evolve to be so advanced comes down to natural catastrophe/selection in which a volcanic eruption that took place 70,000 years ago wiped out all but a few homoerectus species. The survivors evolved at different rates same as we do now. The middle east is not nearly advanced as the western world and the Japanese have a slight edge on the West. Evolution is real and never stops. Human beings became dominate for two reasons. An abnormally sized brain and the fact that we are bi-peds which free up the other two appendages for other uses walking not one of them.

2006-09-13 03:39:03 · answer #3 · answered by curtaincaller 2 · 1 0

Evolution accounts for diversity. Humans are different than other animals, just as all animals are different from other animals. It's only your own ego that makes you think you are more sophisticated.

Hummingbirds are not the only birds capable of flight, but their glying prowess is an order of magnitude better than any other bird. Humans are not the only intelligent primates either, but our intelligence is an order of magnitude higher than the next most intelligent primates. If we ever figure out how to communicate with whales and dolphins, we may discover we are not even the most intelligent species on the planet.

2006-09-13 03:31:58 · answer #4 · answered by lenny 7 · 1 0

your question sounds so primitive. when early humans could not explain natural occurrences with science, like lightening, thunder, the earth revolving around the sun, they needed to know why these things where happening so they created gods. so any unexplainable happenings must be god, right?

2006-09-13 03:32:19 · answer #5 · answered by tandypants 5 · 1 0

Q. How come humans are the only...?

A: Somethin' had to wind up at the top of the chain, turned out to be people. And the dolphins are pissed.

2006-09-13 04:31:17 · answer #6 · answered by parsnipianna 7 · 0 0


This kind of airtight reasoning is CERTAIN to spell the end of scientific explanations of man and nature. I don't know how science could possibly stand up to your keen discerning eye.
Later: I'd lay off the additional comments there, genius. You're just digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.

Friendly suggestion: learn something about science before you criticize it. You're WAY off-target here (kinda like our "other species have no brains" friend below ).

2006-09-13 03:25:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Other species have no brains to enjoy the beauty of diversity.
It is really shameful for man to complain about the greatest blessing from the One True God.

2006-09-13 03:29:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

How can you ask a question about evolution when you obviously know NOTHING about it?

Do some research and learn something

2006-09-13 03:39:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

GOD exist for people have the whole seeing is believing thing and they can't see GOD therefore the think he don't exist!!!

2006-09-13 03:31:25 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 0 1

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