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muslim christians or rastafarians for all i care .can you tell me .how the quran and bible was written.i mean who taught the first person to write.and please explain why dinosaurs were here millions of years before the first homosapians.and do you believe in darwins theory of evolution as it makes more sence to me than adam and eve for example.[dont know what the quran says about first humans .genuinly would like someone to dispute with proof that man did not evolve as you only have to look at the proof.

2006-09-13 00:31:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

It's a pretty loaded question for YA. You're either gonna get a huge rambling response that everyone will lose interest in halfway through... or quick fragments about the infallibility of god and the bible, and how nature itself is testament to creationism. It's all old hat for theists.

2006-09-13 00:38:21 · answer #1 · answered by Eldritch 5 · 0 1

The first 5 books of the Bible were written by Moses. The book of Job is thought to be much earlier... there is a Job listed that went to Egypt with Jacob's family.
The Bible says that 1000 years to the Lord is but a day. I think this means when the Lord says day, it can mean either 24 hours or more likely a very long period of time.
Animals were on earth before people, so it is possible that dinosaurs were extinct by the time man was formed.
So far, I haven't seen any proof for evolution.
The fossil record shows a sudden appearance of life, in bursts, plants, or later animals. I think this would have to point to creation, and not evolution.

2006-09-13 00:43:29 · answer #2 · answered by RB 7 · 0 0

I am liberal Catholic, just to set that out. I believe in evolution. I also believe that the Old Testament is for learning from, and is not to be taken literally. It is like Aesop's fables, except even more important. The Bible was written in a couple different ways. The Hebrew people had all these stories, and had to organize them. So after a while, they made a book of all the important and holy stories. There were certain requirements for a book to be holy and worthy enough to get into their special book. The New Testament was inspired by God, and to tell the difference between fakes and real ones, certain guidelines had to be followed. And so the four gospels were formed, along with Revelations, Acts of the Apostles, and others. All of these books (for Catholics this is 72) make up the Bible today.

Again I am liberal Catholic so I cannot speak for the Quran or other Christians, and certainly not for fundamentalists.

2006-09-13 00:40:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Koran was written and inspired by man; The Bible was written by man, and inspired by God. God gave man the knowledge to wright. Paleontologist back in the early '90 s discovered HUMAN foot prints running along side those of dinosaurs, and I have always believed that we humans created them. Darwin's theory is just that, a theory and nothing more, there are more holes in it then a wire sifter. Between the species on the evolution chart there are NO links between lets say an amoeba and a shell fish. NO links between that shell fish and a vertebrate fish, NO links between that fish and a bird, of a monkey and a human. Just because we share most of our DNA with everything else on this plaint does not point to evolution, but it does point directly to CREATION. Gen 1:1-2:3 is true and literal.

2006-09-13 00:50:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Its all gods will" - the first answer of a superstitious person that doesn't understand the question.

You wont find any proof to discount Darwin's theory, as for the bible, it has been translated and edited so often that I would bet my last penny that it no longer says anything remotely similar to the original. Every religion out there thinks they have it right and the rest of them are completely wrong, ignoring the fact that most religions say the exact same thing, "be good, be honest, live a good life" basic message of every religion in the world and yet they've managed to twist that into "I'm right and kill anyone who disagrees with me" - And I'm not only talking about the Muslim religion here, remember catholics have been killing in the name of their God long before now.

The problem with your question mate is that your asking for an intelligent discussion from people that have been brought up not to 'think' not to question, "take it on faith", "its gods will", don't question, don't examine. You can not have an intelligent discussion with people that refuse to think for themselves or to open their eyes and actually see whats going on around them.

2006-09-13 00:46:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible is the inspired word of God.
God the Holy Spirit guided the writers of scripture to write the scriptures but they wrote in the frame work of their own personality.
2Timothy3:16 All scripture is is inspired by God and profitable for teaching ,for reproof,for correction ,for training in righteousness.

The animals were created by God first .Genesis 1:24.
Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground,and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life :and man became a living being.
You say that you would like someone to dispute with proof that man did not evolve.
No man has the ability to make this real to you,it is spiritually discerned .
2Corinthians But a natural man does not accept the things of the spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him,and he cannot understand them,because they are spiritually appraised.
When the religious man went to Jesus in the dead of night he asked Him what must I do to be saved Jesus answered"you must be born again John3:3.
John 3:8 Nicodemus didn't understand what this meant.
John3:8 The Lord said"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it,but do not know where it comes from and where it is going :so is everyone who is born of the spirit.
John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that He sent His uniquely born Son,that who ever believes in Him shall never perish but have eternal life.
This is the place where it all begins.
Take care!

2006-09-13 02:12:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Darwin's Theory seems to explain alot of things, like why dinosaurs were around, why we are so close to looking like monkeys.

But can it explain how dinosaurs came about anyway? Are you going to look at the Big Bang Theory for answers?

Man cannot explain everything that happens. Like why you have love, why there are stars above, why humans need to blush. Alot of things don't seem to make sense. Why would God love a sinner? How can someone be sin free, and die for your sins so that your debt can be paid? Is it possible?

It is not easy but it's called faith, belief, in God. If you can't understand with your head, then use your heart.

2006-09-13 00:43:18 · answer #7 · answered by lkraie 5 · 0 0

Read "The Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel.

This book is written by an ex news paper reporter who was an atheist. He searched for the truth about God and all these topics and found that the science behind Darwin was false and that new science proves out Creation.

Don't accept the wisdom of man over the wisdom of God, look for yourself and open you heart and mind to Jesus. When you receive the free gift of salvation you will receive the Holy Spirit and then and only then can you truly know the truth.

2006-09-13 00:38:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

in answer to the first half, the bible was written by 40 men and women who were inspired by God to write it. the first writer was moses.
as regards dinosaurs etc, the bible says the world was made in 6 days. the hebrew word translated as days meant an undefined period of time. so the days were not 24 hours, but could be any length of time. so the dinosaurs were created and then later died. humans were the last of the creative works. humans as we are now have been found in the fossil record dating to about 6500 years ago which is consistant with bible chronology.
the bible also says God made each creature according to its kind. so the creatures were made how they are and didnt evolve to their current state from common ancestors etc

2006-09-13 00:40:36 · answer #9 · answered by iamalsotim 3 · 1 0

Who indeed? The greatest person in the Universe can read and write and created dino's. He use the dino's to pack the earth and get it ready for man. but could not allow such huge creators to remain without squishing us poor little puny humans..Are you glad you don't have to slay them on the way to work or school.
Dinos and commuters would have a hard time with one ways and stop signs...insurance would greatly increase and what if they wanted to drive big trucks too...there goes the planet..have fun. Hey there may be a movie in this yet .LOL

2006-09-13 00:41:29 · answer #10 · answered by kdwcnliz2 2 · 0 0

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