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If you are a christian who thinks the Qu'ran is just a book of lies? If you honestly think this then would you admit that the Virgin Conception of Jesus Christ, the miracles of Christ (Turning water to wine, raising Lazarus from the dead), his punishment at the hands of the romans and his bodily ascension to heaven is also a lie? Because this is also in the Qu'ran but if you christians think the Qu'ran does not tell the truth than the story of Jesus must not be true.....right?

P.s...I know that NOT all christians are like this and I am not trying to bash christianity..I am just trying to point out the stupidity in those select Christians that dare insult Islam by calling the Qu'ran a book of lies

2006-09-13 00:09:31 · 13 answers · asked by Darkness 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

by the way I am not calling the tale of Christ false either

2006-09-13 00:10:58 · update #1

seraphim_pwns_u-Your logic is flawed....that was a poor argument.. you have not once shown how muslims put Mary in the same stance with god(your first mistake)....If you have actually read the Qu'ran you would not have said such things.....the Qu'ran never denies crucifixion however some muslims belive god would never let his messenger suffer and some muslims believe that happend

2006-09-13 00:47:20 · update #2

You also fail to show or support how the Qu'ran misrepresents Christianity...it does not misrepresent it at all it says nothing about Christ that the bible does not say...it acknowledges he is the messiah but not the ONLY messiah...and he was crucified and resurrected.....poor rebuttle against me and such poor logic......How can you dismiss a something as false when it does not contradict a book that has not even be verified as true? You have no authority to call any of the books truths or fallacy's.....please refine your debating skills and try again

2006-09-13 00:52:23 · update #3

by the way seraphim_pwns_u I must point out to you (wether you read this or not) that the main difference between you and I also is that you view me and you as memebers of opposing faiths.....where as I view both of us as the member of the same faith but we tell it a different way so where you are trying to divide us I am trying to unify us believe it or not...and I know Jesus Christ would side with my views over yours...I came to this conclusion reading your bible

2006-09-13 01:23:01 · update #4

13 answers

the qur'an is the truth, a Book sent confirming that which came before it, and making clear the lies and changes that previous generations made to the scripture

2006-09-13 00:12:03 · answer #1 · answered by abdulaziiz 3 · 2 3

Well, let's put it this way:

Biblical Jesus : "I and the Father are one".

Koran's Jesus : "Far be it from me to raise myself and my mother, Mary, to being equals with Allah"

Interesting note : Christians do not elevate Mary to being equal with God. Catholics elevate her as being "Mother of God" (but not equal to Him), Christians do not.

Hypocricy : "That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not" - Sura 4:157 ...yet you say that He *did* receive punishment at the hands of the Romans. That punishment, as mentioned in the Bible, was beatings, lashings, mockery, and finally crucifixion. Shall I believe you, or your Koran, as speaking truth about the Koran?

So, we have a discrepancy here. The Bible states that 1.) Jesus is the same as the Father, 2.) He was crucified, and 3.) Mary is not portrayed as equal to God. The Koran says 1.) Jesus is NOT the same as the Father, 2.) He was NOT crucified, and 3.) Mary is portrayed by Christians as being equal to God.

Both cannot be true. One or the other is a lie. Since both were proclaimed to be truth and inspired by God, neither can be a simple "mistake", since God cannot make a mistake.

Now, being a devout Christian, I do not elevate Mary as being equal to God, nor do any Christians (or for that matter, Catholics) I know of, nor has any since the founding of Christianity. Therefore, since the Koran is supposedly infallible, it becomes an "all is truth, or none is truth" issue, the same way as the Bible is. Since the Koran misrepresents Christianity, the misrepresentation is a lie, and hence the whole book is a lie. Its falsehood, in the eyes of a Christian, is further compounded by preaching the opposite of what we know to be truthfulness.

And to make matters worse, what you say is against what the Koran says... making your very complaint considerably less valid in my eyes.

And herein lies the difference between you and I...
I don't care one bit if someone mocks Christianity. I don't care if someone calls the Bible a book of lies. I only care if someone mocks God or Jesus (and I won't bother with someone who mocks the Holy Spirit, 'cuz at that point, it's too late for them).

You... well... I'll let your own words speak for themselves.

2006-09-13 00:39:11 · answer #2 · answered by seraphim_pwns_u 5 · 0 0

Bonus points for incorporating the word 'naught' into your question.

I'm not a Christian but it's clear that the Qur'an is speaking about the same kinds of things that the Bible is. However, it's worth noting that the Bible, which also contains the same information, is treated by orthodox Islam as corrupted beyond reliability (in other words 'a book of lies') so your question could be turned around just as easily.

2006-09-13 00:17:02 · answer #3 · answered by XYZ 7 · 1 1

I haven't seen the Qu'ran called a "book of lies" by Christians here, but even if they had, you have to realize that there's a big difference between saying something is a "book of lies" and saying a book is "naught but lies." Even if something is only 50% lies it could be said that it's a "book of lies." And I think that's what the person was referring to when Logic101 was mentioned.

2006-09-13 00:30:25 · answer #4 · answered by KDdid 5 · 0 0

Rev22v12-13 Jesus Christ -Son of God
"And behold,l am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.
13 "l am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.
These are the words from the mouth of mankinds saviour Jesus Christ ,who has been here from the beginning , to save us all,
at least all that came after "The Apple " ----Beautiful !

2006-09-13 00:23:54 · answer #5 · answered by David S 2 · 0 0

If the Qu'ran and Bible both agree that Jesus was born of a virgin, then who was His father? The Holy books don't agree so one is not the truth.

2006-09-13 00:15:48 · answer #6 · answered by mad_mav70 6 · 1 1

I have read a lot of posts and articles and I don't really recall anyone saying the quran is a book of lies. I do recall a lot of folks calling it a book of hate though, which is true. In regards to your question, did you ever take a class in logic 101 or did you feel you were being deep?

2006-09-13 00:14:14 · answer #7 · answered by Colorado 5 · 0 1

i am not a christian , not a muslim , not a hindu, god could be white , yellow or black , i couldnt give a fcuk , but it does seem clear that some muslims are seriously fcuked up , chip on both shoulders and want to take the world on, to them they will find great dissapointment , when they try tackling mr 2+4 kids they may well get a shock and get there bibles , korans or whatever shoved up their asse s, stop ramming this sh ite down peoples throats and get on and enjoy life instead of feeling persecuted

2006-09-13 00:18:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Muslims (and Islam) claim Jesus was a prophet but they reject all His teachings ... Therefore it is hypocrisy...

They reject Christ's divinity;
they reject his claim to be the Son of God;
they reject his death on the cross;
they reject His ressurrection..
They reject Jesus is the Christ/ Messiah...
Need I say more...?

Don't be deceived. The Islamic god is totally different than the God of Jesus Christ ....

The bible says;
"Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ, that denies the Father and the Son. He that denies the Son, the same has not the Father." (I John 2:22)

2006-09-13 00:12:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

expensive pal, I ask you one question- which one born first guy or faith?.it is common reality that guy born first and the 1st guy who born became into no different than animal in nature and it took 1000's of years to realize modern-day point.a great number of concepts developed whilst he developed from one time degree to a different.the phobia of guy approximately organic phenomenon some how made him to think of and assume of power which he in basic terms created to spice up his psychology to guard himself.Then in a while the gang residing in specific ecosystem compelled him to coach perticular way of existence and it is what deliver approximately the shape of different custom that are some how stated as/appropriate to perticular faith. in spite of the undeniable fact that, one element is unique to guy is his thinking.the unique thinking nature in basic terms for undesirable or good helped him to strengthen the belief of religion and different religions are developed by different human beings on different factors of the earth.one way religions are contributions of human beings.All have been developed with an excellent faith for the wellbeing of human beings and humanity.Then if I hate some one then I too start up hating the religion of that guy or woman.Is it no longer what's happining surprising now?.So who's devil and what's the function of devil?.

2016-12-12 07:38:16 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Why are you singling out Christians? You will see on this site non-Christians who "insult" Islam with profanity seems like that would cause you more grief than anything else.

2006-09-13 00:13:55 · answer #11 · answered by williamzo 5 · 0 0

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