You are just going to have to start preparing healthier meals...grill chicken, fish, steam veggies, fruits, low-fat dairy, salads (w/ a light dressing--no bacon), reduce salt, cook w/ olive oil, eat whole grains etc...this goes for everybody. It's also helpful to read the Nutrition Fact labels on what you would be suprised at how quickly the fat/carbs/calories add up. Eat a balanced diet...don't exclude any of the food groups---they all matter!
The tough thing is actually LIKING the food...well...that is very important, but that takes time. Studies have shown that it takes about 8 wks. to acclimate your tastebuds to a diet change...but the good news is, that they will get used to it...and the food that was hard to swallow now will actually be what you crave!
I know this from personal experience, I went on a "lifestyle change" (don't like the word diet) a few years ago, following the guidelines above and lost 50 lbs. It is true, my tastebuds did actually change...I was a junkfood junkie and a couple months into it, I couldn't even stand the sight of junk food--didn't appeal to me at all. Since then, I have relaxed my standards a bit...but I still have some very good eating habits from that time!
Just encourage him and let him know that he will indeed grow accustomed to the food you cook, and a healthier body will is worth it!
A sidenote--African-Americans have the highest rate of diabetes than any other ethnic group, it is VERY important to get control of your eating habits now or you will pay for it later. Trust me, you don't want diabetes, I'm a nursing student and I have seen first hand how diabetes can ravage your body.
Take care and good luck!!!
2006-09-12 18:19:23
answer #1
answered by ♥austingirl♥ 6
2016-05-13 03:15:18
answer #2
answered by ? 3
2016-12-23 19:41:14
answer #3
answered by ? 3
The Paleo diet isn't a fad or another weight loss gimmick. It's the way humans were meant to eat.
The Paleo Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of recipes from across the globe.
Paleo Recipe Book -
Whether you're looking for Paleo-friendly breakfasts, dinners, desserts, or international favorites, you'll find dishes for every taste.
The Paleo Cookbook is your guide to a new, healthier way of eating:
For both meat-eaters and vegetarians.
Enjoy over 370+ healthy Paleo recipes that are very easy and fast to cook, not to mention they are incredibly delicious.
Prepare easy and healthy meals with the Paleo Recipe Book. Over 370+ recipes covering just about anything you'll ever need on a Paleo diet.
Transitioning to the Paleo lifestyle is the natural way to increased vitality, weight loss, and overall better health.
Prepare Easy And Healthy Meals -
With The Paleo Cookbook, you'll discover just how easy, delicious, and nutritious the Paleo diet can be.
2014-11-25 19:57:24
answer #4
answered by ? 3
2016-12-23 19:46:09
answer #5
answered by ? 3
The fact that he's African-American doesn't mean anything in this discussion. He's a typical American Male, he likes fried foods. Trying to get him to eat healthy is probably going to be a process. Try him on foods he likes, cooked other ways. Grilled Chicken, or Baked. Baked fish, grilled veggies. that sort of thing. With the right foods put in front of him, he'll come around. Good Luck.
2006-09-12 18:09:19
answer #6
answered by darthclown 4
Paleo diet its a diet based around eating real food unprocessed and organic. Learn here
Whether you have or not, what you probably don't realize is that it’s the fastest growing “diet” in the world right now. From celebrities, chefs, elite athletes. Even fitness experts is eager to try it or adopt it.
And for good reason, because no other diet or eating plan provides so many benefits so fast.
2016-04-30 16:24:35
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Instead of frying the food, try grilling or baking it. Add more vegetables on the diet. Observe portion control. Eat 5-6 small meals every 3-4 hours.
2006-09-12 21:24:24
answer #8
answered by just me 4
Don't feed him the crap he grew up with. African American diet is worse than eating at McDonalds.. Years of economic discrimination had them eating at the wrong end of the food pyramid until it became a cultural trait. Feed him a Japanese diet.
2006-09-13 15:04:49
answer #9
answered by iknowtruthismine 7
There's no special diet for black people. All cultures have bad eaters in their family not just your fried-food-loving boyfriend.
There are some pretty good Cari bean food that you can cook that does not require frying. Here's a few recipe websites for you to try:;;;,RNWE:2006-33,RNWE:en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=low+cal+caribbean+recipes&spell=1.
After you finish cooking that delicious low-cal meal you can invite him out for a romantic walk after he eats. This way he is walking off the food as well. All in all he just needs motivation from you that's all. In the end he'll thank you for keeping him healthy while you two grow old together.
Bon Appetite:)
2006-09-12 18:31:09
answer #10
answered by ? 3