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How do you feel about Splenda- sucralose? It is in everything from gum, tylenol, childrens vitamins & cough medicines, juice, apple suace, coffee creamer and so many many more.

I have had some bad effects from splenda, panic attacks, bad acne breakouts, high blood pressure. I know there are those of you out there that think, awe it's just sugar.... but it's not just sugar, and it's not natural, the molecular density of sugar is changed making it Splenda. I have heard of a few other cases with severe anxiety and panic attacks, even my daughter has it happen.

Please respond with your thoughts & if you eat splenda (sucralose) & you just dont feel 'right', please stop ingesting it, read all your labels & see how you feel in a week.

2006-09-12 15:40:21 · 19 answers · asked by Justkerry 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

I can now feel the rise in my heartbeat when i consume enough sucralose in a sitting- lets say in salad dressing. Like when i discovered it in my tylenol 8hr, it took a week of severe headaches & minor anxiety, to realize that it was in my body. I have done plenty of research & have been dealing with trying to avoid sucralose- splenda in my daily life, which keeps getting harder because it seems to be the new fad & it is going into all my fav stuff, like juicy fruit & big red, ice breakers, so many many things. It takes me twice as long to shop, i read the labels everytime i buy a product because on some there have been no notices of the ingredient change.

2006-09-12 15:51:23 · update #1

While I appreciate you all answering my question & giving input- I dont appreciate claims that what i say is 'false', true these symptoms dont occur in everyone.... those of us with incrediable sensativites to such things should not be branded 'liars'

2006-09-12 15:56:28 · update #2

I dont diet, i dont eat artificial sweetners normally. The intake I get is from products switching to it with out telling or by accident when i dont look at the labels. I usually only buy organic sugar now to get rid of any bleaching chance. It is so much better.

2006-09-13 00:24:36 · update #3

19 answers

Splenda is great, but finding shirts that cover my extra arm are increasingly hard to find. I grew a third arm and an extra toe after i started drinking diet sodas with Splenda in them, but what is really strange it that no one notices my extra arm and that I buy extra wide shoes. I guess it is because of the arm pits on my neck, and the second nose that grows out of my eyebrow that were caused by NutraSweet. huh- go figure

2006-09-12 15:50:40 · answer #1 · answered by Angie A 3 · 1 0

Splenda uses chlorine to replace one of the atoms in the sugar molecule. I think it is a carbon. This causes the body to not digest the sweetener in the same method as it would sugar. Studies say it is safe, I personally try not to eat anything that has free chlorine in it.

I use honey for sweetness, not only is it more nutritive, but you can use less and there are several health benefits with regular use.

2006-09-12 15:51:24 · answer #2 · answered by Ben 3 · 0 0

Splenda uses chlorine to interchange one of the most atoms in the sugar molecule. I believe it is a carbon. This reasons the physique to now not digest the sweetener within the equal procedure as it could sugar. Reviews say it's secure, I personally are trying to not eat something that has free chlorine in it. I take advantage of honey for sweetness, now not handiest is it more nutritive, however you should utilize less and there are a few wellbeing benefits with typical use.

2016-08-09 14:19:35 · answer #3 · answered by jaspal 4 · 0 0

I buy it by the box and use it on everything I use to use sugar for, no side-effects on adults or children that I know of. Ive been using it for almost a year now and these things you say about it sound false. If what you say is true then you are the 1/1000th % of people that get sick from Splenda. It sounds like you have a mental disorder, quit thinking your sick and start to exercise and feel better.

2006-09-12 15:52:30 · answer #4 · answered by Later Me 4 · 0 1

1. I like Splenda and substitute it for sugar.

2. The secret, to using Splenda, is less is more. If you use too much, it's overpowering. One, or two, packets to your tea, coffee, etc. should do it.

3. I haven't had any know side effects at this time.

4. If you have an allergy to it, don't use it.

2006-09-12 15:49:13 · answer #5 · answered by mitch 6 · 0 0

Splenda gives me heartburn. but it's not better or worse from the other artificial sweeteners. They are all bad for you- I've heard that you can get seizures, digestive problems, gas, etc. If you are not diabetic, real sugar, eaten in moderation, is much much better.
However, I prefer diet Pepsi to normal Pepsi, so I guess I am a hypocrite

2006-09-12 15:51:10 · answer #6 · answered by jimbell 6 · 0 0

I don't think any artificial sweetner is safe. Do some research about it. Aspartame is just poison. I honestly belive it's what caused my MS. Check it out. The FDA is aware of 96 health problems that it causes.
Splenda, the only thing I remember about my research on it was that it can damage the kidneys, or either the liver.
You're better off with just plain old real sugar, in moderation of course.

2006-09-12 15:44:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I have been using splenda for over a year now, I haven't felt any strange side affects from it. I do think it is much sweeter then sugar. I have wondered about how healthy it is, therefore, just in case, I have not given it to my kids. You have raised an important question and I am anxious to research it further.

2006-09-13 03:03:42 · answer #8 · answered by heaven o 4 · 0 1

i work at whole foods and its funny how many people come in and look for splenda and get mad that they can't have it with their coffee, furious to be exact. they don't understand that we can't sell it because sure it starts out as sugar but then it is bleached and chemically altered. try steva (sp?) we sell it at wf and its an all natural suger alternative.

2006-09-12 17:56:48 · answer #9 · answered by monkeycow 1 · 0 0

I use Splenda fairly regularly and feel great. It's aspartame that gives me headaches and dizziness.

2006-09-12 15:42:50 · answer #10 · answered by thaliax 6 · 2 0

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