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Hello All. Our 9 month old son will start moving his hands and feet in sort of a circular movement. These movements are always followed by a small spasm where he will shake, tighten up and sometimes grunt. This gones on consistently throughout the day. We had an EEG done, and the results came back normal. We are very concerned about his well being.

2006-09-12 15:26:58 · 9 answers · asked by mr d 2 in Health Other - Health

9 answers

it could be many things, including a seizure disorder. as a parent, you need to keep on pursuing this. take him to every doctor, demand that he be tested and retested if needed. it may be something minor. it may not be. hopefully, you can get an answer soon and get treatment for whatever it is.

be sure that you keep detailed records of all the unusual symptoms. note the date, the time, the duration of the spasms. even include his behavior both before and after the episode. was he fussy? inconsolable? non-responsive? did he have unusual bowel movements? anything out of the ordinary should be noted.

good luck and don't give up!

2006-09-12 15:38:38 · answer #1 · answered by irish_3078 3 · 0 0

Has the doctor actually witnessed the behavior or is he/she just ordering the tests because you have reported the behavior ? If he/she has not witnessed it perhaps you should video tape it and show him/her so that you are taken more seriously. You should also take him to a PEDIATRIC neurologist not an adult neurologist. This behavior is not normal. Just because one EEG looked okay means nothing. He should have a CAT scan and blood work as well. A pediatric neurologist would be more likely to know what to do than a regular pediatrician. Also , as I mentioned if the doctor has not seen the behavior first hand he/she may not take you seriously and may assume the problem is you not your child. Don't waste time with a doctor who won't help or wont listen. Tape the behavior and show it to a doctor who will help.

2006-09-12 22:34:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Check out Glatoric Acidemia...
It maybe along those lines.. My nephew was doing stuff like that when he was 4 months old but it was really bad.. Like convulsions, spasms a bad case.. there are other types of musle spasms and things along that line.... My nephews scans all came back normal and took 2 years to figure it out... They finally took a piece of his muscle and some place in Colorado confirmed what it was..This stuff is rare but the symptons sound the same.... Are u in Philadephia area or around Colonies, etc.. That is what they asked my sister but not the case with us

2006-09-12 22:36:03 · answer #3 · answered by Lea 4 · 0 0

I can imagine that you are concerned, and it seems that you need more than an EEG. Do you live near a Children's Hospital? Seems that would be a good plan. If your doctor hasn't suggested further testing, you should consider another doctor. Blessings!

2006-09-12 22:31:38 · answer #4 · answered by Jenny 5 · 1 0

It could be mild epilepsy. It could also be a behavioral disorder. HOWEVER, often spasms like that are actually indicative of the child having difficulty defecating. He may just be constipated.

2006-09-12 22:36:15 · answer #5 · answered by cyanne2ak 7 · 0 0

change doctors and get more tests done, this might be epilepsy as it sounds like a friends child symptoms.

And yes the lady above is right go to the best children's hospital you can get to.

Good luck and hope all goes well soon.

2006-09-12 22:35:51 · answer #6 · answered by candy g 7 · 0 0

Your wasting you time asking about that here. Go back to your dotor and demand to have a referral to someone else with more expertise in nueralogical disorders.

2006-09-12 22:34:43 · answer #7 · answered by limgrn_maria 4 · 0 0

I do not have a medical opinion on this but you should be very concerned and press your sons doctor to send you to a specialist, perhaps a neurosurgeon.

2006-09-12 22:31:53 · answer #8 · answered by fiveowifeo 2 · 1 1

childrens hospital is a good idea, you should be asking the doctors the questions, not us

2006-09-12 22:35:36 · answer #9 · answered by xjoizey 7 · 0 0

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