I am not sure of any programs that would depend on where you are from.
But there are other things you can do like first I would recommend that you talk to him about this and tell him you are scared he could hurt himself.
Then you could talk to his counselor if you are still in school and ask them for advice. You can do this confidentially without giving his name.
There are also agencies that will hold interventions and such to help you with this. Just check out what is availible in your area online or phone book.
My sister went thru the same thing and her friend is using again b/c her parents do, make sure you are proceding in the right direction first. If you ever have questions please e-mail me.
Good luck to you and I hope things get better.
2006-09-12 12:37:47
answer #1
answered by Farmgirl 3
A lot of the answers you have received are good. It is true that you can not help a person who does not want help. Most agencies that deal with drug addiction, only helps those who want help. Until this person hits rock bottom with no place to go, they will not want to help themselves and continue to use those around them, especially family and friends. Distance yourself, change the locks, don't get sucked in by the words they say like "I want to change", "I'm tired of this". Until their actions begin to reflect what they are saying, it is just a tactic. You will need a lot of prayer through all of this, and supportive people who know where you are coming from and going through with this 18 year old. Good Luck and God Bless
2006-09-12 19:56:37
answer #2
answered by LadyJ 2
You need to lay down the law and then if he does not straighten out, place his bags on the front stoop and lock the door (change the locks). Unfortunately, programs and other therapy ONLY work when the person doing the drugs or whatever WANTS help. If he does, call your local hospital and they can guide you. If not, then go with the first suggestion.
2006-09-12 19:35:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm was once your child....I had put my family though pain, misery, and lies for many years. Finally, they kicked me out of their house at 22. I was homeless, drug addicted, and jobless. I continued to go down an even longer path of destruction but some of us have to hit rock bottom. The truth is if it wasn't for my family kicking me out I would of never hit that bottom and got clean. I am over 1 year clean and I see now that they did that to help me. If you want to help your son....kick him out..he is 18. Take him to a homeless shelter and drop him off....It will change his life but only if he wants help. He has to want to get clean and if he has enablers around him, the process of hitting that bottom takes longer. I know he is your child but if you truelly care for him and love him, do what my parents did......close that enabler door!!
2006-09-13 18:45:52
answer #4
answered by MS BOSSY 2
there are AA meetings for him to attend. there is counseling... and rehab agency's available. church groups. the help is out..there but he has to want it. you should also get assistance if you are set on helping this person. sometimes.. the supporters..end up being dragged down as well. do not let that happen. you cannot be an alcoholic or addicts savior again i stress..he has to be ready to change. if you are helping ...remember he has to change people ..places and things. you cannot drink around him... and there is no such thing as one beer...one drink..or going around alcohol... and not being tempted.
2006-09-12 19:46:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
my heart goes out to you. I'm sorry i don't have any on hand information, i just wanted to encourage you. if you think there is a drug problem act immediately and aggressively.
2006-09-12 19:48:39
answer #6
answered by imagirl 1
i suggest that you pray for your son ask God to tell you what to do and to tell you what is wrong with your song. he's probably like that because of his friends and bad influence. talk to your son and let him know how youe feel but be patient ask him how you can help him and tell him to pray to.
2006-09-12 19:51:44
answer #7
answered by star_miranda_06 2