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2006-09-12 09:13:44 · 50 answers · asked by Jakele K 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

50 answers

Define "always"

2006-09-12 09:14:47 · answer #1 · answered by monkiegirl37 4 · 1 1

Because you are 13.

You might not know the difference in the emotions going threw your head and heart. So if you are getting hurt, analyze the relationships and ask yourself what got you in that position and what you did wrong. Every relationship teaches you something different, take it as a learning experience and not as a mistake or a heart broken experience.

Just don't put yourself in a situation you will regret, like having sex. Don't do that. Be safe and Smart.

2006-09-12 09:20:08 · answer #2 · answered by latina lover 3 · 1 0

Lack of experience. You are only 13 and have a lot to learn about people, yourself and love. Trust me you will look back on this 13 years from now and laugh. But even at 26, you still will be learning a lot about yourself. The good news is the pain will go away. Just make sure that you take something positive and learn a lesson from every experience.

2006-09-12 09:19:05 · answer #3 · answered by drubaby32698 3 · 1 0

Because you are 13!! Give it time. I know you have heard this but give it time when you are not looking someone will show up. But keep in mind that guys your age a not always the nicest people. They are not ready for a real relationship. So don't put yourself out there as much and take things one step at a time. Just have fun with your girlfriends. Be thirteen and enjoy it. One more thing Embrace the heartaches.....I know that sounds absurd but what you don't realize now is that every heartache is shaping you for relationships in the future. Good luck.

2006-09-12 09:24:21 · answer #4 · answered by lovelovelyme23 2 · 1 0

Because you don't know much of anything yet. Especially boys. You are too young to be concerned. If you always get hurt then you need to back off from the boys and find out who you are and have fun . Do what 13 year olds should be doing . Not being with boys will be starters . You are crying now . wait til you are older . Being older will make you wiser . Right now you are not the wise one especially about life and boys.

2006-09-12 09:21:45 · answer #5 · answered by StarShine G 7 · 1 0

I'm 13,how come i always get heart broken?

2006-09-12 09:30:58 · answer #6 · answered by YAHOO SUCKS ASS 3 · 1 0

because you are messing up with love and that's not a thing you want to mess up with. You are 13, before you get involved with a boy be sure that you are going to have fun. Remember that in a few years you will probably be going to college and a new life will start there. You're just going through a tough phase. The teens are tough years but everyone has to go through them, just listen to the ones that were once where you are now and take care of yourself because if you don't, no one will

2006-09-12 09:22:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are to young to play the LOVE game!! You only think your heart has been broken!! Just wait til you're an adult. Puppy love is what you've had and yes it hurts also, but you haven't seen or felt anything yet!! Go back to your dolls and play...you have plenty of time to get your heart broken.

2006-09-12 09:16:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the middle Is a best yet mushy difficulty, if lower than a lot rigidity we may be able to set off a heart attack or sometimes without understanding we've heart ailment which does not precisely recommend being undeserving as a football participant collapsed from heart complications.

2016-11-26 20:06:33 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Never invest into a relationship any more than u can afford to lose!

U'r obviously addicted to rejection, so u can feel sorry for urself or make other people feel sorry for u. I'm not trying to be mean just I knew a girl like that when I was ur age.

Try not getting involved with guys for a while until u get to know more about u, k :)

2006-09-12 09:17:43 · answer #10 · answered by Sandra Dee 3 · 1 0

this may sound harsh but u are only 13 u shouldnt even worry about being heartbrokne, guys at that age are immature, heck guys at myage of 26 are immature, it isnt anything u are doing its just the way things are. but dont worry about some guy dumping you, u have plenty of time to be with a guy. just move on and just take advantage of your youth and have fun. boys are always gonna be there. hang in there its gonna be okay

2006-09-12 09:18:45 · answer #11 · answered by Jon and Nichole 2 · 1 0

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