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2006-09-12 08:54:01 · 2 answers · asked by thinkpink410 1 in Pets Cats

2 answers

The British Shorthair, probably the oldest English breed of cat, traces its ancestry back to the domestic cat of Rome and is a comparatively rare cat in the United States. Around 1980 it was recognized for championship competition by CFA stimulating much needed interest in the breed. Recognized world-wide, many fine “Brits” are still imported today from England, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia to help widen the gene pool for breeders in the United States.

you'll find this interesting also: The Egyptian Mau breed, while perhaps not the oldest recognized cat breed in registries, is believed to stem from the oldest domesticated cat. The original African Wild Cat, is thought to be the cat originally domesticated by the Egyptians, over 4,000 years ago. Today, the Egyptian Mau is the only naturally-occurring spotted breed of cat. To add to its historical distinction, the name "Mau" literally means "cat" in Egyptian.

2006-09-14 01:22:12 · answer #1 · answered by tampico 6 · 0 0

The British short hair. Goes back to Rome.

2006-09-12 17:16:30 · answer #2 · answered by Who am I? 5 · 0 0

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