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I mean I could eat breakfast as in oatmeal with a bannana, lunch with some veggies or and apple and dinner with a veggie or fruit? But can I eat oatmeal for breakfast then for lunch have a salad and for dinner eat chili or whatever my mom cooks?

2006-09-12 08:50:00 · 4 answers · asked by jwslover12 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

4 answers

Take portable items along with you.

2006-09-12 08:51:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're on the right track! Oatmeal for breakfast is so good for you, you could'nt eat a better breakfast than this. Eat your oatmeal for breakfast and your banana if you want it. For lunch, of course you can have salad-if that's going to be enough for you. Since you'll be in school and not exerting alot of physical activity this would work. You could even eat some kind of a sandwhich (try to eat whole wheat bread) with turkey or chicken too if you're still hungry with just salad. For dinner you can eat what your mom fixes, the night time meals you'll want to cut back alittle on if you won't be doing anything but hanging around the house, as these are the ones that just kind of sit in your stomach and don't get burned off.
When we say 6 meals, it just means that inbetween breakfast and lunch have a little something to snack on, like low fat crackers, fruits, nature valley has some good breakfast bars that I like to carry in my bag. Inbetween lunch and dinner, if you're hungry have another snack that's healthy, this is all that means. We are suggesting the snacks inbetween the meals, because if you can snack some, then you won't be so starving at the meals and over eat, does this make sense?
Learn to limit these kinds of foods to just once a week or so: cheeses, sodas, sweet treats, fast foods, (use subway instead or something similiar) fried foods. Instead eat subway or fast food grilled chicken sandwiches, fruits and veggies, healthy crackers, low fat cheeses, like mozerrella. Hope this helps some!
Sorry about the spelling, the "check spelling" did'nt work!

2006-09-12 16:01:22 · answer #2 · answered by trainer53 6 · 0 0

I would suggest doing the Isagenix program. You can lose extra weight the healthy way having 3 to 4 meals per day. They have bars which taste delicious and are portable. Check out my website for further information www.healthexperts.isagenix.com

2006-09-12 16:07:38 · answer #3 · answered by Flash 1 · 0 0

I drank alot of GREEN TEA when I was in school and after and still now. It is extremely healthy for you and naturally boosts your metabolism and detoxs your body. Along with strengthening your immune system. It is awesome if you are trying to watch your weight or diet.
I have never done a "6 meal diet". Seems like too much work and eating.=0P
Good luck!

2006-09-12 15:54:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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