Children at this age have such short attention spans that often they may simply not be able to remember what they did at school. Also, because of the short attention spans of children at this age, teachers may teach in short bursts, and they often use games, etc., to involve the children, so children may not even think of it as a learning experience although they are learning a lot. So between the combination of a short attention span and so many lessons that may be taking place throughout the day, it can be difficult for children under 7 or 8 to remember what they did in school that day. Just continue to encourage your child to tell you about her school day, because helping her to remember and re-hash will also help her to learn. And as in the earlier suggestion, you might get with the teacher and get at least some idea of lesson plans - if not weekly activities then maybe a list of concepts they will be covering for the week - then ask your daughter questions specific to what they are studying. Or maybe research and find out an interesting fact that she probably wouldn't learn in school until she was older. For example, if they are learning about colors and the teacher uses butterflies as an example, then maybe try asking your daughter, "Did you know that caterpillars are butterfly larva? Do you know what larva means?" This will not only keep her interested, but also help her to learn new things that may be even above her grade level. You sound like a very involved parent, and that's the best you can do! Best of luck.
2006-09-12 07:09:07
answer #1
answered by JenV 6
What do you know about your child's routine at school? If you understand their daily routine, you'll be able to ask more specific questions and be more likely to get an answer. Ask your child's teacher what their daily routine is or volunteer in the classroom and figure out their daily routines.
For example, my KG girl does "centers" every day. She does 2 different centers each day where she works in small groups with classmates. I can ask her what centers she did today. Or ask about who was her teacher's helper at calendar time. Or they usually listen to music at the end of the day, so I can ask what songs they sang. I can also look through her backpack and ask about the things she brings home.
2006-09-12 14:15:50
answer #2
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Children that age sometimes don't have the cognitive/social development to carry on a conversation with such a broad topic. You can give her conversational guidance by asking questions about specific activities.
Try asking her close-ended (yes or no) questions and then follow them up with an open-ended (requires an explanation) question.
For example:
So, honey, did your teacher read a story at school today?
If she says yes: Did you like it?
If she says yes: What did you like about it? or Why did you like it?
2006-09-12 14:05:07
answer #3
answered by caylinn1996 3
Seems to be pretty common. My 5 year old is the same way. She started opening up a little when I started reading her library books with her and casually bringing up school and her friends, but for the most part she is still quiet.
2006-09-12 14:00:09
answer #4
answered by donsonjane pro 1
I have a five year old who just started kindergarten and she doesn't mind telling me about her day. I just have to ask lots of questions because I usually get one- or two-word answers. She loves school so far! My daughter's got a mind like a sponge...she can practically remember every detail of her day and sometimes she'll just start talking about it without me asking her to. I hope her mind is like this all throughout school!
2006-09-12 14:03:33
answer #5
answered by SassySours 5
Your 5 year old now thinks of herself as older, more mature, and easily able to conquer the world...........without mommy. We all know she can't, but in her world, she can. She's asserting her independence from you and it'll only get worse as she gets older. Keep asking her and maybe someday she'll tell you something about her day.
2006-09-12 13:59:53
answer #6
answered by GirlinNB 6
My son who is 5 and my daughter who is 6 does the same thing... I ask them everyday how was school and what did u do... They shrugg their shoulders and say I don't know... I put my son in Karate in his daycare and asked him what he learned he said I don't know... They remember but I think when they wanna tell you they will...
2006-09-12 14:07:21
answer #7
answered by SweetOne 2
Found out the lesson plan from her teacher then you can initiate what she did at school that day.
2006-09-12 13:58:17
answer #8
answered by Wiccan Woman 3
My boy always forgets...although he can remember every little thing I have ever done wrong!
I don't know what to do either!
2006-09-12 14:51:46
answer #9
answered by fairly smart 7
Keep digging. Who did you play with? What did you eat for lunch? Did you learn about shapes, colors, etc.?
2006-09-12 14:00:51
answer #10
answered by Mommymonster 7