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2006-09-12 05:56:38 · 27 answers · asked by damar 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

27 answers


2006-09-12 05:58:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Weight is the result of more calories (energy) than your body can use. Therefore, there are ONLY two ways to reduce weight: Diet and exercise -- either reduce your calories or increase the energy your body needs. So, if you don't want to diet, you MUST exercise. However, keep in mind that diet doesn't have to be a nasty thing. Simple, small changes can keep you from putting on more weight. For example, if you drink milk use skim or 1% instead of 2% or whole. Use low-fat cheese. Eat more chicken and fish and less beef. Eat a few nuts for protein as a between meal snack. The weight may not melt off, but every bit helps. And keep in mind, you need 500 less calories every day to lose a pound a week. That could mean eating 250 less calories and exercising. Exercise doesn't mean having to go to the gym every day. It could be taking 3 10 minute walks a day. Any more activity than what you do now is going to need more energy (use more calories).

2006-09-12 06:02:15 · answer #2 · answered by Tiramysu 4 · 0 0

Being over 100 pounds overweight, I started walking and building my endurance. Then I started walking faster and joining a gym where I have incorporated weights. The results have been much faster and the only diet change was to increase water. The water helps to flush my system but I am still enjoying my meals without feeling guilty. I don't count points or go hungry. I eat what I like and I have lost 80 pounds! I still have another 100 to go. I will say that after exercising, I don't always eat the same. I now eat more fruit and less fat. I do often crave more protein but I know that helps with muscle development.

Good luck! I hope this helps. :o)

2006-09-12 06:07:55 · answer #3 · answered by Paul & Kristie M 2 · 0 0

If you don't want to cut out your diet I assume that you also don't want to exercise,right? Then I will say cut out the soft drinks or not to put sugar&milk in your coffee/tea. Also, you can try to walk more and faster than usual. You will be amazed when you look at your legs a month later. Walking for 45 minutes more a day can really help. If you like sweet food and find it hard to stop eating sweet food, then you may try to drink a glass of milk with a spoonful of honey every night before you go to bed. You will stop wanting sweet stuff after few days.

2006-09-12 06:09:04 · answer #4 · answered by Doight 2 · 0 0

You can exercise for days on end but if your eating like a cow your slowing down your metabolism anyway So you'd have to run for 15 hours to burn off what it could take two hours to do. Don't be a pig, control you portions and exercise for about an hour. That's pretty much all you need, but if you think it would help. . . get something to boost your metabolism, like some of those pills you put in your water or something.

2006-09-12 06:10:48 · answer #5 · answered by ari 2 · 0 0

Exercise...do cardo like jogging, biking, aerobics ect. Keep your heart rate up for at least 20 min at a time. The best way to loose weight fast is keep your heart rate up for 20 mins then walk slow down your heart rate when you feel it getting back to normal start running again. It's like a kick start to your system...burns more calories faster. Sort of like if your in heavy city traffic and you're stopping and going...you'll burn more fuel than being on the hwy doing a steady 55mph.

2006-09-12 06:00:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you should check out why you do not pick them to appreciate you're dropping weight. If that is via fact they don't pick you to be undesirable then be very careful with attempting to drop some weight via fact they may be appropriate and you could make your self very sick. in case you do not have faith what the human beings around you assert you should work out your surgeon and get their advice. An impartial scientific expert may be quite efficient in recommending an appropriate weight-alleviation plan. If that is considering which you're embarrassed or pick to ask your self somebody then your surgeon can nevertheless be a functional individual to fulfill with. you're stunned to hit upon that battling eating might unquestionably be the worst thank you to attempt to drop some weight. Your physique will think of that nutrition is scarce and take a examine out to horde capability (contained in this form of fat) so it does not starve. eating smaller food greater many times will help your physique enable circulate of weight. that is much less demanding to drop some weight once you have a help group. attempting cooking greater healthy ideas will help incorporate your loved ones in case you pick. walking is the terrific workout. walk for as much as half-hour an afternoon at a %. the place you won't be in a position to sing yet can communicate casually, any quicker is merely too quickly. commence at a decrease time in case you should or in hassle-free terms some days a week. you will right now see progression interior the area/time you could walk. do not workout hungry via fact not in hassle-free terms are you probable to faint or overeat once you're finished, you in addition to might rigidity your physique into questioning that's starving and it will combat back by ability of attempting to save fat. solid success and bear in ideas that eating a balanced weight-alleviation plan is significant to solid wellness.

2016-10-14 22:23:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

That's a tough question to answer without knowing how much you weigh, what you eat, or how much you exercise.

Assuming that you eat reasonably healthy and exercise less than three days a week, I would recommend increasing your exercise regimen and adding more and longer cardio to your routine.

Good luck.

2006-09-12 05:58:41 · answer #8 · answered by Jeff 2 · 1 0

There is only one way to lose weight, that is to burn more calories than you consume. This is simple science. There are then two approachs to this goal. You can eat less, and keep your activity level the same, or you can eat the same, and become more active, thus burning more calories. Anyone that tells you anything else, is trying to sell something.

2006-09-12 06:03:07 · answer #9 · answered by mark the nurse 2 · 0 0

When someone figures it out they'll be rich. It amazes me that people actually think that their is a big secret to reducing your weight. Eat healthy and exercise...period!

2006-09-12 06:58:36 · answer #10 · answered by grudgrime 5 · 0 0

You know how.
Everyone knows this one.
Extra weight is an energy imbalance thing. You take in too much calories and don't burn up enough and you gain weight.

So either reduce what goes in your mouth or excercise more.

There is absolutely no mystery here.

2006-09-12 05:57:29 · answer #11 · answered by emperor_chino 2 · 0 0

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