I can 't tell you here. Come to bed with me and I'll whisper in your ear!
2006-09-12 04:59:36
answer #1
answered by Rude 4 U 3
First, you must not really know as much about Christians as you think you know, or else you would know that ONLY Catholics say Hail Marys and genuflect. That won't get us forgiven. No we don't think we can do as much sinning as we want. If we wanted to go around sinning like we did before, then our salvation experience wasn't real. We still sin after finding salvation, because no one is perfect. But our attitude about those sins changes immensely. You said God condemns fornication....I don't do that. You listed things that most Christians do NOT do. I'm sure that if a true Christian did any of these things, they would feel terrible. If they don't, that means they don't have the Holy Spirit guiding their actions and serving as their conscience. And yes, when I sin I do pray that God will forgive me and that the Holy Spirit will help me to not do it again. And I also pray that my heart will be soft enough next time that I will recognize God's guidance.
I have no excuse. I'm a sinful human. That's why we needed Jesus to come and pay the price for our sins. We didn't have a chance on our own.
Two Bible verses that show that a Christian cannot continue to live in their sins:
Mat 7:17 Even so, every good tree gives good fruit; but the bad tree gives evil fruit.
Mat 12:33 Make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree.
In other words.....you can a tell a Christian by the "fruit" (work) they produce (do).
2006-09-12 12:29:48
answer #2
answered by married_so_leave_me_alone1999 4
First of all I am Christian. Secondly, I do not commit, as you say, " fornication, homesexuality, sodemy, anal sex, adulty, and all that good stuff that you all like to do." Neither I, nor my Christian friends take part in these kinds of activities. You are out of your mind. You also say, "I strongly doubt that you even feel guilt when you do fornicate everyday, " What? I do not fornicate. I am married, I have sex with my wife, and No, we didn't have sex before we got married.
You also said, "pray to God to forgive you even with your daily rebellion against his laws." Christians do not and should not have rebellion against God's Laws.
Finally, you asked "How do you avoid the fires of hell with your constant sinning?" I avoid the fires of hell because Christ died for me, he paid for my sins and the sins of the world for all who believe in him and trust that his name is the only name that can save. Jesus said, "no one comes to the Father except through me." And "If you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." That is what I put my faith in, not my actions or failures, but the Fact that Jesus has already overcome the world. Christians should not live in sin, but you are out of line saying that Christians commit these abominations. Who are you to judge anyone? What gives you the right? You will be judged according to how you judge others.
In your extreme ignorance you also said "God does not forgive if you actually read the bible he usually punished people by stoning them killing them, and over the most stupid things. "
Wow, you have proved it to me that you are an idiot. You should actually read the Bible instead of just talking about it. God forgives sins all the time. He forgave all kinds of people and gave them tons of chances to repent. You have clearly shown your true nature to "accuse" Christians of wrong doing. You probably learned it from your father. You know who he is? Ask a Christian.
2006-09-12 12:07:56
answer #3
answered by blizgamer333 3
We are all human and we all sin. Have you ever sinned?
Christians, are called to life the life that Jesus showed us.
When we fail, we have the gift of redemption. We confess our sins to God and are charged to Go in peace and sin no more.
We are NOT to continually and consciously sin knowing we will just confess and be O.K..
Why do you strongly doubt that we feel sorry for our sins? Most people sin every day to some extent. Bearing false wittiness by making unknown accusations against a whole group of people is considered a sin.
What do you do when you sin?
By the way, Stoning and such are Old Testament rules.
2006-09-12 12:05:11
answer #4
answered by C 7
If they are "Christians", they shouldn't be living in sin. We all sin in some form, whether by thought, word, or deed. The thing is, we shouldn't be committing the same sin over and over again. If we do, then we have a problem with out faith (meaning we don't recognize what Christ accomplished at the Cross for us) and/or our flesh. Sin is not suppose to be our master. At the same time, we are carnal, sold unto sin. God knows that we will fall but we're suppose to repent and turn away from that sin. That's true repentance! That's the difference between a saint and a sinner, no saint of God plans to sin, no true believer loves their sin.
2006-09-12 12:04:11
answer #5
answered by Gail R 4
Sin is the state of mankind because of the fall of Adam. Selfish in nature would be a good description for sin. All mankind at one time or another is selfish. We think of ourselves before anyone else.The symptoms of sin are all those things that you mentioned and even more. Check Galatians chapter 5.When we receive the Love of God thru Jesus we enter into a relationship with Him and in that relationship we can become more like Jesus when we have a desire to, but only when we see ourselves as we really are; which is guilty; Jesus said if we have broken one commandment then we are guilty of breaking them all.Have you ever told a lie?When we recognize our guilt and only then can we go to our Father in Heaven and confess and he is faithful to forgive us. As far as Hell goes ,let God be the judge.
2006-09-12 12:30:29
answer #6
answered by darlin4071 1
Tricky question. Because your idea of a christian constantly sinning and not caring about or being humbled by his sin doesn't sound like a christian (sounds more like a modern day christian). All people are sinners, but christians are to trust and follow Christ's example and in doing so become noticeably different than non-christians. How does anyone escape the fires of hell? Through not trusting their own righteousness, but looking to Jesus, who satisfied God's Law for us by His Life; and satisfied God's wrath for us on the cross.
2006-09-12 12:27:43
answer #7
answered by Mister Farlay 2
People who do these things are NOT Christians. Ever hear a cow bark, a snake meow? No - why because they are what they are! A Christian will not do the things you mentioned - but they do sin, because no man or woman is perfect. So how do these sins get wiped clean? Through the blood of Jesus.
Thanks for asking a good Question!!
2006-09-12 12:02:06
answer #8
answered by Gladiator 5
We have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory. We repent... and hopefully get delivered of those things where we won't sin.
If people don't feel guilt (conviction), I would have to question then if they are Christian.
This has to do with confessing our sin.
I am protestant, so I don't believe in the Hail Mary thing.
I believe in asking Jesus to forgive me.
2006-09-12 12:04:32
answer #9
answered by RB 7
The bible clearly states that there no man here on earth that is with out sin, we are to avoid living (practicing) sin. As long as we live in our flesh, we will sinners. This is why Jesus came to die for us to be the bridge. When I fall, I ask for forgiveness to the Lord and repent. God doesn't want you to try to become perfect in order to go to Him, you will be made perfect in Him. God bless
2006-09-12 12:03:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I don't know...I try to avoid all of that. So far, I think that I have been mostly successful. Yes, I beg for forgivness...I do pray for other people too. The sad part is, we do believe in forgivenes; only if we did it. That is a psychological thing. What can I say? The whole world is full of hypocrites...Us included. ;)
2006-09-12 12:01:52
answer #11
answered by ? 3