If people took more time to get to know their partner, and actually knew what they were doing when they got married in the first place, maybe there wouldn't be so much divorce. Too many people feel pressured into it, by society, family, religion, boyfriend/girlfriend, and they get married for the wrong reasons. No big surprise it ends in divorce.
2006-09-11 23:07:39
answer #1
answered by Kerry 7
It is far from obvious that it is best for the children to stay in a situation where they see very bad examples every day of what marriage should be like.
Some marriages really need to be brought to an end. In fact it is marriage which is too easy, especially at young ages, not divorce. Divorce is a financially expensive and emotionally painful process. People would not "allow themselves" to go through this if it were not necessary.
It is better to divorce than to waste years living unhappily together, as well as the damage to the children of living with parents who may resent and despise each other. Divorcing before things get too bad can be far better for the children, who may then get to see their parents co-operating over decisions relating to them and even being reasonably friendly, since the couple have been relieved of the unwelcome expectations within marriage.
2006-09-11 22:32:33
answer #2
answered by Specsy 4
What do you mean its not the best thing for children? My parents getting divorced was the best thing that could ever have happened! My dad is a bast*rd & he treated my mum really badlly! Are lives are so much better without him! If my parents were still together then we would all be miserable! Every situation is different! If people get divorced then there obviouslly not happy together! Are they supposed to stay together in a loveless marrage for the sake of the kids? I would never have wanted my mum to stay with my dad just for me & my sister!
2006-09-11 22:38:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Children would be less unhappy to see their parents divorce than to assist and endure fighting everyday.
People are more free today,especially women,to divorce
and start another life rather than being abused physically and mentally by their conjoint.
There is also less hypocrisy today , as far as a married couple life is concerned , than there were 25/35 years ago and it's a good thing.
2006-09-11 23:54:42
answer #4
answered by d260383 5
Christianity in my opinion reflects the values of the American culture. Although a smaller percentage of Christians make up the US population compared to the time of our forefathers the values in which Christians believe are good. I think the fact that we have fewer Christians now is a moot point. Many people within our nation have abandoned the values which are at the heart of our culture. These values hold families together, hold relationships together, hold our society together and make every ones lives better. I'm not Christian, but I see a degradation in our fundamental set of values especially in people my age. I'm about to turn 20.
2006-09-11 22:33:17
answer #5
answered by To Be Free 4
Because you do not want to stay with someone just for the sake of the children when things go wrong so its the legal option and step you have to take to end the relationship officially.......and i do not see why its not the best thing for the children ..........staying in a relationship which is not good anymore is definately not good for children either
2006-09-12 05:50:54
answer #6
answered by purplepatty 2
I tend to agree with you except when drugs or physical abuse is apparent their is no way any women or man should stay in a marriage just for the children.....Children are so intuned with their surroundings and believe it or not when they are yelling and crying no i want my mommy and daddy to stay..together....how do you think they feel when all the yelling is going on and there alone in there beds wishing for the night to end so they can be safe at there school.....or worse everyone in the house just dies noone speaks to eachother any longer....because they now they should seperate but dont for the kids...They feel that to....kids are selfish but smart and will take a peaceful happy surroundings with shared parental weekends or timed visits than pure hatred under 1 roof....sorry man.....ANGEL
2006-09-11 22:30:50
answer #7
answered by Lisa S 1
It is also not good for children see their parents throw things, fussing all the time, and even be abusive. I would say the problem is not taking enough time to know the person as well as you should. If someone is abusive to you, then you should not allow that person to abuse you, and in front of the kids is wrong. I saw my dad abuse my mother one time, as a child, and I never forgot it. They stayed together, but to this day, I cannot have good feelings about him, as he was emotionally abusive to me as well. It made me paranoid, and went through several marriages until I found the one that was not like my dad, and he is my best friend, have many children and grandchildren. Whose to say, moving on is not the best.I was with my dad when he died, and even though he was in a coma, I told him I forgave him, and prayed for his soul. He did not physically abuse me sexually, but he did make me feel worthless.
2006-09-11 22:30:42
answer #8
answered by shardf 5
You're right. Divorce is not the best thing for children. But, on the other hand, staying together in misery within an abusive relationship is not the best thing for children, either.
2006-09-11 22:28:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"Societies"? You prefer a police-state mandated marriage for life?
No, marriage is not an institution originated with man, so man (as in govt) is not responsible for enforcing it, per se (although it is licensed). Even Jesus tells us that Moses gave the allowance for divorce due to the hardness of men's hearts. The consequences of divorce are tragic, and not in God's plan for marriage, but as fallen man, we have been given that option when two people refuse to commit to become one, for whatever reason.
2006-09-11 22:27:46
answer #10
answered by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5