Have you ever tried to milk a cat?
2006-09-11 21:07:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would guess that the infants of most mammals can drink the milk of most other mammals, at least for the short term.
The same is true for humans: we can drink milk from many sources. In various societies, people drink/drank milk from cows, yaks, sheep, goats, horses, buffalo, camels, and maybe llamas. I also know of a scientist who claims to have tasted milk from cultured mammary cells, and I think I've heard of others tasting milk from lab mice. And of course, almost all of us have had human milk - from our mothers.
The reasons we usually drink cows milk have to do with the ease with which it can be obtained and the amounts the cattle can produce.
2006-09-11 21:52:31
answer #2
answered by Bad Brain Punk 7
Cows are domesticated and also, cows produce much more milk than other domesticated animals. Even so, some drink milk of goats.
2006-09-11 22:15:13
answer #3
answered by Hardrock 6
In no particular order....
Cows have been domesticated a long time.
Cows produce more milk than other domesticated animals.
Habit and resistance to change.
Understand that if we switched to a new animal for milk... it would have to be palatable to humans, be mass produceable, useable in our food industry.
Have you ever had goat cheese? it's pretty sharp.
2006-09-11 21:30:12
answer #4
answered by slynx000 3
The above statement is not correct. We drink milk from Goat, Buffalo also, In some region from Camel as well. May be you are not aware of
2006-09-11 21:55:21
answer #5
answered by Mein Hoon Na 7
I guess because no other animal produces so much, and it is so easy to domesticate.
Huns used to drink mare's milk, because they were nomads.
I would not try to milk a zebra...
2006-09-11 21:12:20
answer #6
answered by oldmarketeer 3
its just a habit, since they were probably first domesticated and produce milk in large quantities. besides cow's milk is milder and more agreeable to humans with regard to fat, protein and water content.
2006-09-11 21:13:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
some people have to drink milk from goats
2006-09-11 21:09:00
answer #8
answered by Neil G 6
we can and do
but for economic reasons the cow is easy to keep and gives a good yeild per head
2006-09-11 21:44:34
answer #9
answered by Aslan 6
bcoz cows are abundant and it has ben a norm since ages, also bcoz it is highly nutritious and fuldils the requirements of body.
2006-09-12 01:46:48
answer #10
answered by Urvashi B 1