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South African Minister of Health, Mantu Tshabalala, after groundbreaking research, has apparently found a cure for AIDS.

Dr.Tshabalala a.k.a. Dr. Beetroot, despite criticism from detractors like Zackie Achmat of the Treatment Action Campaign, has discovered that the same substance used to keep vampires away - garlic - is also a cure for AIDS.
If used in conjunction with lemons and beetroot - as well as general good nutrition - the medicinal effects are increased further, Dr. Tshabalala has found.

The use of garlic to ensure protection from vampires has long been an effective remedy for people living in certain Eastern European countries, but its medicinal benefits against the contraction of AIDS has not been known up until now.

Dr. Tshabalala attended the First Leningrad Medical Institute in the former Soviet Union between 1962 and 1969, which is possibly where her initial research into vampires began
However, her views on anti - retroviral antidotes were voted out in 2002

2006-09-11 15:44:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

What surprised me about this question were the people that took it seriously.

What surprised me even more are the people that are STILL willing to make excuses for the imbecilic nature of the government over there - whilst a Marxist witchdoctor is prescribing remedies for Dracula to millions suffering from AIDS. No wonder grown men are gang raping children over there. South Africa is in worse shape than I thought.

wagbietjie - who answered below, is one of the prime reasons that South Africa is in the mess it is today. If this sexist busybody - and others like her - had minded her business way back when, South Africans - both black and white alike, could have figured out how to run their country on their own, as it was glaringly apparent that a cruel system of racial segregation was unworkable, to say the least.
Instead, she joined what was called 'the anti - apartheid movement' and helped put a Marxist government in place that now plays fiddles as the country burns around them

2006-09-12 07:20:27 · update #1

wagbietjie informed me that she is a doctor, which is a tragic irony, as doctors are supposed to save lives.
It is because of HER interference, and that of others like her, that South Africa is now being systematically wiped out by the crises of AIDS and crime.

2006-09-12 07:27:49 · update #2

opium thanks! - I forgot about that.

To those of you still uninitiated into the surreal nature of the current political situation in what used to be South Africa, the Zuma she refers to is 64 year old Jacob Zuma, former Deputy President of South Africa, currently facing corruption charges, who was acquitted of raping the 31 year old HIV positive DAUGHTER of a family friend earlier this year, when it was ruled that the sex was consensual, even though Zuma is apparently husband to several wives of his own - that's 'wives', plural. I'm not making any of this up

Part of his defense was that not having sex with her would be disrespectful, but more importantly, it came out in the trial that he had showered afterwards, and believed that was sufficient to prevent AIDS infection.
I'm not making this up either

This is the former DEPUTY PRESIDENT we're talking about here
Is it any wonder that South Africa is systematically being burned down?
The place is through the looking glass

2006-09-12 08:56:59 · update #3

wagbietjie - I was not out of date - I was unaware of Dr. Tshabalala's discovery until I found out about it on someone else's question.
We hadn't heard about it in the First World yet, so I wanted to share the news with folks over here.

2006-09-12 11:53:09 · update #4

wagbietjie (why do you use that Afrikaans name? Are you trying to relate?) - The best thing you can do is keep your nose out of South Africa's business, God knows people like you have damaged it enough.

And don't tell me you're one of those lunatics that believe that Bush was 'in' on Sept 11. If so, best keep your mouth shut over here, too. Don't want to help destroy a second country, now do we?

2006-09-13 05:32:41 · update #5

Angel Pie - So, South Africa is the the only country with so many cultures, languages and people in it it?
You've never been to New York, have you?

2006-09-13 22:20:52 · update #6

Now you know who I am and why I grate carrots.

2006-09-13 22:38:28 · update #7

Thanks Alf.
Mbeki is a thinner version of Idi Amin, presiding over his own private holiday resort.
Didn't know about the retirement home and private jets - expect a piece on that soon.

2006-09-14 09:10:02 · update #8

Thanks Alf.
Mbeki is a thinner version of Idi Amin, presiding over his own private holiday resort.
Didn't know about the retirement home and private jets - expect a piece on that soon.

2006-09-14 09:10:03 · update #9

Alf - one more thing - I think you're being too hard on these 'anti-apartheid activists'. They're smart people that understand which side their bread is buttered on, very much like French people that collaborated with the Nazis during the Second World War, but once the Allies liberated France miraculously became card carrying members of the French Resistance.
Actually, there's a darker analogy from The Second World War for these people that springs to mind. They remind me of camp guards from death camps like Auschwitz.
The camp guards at such places were, for the most part, not hard core Nazis, but conscripted soldiers that either became alcoholics or shut themselves off to reality to deal with the horror of the everyday realities they were witnessing.
In that sense, they were victims also, though that didn't absolve their culpability, because, unlike the prisoners they were guarding, it was their choice to be there.

2006-09-15 01:31:29 · update #10

And to all those that have clarified what this lunatics' full name is - Tshabalala Msimang - thanks for making her easier to identify to those still uninitiated to the paradise you live in - but I really didn't need the help. I have abbreviated her name for reasons of economy. To explain these questions, one only has 1000 characters to work with, including periods and commas.
Let's face facts - I could call her Dr. Rumpelstiltskin and everyone in South Africa would know who I was talking about.

2006-09-15 02:37:49 · update #11

21 answers

Brad, Why are you upsetting all the Proud South Africans. You know they cannot handle confrontation withour resorting to name calling and/or claiming Apartheid was not of their doing and they were actually activists. Dr Tsongololla is merely voicing the views of Mbeki and if you consider that more than 1000 people per day in South Africa are dying from AIDS ( if you believe the statistics and it is probably more) then why aren't the pair of them charged with criminal negligence/genocide in an International Court? As for only killing South Africans does wagnbietjie believe that they actually ask for your passport before they murder you and what does he/she say to the 30 Somalian refugees that were murdered in Cape Town last month. Refugees fleeing the Country because it is unsafe? AIDS is a tragedy in South Africa aided and abetted by an uncaring Government for purely selfish economic reasons I suspect. They are not going to "waste" money on those who are dying when they have more pressing needs like buying a private aeroplane or building a retirement bunker that cost nearly 50 times the cost of an average home. 80 of the World's leading scientists and/or AIDS experts have rubbished her views and heavily criticised the South African Government for their inaction. Do you think they will change? Their reaction so far is to form a committee to communicate their position better because she is not telling as she should. Lay the blame straight at Mbeki's door because he is the one who pulls the strings and holds the strange views.

2006-09-14 08:10:40 · answer #1 · answered by Alf Garnett 3 · 0 1

Hi there,

First of all, yes, almost everybody is laughing at her stupid ideas. But just to set the record straight, she isn't saying that garlic and beetroot, will cure AIDS. Apparently you can read, but you must read correct OK?

Need you be reminded that Mbeki didn't know the difference between the HIV virus and AIDS, nobody went off and blew his head off?

Yes I think Tshabalala is stupid and does not deserve to be Minister of Health, but then again, being a South African, I understand why she believes this bull ****.

In a lot of the African cultures you get "doctors" believing that all kinds of herbs, plants, roots, and sometimes even genital parts etc. could cure anything, (even a cheating wive).

These doctors are sometimes called sangoma's or spiritual healers. You get evil ones as well as good ones. And the crazy (amazing) thing of it all is that sometimes these "doctors" can cure you.

So my advise on this matter is for you to stop making a fuss about our country and focus on your own problems. At least South Africa isn't running a war in another country and do not stick our noses into other countries businesses. Otherwise, our "doctors" could put a spell on you for your stupidity! So beware!

2006-09-11 21:38:14 · answer #2 · answered by poepies 4 · 3 2

Are you not a bit out of date here? This is not new news - it has been news for YEARS. Get with it. Instead of insulting persons, or groping women inappropriately, perhaps it would be beneficial for you to read more and educate yourself.

And if I were you I would not insult anyone on this site anymore, already had one question pulled, a second one in danger and all of those flags must put you at risk of being suspended from Yahoo answers. On the other hand, go ahead, it would give us all great pleasure to get you suspended.

If you had done any reading prior to posting this question, you would have learned that the South African government in the last few weeks revised their stand on the issue of HIV/AIDS and that Dr Tshabalala-Msimang (yes, that is the name, as per usual you do not have any information correct) have been sidelined.

For someone who have on this site carried on about how bad things are in SA (which in effect has nothing to do with you as you are a US-citizen now and an Apartheid supporter), you seem to be rather out of step and incredibly ill-informed about what really is going on in that country. But then you are rather ill-informed about what is going on in the USA as well, so ....

South Africans are standing together, which is very clear from just this site, I am not a South African but I worked as a volunteer medical doctor in the black hospitals in the 1980s and I was an anti-apartheid activist (and of course now I will be called an ANC-apologist by you, so go-ahead). I read how these proud people of all races stand together for their country and I know that my life-choice to go there and work was the best I could have done.

Thanks for informing me that the USA (where I have been living permanently for the last 10 years) and Canada (and best you work this one out for yourself Mr Morris) is NOT the "first world" - except that the USA is definately not anything "first" in the world, except war mongering and making the world unsafe for everyone.

You'd best stop with your comments, you are only shining the spotlight on you own ignorance and how ill-informed you are. Best pick up some books and educate yourself. In the very least for your children's sake.

2006-09-11 23:51:54 · answer #3 · answered by wagbietjie 2 · 3 3

Firstly, I hang my head in shame that our Minister of Health has turned SA into the laughingstock of the world, and that millions of people are going to die because a man that many follow has told everyone that if you shower you will not get AIDS and that if a woman wears a skirt that shows her knees she is "asking for it", but don't you dare point fingers at my country and turn around and say yours is so FIRST WORLD!!!! At least South Africans are only killing each other, Your president refuses to sort the **** out at his own back door and instead runs around killing the rest of the world because of his greed... When he starts killing US citizens and leaves other countries alone then we can talk again!!! You must also in your tiny little mind realise that there is no way you can compare one country to another, South Africa is the only country in the world with so many different cultures, languages and people in it, so go and spout your **** to your own species. I AM PROUDLY SOUTH AFRICAN and will wear a halo of beetroot and garlic to prove it!!!!!

2006-09-13 22:14:06 · answer #4 · answered by Angel Pie 2 · 2 3

You've been participating since July 7, 2006.
Have you made any wise contribution or input since then?
Internet is the most powerful learning tool on earth and we should keep it that way. It is not a tool for expressing some ill attitudes.
Go to school and learn. You've got a chance to be literate.

2006-09-12 05:38:02 · answer #5 · answered by Diezel 4 · 2 2

I still can't figure out why she has held her position as Minister of Health for South Africa for as long as she has.

2006-09-11 19:59:07 · answer #6 · answered by moya 4 · 1 0

What surprised me is you didn't try to work the movie Vampire Biker Babes in there somehow.

2006-09-14 07:50:43 · answer #7 · answered by Movie Guy 3 · 1 0

what have you got against South Africa? Its that or you just don't have a life.That issue has been dealt with and it is still being investigated by government.Just let it rest and by the way if you don't mind please stop dogging S.A.Get a hobby.Thanks

P.S Have you heard of an "imbiza"? I think that Tshabalala-Msimang was just trying to highlight indigenous medicines as, apparently, they boost the immune system.

2006-09-11 20:30:51 · answer #8 · answered by T.I 5 · 1 3

You dont realy believe that b/s do you. Aids would not be a problem in south africa if it was that simple and believe me i wish i was that simple.

2006-09-11 17:12:13 · answer #9 · answered by cheryl l 3 · 1 0


*realises this question is another humungous waste of time and leaves*

Thanks for my two points though. Did you know that Santa still exists too? Just thought you'd like to know.

2006-09-12 02:00:09 · answer #10 · answered by Ni Ten Ichi Ryu 4 · 2 1

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