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Do we brag about 6000+ people killed in Pearl Harbor, etc. Come on. We don't we have anniversaries for Pearl Harbor?,, Think about it... Why always talk about 9/11, when Pearl Harbor was also there. We don't even know the anniversaries of it. There is SOMETHING the MEDIA is sticking to the 9/11 events. Driven by political agendas.

2006-09-11 13:23:58 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

my answer......such a cold hearted person. Gimme those 2 points loser.

2006-09-12 13:16:55 · answer #1 · answered by jp_457 3 · 1 0

I don't think we are bragging about 9/11 I think there are still a lot of people that has not got over loosing their love one .This is the first time we have been attacked on American soil with all 6000+ people die.We do have an anniversary for Pearl Harbor and the reason people don't know the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked is because is was a long time ago and people will soon forget someday just like Pearl Harbor.There is one thing if you don't to see it on t.v. just turn it off or change channels.Be an American if you live in American love it or leave it.If you don't live here don't let it bother you.After reading this person profile I don't think he is an American.

2006-09-11 13:39:56 · answer #2 · answered by Douglas R 4 · 0 0

Not a question.

The anniversary for Pearl Harbor is 12/7.

2006-09-11 15:36:53 · answer #3 · answered by Kidd! 6 · 1 0

1.) The attack on Pearl Harbor occured 65 years ago. 9/11 occurred 5 years ago. There is a significant difference in recentness, in case you haven't noticed.
2.) You said, "We don't even know the anniversaries of it." Aside from the grammatical error in that statement, I feel compelled to ask... who is "we"? The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941. I know that. Other people know that. Don't assume that nobody knows just because you don't.
3.) In case you hadn't noticed, today is September 11, 2006. Do the math, and you'll find that it has been exactly 5 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Anyone with a grain of sense could figure out that people talking about it because, among other reasons, today is its anniversary.

2006-09-11 13:40:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In the years immediately following Pearl Harbor, we definitely did have anniversary ceremonies. When you have people who LIVED the event, it is very real to them and should be memorialized. As the living survivors of the event die off, it is natural that the memorials become less emotional. But right now, there are many...many...survivors, and memorializing 9/11 is natural and appropriate. While there are people who want to politicize the event, for the most part, it is merely a people who have a raw wound that is still healing trying to find some closure.

2006-09-11 13:38:05 · answer #5 · answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7 · 1 0

You have your facts and toughts messed up. I don't think 6k people died during pearl harbor attack.

It has been over 60 years since that fateful December 7th day and each year it is mentioned. There are also rememberance ceremonies held on those days-- in fact, in some Japanese citizens/soldiers (those still living) have participated.

9/11 was a large attack on our people, way of life and symbols of our country which happened only 5 years ago. It was one of those events, like Pearl Harbor and the Kennedy assination that people will always remember exactly what they did and where they were.

We cannot move on nor forget what happened for what happened on that date was an attack by a non-governmental combatant hell-bent on destroying much of what we stand for. It was not a military attack on military targets. It was a cowardly attack on civilians by those who only know how to fight in cowardly ways cloaked in evil and hidden ways.

2006-09-11 13:35:23 · answer #6 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 1 0

Actually, people still recognize Pearl Harbor and gather on Dec. 7. Personally, I still think of 9/11 almost every day, and I am sure that there are thousands of other people who do also for whatever reason. If you don't, that's okay, but for many people it is a date that is still impacting families across the US. It's important to honor and recognize those who lost their lives, tried to help and are currently fighting.

2006-09-11 13:28:58 · answer #7 · answered by tsopolly 6 · 3 0

SEE...........people who LIVED during 9/11 are still alive and arent even recovered from it......not many ppl from pearl harbor are. i think that you need to be more sensitive........you dont know if a person on yahoo answers had a family member that past away on this day 5 yrs ago. you cant get over that in 5 years.

2006-09-11 13:30:49 · answer #8 · answered by Christina G. 3 · 2 0

7 December 1941
Pearl Harbor was not located downtown a major city. Pearl Harbor was about a possible threat to the Japanese Empire's southward expansion.

9/11 was about hatred and mass murder. Who were they trying to protect when they killed thousands?

2006-09-11 13:27:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Pearl Habor was like way long ago compared to 9/11 i am sure that by the time 9//1 is as old as pearl habor poeple will not remember it so much either

2006-09-11 17:14:51 · answer #10 · answered by sexy_twin_taylor 1 · 1 0

first of all, youre an idiot for even posting a question like that on here. A lot of people were affected by the events of September 11th. if youre going to come on here and be negative about it, then I think you should reconsider living in this country, because most of us do care about others. And would you be saying "move on" if someone you knew was killed that sad day? Im pretty sure not. Get a life, jerk!

2006-09-11 13:33:08 · answer #11 · answered by heretohelp 2 · 1 0

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