Great second paragraph. I happen to be a Republican/Conservative but am by no means a religious fanatic, or war mongrel. I believe in gay rights, marriage for gay couples committed to each other, abortion rather than abused and unwanted children, marijuana for those terminally ill. There are many issues I may differ with my party on but every time I decide to be open minded about Democrats they open there mouth, spew forth garbage and show me no sincerity or answers. If you will be honest and really listen you will find the Demo crates are the ones spreading hatred. Therefore, I will stay with Republicans.
2006-09-11 11:32:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think they do as they do because it's easy. Leadership is difficult and it's not easy to make some of the decisions that need to be made. It's far easier to attack someone in the other party and pursue petty insignificant banter that leads to nowhere.
You can't please all the people all the time but they try to do this. Instead, they should do as you say, "stop pointing fingers and focus on the issues".
But you can't blame the politicians 100%. The voters are to blame too. They keep voting in dysfunctional fools to term after term after term. The founding fathers never intended to have people elected for life into an office that represents the people. When this happens, the person tends to represent their-self more than their constituency.
2006-09-11 11:20:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
That's a similar question I answered yesterday. See blog for overlong answer. The most applicable part I excerpted below. Anyone who has followed my line of posting knows that I am a very large advocate of voting Third Party. My favorite movie quote is from Brewster's Millions... "Vote for None of the Above">
I believe both parties have lost their way. They have become professional politicians who have discovered that their offices are easily sold to the highest bidder legally using the famous 'lobby' gambit.
My skin crawls everytime I hear someone suggest voting for the 'lesser of two evils'. I consider it worse than someone who votes simply because they 'belong to the party'. It is no wonder Americans are considered fat, lazy and stupid. Hardly anyone cares to get their fat butts to a booth 1 day out of four years to vote. It is disgraceful.
And, here I sit, watching Katie Couric complimenting our progress. I'm half expecting to see a scene of some Afghanny girl putting flowers at a soldier's feet and waving an American Flag. Wouldn't that be a prime time photo op.
To Republican pundits, the only logical question I pose: If you control the Presidency, House, Senate, Judicary and nearly all high level government... Where's all the fixes? They have majority control, yet, they have not fixed Welfare, Social Security and countless other programs they swear the Dems always blocked them on. Where did the 10 Trillion dollars go?
To Democrat pundits, the only logical question: In what direction is this trainwreck of a party traveling? Now, noone seems to be all that willing to hammer out what they really stand for.
Since neither party truly follows what they the highest bidder...the only option is to look for a new party. Get a third party in to start dismantling all the lobbyist corruption that the Rep/Dems claim is too difficult to police...while there's still money in it for them.
One of the more disturbing results of our leader's political tactics is the polarization of the people at large. Dems vs. Repubs. Liberals vs. (Neo-)Conservatives. Pro-Lifers vs. Pro-Choice. In reality, most Americans are not completely one-sided on any particular issue.
Both sides are to blame on this particular subject. How could this have turned out any other way? After decades of demonizing the lables of one side or the other, our leaders have divided the country into a tremendously unhealthy 'Us vs. Them' mentality.
Consider, using '04 Election Republicans for an example of the tactics, one of the slogans that he used in his last campaign was the famous "You're either with us, or you are with the terrorists." Aside from being a powerful motivator, it also enforces the wedge between two groups while, at the same time, associating the one side with terrorists. 20 years ago, being called a Conservative was about as bad as being called a Liberal in today's world.
2006-09-11 11:59:49
answer #3
answered by Quinton1969 3
Sure, but reality is - Agendas. Democrats and Republicans always want more power and the fastest way to gain power is to bash your opponent. I find the whole thing a sign of insecurity. It all starts on the playground. Talk the loudest and bully a person around and all of the sudden people think your the strongest.
2006-09-11 11:14:25
answer #4
answered by Jeremy H 2
what you have said here is pretty much the truth. the dems hate bush because of the way he won the 2000 election (and the 04 one too).
everything both parties do is only for the purpose of getting votes. neither party gives a damn about the people.
as soon as one of them gets elected his/her sole purpose in life immediately becomes to get reelected - and nothing else.
i rank congress below whale poop and whale poop lies on the bottom of the ocean.
2006-09-11 11:17:42
answer #5
answered by arkie 4
It's all a game.
By having political parties, the masses can be left to figure out which 'party' is the least evil.
If there were no parties, simply elected representatives that formed the government, there wouldn't be grounds/time/money to squabble over what isn't important.
2006-09-11 11:15:42
answer #6
answered by p_rutherford2003 5
hi friends is how a lot kundli matching is authentic?i actually want a suitable answer because i'm slightly at a loss for words!My sister and her boyfriend kumdli does adventure because the boy is mangli and that i actually don't know what mangli means!yet they love one yet another actually for one and a 1/2 365 days.And the priest suggested that they can't get married as for a short era they're going to experience free yet her boy pal may have yet another existence with somebody else!My common sense says that kumdli matching isn't authentic yet slightly at a loss for words!Please help... thanks...
2016-11-26 01:55:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why attack each other with blame and disgust? Probably for the same reason Jerry Springer had such high ratings for so long.
2006-09-11 11:50:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think our country is in fact very polarized, and the politicians are merely a symptom of this.
2006-09-11 11:12:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous