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Me and my husband have been together for 2 years married 1.Alot of things have changed between us since my son has beeen born. one day he tells me he started talkling to an old friend that is a girl and if I dont like it then we are done. So I fought with him a little bit about it and then he said he would not talk to her anymore. My phone bill came in I found out that he is still talking to her. I confronted him about it and he blew up thinking we need a divorce because I dont trust him. I let it go for a while. Now he started a new job and he is talking with another girl at all hours of the early morning and when he leaves work, hes been trying to hide talking to her by texting. He says she is just a friend. He says if I dont let him talk to these girls that I dont trust him. I do trust him, I just dont understand after almost 2 years he now has the need to talk with other women. I am confused and scared I might lose him. His intrest in me or anything I do has changed

2006-09-11 10:56:46 · 12 answers · asked by Kristin1205 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

He took his wedding ring off, says its becaue of work. But he wont wear it when hes not at work. It is a little big.
I know he cares about me and the two children. I just dont know why he has changed. He has always had a big heart and always wants to help other people. He did tell me that he fell out of love with me, but he says he still loves me. The other day I couldn't take it anymore and told him to leave, but I had him come back. Because my feelings for him wont change I love him. He doesn't show signs of cheating really, he just has to talk to these girls. I would have never had a problem if he didn't tell me he was going to leave me to talk to the other girl.
I want our marriage to be like it used to be, I was his everything. Now his job and everyone else is more important. I'm hurt and just need a little advise, Will things change or will he always have a need for others?

2006-09-11 11:12:11 · update #1

12 answers

Exactly what would you consider a sign that he's cheating? A huge lump under the bed covers? Lady, a guy that tells his wife he'll keep talking to strange women, and if the wife doesn't like it, the marriage is over- IS CHEATING. Even IF he never has any physical contact, he's cheating. Now, you already have told hubby you aren't going to leave, or toss his butt, so why shouldn't he keep playing around? Lady, unless you acquire a little self respect, and a backbone, nothing is going to change. He WILL play. He will eventually leave anyway, when he finds a woman that seems better, so you might as well put a stop to the silliness, while there is a slight hope to fix your marriage.

2006-09-11 11:39:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its probably because he freaked out when the baby came, if he wants to talk to these girls let him but you know if you were talking to guys he would freak, if thats what he wants then let him just leave him trust me there is someone out there that will love you and your son. And he will realize the family he lost when its really too late like when you already have someone. Be strong for your son don't let him take the distraction off your son.....

2006-09-11 18:09:05 · answer #2 · answered by annie 2 · 0 0

You need to concentrate on you and the baby. Let him dig his own grave on this one.He's a new father and may be getting jealous of the attention going to the baby, that sometimes happens.Concentrate on your new baby boy and maybe you should ask your doctor if he may want to check you for postpartum (baby blues)Once you get yourself together forget about him, the more you concentrate on what he is doing the more he likes the attention(even when its in the negative sense). Have the doctor recommend you to a therapist and do what you have to do and get yourself taken care of, then go from there. You just had a baby (even if its been a year) your body is trying to go back to the norm and sometimes it does lots of crazy **** to our body. I'm sorry to hear whats happening but try to stay strong for yourself and son.Well with the extra details then you really need to let him go, you have two kids and need to be there for them.

2006-09-11 18:27:40 · answer #3 · answered by Nikie 3 · 1 0

Turn Out The Light,s The Party is Over

2006-09-11 17:59:58 · answer #4 · answered by tacoma_fast_ball 3 · 0 1

Yikes. Yes you should be able to trust your husband talking to other girls, its normal for one spouse to expect the other to trust them. But his behavior strikes me as a bit off...For him to say that if you don't like it you guys are over or to talk about divorce...that says to me that he's not terribly interested in keeping the marriage going, to risk losing it over talking to a friend of his. Normally I would say having your guy talking to other girls he's friends with is not a concern, but since it sounds like he is not happy it is possible you have every right to be concerned and suspicious about his talking to these other girls. I would tell him about your concerns and try to find out where all this hostility towards your relationship is coming from, if he's happy in your relationship he shouldn't be threatening to leave you just to get what he wants. If he's willing, marriage counseling would probably be a good idea too. If he's not willing...you may want to save yourself the trouble and end things, it sounds like it might be already over in his mind. Best of luck to you.

2006-09-11 18:09:52 · answer #5 · answered by Caroline 2 · 0 1

wow, it looks like he has already made up his mind, don't worry about losing him he is already gone. if he is not respecting you as his wife than its just a matter of time before the rest of him goes. you have a real tough decision to make here, you either allow him to walk all over you and mess with other women or you get the courage to call it quits. he aparently doesn't give a damb. dont let 2 years turn to 5. if your married the only other women in his life should be mom, sisters, and you. its going to get ugly before it gets good but the sooner you decide the sooner you can get on with your life.

2006-09-11 18:12:12 · answer #6 · answered by puertoricout 4 · 1 1

sorry hon,but you might as well go on and let the heartache start so you can get over him,he is cheating on you (emotional cheating) and sometimes that is the worst kind.the more you hold on to this guy the weaker you are allowing yourself to become.you are better than this.my mother has a saying"it's all over but the crying".

2006-09-11 18:44:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

don't let him play these games with you. Girl you can make it on your own. If he wants another girl than tell him to go get it. Don't ever feel like you can't make it without a man. Be with someone because you want to, not because you have to finacially.

2006-09-11 18:06:25 · answer #8 · answered by FANNY 2 · 1 0

How would he feel if you were talking to other guys at all hours of the morning? I don't see why he has the need, unless he is interested in one of them. Sorry, I know it's not what you wanted to hear.

2006-09-11 18:05:59 · answer #9 · answered by doglady 5 · 0 1

Wow !!! You only knew him 1 year before your married him ????? Hmmmm...... ???? I don't know sweetie....... does he say why is talking to these girls ....... was there ever a trust issue??? If you truly trust him.... then let him be........ if he is committing some sort of adultery ...... ( physical, emotional)... then is will come out in the open !!!!

2006-09-11 18:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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