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Before he left, we had an argument and he told me he needed some time on his own.. I am so worried as I have not heard from him. He said to leave him alone for a bit as he was getting too stressed about our relationship.. I worry though that he might not be thinking of me while he is gone? He is coming back at the end of September. He is with his best friend and they are both visiting their friend from college in Asia for a couple of weeks so I don't want to contact him just in case he may think I am checking up on him. I just worry I may not hear from him? I keep looking at my mobile but no news from him?

2006-09-11 10:55:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

3 answers

leave him alone like he wants..you deserve better than that girl! forget about him and move on - so what if you don't hear from him...it will just be that much easier later!!

2006-09-11 10:59:04 · answer #1 · answered by me 2 · 0 0

Dont worry hun! Cherr up.. most of the time when people go on trips they can get overwhelmed and when youre man is out with the guys you got to remember HE"S WITH THE GUYS!!!!!!!
so dont freak and if i were you i would call him or write, writing is alwas good. but if you are going to call wait a few days and be like hey wuts up? how the trip? anythin new? But dont stress girl

Love always DA WHITE CHICK :)

2006-09-11 18:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just leave him alone.you need to respect his wishes he will contact you when he is ready.don't push.or that may be that.

2006-09-11 18:00:49 · answer #3 · answered by oceanwvs2000 4 · 0 0

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