This is just for DC comics....
* Abattoir
* Abel
* Abin Sur
* Able Crown
* Abnegazar
* Abra Kadabra
* Access (Amalgam Comics)
* Ace
* Ace of Spades
* Ace the Bathound
* Acidia
* Acrata
* Acro-Bat
* Adam
* Admiral Storm
* Adonis (Teen Titans animated)
* Advance Man
* Aegeus
* Aerialist
* African Woman
* Agamemno
* Agent Liberty
* Agent Orange
* Airstryke
* Air Wave I-III
* Ahwehotah (see Max Mercury)
* Akins, Michael (see Michael Akins)
* Al Forbush (Amalgam Comics)
* Alchemist (see Element Lad)
* Alcmaeon
* Aleea Strange (Elseworlds)
* Alexander Luthor, Jr.
* Alexei Luthor (see Lex Luthor)
* Alias the Spider
* Alien X
* Alisand'r
* Alistair Bendel White
* Allen, Barry (see Flash II)
* Allen, Crispus (see Crispus Allen)
* Allergent (Agent Orange)
* Alley-Kat-Abra
* Allure
* Alura
* Alpha Centurion
* Alva Xar
* Amanda Waller
* Amazing Allegro
* Amazing Grace
* Amazing Man I-II
* Amazo
* Ambush Bug
* Ambush the Lunatik (Amalgam Comics)
* Amen-Hotep
* Amethyst, Princess of Gem World
* Amok
* Amorpho
* A-Mortal
* Amygdala
* Andrew Bennett, I...Vampire
* Anarchist
* Anarky
* Anastasia
* Anatol Mykros
* André LeBlanc
* Andromeda
* Angle Man
* Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man
* Animal Man
* Anima
* Animus
* Anomaly
* Answer
* The Ant
* Antaeus
* Antagon
* Anthro
* Anti-Matterman
* Anti-Monitor
* Antithesis
* Anton Arcane
* Anvil
* Apache Chief
* Apeface
* Appa Ali Apsa
* Apparition (see also Phantom Girl)
* April Fool (Elseworlds)
* Aquagirl I, II, III, & IV
* Aqualad (now Tempest)
* Aquaman
* Darla Aquista
* Arak
* Arashi
* Arch
* Archer Braun
* Archor
* Arclight
* Arella
* Ares
* Argent
* Argus
* Ariadne
* Arian
* Arisia
* Armek
* The Armless Master
* Arrakhat
* Arrowette
* Arsenal (formerly Speedy)
* Aruna
* Artemis
* Ash-Pak-Glif
* Asmodel
* Asteroth
* Astra
* Athena II
* Atlan
* Atlas
* Atlas II (Teen Titans animated)
* Atmos
* The Atom I-IV
* Atom Girl
* Atom-Master
* Atom Smasher (formerly Nuklon)
* Atomic Knight
* Atomic Skull I & II
* Aura
* Auron
* Aurora
* Automan
* Avia (Elseworlds)
* Awkward Man (of Inferior Five)
* Axe (of Metallik, see Teen Titans)
* Axeman
* Axis
* Azazel
* Azmodus
* Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley, formerly Batman)
* Aztar
* Aztek
* Azerath
* Azure
* B'dg
* B'Shi
* B'wana Beast
* Babe
* Baby Boom
* Baby Doll
* Backbeat (of Metallik, see Team Titans)
* Backlash
* Bad Samaritan
* Bag O'Bones
* Ballistic
* Balloon Buster
* Bane
* The Banner
* Baron Bedlam
* Baron Blitzkrieg
* Baron Tyrano
* Baron Winter
* Baroness Paula Von Gunther
* Barracuda
* Barrage
* Bart Allen
* Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
* Batgirl (Barbara Gordon; see also Oracle)
* Bat-Girl (Betty Kane)
* Bat-Knight (Elseworlds)
* Bat Lash
* Batman (Dick Grayson; see Nightwing)
* Batman (Jean Paul Valley; see Azrael)
* Batman (Bruce Wayne)
* Batman Jones
* Bat-Mite
* Battalion
* Batwoman
* Batzarro
* Baud
* Baytor
* Beast Boy (aka Changeling)
* Beautiful Dreamer
* Bedlam
* Beefeater
* Beezlebub
* Bekka
* Belial
* Belphegor
* Benadict Asp
* Beppo
* Bernadeth
* Bette Noir
* Betty Clawman
* Bevarlene (Amalgam Comics)
* Bibbo Bibbowski
* Big Barda
* Big Breeda
* Big Bear
* Big Caesar
* Big Shot
* Big Sir
* Billie the Millie (Amalgam Comics)
* Billy Numerous (see also Teen Titans (animated series))
* Bird
* Bizarro, Bizarro #1 & Bizarro Superman
* Black Adam I & II (formerly Teth-Adam)
* Black Alice
* Black Barax
* Black Bison
* Black Canary I & II
* Black Condor I & II
* Black Death
* Black Flash
* Black Hand
* Black Hood (Impact Comics)
* Black Lightning
* Black Mace
* Manchester Black
* Black Manta
* Black Mask
* Black Mass
* Black Mongul (Elseworlds)
* Black Nebula
* Black Orchid
* Black Pirate
* Black Racer
* Black Smith
* Black Spider
* Black Thorn
* Black Vulcan
* Black Vulture
* Black Zero
* Blackbriar Thorn
* Blackbriar Tom
* Blackfire
* Blackguard
* Blackhawk
* Blackrock I-III
* Blacksmith
* BlackStar
* Blackwing
* Blank Slate
* Blaze
* Blimp (of Inferior Five)
* Blindfaith
* Blindside
* Blip
* Blithe
* Blizzard
* Blockade
* Blockbuster I & II
* Blok
* Bloodlust (Elseworlds)
* Bloodsport I & II
* Bloodthirst
* Bloodwynd
* Bloody Mary
* Bludhound
* Blue Beetle I, II, & III
* Blue Devil
* Blue Jay
* Blue Lama
* Blue Snowman
* Blue Tracer
* Blue Trinity
* Bob the Goon
* Bob Overdog
* Body Doubles
* Bolshoi
* Bolt
* Bombshell
* Bonfire
* Bongo (of Metallik, see Team Titans)
* Bookworm
* Booddikka
* Booster Gold
* Bork
* Boss Zucco
* Bottler I & II
* Bouncing Boy
* Bounty
* Brand, Boston (see Deadman)
* Brain
* Brain Storm
* Brainiac (also Brainiac 2.5, Brainiac 8, Brainiac 12, Brainiac 13)
* Brainiac 2 (see Vril Dox II)
* Brainiac 4 (mother of Brainiac 5)
* Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox, formerly Brainiac 5.1)
* Brains
* Brains' Beldon
* Brainwave
* Brainwave II (Henry "Hank" King, Jr., formerly Brainwave Jr.)
* Brahma
* Brass (of Metallik, see Team Titans)
* Braverman, Kenny
* Breach
* Breathtaker
* Bridgette Crosby
* Brik and/or Brick
* Brimstone
* Bronze Tiger
* Brother Blood
* Brother Grimm
* Brother Manindra
* Brrmm
* Brutale
* Brute
* Brutus Force
* Buddha (Elseworlds)
* Bug
* Bugg
* Bug-Eyed Bandit
* Bulldozer
* Bulletgirl
* Bulletman
* Harvey Bullock
* Bumblebee (alias Karen Beecher-Duncan)
* Alex Burgess
* Roderick Burgess
* Bushido
* Bushmaster
* Buzzard
* Byte
* Byth
* C'est Hay
* Cabal
* Cachiru
* Cain
* Cain, Cassandra (see Batgirl)
* David Cain
* Calamity King
* Calculator
* Cal Durham (Aquaman)
* Calendar Girl
* Calendar Man
* Caliber
* Calorie Queen
* Cameron Chase
* Cannon
* Cannonball
* Captain Action
* Captain Atom
* Captain Boomerang I
* Captain Boomerang II
* Captain Calamity
* Captain Carrot
* Captain Challenge
* Captain Cold
* Captain Comet
* Captain Compass
* 4-D (Capt. Lea Corbin)
* Captain Destiny
* Captain Fear
* Captain Hunter
* Captain Marvel
* Captain Marvel, Jr.
* Captain Metropolis (see Watchmen)
* Captain Nazi
* Captain Speed (Jack B. Quick)
* Captain Stingaree
* Captain Storm
* Captain Thunder
* Captain Triumph
* Captain Wonder
* Captain X
* Carapax
* Carcharo
* Cardinal Sin
* Caress
* Cave Carson
* Carr, Snapper (See Snapper Carr )
* Carlton LeHah
* Carom
* Cascade
* Cassidy
* Catalyst
* Catgirl (Elseworlds)
* Cathedral (Elseworlds)
* Catherine Cobert
* Catman
* Catseye
* Catspaw
* Catwoman
* Cavalier
* Ceberus
* Celeste
* Celsius
* Centrix
* Centurian
* Chain Lightning
* Chameleon Boy
* Chameleon Chief
* Changeling (now Beast Boy)
* Channel
* Chaos Maker
* Charlaton
* Charma
* Charger
* Charaxes
* Charybdis
* Cameron Chase
* Chancer
* Cheetah I-IV
* Chemical King
* Chemo
* Cheshire
* Chief
* Chill, Joe (see Joe Chill)
* Chiller
* Chillblaine
* Chimera
* Chlorophyll Kid
* Choir Boy
* Ch'p of the GL Corps
* Chronos I & II
* Chroma
* Chubby Da Choona (Seaguy)
* Chunk
* Chrysalis
* Cicada
* Cinderblock (see also Teen Titans (animated series))
* Cinnamon
* Circe
* Citadel
* Clayface I-IV
* Claything
* Clawhammer I & II
* Claw the Unconquered
* Cleric
* Travis Clevenger (Bloodhound)
* Clipper I & II
* Clive Yorkin
* Clock King
* Cloudburst
* Clown
* Cluemaster
* Coagula
* Cobalt Blue
* Cobert, Catherine
* Cobweb (America's Best Comics)
* Codename: Assassin
* Coeus
* Coldsnap
* Coldcast
* Colonel Computron
* Colonel Mason
* Colos (Darkstar Colos)
* Color Kid
* Colossal Boy (see also Leviathan)
* Colossus
* The Comedian (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)
* The Comet (Impact Comics)
* Comet I & II
* Comet Queen
* Commander Steel
* Commander Yank
* Composite
* Composite Man
* Composite Superman
* C.O.M.P.U.T.O.
* General Computron
* Conduit
* Congo Bill and Congorilla
* Conjura
* Conjurer
* Constantine, John (see Hellblazer)
* Construct
* the Contessa
* Control Freak (see also Teen Titans (animated series))
* Copperhead
* The Corinthian
* Cornelius Stirk
* Corona
* Corrigan, Jim (see Spectre)
* Corrosive Man
* Cosmic Boy
* Cosmic Clown
* Cosmic King
* Count Vertigo
* Counter Evolutionary
* Cover
* Crackle
* Crazy Jane (of Doom Patrol)
* Crazy Quilt
* Creeper I & II
* Crime Doctor
* Crimelord
* Crimesmith
* Criminal from Tomorrow
* Crimson Avenger I-III
* Crimson Fox
* Crispus Allen
* Crius
* Croc
* Cronus
* Cross Christina
* Crowbar
* Cruiser
* Crumbler
* Crystal
* Crystallex
* Culp
* Custer, Jesse (see Preacher)
* The Curse
* Cutless Charlie
* Cybercat
* Cyberion
* Cyborg I & II
* Cyborgirl
* Cyborg Superman (also the Cyborg)
* Cyclone Kids
* Cyclotron
* Cyclotronic Man
* Cypher
* Czonk
* Da' Bomb
* Dagger
* Dagon
* Damage
* Damien Darhk
* Damon Matthews
* Dan Hunter
* Dan The Dyna-Mite
* Dane Dorrance
* Willis Danko
* Danny the Street
* Dark Angel
* Dark Claw (Amalgam Comics)
* Dark Destroyer
* Dark Flash
* Dark Lantern
* Dark Light
* Dark Man
* Dark Nemesis
* Dark Opal
* Darkseid
* Darkstar
* Darkstar Colos
* Dart
* Daryl Rutabaga (Amalgam Comics)
* Dava
* Dawg (see Lobo)
* Dawnstar
* Dazzler
* Deacon Blackfire
* Deadeye
* Deadline
* Deadman
* Deadshot
* Death (DC/Vertigo)
* Death Angel
* Deathbolt
* Death-Doll
* Deathstroke
* Deathtrap
* Deathwish (Milestone Comics)
* Delight (now Delirium)
* Deathwing
* Decay
* Deep Blue
* Deimos
* Delirium (formerly Delight)
* Demolitia
* The Demon I & II
* Demon Damsel (Elseworlds)
* Demonia
* Dementor
* Dent, Duela (see The Joker's Daughter)
* Dent, Harvey (see Two-Face)
* Dervish
* Desaad
* Desire
* Despair
* Despero
* Destiny I
* Destiny II
* Destroyer 171
* Destruction
* Detective Chimp
* Devastator
* Devastation
* Dev-Em
* Devilance
* Alexandra DeWitt
* Marc Diamond
* Diamondeth
* Diamondette
* Sue Dibny
* Ding Dong Daddy
* Disdain
* Disruptor
* Djinn
* Doc Duggan
* Doctor Alchemy
* Doctor Anamoly
* Doctor Bedlam
* Doctor Bongface (Amalgam Comics)
* Doctor Cale
* Doctor Clever
* Doctor Cue
* Doctor Cyber
* Doctor Darkk
* Doctor Death
* Doctor Destiny
* Doctor Doome
* Doctor Doomsday (Amalgam Comics)
* Doctor Doog
* Doctor Double X
* Doctor Hugo Strange
* Doctor I.M. Smart
* Doctor Iker
* Doctor Kryptonite
* Doctor Fate I-IV
* Doctor Freak
* Doctor Laff
* Doctor Light (superheroic - Kimiyo Hoshi)
* Doctor Light (villainous - Golden Age, Jacob Finlay, Arthur Light)
* Dr. William Magnus (see Veridium)
* Doctor Manchester Black
* Doctor Manhattan (of Watchmen)
* Doctor Midnight
* Doctor Mid-Nite I, II, III (alias Charles McNider, Beth Chapel, Pieter Cross)
* Doctor Mist
* Doctor Moon
* Doctor Occult
* Doctor Phosphorus
* Doctor Poison I & II
* Doctor Polaris
* Doctor Psycho
* Doctor Regulus
* Doctor Sivana
* Doctor Spectro
* Doctor Strangefate (Amalgam Comics)
* Doctor Thirteen
* Dr. Togg
* Doctor Trap
* Doctor Tyme
* Dr. Tzin Tzin
* Dr. Ub'x
* Dr. Z.Z.
* Dr. Zecharia Leight
* Doiby Dickles
* Dollar Bill (see also Watchmen)
* Doll Man
* Doll Girl
* Dolphin
* Domain
* Dominus
* Donna Troy (Wonder Girl, also a Darkstar, and Troia)
* Dorothy Spinner (of Doom Patrol)
* Dane Dorrance
* Donovan Caine
* Don Grieco
* Doom Mathematic
* Doomsday
* Dorian, Emile (see Doctor Emile Dorian)
* Double Dare
* Double Down
* Dove I-III
* Download
* Richard Dragon
* Draaga
* Dracon
* Dragon
* Dragon King
* Dragonlord
* Dragonmage
* Dragonsword
* Dragoneer
* Drake, Jack (see Jack Drake}
* Drake, Tim (see Tim Drake)
* Drakon
* Constantine Drakon
* Drax
* Dream (see Morpheus)
* Dream
* Dreamer (see also Dream Girl)
* Dream Girl (see also Dreamer)
* Dreamslayer
* Drive-Thru
* Drone
* Droom
* Druid I & II
* Duality
* Dubbilex
* Duchess (see Lashina)
* Duke of Deception
* Duke of Oil
* Duke Mephisto Saturno
* Duma
* Dumas
* Dumb Bunny(of Inferior Five)
* Dummy
* Duran
* Dust Devil
* Dust, Nathaniel (see Nathaniel Dust)
* Duo Damsel (see also Triad, Triplicate Girl)
* Dybbuk
* Dynamo Boy
* Eagle Boy
* Eagleman
* Earl of Greed
* Earthworm
* Echo I-IV
* Eclipso
* Ecstasy
* Edge
* Eel
* Effigy
* Effron the Sorcerer
* Egg Fu
* Ekin-Tzu
* Elasti-Girl
* Elasti-Man
* Elastic Lad (see Jimmy Olsen)
* El Dorado
* El Diablo
* Electron
* Electric Blu
* Electric Man
* Electric Warrior
* Electrocutioner
* Element Girl
* Element Lad
* Element Man
* Elemental Woman
* Elephant Man
* El Espectro
* El Gaucho I & II
* Elongated Man
* El Papagayo
* Elu
* Emerald Empress
* Empress (alias Anita Fite)
* Empress of Venus
* Encantadora
* Enchantress
* Enemy Ace
* Enforcer I & II
* Epoch, Lord of time
* Epsilon
* Equus
* Eradicator I & II
* Erewhon
* Eryx
* Esak
* Esper Lass
* Ether
* Etrigan (see Demon (comics))
* Evil Star
* Eviless of Saturn
* Evolvo
* Extant
* Extraño
* The Face
* Facade
* Faceless I & II
* Fadeaway Man
* Fadeaway Outlaw
* Faith
* Falcon
* Falcone, Carmine (see Carmine Falcone)
* Fallen Angel
* False-Face
* Fang
* Dr. Fang
* Faora
* Fastback (alias Timmy Joe Terrapin)
* Fastbak
* Fastball
* Fatality
* Fate
* Fausta
* Felix Faust
* Sebastian Faust
* Fear and Loathing
* Feast
* Ferro (see also Ferro Lad)
* Ferro Lad (see also Ferro)
* Fetish
* Fever (alias Shyleen Lao)
* Fiddler
* Fiero
* Film Freak
* Finale
* Fire (formerly Green Flame)
* Firebird
* Firebrand
* Firebug
* Firefist
* Firefly
* Firehair
* Firehawk
* FireHeart
* Fire Jade
* Fire Lad
* Firestorm I, II & III
* Fisherman
* Rick Flagg
* Flamebird I-IV (also Nightwing and Flamebird)
* Flare
* Flash (I - Jay Garrick, II - Barry Allen, III - Wally West)
* Flash of 23rd, 27th, 28th, & 853rd Century
* Fleshburn
* Fleur-de-Lis
* Flex
* Flex Mentallo
* Flicker
* Floronic Man (also "Floro")
* Flow
* Fluxus
* Flygirl
* The Fly (Impact Comics)
* Flying Dutchman
* Flying Fox
* Fog
* Folded Man
* Fool
* Forager
* Force
* Fox
* John Fox
* Foxglove
* Franklin Stern
* Freak
* Freckles Marvel
* Freedom Beast
* Freemont, Cheyenne (see Cheyenne Freemont)
* Fright
* Fringe
* Frostbite
* Funky Flashman
* Eddie Furlow
* Fury I & II
* Fusion (of Metallik, see Team Titans)
* Futureman
* G.I. Robot
* G'nort
* Gabriel
* Robert Gadling
* Gamemnae
* Gambler
* Gamorola (Amalgam Comics)
* Laurel Gand
* GangBang
* Gangbuster
* Guy Gardner
* Garrick, Jay (see Flash)
* Gargoyle
* Garguax
* Garn Daanuth
* Garv
* Gates
* Gaucho
* Gay Ghost
* Gear
* Gearhead
* Gehenna
* Geist
* Gemini
* Gemm- Son of Saturn
* General
* General Glory
* General Immortus
* General Zahl
* General Zod
* General Zolog
* Genius Jones
* Gentleman Ghost
* Geo-Force
* Geomancer
* Georgia
* Germ-Man (Elseworlds)
* Getaway Genius
* Ghast
* The Ghost
* Giganta
* Gillotina
* Gimmix
* Girder
* Girl Archer
* Giz
* Gizmo (alias Mikron O'Jeneus)
* Glimpse
* Glorious Godfrey (alias G. Gordon Godfrey)
* Glory Shredder
* Gloss
* Gnaark
* Goblin Lord (Elseworlds)
* Godiva
* Godthing (Amalgam Comics)
* Gog
* Gold (alias Mike Magnus)
* Gold Kidney-Lady (Amalgam Comics)
* Golden Arrow
* Golden Eagle I & II
* Golden Gladiator
* Golden Glider
* Golden Guardian (Elseworlds)
* Goldenrod
* Goldface
* Goldie
* Goldilocks
* Goldstar
* Golem
* Goraiko
* James Gordon
* Gorgeous Gilly
* Gorgon
* Gorgon the Terrible
* Gorilla Boss of Gotham CIty
* Gorilla Grodd
* Goth
* Gowon Winter
* Grace Choi
* Granny Goodness
* Grayson, Dick (see Robin)
* Gravedigger
* Gravedigger Lad (see Jimmy Olsen)
* Gray Lady
* Grayven
* Grax
* Great White
* Great White Whale
* Green Arrow
* Green Arrow II (see Connor Hawke)
* Green Cigarette
* Green Flame (see Fire)
* Green Lantern I-V (see also Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kilowog)
* Green Lantern of Ageri Somnia 1, and Sector 2814
* Green Lantern 6th, 18th, 19th, 2473rd CE, 101790 CE, 30th, 58th, 73rd and 853rd century
* Green Man
* Greyshirt (ABC Comics)
* Grey Man
* Gridlock
* Grifter (Wildstorm)
* Grimbor the Chainsman
* Grossout
* Grouse
* Solomon Grundy
* Grunt
* Guardian I-III
* Guillotina
* Gunbunny
* Gunfire
* GunHawk
* Gypsy
* Hacker
* Hackrat
* Hall, Daniel (see Dream)
* Hammer
* Hand
* Hans von Hammer (see Enemy Ace)
* Half-Life
* Hallie Davis
* Halo
* Professor Hamilton
* Harbinger
* Hardcore
* Hard Drive (alias Jeremy Horton)
* Hardline
* Hardrock
* Hardware (Milestone Comics)
* Harlequin I-III (II also called Joker's Daughter)
* Harley Quinn
* Harm
* Harold
* Harpis
* Harpy (Comics)
* Harrier
* Hat
* Hath-Set
* Havana
* Hawk I & II
* Hawk and Dove
* Hawk Son of Tomahawk
* Hawkgirl I-IV
* Hawkman I-IV
* Hawkwoman I-III
* Hazard I (Infinity, Inc. villain)
* Hazard II (Milestone Comics)
* Head
* Headhunter
* Healer Randolph
* Heatmonger
* Heat Wave I & II
* The Heckler
* Hector Hammond
* Queen Heggra
* Hella
* Hellblazer
* Hellebore (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)
* Hellgrammite
* Hellhound
* Hellrazer
* Henderson, William (see Inspector William Henderson)
* Her Highness and Silk
* Herald (see Mal Duncan; also known as Guardian II, Hornblower, Vox)
* Hercules
* Hero Cruz
* Hero X
* Herupa Hando Hu
* Hex, Jonah (see Hex)
* Hindenburg (of Superior Five)
* Highfather
* Highlord
* Himon
* Hi-Tech
* Hitman
* Holiday
* Holocaust (Milestone Comics)
* Honest Abe
* Hooded Justice
* Hook
* Hop Harrigan
* Hope and Mercy
* Hoppy the Marvel Bunny
* Hornblower (see Mal Duncan; also known as Guardian II, Herald, Vox)
* Horrible Harpi
* Hot-Streak (Milestone Comics)
* Houngan (alias Jean-Louis Droo)
* Hourman I-III (see also Rick Tyler and Hourman Android)
* Houston
* Hugo Strange
* Human Bomb
* Human Cannon
* Human Flame
* Human Squirrel
* Human Target
* Humpty Dumpty
* Tim Hunter (The Books of Magic)
* Hunter I-III
* Huntress I-III
* Hush
* Hyathis
* Hybrid
* Hyena I & II
* Hyena (Amalgam Comics)
* Hypnota
* Hypnotic Woman
* I…Vampire
* I-Spy
* I Ching
* I Spider
* Ian Karkull
* Iapetus
* Ibis the Invincible
* Ibn Al Xu'ffasch (Elseworlds)
* Ice
* Icemaiden (alias Sigrid Nansen)
* Icicle I & II
* Icon (Milestone Comics)
* Ignition
* Iman
* Immortal
* Immortal Man
* Impala
* Imperiex
* Impossible Dog (Amalgam Comics)
* Impulse I (see Kent Shakespeare)
* Impulse II (see Bart Allen)
* Indigo
* Inertia
* Infectious Lass
* Inferno
* Infinite Man
* Infinity Man
* Inflict
* Inque
* Insect Master
* Insect Queen I & II (see also Lana Lang)
* Invisible Destroyer
* Invisible Kid
* Invisible Hood
* Invisible Justice
* Ion
* I.Q.
* Iris Allen
* Iron (alias Randy Pressman)
* Iron Bow (Elseworlds)
* Iron Butterfly (Elseworlds)
* Iron Cross
* Iron Hand
* Iron Lantern (see Amalgam Comics)
* Iron Major
* Iron Munro
* Iron Wolf
* Isamot Kol
* Isis
* Ivan
* Professor Ivo
* Izaya (see Highfather)
* J. Wilbur Wolfingham
* Jack I & II
* Jack B. Quick
* Jack Drake
* Jack Gold
* Jack O'Lantern I -III
* Jackal
* Jaculi I & II
* Jade
* Jaguar (Impact comics)
* Jakeem Thunder
* Jamm
* Janwillem Kroef
* Spider Jerusalem (DC/Vertigo)
* Janissary
* Janus
* Jason Bard
* Blood, Jason (see Demon (comics)
* Javelin
* Jayna
* Jemm Son of King Jaxx
* Jericho
* Jesse Quick
* Jester
* Jet (alias Celia Windward)
* Jewelee (see Punch and Jewelee)
* Jigsaw Man
* Jinx
* J. J. Thunder (see Jakeem Thunder)
* J'onzz, J'onn (see Martian Manhunter)
* Joe Chill
* Joe Potato
* Joe Public
* Johnny Cloud
* Johnny DC
* Johnny Peril
* Johnny Quick I-III
* Johnny Sorrow
* John Stewart
* Johnny Thunder I & II
* Joker
* Joker's Daughter (Duela Dent)
* Jonah Hex
* Jonas Glim
* Jonas Turnip (Amalgam Comics)
* Jongleur (of Superior Five)
* Jonni Thunder
* Jonny Double
* Jordan, Hal (see Green Lantern and Spectre)
* Jor-El
* Josiah Power
* Joto
* Judge (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)
* Judomaster I & II
* Julie Caesar
* Junglemaster
* Junior (alias Benjamin Newton)
* Jarrod Jupiter
* Loran Jupiter
* Kabuki Kommando (Elseworlds)
* Kadabra
* Kadaver
* Kal-L
* Kalibak
* Kalki
* Thomas Kalmaku
* Kamandi
* Kancer
* Kanjar Ro
* Kanto
* Kapitalist Kouriers (see Red Trinity)
* Karin Grace
* Karate Kid
* Karma
* Katana
* Katar Hol (see Hawkman)
* Katina Winter
* Katma Tui
* Katmos
* Ke'Haan
* Kent, Clark (see Superman)
* Kestrel
* Key I & II
* KGBeast
* Kid Devil
* Kid Emotion
* Kid Eternity
* Kid Flash I (see Wally West; now the Flash)
* Kid Flash II (alias Iris West II)
* Kid Flash III (see Bart Allen; formerly Impulse)
* Kid Kryptonite
* Kid Quantum I & II
* Kid Slick
* Kilg%re
* Killer Croc
* Killer Frost I & II
* Killer Moth I & II
* Killer Shark I & II
* Killer Wasp I & II
* Killgrave
* Killowat
* Kilowog
* Killshot
* Kinetix
* King I & II
* King Crusher
* King Faraday
* King Joker
* King Kobra
* King Marvel (Elseworlds)
* King Mob
* King Shark
* King Snake
* Unity Kinkaid (DC/Vertigo)
* Kirigi
* Kismet
* Kite-Man
* Klarion the Witch-Boy
* Bindar Kleeg
* Knockout
* Knight I & II
* Kobalt (Milestone Comics)
* Kobra
* Kole (alias Kole Weathers)
* Kolodenko
* Komand'r
* Kong
* Kongo (Elseworlds)
* Kordax
* Koriand'r (see also Starfire)
* Koryak
* Krag
* Kreon
* Armand Kroll
* Kromm
* Krona
* Krul-El
* Krypto
* Kulak
* Kung
* Kyle, Selina (see Catwoman)
* La Encantadora
* La Garra
* Lady Blackhawk
* Lady Clay
* Lady Detective
* Lady Flash
* Lady Liberty
* Lady Lunar
* Lady Marvel (Elseworlds)
* Lady of the Lake
* Lady Quark
* Lady Savage
* Lady Shiva
* Lady Vic
* Lady Zand
* Lagomorph (of Superior Five)
* Lagoon Boy
* Laira
* Lamplighter
* Lance O'Casey
* Lane, Lois (see Lois Lane)
* Lang, Lana (see Lana Lang)
* Lar Gand
* Larry the Titan (also known as Nosyarg Kcid), see Teen Titans (animated series)
* Lashina (also Duchess)
* Larvanaut
* Laurel Gand
* Layla
* Lazara
* Lazarium
* Lazon (alias Chey-Nu of Dryad)
* Le Fambeau
* Lead (alias Jack)
* Leather
* Legion
* Legs (Comics)
* Leslie Thompkins
* Leviathan (rebooted Colossal Boy)
* Lex Luthor
* Lianna
* Agent Liberty
* Liberty Belle
* Lieutenant Atom
* Light
* Light Lass (see also Lightning Lass, Spark)
* Lightning (Elseworlds)
* Lightning Lad (see also Live Wire)
* Lightning Lass (see also Spark, Light Lass)
* Lightning Lord
* Lightray
* Lilith
* Li'l Lobo
* Lil'Barda
* Linda Park
* Lionheart
* Lion-Mane
* Lissick
* Little Barda
* Little Boy Blue
* Little Cheese (alias Chester Cheese)
* Little Mermaid
* Livewire
* Live Wire
* Living Doll (Elseworlds)
* Lizard King
* Lobo
* Lobo the Duck (Amalgam Comics)
* Lock
* Lock-Up (alias Lyle Bolton)
* Lodestone
* Loeb, Gillian B. (see Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb)
* Lonar
* Long rifle Morgan
* Lone Wolf (see Timber Wolf)
* Loo
* Looker
* Loophole
* Loose Cannon
* Lorane Jupiter
* Lord Ares
* Lord Chaos
* Lord Conquest
* Lord Dynamo
* Lord Havok
* Lord Mavolio
* Lord of Time
* Lord Pernisius
* Lord Satanis
* Lord Satanus
* Lord Shilling
* Lords of Chaos and Order
* Lord of the Green Tong
* Lord of Time
* Maxwell Lord
* Loria
* Lori Lemaris
* Lori Morning
* Loser
* L-Ron
* Lucien
* Lucifer Morningstar (formerly Samael)
* Lucius Fox
* Luminus
* Lump
* Luthor, Lex (see Lex Luthor)
* Luthor, Lex Jr. (see Lex Luthor)
* Lynx
* M'Onel/Mon El (see Lar Gand)
* Maaldor the Darklord
* Mabuse
* Machiavelli
* Machiste
* Macro-man
* Madame .44
* Madame Rouge (alias Laura DeMille)
* Madame Xanadu
* Mademoiselle Marie
* Madmen (alias Fleeter and unrevealed)
* Mad Harriet
* Mad Hatter
* Mad Maestro
* Mad Mod
* Mageddon
* Magenta
* Magician
* Magnetic Kid
* Magno (Golden Age)
* Magno
* Magno Lad
* Magog (Elseworlds)
* Magpie
* Mahayogi
* Mainline
* Major Disaster
* Major Force
* Major Victory
* Malador
* Malefic
* Malice Vundabar
* Malignon
* Malochia
* Mammoth
* Man-Bat
* Manchester Black
* Manga Khan
* Mannheim (alias Bruno Mannheim)
* Manhunter I-VIII
* Manhunter IX (Kate Spencer)
* Manitou Dawn
* Manitou Raven
* Mano
* Manotaur (Elseworlds)
* Manthrax
* Manticore
* Mantis
* Marauder
* Marij'n Bek
* Marine Marauder
* Mark Moonrider
* Marksman
* Mars
* Martha Kent
* Martian Manhunter
* Mary Marvel
* Más y Menos (see also Teen Titans (animated series))
* Maser (see Air-Wave)
* Massacre
* Master-Tek
* Master Jailer
* Master Man I & II
* Match
* Matches Malone
* Matrix (see also Supergirl)
* Matter-Eater Lad
* Matter Master
* Matthew the Raven
* Mawzir
* Maxie Zeus, (full name Maximillion Zeus)
* Maxima
* Maximum (Supermen of America)
* Maxine Hunkel
* Maxwell Lord
* Max Mercury
* Maya
* Mayflower
* Mayoor
* Meanstreak
* Mega-Biter
* Mekanique
* Meloni Thawne
* Menagerie
* Mento
* Mera
* Mercury (alias Redmond Wilde)
* Merlin
* Merlyn
* Merryman (of Inferior Five)
* Merry, the Gimmick Girl
* Metalhead
* Metallo I & II
* Metamorpho I & II
* Metron
* Micro Lad (alias Lalo Muldroon of Imsk)
* Micron
* Midnight
* Midnighter (Wildstorm)
* Mighty Bruce
* Mikado
* Mindancer
* Mindboggler
* Mind Games
* Mind-Grabber Kid
* Minion
* Minister Blizzard
* Minor characters in Teen Titans
* Minstrel Maverick
* Minute-Man
* Mirage
* Mirror Master I & III
* Miss America
* Miss Arrowette
* Miss Fear
* Miss Liberty
* Miss Martian
* Miss Mesmer
* Miss Terrific
* Miss X
* Mist I & II
* Mist Master (alias Yer Sti-Tuan of Dryad)
* Mr. 104
* Kyle Abbot
* Mister Atom
* Mister Bones
* Mister Close
* Mister E
* Mister Element I & II
* Mister ESPer
* Mister Freeze
* Mr. Fun
* Mr. Futile
* Mr. Incognito
* Mr. Laff
* Mr. Majestic
* Mr. Memory
* Mr. Mind
* Mister Miracle I (Thaddeus Brown)
* Mister Miracle II (Scott Free)
* Mister Miracle III (Shilo Norman)
* Mr. Moth
* Mr. Mxyzptlk
* Mister Nobody
* Mr. Nebula
* Mr. Scarlet I & II
* Mr. Tawky Tawny
* Mister Terrible
* Mister Terrific I & II
* Mr. Twister
* Mr. Who
* Mr. Z
* Mr. Zero
* Misty
* Mnemon
* Mnemosyne
* Mocker
* Mockingbird
* Modem
* Mogo
* Mohammed Ibn Bornu
* Mokkari
* Molecule
* Moloch (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)
* Molotov
* Monaghan, Tommy (see Hitman)
* Monalith
* Monarch
* Mon-El (see Lar Gand)
* Mongal
* Mongrel
* Mongul I & II
* The Monitor
* Monk
* Monk Loomis
* Monocle
* Monolith
* Monsieur Mallah
* Monsieur Poniard (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)
* Monsieur Stigmonus
* Monsoon (Comics)
* Monstergirl
* Monstress
* Officer Montoya
* Moonbow
* Moon Maiden
* Mopee
* Morax
* Mordecai
* Mordru
* Morgaine Le Fay
* Morgan Edge
* Morningstar
* Morozka
* Morphea
* T. O. Morrow
* Mortalla
* Mortician
* Mothman
* Mouse
* Mouse and Giz
* Mouthpiece
* Muhammad X
* Multi-Man
* Multiplex
* Mumbo the Magician
* Murmur
* Musashi
* Muse
* Musketeer
* Mustang Sally
* Muto
* Myriad
* Myrwhydden
* Mysa
* Mystek
* Mysto
* Nabu (see Doctor Fate)
* Nadia Safir
* Naiad
* Naif al-Sheikh
* Nameless
* Nameless One I & II
* Nao Yut
* Napoleon
* Narcosis
* Nathaniel Dust
* Nebiros
* Nebula Man
* Needle
* Negative Girl
* Negative Man I
* Negative Man II (alias Ted Bruder, Fast Forward)
* Negative Woman
* Nekron
* Nemesis
* Nemesis Kid
* Neon the Unknown
* Neptune Perkins
* Nergal
* Neron
* Nero
* Nero Fox
* Network
* Neutrax (alias Wi Kan Muur of Dryad)
* Neutron
* New-Wave
* Nicholas Scratch
* Nicodemus
* Nikolai Latikov
* Night
* Nightblade
* Nightfall
* Nightfire
* Night Girl
* Nighthawk
* Nightmaster
* Nightrider (Dagon, Pre-Zero Hour)
* Nightshade
* Night-Slayer
* Nightstar (Elseworlds)
* Nightwing (see Robin. Also formerly Batman)
* N-I-L-8 (Elseworlds)
* Nimbus
* Nite-Owl I & II (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)
* Nite-Wing
* NKVDemon
* Nnamdi
* Nocturna
* Norman McCay (Elseworlds)
* Northwind
* Nox
* Nuala
* Nubia
* Nu'Bia
* Nuclear Man
* Nuculoid (Elseworlds)
* Nudge
* Nukeface
* Nuklon (see Atom Smasher)
* Number One
* Nyola
* Oberon
* Oblivion
* Obsession
* Obsidian
* Ocean Master
* Oceanus
* Odd Man
* Off-Ramp
* Offspring
* Ogre
* Ohm
* Oleand'r
* Olsen, Jimmy (see Jimmy Olsen)
* Ol-Vir of Daxam
* Olivia Reynolds
* Olympian
* Omac
* Omen
* Omni
* One Man Meltdown
* Onomatopoeia
* Onyx I
* Onyx II
* Oracle (formerly Batgirl II)
* Orca
* Orion
* Orpheus
* Osira
* Osiris
* Outburst
* Outlaw
* Output
* Outsider (see Alfred Pennyworth)
* Overmaster
* Override
* Overthrow
* Owlman I-II
* Owlwoman
* Ozymandias (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)
* Paintball
* Pakrat
* Pantha
* Parademon
* Paragon
* Parallax
* Parasite
* Pariah
* The Parkourist
* Linda Park
* Patchwork Man I & II
* Patriot
* Pax
* Peacemaker I & II
* Peachy Pet
* Peek-A-Boo
* Penguin
* Penny Dreadful
* The Penny Plunderer
* Alfred Pennyworth
* Per Degaton
* Persuader
* Perun
* Peter Porkchops
* Phalanx
* Phantasm (Andrea Beaumont)
* Phantasm (Danny Chase)
* Phantasmo
* Phantom of the Fair
* Phantom Eagle
* Phantom Girl (see also Apparition)
* Phantom Lady I & II
* Phantom Stranger
* Phoebe
* Phoebus (Elseworlds)
* Phobia (alias Angela Hawkins III)
* Phobos
* Pig-Iron
* Pied Piper
* Pierce Brothers
* Pinhead
* Pinwheel (Elseworlds)
* Pistolera
* Pistol Pete
* Pix
* Planetmaster
* Plantmaster
* Plasmus (alias Otto Von Furth)
* Plastic Man
* Plastique
* Platinum (alias Sharon Magnus, "Tina")
* Plunder
* Pocket Pal
* Poison Ivy
* Polaris
* Polar Boy
* Polestar
* Polka-Dot Man
* Pom Pom Girl
* Porto
* Josiah Power
* Power Boy
* Power Girl
* Power Ring I & II
* Power Woman (Elseworlds)
* Pow Wow Smith
* Prairie Witch
* Prankster
* Pravda
* Praxis
* Predator
* President Thawne
* Prestor Jon
* Preus
* Prez
* Prince, Diana (also Princess Diana, see Wonder-Woman
* Prime-One
* Prince Evillo
* Prince Ra-Man
* Princess Projectra (see also Sensor)
* Prism
* Privateer
* Private H.I.V.E. (see also Teen Titans (animated series))
* Professor Doolittle
* Professor Elba
* Professor Fallout
* Professor Hugo Strange
* Professor I.Q.
* Professor Ivo
* Professor Hamilton
* Professor Killgrave
* Professor Menace
* Professor Merlin
* Professor Milo
* Professor Ojo
* Professor Phineas
* Professor Powder
* Professor Proxon
* Professor Radium
* Professor Shanley
* Professor Zodiac
* Professor Zoom (see Reverse-Flash)
* Promethea (ABC Comics)
* Prometheus
* Prom Queen
* Protector
* Protex
* Proty
* Prysm
* Psilencer
* Psi
* Psimon
* Psycho-Pirate I & II
* Psychopomp
* Puff
* Mervyn Pumpkinhead
* Punch and Jewelee
* Pulsar Stargrave
* Pulse
* Pulse 8
* Puppet Master
* Puppeteer
* Purgatory
* Putty
* Puzzler
* Pyrogen
* Pyra I, II, & III
* Quakemaster
* Kid Quantum
* Quarra
* Quartzite
* Queen I & II
* Queen Antiope
* Queen Arrow
* Queen Bee I-IV
* Queen Berra
* Queen Clea
* Queen Enterprise
* Queen Ilona
* Queen Klitra
* Queen Hippolyta
* Queen Tamira
* Queen Widow
* Queen of Fables
* Queen of Spades
* Query
* Question
* Quex-Ul
* Quicksilver (see Max Mercury; not to be confused with Marvel's hero of the same name)
* Quill
* Quislet
* Quiz I & II
* Qwsp
* R.J. Brande
* Rabbit, Rodney (see Captain Carrot)
* Radiant
* Radiation Roy
* Radion
* Rag Doll
* Ragman
* Ragnorak
* Rahma Kahn
* Rainbow Archer
* Rainbow Raider
* Raker Qarrigat
* Ram (alias Takeo Yakata)
* Rama
* Rampage
* Rampart
* Ramulus
* Raoul
* Ra's Al Ghul
* Rath
* Ratcatcher
* Rat King
* Ravager IV (see Rose Wilson)
* Ravan
* Raven
* Ray I & II (alias Ray Terrill)
* Razorsharp and Channelman
* Reactron
* Reaper
* Red Arrow (Elseworlds)
* Red Bee
* Red Claw
* Red Dart
* Red Dragon
* Red Hood (see Joker, Jason Todd and Kingdom Come) (Elseworlds)
* Red Inferno
* Red Panzer I-IV
* Red Robin (Elseworlds)
* Red Star
* Red Tornado I
* Red Tornado II
* Red Torpedo
* Redwing
* Reflecto
* Reflex
* Regulator
* Remiel
* Replicant
* Replikon
* Requiem
* Resurrection Man
* Reverb
* Reverse-Flash
* Rex Cosmos
* Rex the Wonder Dog
* Rick Flag
* Richard Dragon
* Riddler
* Rider
* Riot
* Rip Hunter
* Rip Roar
* Rising Sun
* Risk (alias Cody Driscoll)
* Rival (see Reverse-Flash)
* Rhea
* R.J. Brande
* Robin (alias Stephanie Brown; see also Spoiler)
* Robin (alias Tim Drake)
* Robin (alias Dick Grayson; now Nightwing)
* Robin (alias Carrie Kelly; see Batman: The Dark Knight Returns; now Catgirl Elseworlds)
* Robin (alias Jason Todd)
* Robotman I (alias Robert Crane)
* Robotman II (alias Cliff Steele)
* Rock (see Sgt. Rock)
* Rocket (Milestone Comics)
* Rocket Red
* Rodney James
* Roh Kar (Golden Age Martian Manhunter)
* Rond Vidar
* Rorschach (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)
* Rose
* Rose Psychic
* Pete Ross
* Rostov
* Rot Lop Fan
* Roulette
* Roving Ranger
* Roy Raymond
* Rubberduck (alias Byrd Rentals)
* Ruin
* Rupert Thorne
* Rusalka
* Rustam
* Ryand'r
* Ryder, Jack (see Creeper)
* Saaba
* Sabbac I & II
* Saber
* Saber-tooth I & II
* Sabre
* Sacker
* Sagittarius
* Saint Columba
* Saint Dumas
* Saint Roch
* Sagebrush
* Sakki
* Sala
* Salakk
* Salamanca
* Salima Baranizar
* Samarithan Hook
* Samsara
* Samuel Solomon
* Samari
* Samurai
* Sand (formerly Sandy the Golden Boy)
* Sand Demon
* Sandman (alias Wesley Dodds)
* Sandman (alias Dream, Morpheus)
* Sandman (alias Daniel Hall)
* Sandman (alias Hector Hall; now Doctor Fate)
* Sandman (alias Garrett Sanford)
* Sandman (alias Sandy Hawknis; now Sand)
* Sandra of the Secret Service
* Sandstorm
* Sandy the Golden Boy (now Sand)
* Sapphire
* Saraar
* Sardine
* Sarge I & II
* Sarge Steel
* Sargon the Sorcerer
* Sarwan
* Satana
* Satanus
* Satan Girl I & II
* Satin Satan
* Saturn
* Saturn Girl
* Saturn Queen
* Satyricus
* Vandal Savage
* Savage Skull
* Savant
* Saviour
* Savitar
* Sayyar
* Scalphunter
* Scandal
* Scanner
* Scarab I-III
* Scarabus
* Scarback
* Scarebeast
* Scarecrone
* Scarecrow
* Scareware
* Scarhart
* Scarlet Scythe
* Scarlet Skier
* Scarth
* Scath
* Scavenger I & II
* Schreck
* Scirocco
* Scoopshovel
* Scooter
* Scorch
* Scorcher I-III
* Scorn
* Scorpia
* Scott Fischer
* Scourge
* Screaming Skull
* Scream Queen
* Seaguy
* Seargent Rock (see Sgt. Rock)
* Secret
* See-More (see also Teen Titans animated series)
* Seneca
* Senorita Navaja
* Sensei
* Sensor (rebooted Princess Projectra)
* Sensor Girl (see Princess Projectra)
* Sentinel (see Green Lantern)
* Seraph
* Serifan
* Serpetine
* Server Aja
* Set
* Sgt. Rock
* Shade, the Changing Man
* The Shade
* Shado
* Shadowdragon
* Shadow Lass (see also Umbra)
* Shadow Storm
* Shadower
* Shadowstryke
* Shadow-Thief
* Shaggy Man
* Shahn-Zi
* Shakedown
* Kent Shakespeare
* Shakira
* Shango
* Shape
* Shark I & II
* Sharpe
* Shathan
* Shatterfist
* Shazam (also known as "The Wizard Shazam")
* Shellshock
* Shield (Impact Comics)
* Shift
* Shifter
* Shikari
* Shimmer
* Shining Knight I-III
* Shiv
* Shiva the Destroyer (Elseworlds)
* Shocko
* Shockwave
* Short Cut
* Shrapnel
* Shreck
* Shrike I & II
* Shrinking Violet (see also Violet)
* Shvaughn Erin
* Sickle
* Sidearm
* Signalman
* Signalwoman (Elseworlds)
* Silent Majority
* Silent Vapor (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)
* Silhouette
* Silk Spectre (Watchmen)
* Silver Banshee I & II
* Silver Deer
* Silver Fog I-III
* Silver Fox
* Silver Ghost
* Silver Monkey
* Silver Scarab (now Doctor Fate)
* Silver Shade
* Silver Shield
* Silver Slasher
* Silver Sorceress
* Silver Swan I-III
* Silversword
* Simple Simon
* Simyan
* Sinbad
* Sin Eater
* Sinestro
* Siphon
* Sir Real
* Siren
* Sister Lihy
* Sister Superior
* Sirius
* Sivana Jr.
* Sizematic I & II
* Skeets (see Booster Gold)
* Skeleton
* Skindance
* Skorpio
* Skull
* Skull Smasher
* Sky Pirate
* Sky-Raider
* Skyrocket
* Skyhook
* Skyman
* Slagger
* Slam Bradley
* Slash I & II
* Slasher I-IV
* Slaughter
* Sledge
* Sleepwalk
* Sleez
* Slinger
* Slingshot
* Slipknot
* Slipstream
* Slither
* Slobo
* Slyfox
* Smashing Sportsman
* Jeff Smax
* Smiling Skull
* Snafu
* Snake Girl
* Snapper Carr
* Snowman I & II
* Sodom and Gomorrah
* Solaar
* Solaris, the Tyrant Sun
* Solomon Grundy
* Solution
* Somnambulist (Elseworlds)
* Sonar I & II
* Son of Vulcan
* Soranik Natu
* Johnny Sorrow
* Space Cabby
* Space Ranger
* Spade (Elseworlds)
* Spark (rebooted Lightning Lass)
* Sparkler
* Sparx
* Spawn of Frankenstein
* Spazz
* Spectre
* Speed Boys
* Speed Demon (Amalgam Comics)
* Speed Queen
* Speed Saunders
* Speedy I & II (Speedy I now Arsenal)
* Spellbinder I & II
* Spider Girl
* Spider Jerusalem
* Spider
* Spirit King
* Spitfire
* Split
* Splitshot (of Superior Five)
* Spoiler
* Spore
* Sportsmaster I & II
* Spook
* Spy Smasher
* Squire I-III
* St'nlli
* Stalker
* Stallion
* Stalnoivolk
* Stan Kitch
* Stanley and His Monster
* Star Boy
* Starbreaker
* Starfinger
* Starfire
* Stargirl (formerly Star-Spangled Kid)
* Star Hawkins
* Starman (alias Will Payton)
* Starman I-IX and of the 853rd century
o Starman (alias Jack Knight)
o Starman (alias Ted Knight)
* Starro
* Stars (Elseworlds)
* Star Sapphire I-IV
* Star-Spangled Kid I & II (Sylvester Pemberton and Courtney Whitmore; now Stargirl)
* Starshrike
* Star-Tsar I-III
* Starwoman and the Jr. JSA
* Stasis
* Static (also Static Shock, Milestone Comics)
* Steamroller
* Steel I & II
* Steel III (John Henry Irons)
* Steel IV (Natasha Irons)
* Steeljacket
* Stel
* Steppenwolf
* Sterling Silversmith
* Stewart, John (see Green Lantern)
* Sting
* Stompa
* Stone Boy
* Vic Stone
* Adam Strange
* Hugo Strange
* Strangle-Hold Sylph
* Strange Visitor
* Strata
* Stratos
* Streaky
* Striker Z
* S.T.R.I.P.E. (formerly Stripesy)
* Stripes (Elseworlds)
* Tom Strong (ABC Comics)
* Stuff the Chinatown Kid I & II
* Sudden Death
* Sue Dibny
* Suli
* Sun Boy
* Sunburst
* Sundeath
* Sun Emperor
* Sun Girl
* Superboy I-III
* Superboy-Prime
* Super-Chief I & II
* Super Dood
* Superlad
* Supergirl I-V
* Superman
* Superman Monster
* Supernova
* Superwoman I-III
* Supplier
* Suit
* Swamp Thing
* Sweep Second
* Sweet 16
* Sylph
* Synnar
* Syonide I & II
* Syrene
* T-man
* Tailgunner Jo
* Takion
* Tala
* Talia al Ghul
* Tall Marvel
* Tally Man
* Talon
* Tana Moon
* Tank Killer
* Tannarak
* Tao Jones
* Tarantula I-III
* Tara
* Target
* Tarik the Mute
* Tar Pit
* Tasmanian Devil
* Tattooed Man
* Taz
* Technician I & II
* Technocrat (The Outsiders)
* Telepath
* Tellus
* Temper
* Tempest I (alias Joshua Clay of the Doom Patrol)
* Tempest II (formerly Aqualad)
* Templar
* Templar Knight
* Ten-Eyed Man
* Tethys
* Terra
* Terra-Man
* Terrific Whatzit
* Terrorsmith
* Terrus
* Terry Berg
* Tex Thompson
* Tezumak
* Tharok
* Themis
* Thermal
* Thia
* Thinker I-IV
* The Thirst
* Thorn
* Thrasher
* Thrilldevil
* Thunder I & II
* Thunder II
* Thunderbolt (alias Peter Cannon)
* Thunderer
* Thunderhead
* Thunderlord
* Thunder and Lightning
* Tiger
* Tiger Boy I-II
* Tigerforce
* Tiger Man
* Tiger Moth
* Tiger Shark
* Tiggra
* Tigorr
* Tigra
* Tigress I-III
* Timber Wolf
* Time Trapper
* Tin (alias Thomas Tinkham)
* Titania
* Titan
* Titan Girl
* Tobias Whale
* Todd, Jason (see Jason Todd)
* Tokyo Rose (Elseworlds)
* Tolos
* Tom Sparks
* Tomahawk
* Tomar Re
* Tomar-Tu
* Tommy Tomorrow
* Tomorrow Woman
* Top
* Topkick
* Tor, Magic Master
* Tornado (Elseworlds)
* Tornado Twins
* Tornado Tyrant (see Red Tornado)
* Torque
* Toyman
* Touch-N-Go
* Traci 13
* Traitor
* Traven
* Tremor (of Superior Five)
* Triad (see also Duo Damsel, Triplicate Girl)
* Triarch
* Trickster I & II
* Trident
* Trigger Twins I & II
* Trigon
* Trinity (The Trinity Virus)
* Triplicate Girl (see also Duo Damsel, Triad)
* Tristess
* Triton
* Triumph
* Trix (Elseworlds)
* Trogg
* Troia
* Trygg the Sorceror
* Tsunami
* Tuatara
* Tundra
* Turk
* Turtle Boy (see Jimmy Olsen)
* Tusk (Elseworlds)
* Twilight
* Twister
* Two-Face
* Tygrus
* Tyr
* Tyrant-Tula (Elseworlds)
* Tyroc
* Tzodar
* Uhlan
* Ultraa
* Ultra the Multi-Alien
* Ultra Boy
* Ultra-Humanite
* Ultra-Man I & II
* Ultraman (Crime Syndicate of Amerika)
* Umbaluru
* Umbra (rebooted Shadow Lass)
* Uncle Marvel (Marvel Family)
* Uncle Sam
* Universo
* Unknown Soldier
* Ur the Cave Boy
* Ursa
* Uriel
* Uxas (see Darkseid)
* V (Elseworlds)
* Vagabond
* Valda
* Valor (see Lar Gand)
* Validus
* Valley, Jean Paul (see Azrael)
* Vanessa Van Helsing
* Vanguard
* Vanquisher I & II
* Vapor
* Varix
* Vartox
* Vath Sarn
* Vault
* Veil I & II
* Velvet Tiger
* Venev
* Veridium
* Ventriloquist and Scarface
* Vestion
* Vext
* Vibe
* Vicious
* Vicki Grant
* Vicki Vale
* Vigilante I-V
* Viki Valkyrie (Amalgam Comics)
* Viking Prince I & II
* Vikhor
* Vincent Velcro
* Violet
* Virtuoso
* Vixen
* Vizacacha
* Volt (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)
* Von Bach (Elseworlds)
* Vortex
* Vox (see Mal Duncan)
* Dox, Vril (see Vril Dox I & II)
* Vykin the Black
* Waller, Amanda (see Amanda Waller)
* Warbird
* Warhammer
* Warhawk
* Warlock of YS
* Warlock's Daughter
* Warlord
* War Maker One
* Warp (aka Emil LaSalle)
* Warrior (see Guy Gardner)
* Watchdog
* Waverider
* Waxman
* Wayne, Bruce (see Batman)
* Weapons Master
* Weasel
* Weather Wizard
* Weird
* West, Wally (see Flash)
* Whale
* Whip I-IV
* Whip Whirlwind
* Whisper A'Daire
* White Dwarf
* White Feather (of Inferior Five)
* White Lightning
* White Lotus
* White Rabbit
* White Witch
* Whiz (Elseworlds)
* Whizzy
* Wild
* Wildcard
* Wildcat
* Wildebeest
* Wild Dog
* Wildfire
* Wild Huntsman
* Wilson, Rose
* Wilson, Slade (see Deathstroke)
* Windfall
* Windshear
* Wing
* Wing Brady
* Wingman
* Wintergreen
* Witchboy
* Witchfire
* Wizard
* Wolfpack
* Wonder Boy
* Wonder Girl I (aka Dianna Prince)
* Wonder Girl II (aka Donna Troy)
* Wonder Girl III (aka Cassandra Sandsmark)
* Wonder Tot
* Wonder Woman
* Woozy Winks
* Writer
* Wylde
* Wyldeheart
* X of the Underground
* X-5 Super Agent
* Pantha X-24
* Xanadu (see Madame Xanadu)
* Xanthi of Ozyron
* Xeo
* Xero
* Xiuhtecutli
* Xombi (Milestone Comics)
* Xon Ur
* Xotar
* XS
* XTC (Elseworlds)
* Xyannis
* X' Hal
* Yahweh
* Yalan Gur
* Yankee Doodle
* Yankee Eagle
* Yankee Guerilla
* Yankee Poodle (Rova Barkitt)
* Yellow Lantern (see Sinestro, Guy Gardner)
* Yellowjacket
* Yellow Peri
* Yerosha
* Ynda
* Yuga Khan
* Mr. Z
* Mr. Zsasz
* Zan
* Zaora
* Zapatak
* Zara
* Zastrow
* Zatanna
* Zatara I & II
* Zauriel
* Zazzala
* Zebra Man
* Zeiss
* Zena Moonstruk
* Zip Kid
* General Zahl
* Zirral
* Zod (see General Zod)
* Zodiac Master
* Zombie (Comics)
* Zookeeper
* Zoom
* Zoot Sputnik
* Zuggernaut
* Zum
* Zymyr of Gil'dishpan
and this is for Marvel comics....
* 3-D Man
* 8-Ball
* Ahmet Abdol (see Living Monolith)
* Abomination
* Abraxas
* Absalom
* Absorbing Man
* Abyss
* Access (Amalgam Comics)
* Achebe
* Adam Warlock
* Adam X
* Adaptoid (see Super-Adaptoid)
* Adversary
* Aegis
* Agamotto
* Agatha Harkness
* Aged Genghis
* Agent
* Agent Axis
* Agent X
* Agent Zero
* Agony
* Ahab
* Air-Walker
* Airborne
* Airstrike (see also Crimson Dynamo)
* Ajak
* Akhenaten
* Albert (see also Wolverine)
* Albion
* Aleta
* Alex Wilder
* Alfie O'Meggan
* Algrim the Strong (see Kurse)
* Alkhema
* Allatou
* Allerdyce, St. John (see Pyro)
* Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
* The Alternate (Ultraverse)
* Marlene Alraune
* Amanda Sefton
* Amazon (see Man-Killer)
* Amber Hunt (Ultraverse)
* American Dream
* American Eagle
* American Samurai
* Americop
* Ammo
* Amphibian
* Amphibius
* Amun
* Anaconda
* Anarchist
* Ancient One
* Andromeda
* Angar the Screamer
* The Angel
* Angel (see Archangel)
* Angel Salvatore
* Animus
* Annihilus
* Anole
* Anti-Cap
* Antimatter
* Anything (Ultraverse)
* Ant-Man
* Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
* Anubis
* Apache Kid (Atlas Comics)
* Apocalypse
* Apryll
* Aquarian
* Arabian Knight
* Aragorn
* Araña
* Arcade
* Arcanna
* Archangel
* Archimage (Ultraverse)
* Arclight
* Arena (Ultraverse)
* Arides
* Ares
* Ariel (see also Shadowcat)
* Argo
* Argus (Ultraverse)
* Arkon
* Arkus
* Todd Arliss (see Tiger Shark)
* Armadillo
* Armageddon
* Arnim Zola
* Aron, the Renegade Watcher
* Arranger
* Arsenal
* Artie
* Jackson Arvad (see Will o' the Wisp)
* Asbestos Lady
* Ashcan
* Asp
* Astra
* Astrovik, Vance (see Vance Astro and Justice)
* Astronomer
* Atalon (Ultraverse)
* Atlas
* Atleza
* Atom Bob (Ultraverse)
* Atum
* Attuma
* Aunt May Parker
* Aurora
* Authority
* Avalanche
* Avarrish
* Awesome Andy
* Axum
* Ba'al
* Sunset Bain
* William Baker (see Sandman)
* Balder
* Balthakk
* Bandit
* Bantam
* Betty Ross Banner
* Robert Bruce Banner (see Hulk)
* Banshee
* Baphomet
* Barbarus
* Barnacle
* Baron Blood
* Baron Mordo
* Baron Strucker
* Baron Zemo
* Baroness
* Baroness Blood
* Clint Barton (see Hawkeye)
* Basilisk
* Bast
* Bastion
* Ruth Bat-Seraph (see Sabra)
* Batroc the Leaper
* Battering Ram
* Battlestar
* Batwing
* Beaubier, Jean-Paul (see Northstar)
* Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie (see Aurora)
* Beast
* Beautiful Dreamer (comics)
* Benny Beckley
* Bedlam
* Bedlam II
* Beechman, Jerome (see Mandrill)
* Beetle
* Beetle II
* Bela
* Belasco
* Bella Donna
* Belathauzer
* Ben Grimm (see Thing)
* Ben Parker (see Uncle Ben)
* Ben Reilly
* Ben Urich
* Bench, Morris (see Hydro-Man)
* Berzerker
* Bes
* Beta Ray Bill
* Bethany Cabe
* Betty Ross Banner
* Bevatron
* Beyonder
* Bi-Beast
* Big Bertha
* Big Man
* Big Wheel
* Bill Foster (see Black Goliath)
* Binary (see Carol Danvers)
* Bird-Brain
* Birely, Douglas (see Doctor Demonicus)
* Bishop
* Bishop, Kate (see Kate Bishop)
* Bizarnage
* Blackbird
* Blacklash
* Black, Carmilla (see Scorpion)
* Black Bolt
* Black Box
* Black Cat
* Black Cannry
* Black Crow
* Black Death
* Black Dragon
* Black Fox
* Black Goliath
* Blackheart
* Black King (see Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi Shaw)
* Black Knight
* Blacklash
* Black Llama
* Black Mamba
* Blackout
* Black Panther
* Black Queen (see Phoenix, Selene)
* Black Talon
* Black Tarantula
* Black Tom Cassidy
* Black Widow (Golden Age)
* Black Widow
* Blackheath (see Plantman)
* Blade
* Blaire, Allison (see Dazzler)
* Blaquesmith
* Blastaar
* Blaze
* Blaze, Johnny (see Ghost Rider)
* Blaze, Siena (see Siena Blaze)
* Blazing Skull
* Blevins, Sally (see Skids)
* Blindspot
* Blindspot II
* Bling
* Blink
* Blitzkrieg
* Blizzard
* Blob
* Blockbuster
* Bloke
* Blonde Phantom
* Bloodaxe
* Bloodhawk
* Bloodlust
* Blood Rose (see Fisk, Richard)
* Bloodscream
* Bloodshed (Ultraverse)
* Bloodstone
* Bloodstorm (Mutant X)
* Bloodwraith
* Blood Spider
* Blonsky, Emil (see Abomination)
* Blue Marvel (see Marvel Boy)
* Blue Diamond
* Blue Shield
* Blue Streak
* Blur
* Bogeyman
* Boneyard (Ultraverse)
* Alexander Bont
* Boobytrap
* Book (Ultraverse)
* Boomer (see Meltdown)
* Boom Boom (see Meltdown)
* Boom Boy (Ultraverse)
* Boomerang
* Bora
* Bounty
* Bova
* Box
* Braddock, Brian (see Captain Britain)
* Braddock, Elizabeth "Betsy" (see Psylocke)
* Braddock, Jamie (see Jamie Braddock)
* Braddock, Meggan (see Meggan)
* Brainchild
* Brant, Betty (see Betty Brant)
* Bridge, George Washington (see G. W. Bridge)
* Brigade
* Briquette
* Eddie Brock (see Venom)
* Brother Grimm
* Brother Voodoo
* Bruiser (see Molly Hayes)
* Brute
* Bucky
* Bug
* Bullet
* Bullseye
* Bulldozer
* Burstarr
* Bushman
* Bushmaster
* Bushwacker
* Buzz
* Buzzard
* Byrrah
* Bethany Cabe
* Cable
* Luke Cage
* Cagliostro
* Caliban
* Callisto
* Calypso
* Heather Cameron (see Lifeguard)
* Candra
* David Cannon (see Whirlwind)
* Cannonball
* Captain America
* Captain Britain
* Captain Germany
* Captain Marvel (see also Mar-Vell, Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell, Phyla-Vell)
* Captain Omen
* Captain Savage
* Captain Ultra
* Captain UK
* Captain Universe
* Captain Zero
* Cardiac
* Cardinal
* Carnage
* Carnivore
* Guido Carosella (see Strong Guy)
* Carrion
* Joe Cartelli (see Blue Shield)
* Peggy Carter
* Sharon Carter
* Cassandra Nova
* Cassidy, Sean (see Banshee)
* Cassidy, Theresa (see Siryn)
* Black Tom Cassidy)
* Castle, Frank (see The Punisher)
* Cat (see also Tigra)
* Cayman (Ultraverse)
* Cecilia Reyes
* Celestial Madonna (see Mantis)
* Centennial
* Centurious
* Turner D. Century
* Cerebra
* Cerise
* Challenger
* Chamber
* Chameleon
* Champion of the Universe
* Chance
* Changeling
* Chaos (see Lord Chaos)
* Charcoal
* Charlie-27
* Charles Xavier (see Professor X)
* Chase Stein
* Cheetah
* Chemistro
* Lila Cheney
* Chief Examiner
* Christians, Isaac (see Gargoyle
* Choice (Ultraverse)
* Chrome
* Chthon
* Citizen V (see also Baron Zemo)
* Clea
* Clive
* Cloak
* Cloud
* Coach
* Coachwhip
* Cobra
* Fabian Cortez
* Coldblood
* Kasper Cole
* Collective Man
* Collector
* Colleen Wing
* Rusty Collins
* Colossus
* Comet Man
* Commander Kraken
* Commando (see Crimson Commando)
* Conan the Barbarian (No longer appears in continuity since the rights to the character are owned by Dark Horse)
* Connors, Curtis (see Lizard)
* Conquest
* Constrictor
* Contemplator
* Contessa (see Valentina De La Fontaine)
* Contrary (Ultraverse)
* Controller
* Cooper, Valerie (see Valerie Cooper)
* Coral
* Corbo, Adrian (see Flex)
* Corbo, Jared (see Radius)
* Corruptor
* Corsair
* Tom Corsi
* Fabian Cortez
* Cottonmouth
* Count Nefaria
* Crazy Eight
* Graydon Creed
* Creed, Victor (see Sabretooth)
* Creel, Carl "Crusher" (see Absorbing Man)
* Crichton, Lady Jacqueline Falsworth (see Spitfire)
* Crichton, Kenneth (see Baroness Blood)
* Crimson Commando
* Crimson Dynamo
* Crooked Man (see Mad Jim Jaspers)
* Crossbones
* Crossfire
* Crown
* Crucible
* Crusader (see also Marvel Boy)
* Crystal
* Cybele
* Cyber
* Cyborg X
* Cyclone
* Cyclops
* Cypher
* D'Ken
* D'Spayre
* Robert da Costa (see Sunspot)
* Dagger
* Daimon Hellstrom
* Dakimh the Enchanter
* Dakota North
* Margo Damien
* Lorna Dane (see Polaris)
* Danielle Moonstar
* Carol Danvers (see Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel)
* Daredevil
* Dark Angel (see Donald & Deborah Ritter)
* Dark Beast
* Dark Phoenix (see Phoenix Force)
* Darkstar
* Darkdevil
* Darkhawk
* Darkoth
* Leila Davis
* Wilbur Day (see Stilt-Man)
* Daytripper (see Amanda Sefton)
* Dazzler
* Dead Girl
* Deadpool
* Laura Dean (see Pathway)
* Death
* Death Adder
* Death Dance (Ultraverse)
* Death's Head I&II (Marvel UK)
* Death Mask (Ultraverse)
* Deathbird
* Deathlok
* Death-Stalker
* Deathurge
* Deathwish (Ultraverse)
* Debrii
* Decay
* Decay II
* Defensor
* De La Fontaine, Valentina (see Valentina De La Fontaine)
* Delilah
* Demiurge
* Demogoblin
* Demogorge the God-Eater (see Atum)
* Demolition Man
* Destiny
* Destroyer, The (Golden Age character)
* Destroyer, The (Asgardian character)
* Devastator
* Devil Dinosaur
* Devil-Slayer
* Devos the Devastator
* DeWolff, Jean (see Jean DeWolff)
* Diablo
* Diamondback
* Diamond Lil
* Dillon, Maxwell (see Electro)
* Dirtnap
* Dirt Devil (Ultraverse)
* D-Man (see Demolition Man)
* Doc Gross (Ultraverse)
* Doc Samson
* Doctor Bong
* Doctor Demonicus
* Doctor Doom
* Doctor Droom (see Doctor Druid)
* Doctor Druid
* Doctor Octopus (see also Lady Octopus)
* Doctor Spectrum
* Doctor Strange
* Doctor Sun
* Doe, John (see Nth Man)
* Domina
* Domino
* Dominus
* Donald Pierce
* Donald & Deborah Ritter
* Doppelganger
* Dorma
* Doop
* Dorcas, Dr. Lemuel (see Lemuel Dorcas)
* Dormammu
* Douglas Ramsey (see Cypher)
* Douglock (see Warlock; see also Cypher)
* Dracula
* Dragon Man
* Dragon of the Moon
* Drake, Frank (see Frank Drake)
* Drake, Robert "Bobby" (see Iceman
* Damon Dran
* Drax the Destroyer
* Dreadface
* Dreadknight
* Dreadnought
* Dreaming Celestial
* Dreamqueen
* Drew, Jessica (see Spider-Woman)
* Dromedan
* Droom, Doctor Anthony (see Doctor Druid)
* Dropkick (Ultraverse)
* Druid (see Doctor Druid)
* Druig
* Drumm, Jericho (see Brother Voodoo)
* du Paris, Bennet (see Exodus)
* Dum-Dum Dugan
* Duey (Ultraverse)
* DuQuesne, Jacques (see Swordsman)
* Dusk
* Dust
* Dvorak, Sybil (see Skein)
* Dweller-in-Darkness
* Paul Norbert Ebersol (see Fixer)
* Ecstasy
* Echo
* Ectokid (Razorline)
* Edwin Jarvis
* Eel
* Egghead
* Ego the Living Planet
* Electro
* ElectroCute (Ultraverse)
* Elektra
* Elf With A Gun
* Eliminator (Ultraverse)
* Elixir
* Elsie-Dee
* El Águila (aka Aguila)
* Elven (Ultraverse)
* Elysius
* Emma Frost
* Empath
* Emplate
* En Sabah Nur (see Apocalypse)
* Enchantress
* Energizer (see Katie Power)
* Enforcer
* The Entity (Ultraverse)
* Eon
* Epoch
* Equilibrius
* Equinox
* Ereshkigal (comics)
* Eric the Red
* Erg (comics)
* Eros (see Starfox)
* Eshu (see Master)
* Miguel Espinosa (see Skin)
* Nathaniel Essex (see Mister Sinister)
* Eternal Brain
* Eternity
* Evangeline Whedon
* Executioner
* Exodus
* Eye Scream
* Ezekiel
* Fafnir
* Fagin
* Falcon
* Fallen One
* Brian Falsworth (see Destroyer)
* Jacqueline Falsworth (see Spitfire)
* John Falsworth (see Baron Blood)
* Famine
* Fan Boy
* Fandral
* Fantomex
* Farallah
* Hensley Fargus (see Mandrill)
* Amahl Farouk (see Shadow King)
* Fasaud
* Fashima
* Father Time
* Fault Zone
* Feline (Ultraverse)
* Fenris
* Feral
* Feron
* Fever Pitch
* Fight-Man
* Fin
* Fin Fang Foom
* Firearm (Ultraverse)
* Firebird
* Firebrand
* Firelord
* Firestar
* Fisk, Richard
* Wilson Fisk (see Kingpin)
* Trevor Fitzroy
* Fixer
* Flag-Smasher
* Flash Thompson
* Flatman
* Flex
* Flubber
* Flumm, Marvin (see Mentallo)
* Fly
* Flygirl (Ultraverse)
* Flying Dutchman's Ghost
* Foggy Nelson
* Foolkiller
* Force
* Forearm
* Foreigner
* Forge
* Forgotten One (a.k.a. Gilgamesh)
* Lee Forrester
* Don Fortunato
* Dominic Fortune
* Foster, Bill (see Black Goliath)
* Jane Foster
* Foxfire
* Foxfire (Ultraverse)
* Frank, Bob (see Whizzer)
* Frank Castle (see The Punisher)
* Frank Drake
* Frankenstein's Monster
* Frankie Raye (Nova)
* Franklin Richards
* Freakshow
* Freeman, Spike (see Spike Freeman)
* Free Spirit
* Freedom Ring
* Frey
* Frigga
* Frog-Man (see also Leap-Frog)
* Deacon Frost
* Emma Frost
* Fury
* Fury, Jacob "Jake" (see Scorpio)
* Nick Fury
* Fusion
* Gaea (Mother Earth)
* Gaia (Generation X member)
* Galactus
* Galaxy Master
* Gambit
* Gamecock
* Gamora
* Ganymede
* Gardener
* Gargan, Mac (see Scorpion)
* Gargantus
* Gargoyle
* John Garrett
* Garokk the Petrified Man
* Gate (Ultraverse)
* Gateway
* Gaunt
* Gaza
* Gazer
* Geb
* Gee (see Zero-G)
* Geiger
* Geirrodur
* Geist
* Genis-Vell
* Gertrude Yorkes
* G-Force
* Ghaur
* Ghost
* Ghost Maker
* Ghost Rider (see also Phantom Rider)
* Ghost Rider 2099
* Ghoul (Ultraverse)
* Giant-Man (see Henry Pym, Black Goliath)
* Gibbon
* Gibborim
* Gibney, Kyle (see Wild Child)
* Gideon
* Gideon Mace
* Gill, Donald "Donny" (see Blizzard)
* Gin Genie
* Gladiator
* Gladiator, Daredevil villain
* Glamor
* Glitterspike
* Glom
* Glorian
* Ma Gnucci
* Goblin Queen (see Madelyne Pryor)
* Godzilla
* Goblyn
* Gold, Melissa (see Songbird)
* Goldeneye
* Goldbug
* Golden Girl
* Golden Oldie (see Aunt May)
* Goliath (see Henry Pym, Hawkeye, Atlas, Black Goliath)
* Gomi
* Gorgeous George
* Gorgon
* Gorilla-Man
* Gosamyr
* Grand Director
* Grandmaster
* Grant, Greer (see Tigra)
* Graviton
* Gravity (comics)
* Graydon Creed
* Great Video
* Green Goblin
* Green Goblin IV
* Gremlin
* Grenade (Ultraverse)
* Grey-Summers, Jean (see Jean Grey)
* Grey, Nate (see X-Man)
* Grey, Rachel (see Rachel Summers)
* Grey Gargoyle
* Grey King (see Magneto)
* Griffin
* Grimm, Ben (see Thing)
* Grim Reaper
* The Grip (Ultraverse)
* Grizzly
* Grog the God-Crusher
* Growing Man
* Guardsman
* Guthrie, Joshua (see Icarus)
* Guthrie, Melody (see Aero)
* Guthrie, Paige (see Husk)
* Guthrie, Samuel (see Cannonball)
* G. W. Bridge
* Gwen Stacy
* Gypsy Moth (see Skein)
* Gyrich, Henry Peter (see Henry Peter Gyrich)
* Hairbag
* Halflife
* Franklin Hall (see Graviton)
* Thomas Halloway (see Angel (Golden Age))
* Halloween Jack
* Bart Hamilton (see Green Goblin)
* "Cockroach" Hamilton
* Hammer
* Justin Hammer (see Justin Hammer)
* Justine Hammer (see Crimson Cowl)
* Hammerhead
* Jim Hammond (see Human Torch)
* Hangman
* Hank McCoy (see Beast)
* Hank Pym (see Henry Pym)
* Hannibal King
* Happy Hogan
* Happy Sam Sawyer (see Sam Sawyer)
* Shingen Harada (see Shingen Harada)
* Hardcase (Ultraverse)
* Hardshell
* Hardwire (Ultraverse)
* Felicia Hardy (see Black Cat)
* Quincy Harker (see Quincy Harker)
* Harkness, Agatha (see Agatha Harkness)
* Harmonica (Ultraverse)
* Harpoon
* Harpy (see Betty Ross)
* Harrier
* Jonas Harrow
* Harry Osborn (see Green Goblin)
* Hate-Monger
* Haven
* Havok
* Hawkeye
* Hayden, Alex (see Agent X)
* Hazmat
* Headknocker (Ultraverse)
* Headlok
* Heimdall
* Hela
* Helix
* Hellcat
* Helleyes
* Hellion
* Hellion (Ultraverse)
* Hellstorm (see Daimon Hellstrom)
* Hellstrom, Damion (see Daimon Hellstrom)
* Hellstrom, Patsy (see Hellcat)
* Henry McCoy (see Beast)
* Henry Peter Gyrich
* Her (see Kismet)
* H.E.R.B.I.E.
* Hercules
* Hermod
* Hero for Hire (see Luke Cage)
* High Evolutionary
* Him (see Adam Warlock)
* Hindsight Lad
* Hobgoblin
* Cameron Hodge
* Hogan, Harold "Happy"
* Hoder
* Hogun
* Holocaust
* Honey Lemon
* Hood
* Hornet
* Phineas T. Horton
* Horus
* Howard the Duck
* James Howlett (see Wolverine)
* Hulk
* Hulk 2099
* Hulkling
* Human Fly
* Human Robot
* Human Torch I (Jim Hammond)
* Human Torch II (Johnny Storm)
* Humbug
* Humus Sapien
* Huntara
* Robert Hunter (see Nitro)
* Stevie Hunter
* Hurricane
* Husk
* Hybrid
* Hybrid II
* Hydro-Man
* Hyperion
* Hyperkind (Razorline)
* Hyperstorm
* Hypno-Hustler
* Hyppokri
* Icarus
* Iceman
* Icemaster
* Hisako Ichiki
* Iconoclast
* Idunn
* Ikaris
* Ikonn
* Ikthalon
* Ikthon
* Illusion
* Immortus
* Impala
* Imperial Hydra
* Impossible Man
* Impossible Woman
* In-Betweener
* Indra
* Infectia
* Inferno
* Infinity
* Shola Inkosi
* Interloper
* Invisible Girl (see Invisible Woman)
* Invisible Woman
* Iron Fist
* Iron Lad
* Iron Man (see also Happy Hogan, War Machine)
* Iron Man 2020
* Iron Monger (see Obadiah Stane)
* Isis
* It, the Living Colossus
* J2
* Jackal
* Jackdaw
* Jack Flag
* Jack Frost (see Blizzard)
* Jack of Hearts
* Jack O'Lantern (see also Hobgoblin)
* Jaeger
* Harald Jaekelsson
* J. Jonah Jameson
* John Jameson
* Dr. Marla Jameson (see Marla Madison)
* James Jaspers (see Mad Jim Jaspers)
* Jane Foster
* Jann
* Jarella
* Jaren
* Jarvis, Edwin (see Edwin Jarvis)
* Jazz
* Jean Grey
* Jeffries, Madison (see Madison Jeffries; see also Box)
* Jeffrey Mace
* Jenkins, Abner (see Beetle)
* Jessica Jones
* Jennifer Walters (see She-Hulk)
* Jester
* Jigsaw
* Jim Hammond (see Original Human Torch)
* Jimmy Woo
* Jocasta
* Joe Fixit (see Hulk)
* John Jameson
* John Sublime
* Johnny Ohm
* Jolt
* Jones, Angelica (see Firestar)
* Jones, Hugh
* Jones, Rick (see Rick Jones)
* Joseph (see Magneto)
* Josten, Conrad (see Smuggler)
* Josten, Erik (see Atlas
* Joyce, Madeline (see Miss America)
* Joystick
* Juarz, Bonita (see Firebird)
* Jubilee
* Judd, Eugene (see Puck)
* Judge
* Juggernaut
* Junkpile
* Justice
* Justice (New Universe)
* Kaine
* Jennifer Kale
* Kaluu
* Kamal
* Garrison Kane
* Kang the Conqueror
* Kangaroo
* Karen Page
* Karima Shapandar
* Karkas
* Karla Sofen (see Moonstone)
* Karma
* Karnak
* Karnilla
* Karolina Dean
* Cletus Kasady (see Carnage)
* Katu
* Ka-Zar
* Keith Kilham (see Hazmat)
* Dan Ketch (see Ghost Rider)
* Robert Kelly
* Khaos
* Khonshu
* Khoryphos
* Kiber the Cruel
* Kid Colt
* Kid Nova (see Nova
* Killer Shrike
* Zebediah Killgrave (see Purple Man)
* Killmonger
* Killpower (Marvel UK)
* Killraven
* Kilmer
* Cessily Kincaid (see Mercury)
* Jane Kincaid (see Jane Foster)
* Hannibal King
* Kingpin
* Kismet
* Kismet Deadly (Ultraverse)
* Kkallakku
* Kl'rt (see Super-Skrull)
* Klaatu
* Klaw
* Kleinstocks
* Misty Knight
* Kofi Whitemane
* Korg
* Kormok
* Korvac
* Kosmos
* Krakkan
* Ivan Kragoff (see Red Ghost)
* Krang
* Kraven the Hunter
* Alyosha Kravinoff
* Sergei Kravinoff (see Kraven the Hunter)
* Kristoff Vernard
* Kristoff von Doom (see Kristoff Vernard)
* Kro
* Krystalin
* Kubik
* Kurse
* Kwannon (see Revanche)
* Kylun
* Kymaera (see Namorita)
* Lacuna
* Lady Deathstrike
* Lady Killer (Ultraverse)
* Lady Lotus
* Lady Mandarin (see Psylocke)
* Lady Mastermind
* Lady Octopus
* La Lunatica
* Lancer
* Lang, Cassie (see Stature)
* Lang, Steven (see Steven Lang)
* La Nuit
* Lament (Ultraverse)
* Lasher
* Laughton, Ebenezer (see Scarecrow)
* Layla Miller
* Leader
* Leap-Frog
* Leash
* LeBeau, Remy (see Gambit)
* Leech
* Ned Leeds
* Lee Forrester
* The Left Hand
* Legacy (see Genis-Vell)
* Legion
* Lehnsherr, Erik Magnus (see Magneto)
* Letha
* Levy, Hannah (see Hannah Levy)
* Lifeforce
* Lifeguard
* Lightbright
* Lightmaster
* Lightspeed
* Lila Cheney
* Lilandra Neramani
* Lilith, the daughter of Dracula
* Lincoln, Lonnie Thompson (see Tombstone)
* Lionheart
* Living Colossus (see It, the Living Colossus)
* Living Hulk (see Xemnu the Titan)
* Living Laser
* Living Lightning
* Living Monolith
* Living Mummy
* Living Pharaoh (see Living Monolith)
* Living Planet (see Ego the Living Planet and Living Monolith)
* Living Tribunal
* Lizard
* Lloigoroth
* Llyra
* Llyron
* Loa
* Lockdown
* Lockheed
* Lockjaw
* Locus
* Locust
* Logan (see Wolverine)
* Loki
* Longshot
* Looter
* Lord Chaos
* Lord Dark Wind
* Lord Pumpkin (Ultraverse)
* Lorelei
* Lorna Dane (see Polaris)
* Lorvex
* Loss
* Lucifer
* Ludi
* Luke Cage
* Lumpkin, Willie (postman of the Fantastic Four)
* Luna
* Lunatica (see La Lunatica)
* Lupa
* Lupo
* Lurking Unknown
* Lyja
* Lykos, Karl (see Sauron)
* Lynx
* M (see also Penance)
* Maa-Gor
* Mace, Gideon (see Gideon Mace)
* Mace, Jeffrey (see Jeffrey Mace)
* Mach-IV (see Beetle)
* Machine Man
* Machinesmith
* Machine Teen
* MacPherran, Mary "Skeeter" (see Titania)
* Moira MacTaggert
* Mad-Dog
* Mad Jack
* Mad Jim Jaspers
* Mad Thinker
* Madame Hydra (see Viper)
* Madame MacEvil (see Moondragon)
* Madame Masque
* Madame Menace (see Sunset Bain)
* Madame Web
* Madcap
* Maddicks, Artie (see Artie)
* Madrox, James
* Madelyne Pryor
* Maelstrom
* Maestro
* Magdalene
* Maggott
* Magik (see also Amanda Sefton)
* Magma
* Magneto
* Moses Magnum
* Magnus (see also Magneto)
* Magus
* Major Mapleleaf
* Makkari
* Malekith the Accursed
* Malice
* Malus, Karl (see Karl Malus)
* Mammomax
* Man-Ape
* Man-Beast
* Man-Bull
* Man-Elephant
* Man-Killer
* Man-Thing
* Man-Wolf
* Mandarin
* Mandrill
* Mandroid
* Mangle (Ultraverse)
* Mangog
* Man Mountain Marko
* Manslaughter
* Mantis
* Mantra (Ultraverse)
* Marc Spector (see Moon Knight)
* Marduk Kurios
* Margali Szardos
* Maria Hill
* Mariko Yashida
* Marks, James "Jimmy" (see Hybrid)
* Marko, Cain (see Juggernaut)
* Marko, Flint (see Sandman)
* Marlene Alraune
* Marlow, Keen (see Destroyer)
* Marrina
* Marrow
* Martha Johansson
* Martinex
* Marvel
* Marvel Boy (see also Justice)
* Marvel Girl (see Jean Grey, Rachel Summers)
* Mar-Vell
* Mary Jane Watson
* Masaryk, Milos (see Unicorn)
* Masked Marauder
* Masque (see also Madame Masque)
* Mass Master (see Jack Power)
* Master
* Master Khan
* Master Menace
* Mastermind (I)
* Mastermind of the UK
* Mastermind (II))
* Master Mold
* Master Order
* Master Pandemonium
* Matador
* Match
* Matsu'o Tsurayaba
* Matt Murdock (see Daredevil)
* Mauler
* Mauvais
* Maverick (see Agent Zero)
* Maxam
* Maximoff, Pietro (see Quicksilver)
* Maximoff, Wanda (see Scarlet Witch)
* Maximus
* Mayhem
* May Parker (see Aunt May)
* May "Mayday" Parker (see Spider-Girl)
* McCoy, Henry "Hank" (see Beast)
* McKenzie, Namor (see Namor the Sub-Mariner)
* Meanstreak
* Meathook (Ultraverse)
* Medusa
* Meggan
* Seamus Mellencamp
* Meltdown
* Melter
* Mentallo
* Mentor
* Mephisto
* Mercurio
* Mercury (see also Makkari)
* Merlin
* Mesmero
* Metalhead
* Meteorite (see Moonstone)
* Meteorite II
* Micromax
* Midgard Serpent
* Midnight
* Miek
* Mikey
* Mikhail Rasputin
* Milan
* Miller, Layla (see Layla Miller)
* Mimic
* Mimic (Exiles' member)
* The Mindless Ones
* Mindworm
* Miracle Man
* Mirage (see Danielle Moonstar)
* Miss America
* Mister Fantastic
* Mister Fear
* Mister Hyde
* Mr. M
* Mister Machine (see Machine Man)
* Mister Sensitive (see Orphan)
* Mister Sinister
* Mister X
* Misty Knight
* Morbius, the Living Vampire
* Mockingbird
* Modred the Mystic
* Moira MacTaggert
* Mojo
* Mole Man
* Molecule Man
* Molly Hayes
* Mondo
* Monstra
* Moondragon
* Moon Knight
* Moonstar, Danielle (see Danielle Moonstar)
* Moonstone (see also Nefarius)
* Mordo, Karl (see Baron Mordo)
* Mordred the Evil
* Morg
* Morgan Le Fay
* Morlun
* Morph
* Morpheus
* Mosley (Ultraverse)
* Mother Night
* Mother Superior (see Sin)
* Motormouth (Marvel UK)
* Mr. Fish
* Ms. Marvel (see Carol Danvers, Rogue, She-Thing)
* Multiple Man (see Jamie Madrox)
* Mundi, Rex (Ultraverse)
* Munroe, Ororo (see Storm)
* Murdock, Matt (see Daredevil)
* Murmur
* Mutant X (see Proteus and Havok)
* Myers, Fred (see Boomerang)
* Mysterio
* Mystique
* N'Gabthoth
* N'Garai
* N'Kantu the Living Mummy
* Naga
* Nagala
* Naiad (Ultraverse)
* Namor the Sub-Mariner
* Namora
* Namorita
* Natchios, Elektra (see Elektra)
* Nate Grey (see X-Man)
* Nathaniel Essex (see Mister Sinister
* Nathaniel Richards
* Native
* Nebula
* Nebulon
* Necrodamus
* Necromantra (Ultraverse)
* Needle
* Nefaria, Luchino (see Count Nefaria)
* Nefarius
* Negasonic Teenage Warhead
* Nekra
* Nelson, Foggy (see Foggy Nelson)
* Nelson, Greer Grant (see Tigra)
* Nemesis (see also Holocaust)
* Neophyte
* Neuronne (Ultraverse)
* Newell, Walter (see Stingray
* NFL Superpro
* Nicholas Scratch
* Nick Fury
* Nico Minoru
* Nightcrawler
* Nighthawk
* Night Nurse
* The Night Man (Ultraverse)
* Nightmare
* Night Rider (see Phantom Rider)
* Nightshade
* Night Thrasher
* Nightwatch
* Nikki
* Niles van Roekel
* Nimrod (see also Bastion)
* Ningal
* Nitro
* NM-E (Ultraverse)
* Noble, Peter (see Fin)
* Nocturne
* Noh-Varr
* Nomad
* Norman Osborn (see Green Goblin)
* Norrin Radd (see Silver Surfer)
* Northstar
* Nova
* Nova, Cassandra (see Cassandra Nova)
* Nox
* Nth Man
* Nuke
* Nuklo
* Nut
* Solomon O'Sullivan
* Obadiah Stane
* Obliterator
* Octavius, Dr. Otto (see Doctor Octopus)
* Oddball
* Odin
* Ogre
* Ogress
* Omega Red
* Omega the Unknown
* Onslaught
* Onyxx
* Orator
* Ord
* Order (see Master Order)
* Orka
* Orphan
* Ortega, Ishmael (see Ishmael Ortega)
* Osborn, Harry (see Green Goblin)
* Osborn, Norman (see Green Goblin)
* Osiris
* Outlaw
* Outrage (Ultraverse)
* Overmind
* Owl
* Ox
* Ozymandias
* Karen Page
* Paibok (see Power Skrull)
* Paladin
* Paragon (see Kismet)
* Parker, Ben (see Uncle Ben)
* Parker, Mary Jane (see Mary Jane Watson)
* Parker, May (see Aunt May or Spider-Girl)
* Parker, Peter (see Spider-Man)
* Parks, Arthur (see Living Laser)
* Paste-Pot Pete (see Trapster)
* Patch (see Wolverine)
* Pathway
* Patriot I (Jeffrey Mace)
* Patriot II (Elijah Bradley)
* Payne, Frank (see Constrictor)
* Peepers
* Penance (see also M)
* Peregrine
* Perfection
* Persuasion
* Pete Wisdom
* Petros, Dominic (see Avalanche)
* Petruski, Peter (see Trapster)
* Phade (Ultraverse)
* Phantom Eagle
* Phalanx (Technarchy)
* Phalanx
* Phage
* Phastos
* Phat
* Phimster, Ellie (see Negasonic Teenage Warhead)
* Phoenix (see also Baron Zemo, Jean Grey and Rachel Summers)
* Photon (see Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell)
* Phyla-Vell
* Pierce, Donald (see Donald Pierce)
* Piledriver (comics)
* Piper
* Pip the Troll
* Piranha
* Pistol (Ultraverse)
* Pitt, Desmond (see Darkoth)
* Pixx (Ultraverse)
* Plantman
* Plazm
* Plug (Ultraverse)
* Plunderer
* Pluto
* Poison
* Polaris
* Porcupine
* Portal
* Possessor
* Postman
* Potts, Virginia "Pepper"
* Poundcakes
* Power, Alex (See Power Pack)
* Power, Jack (See Power Pack)
* Power, James Dr. (See Power Pack)
* Power, Julie (See Power Pack and Excelsior)
* Power, Katie (See Power Pack)
* Power, Margaret (See Power Pack)
* Power Broker
* Power Man (see Luke Cage, Atlas)
* Power Skrull
* Powerpax (See Alex Power)
* Power Princess
* Pressure (Ultraverse)
* Preston, Martin (see Master Pandemonium)
* Preview
* Prime (Ultraverse)
* Primevil (Ultraverse)
* Primus
* Princess Python
* Prodigy
* Professor Power
* Professor X
* Proteus
* Prototype (Ultraverse)
* Proudstar, James (see Warpath)
* Proudstar, John (see Thunderbird)
* Prowler
* Pryde, Katherine "Kitty" (see Shadowcat)
* Pryor, Madelyne (see Madelyne Pryor)
* Psi-Lord (see Franklin Richards)
* Psyche (see Danielle Moonstar)
* Psycho-Man
* Psylocke
* Puck
* Puishannt
* Puma
* Punisher
* Punisher 2099
* Puppet Master
* Purple Girl (see Persuasion)
* Purple Man
* Pym, Dr. Henry (see Henry Pym)
* Pyro
* Quantum
* Quasar
* Quasimodo
* Quicksand
* Quicksilver
* Quentin Quire
* Quiver
* Rachel Summers
* Radd, Norrin (see Silver Surfer)
* Radioactive Man
* Radius
* Rafferty (Ultraverse)
* Rage
* Raggadorr
* Rainbow (see Bloke
* Rama-Tut (see Kang the Conqueror)
* Raman
* Ramsey, Doug (see Cypher)
* Rand, Daniel (See Iron Fist)
* Random
* Ranger (see Prototype) (Ultraverse)
* Rankin, Calvin (see Mimic (comics) and Mimic (Exiles))
* Ransak the Reject (see Reject)
* Rasputin, Illyana (see Magik
* Rasputin, Mikhail (see Mikhail Rasputin)
* Rasputin, Piotr (see Colossus)
* Rattler
* Ravage 2099 (Marvel 2099)
* Rawhide Kid
* Rax
* Raye, Frankie (see Nova)
* Razor Fist
* Razorback
* Reaper
* Recorder
* Red Ghost
* Red Guardian
* Red Lotus (comics)
* Red Raven
* Red Ronin
* Red Shift
* Red Skull
* Red Wolf
* Reignfire
* Reilly, Ben (see Scarlet Spider)
* Reject
* Remy LeBeau (see Gambit)
* Revanche
* Reyes, Cecelia (see Cecelia Reyes)
* Rhiannon (Ultraverse)
* Rhino
* Rhodes, James (see War Machine)
* Ricadonna
* Richard Rider (see Nova)
* Richards, Franklin (see Franklin Richards)
* Richards, Jonathan (see Hyperstorm)
* Richards, Nathaniel (see Nathaniel Richards)
* Richards, Reed (see Mister Fantastic)
* Richards, Susan (see Invisible Woman)
* Rick Jones
* Ricochet
* Rictor
* Rider, Richard (see Nova
* Rigellian Recorder (see Recorder)
* Ringer
* Ringmaster
* Riot
* Ripfire (Ultraverse)
* Robertson, Robbie (see Robbie Robertson)
* Rocket Raccoon
* Rocket Racer
* Robert Kelly
* Rogers, Steve (see Captain America)
* Rogue
* Roma
* Rom the Spaceknight
* Ronan the Accuser
* Rose (see Fisk, Richard)
* Rosenberg, Marsha (see Volcana)
* Ross, Betty (see Betty Ross Banner)
* Ross, General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" (see Thunderbolt Ross)
* Rossovich, Arkady (see Omega Red)
* Roughhouse
* Roulette
* Royal Roy
* Ruckus
* Rune (Ultraverse)
* Runner
* Rush (Ultraverse)
* The Russian
* Rusty Collins
* Sabra
* Sabretooth
* Sack (comics)
* Sage
* Saint Anna
* Sally Floyd
* Salvo
* Sam Sawyer
* Samson, Leonard (see Doc Samson)
* Sanders, James (see Speed Demon)
* Sandhurst, Basil (see Controller)
* Sandman
* Santos, Miguel (see Living Lightning
* Sasquatch
* Sasquatch (Exiles member)
* Satana
* Satannish
* Sauron
* Sawyer, "Happy Sam" (see Sam Sawyer)
* Saxon, Samuel "Starr" (see Machinesmith)
* Scarecrow
* Scarlet Beetle
* Scarlet Centurion
* Scarlet Scarab
* Scarlet Spider (see Ben Reilly)
* Scarlet Witch
* Scarlotti, Mark (see Blacklash
* Schmidt, Johann (see Red Skull)
* Schultz, Herman (see Shocker)
* Schwartz, Mimi (see Songbird)
* Scimitar
* Scorpion
* Scourge of the Underworld
* Scratch, Nicholas (see Nicholas Scratch)
* Screech (see Agony)
* Scream
* Screaming Mimi (see Songbird)
* Scrier
* Sea Urchin
* Sebastian Shaw
* Sefton, Amanda (see Amanda Sefton)
* Sekhmet
* Selene (see Black Queen)
* Sentry
* Senator Robert Kelly
* Sergeant Fury (see Nick Fury)
* Serpentina
* Sersi
* Set
* Seth
* Shadowcat
* Shadowmage (Ultraverse)
* Shadow King
* Shadow Slasher
* Shadrac
* Sham
* Shaman
* Shamrock
* Shang-Chi
* Shanga (see Star-Dancer)
* Shanna the She-Devil
* Shapanka, Gregor (see Blizzard)
* Shaper of Worlds
* Shard
* Sharon Friedlander
* Shatterstar
* Shaw, Sebastian (see Sebastian Shaw)
* Shaw, Shinobi (see Shinobi Shaw)
* She-Hulk
* She-Thing
* She-Venom
* Shingen Harada
* Shinobi Shaw
* Shiver Man
* Shocker
* Shola Inkosi
* Shooting Star
* Shriek
* Shriek (Venom spawn) (see Agony)
* Shroud
* Shuma-Gorath
* Sidewinder
* Sif
* Sigyn
* Silke, Samuel (see Samuel Silke)
* Silverclaw
* Silvermane
* Silver Fox
* Silver Sable
* Silver Samurai
* Silver Surfer
* Simpson, Frank (see Nuke)
* Sin (AKA Synthia Schmidt or Sinthea Shmidt or Mother Superior)
* Sin-Eater
* Sinclar, Nekra (see Nekra)
* Sinclair, Rahne (see Wolfsbane)
* Sinister (see Mister Sinister)
* Siryn
* Skein
* Skids
* Skin
* Skull the Slayer
* Skullfire
* Skullcrusher
* Slab
* Slapstick
* Sleeper
* Sleepwalker (comics)
* Slipstream
* Sligguth
* Sludge (Ultraverse)
* Slug
* Sluggo
* Sluk
* Slyde
* Smallwood, Marrina (see Marrina)
* Smartship Friday
* Smerdyakov, Dmitri (see Chameleon)
* Smith, Tabitha (see Meltdown
* Smithers, Samuel (see Plantman)
* Smuggler
* Smythe, Alistair
* Smythe, Spencer
* Snowbird
* Sofen, Karla (see Moonstone)
* Solara
* Solarman
* Solarr
* Solo
* Soldier X (see Cable)
* Solitaire (Ultraverse)
* Solo
* Songbird
* Son of Satan (see Daimon Hellstrom)
* Space Phantom
* Spector, Marc (see Moon Knight)
* Spectral (Ultraverse)
* Speed
* Speed Demon
* Speedball
* Sphinx
* Spider Doppelganger (see Doppelganger)
* Spider-Girl
* Spider-Ham
* Spider-Man
* Spider-Man 2099
* Spider-Slayer
* Spider-Woman I
* Spider-Woman II
* Spider-Woman III
* Spider-Woman IV
* Spike
* Spike Freeman
* Spiral
* Spirit of '76
* Spitfire
* Spoor
* Spot
* Sprite (see Shadowcat)
* Spymaster
* Spyne
* Squirrel Girl
* Squidboy
* St. Croix, Claudette (see Penance)
* St. Croix, Marius (see Emplate)
* St. Croix, Monet (see M)
* St. Croix, Nicole (see Penance)
* Stacy, George (see George Stacy)
* Stacy, Gwen (see Gwen Stacy)
* Stacy X
* Stakar (see Starhawk)
* Stane, Obadiah (see Obadiah Stane)
* Star-Dancer
* Stardust
* Starfox
* Starhawk
* Stark, Arno (see Iron Man of 2020)
* Stark, Tony (see Iron Man)
* Star-Lord
* Starr the Slayer
* Starr Saxon (see Machinesmith)
* Starsmore, Jonothon (see Chamber)
* Starstreak (see Julie Power)
* Stature
* Stegron
* Stevie Hunter
* Steven Lang
* Stewart, Stanley (see Whizzer)
* Stick
* Stilt-Man
* Stingray
* Stone
* Stonecutter
* Stonewall
* Storm
* Storm, Johnny (see Human Torch)
* Storm, Susan (see Invisible Woman)
* Strange, Stephen (see Doctor Strange)
* Strange, Victor (see Baron Blood
* Stranger
* Stratosfire
* Straw Man
* Strobe
* Strong Guy
* Strucker, Baron (see Baron Strucker)
* Stryfe
* Stunner
* Sublime, John (see John Sublime)
* Sub-Mariner (see Namor the Sub-Mariner)
* Summers, Alexander (see Havok)
* Summers, Christopher (see Corsair)
* Summers, Gabriel (see Vulcan)
* Summers, Rachel (see Rachel Summers)
* Summers, Scott (see Cyclops)
* Sunder
* Sunfire
* Sunfire (Exiles member)
* Sunpyre
* Sunset Bain
* Sunspot
* Sunturion
* Super-Adaptoid
* Superia
* SuperPro (see NFL SuperPro)
* Super-Skrull
* Suprema (see Mother Night)
* Supreme Intelligence
* Supremor (see Supreme Intelligence)
* Surge
* Surtur
* Svarog
* Swarm
* Sweetface (Ultraverse)
* Swordsman
* Synch
* Sytsevich, Aleksei (see Rhino)
* Szardos, Jimaine (see Amanda Sefton)
* Szardos, Margali (see Margali Szardos)
* Talbot, Glenn
* Talisman (see also Shaman)
* Tarantula
* Tarleton, George (see MODOK)
* Taskmaster
* Tatterdemalion
* Tattletale (see Franklin Richards)
* Taurus
* Tech (Ultraverse)
* Techno (see Fixer)
* Teknight (Ultraverse)
* Tempest
* Tempo
* Tempus
* Terminatrix
* Terminus
* Terrax the Tamer
* Terror
* Terror Inc.
* Tessa (see Sage)
* Texas Twister
* Thakos
* Thanos
* Thena
* Thing
* Thinker (see Mad Thinker)
* Thin Man
* Thog
* Thomas, Everett (see Synch)
* Thor
* Thornn
* Threnody
* Thumbelina
* Thunderball
* Thunderbird (see also Warpath)
* Thunderbird (Exiles member)
* Thunderbolt
* Thunderclap
* Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson)
* Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson)
* Thundra
* Tiboldt, Maynard (see Ringmaster)
* Tiger Shark
* Tigra
* Time Bomb (see Meltdown
* Timeslip
* Tinkerer
* Titan
* Titania
* Titanium Man
* Toad
* Todd, Mark (see Blazing Skull)
* Tom Corsi
* Tombstone
* Tomorrow Man (see Zarrko)
* Tom Thumb
* Toomes, Adrian (see Vulture)
* Topaz
* Topaz (Ultraverse)
* Topolov, Yuri (see Gargoyle
* Toro
* Torgo the Vampire
* Torgo of Mekka
* Torpedo
* Torrent (What If...? vol. 2 #114)
* Torso (Ultraverse)
* Tower
* Toxin
* Toynbee, Mortimer (see Toad
* Trapster
* Trainer, Carolyn (see Lady Octopus)
* Trainer, Seward (see Seward Trainer)
* Traveller, Judas (see Judas Traveller)
* Trevor Fitzroy
* Tri-Man
* Triathlon
* Trioccula
* Triton
* Truffaut, Arlette (see Murmur)
* Tsurayaba, Matsu'o (see Matsu'o Tsurayaba)
* Tugun (Ultraverse)
* Turbo
* Turner D. Century
* Tusk
* Two-Gun Kid
* Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth (see Talisman)
* Twoyoungmen, Michael (see Shaman)
* Typeface
* Typhoid Mary
* Tyr
* Tyrack
* Tyrannosaur (Ultraverse)
* Tyrannus
* Tyrant
* Tzabaoth (see Donald & Deborah Ritter)
* Uatu (see also Watcher)
* U-Go Girl
* Ulik
* Ultimo
* Ultragirl
* Ultron
* Umbo
* U-Man
* Umar
* Uncle Ben Parker
* Unicorn
* Uni-Mind
* Union Jack (see also The Destroyer)
* Unthinnk
* Unus the Untouchable
* Unuscione
* Unuscione, Carmella (see Unuscione)
* Unuscione, Angelo (see Unus the Untouchable)
* Ursa Major
* USAgent
* Urich, Ben (see Ben Urich)
* Urich, Phil (see Green Goblin)
* Utgard-Loki
* Valentina De La Fontaine
* Valerie Cooper
* Valkyrie
* Valtorr
* Vamp
* Vampire by Night
* van Dyne, Janet (see Wasp)
* van Helsing, Rachel (see Rachel van Helsing)
* van Horne, Katrina Luisa (see Man-Killer)
* van Lunt, Cornelius (see Taurus)
* Vance Astro (see also Justice)
* Vanguard
* Vanisher
* Vargas
* Vashti
* Vaughn, Wendell (see Quasar)
* Vegas
* Veil
* Veil (Ultraverse)
* Velsing, Bram (see Dreadknight)
* Vengeance
* Venom
* Ventura, Sharon (see She-Thing)
* Venus
* Vermin
* Vernard, Kristoff (see Kristoff Vernard)
* Vertigo
* Victor Mancha
* Victor von Doom (see Doctor Doom)
* Vidar
* Vincente
* Vindaloo
* Vindicator (see also Guardian)
* Viper
* Virako
* Visimajoris
* Vision (Golden Age)
* Vision
* Vivisector
* Volcana
* Volla
* Volpan
* Volstagg
* von Doom, Kristoff (see Kristoff Vernard)
* von Doom, Victor (see Doctor Doom)
* von Meyer, Fritz (see Swarm)
* von Strucker, Andrea (see Fenris)
* von Strucker, Andreas (see Fenris)
* von Strucker, Wolfgang (see Baron Strucker)
* Voyant, Claire (see Black Widow (Golden Age))
* Vulcan
* Vulture
* Wagner, Kurt (see Nightcrawler)
* Wagner, Talia (see Nocturne)
* Walker, John (see U.S. Agent)
* Walker, Mary (see Typhoid Mary)
* Walker, Patsy (see Hellcat)
* Wallflower
* Walters, Jennifer (see She-Hulk)
* War
* War V
* War Eagle (Ultraverse)
* War Machine
* Warbird (see Carol Danvers
* Warlock
* Adam Warlock
* Warpath
* Warren, Miles (see Jackal)
* Warrior Woman
* Warstrike (Ultraverse)
* Washington, Scott (see Hybrid)
* Wasp
* Watcher
* Water Wizard
* Watoomb
* Mary Jane Watson
* Weapon X (see also Garrison Kane, Wolverine)
* Wendigo
* Werewolf by Night
* Whiplash (see also Blacklash)
* Whirlwind
* Whistler (see Abraham Whistler)
* Whitemane, Aelfyre (see Aelfyre Whitemane)
* Whitemane, Kofi (see Kofi Whitemane)
* Whiteout
* White Pilgrim (see Magneto)
* White Rabbit
* White Queen (see Emma Frost)
* White Tiger (comics)
* Whizzer (see also Speed Demon)
* Wiccan
* Wicked
* Widget
* Wild Child
* Wildside
* Wild Thing
* Will o' the Wisp
* Williams, Eric (see Grim Reaper)
* Williams, Simon (see Wonder Man)
* Wilson, Sam (see Falcon)
* Wilson, Wade (see Deadpool and T-Ray)
* Wind Dancer
* Wing, Colleen (see Colleen Wing)
* Wingfoot, Wyatt (see Wyatt Wingfoot)
* The Wink
* Wisdom, Pete (see Pete Wisdom)
* Witchfire
* Wittman, Bentley (see Wizard)
* Wizard
* Wiz Kid
* Wolfsbane
* Wolverine
* Wonder Man
* Wong
* Woodgod
* Worm
* Worthington, Warren III (see Archangel)
* Wraith
* Wrath (Ultraverse)
* Wrecker
* Wreckage (Ultraverse)
* Wyatt Wingfoot
* Wyndham, Herbert Edgar (see High Evolutionary)
* X-23
* Xavin
* X-Cutioner
* X-Man
* X-Treme (see Adam X the X-Treme)
* Charles Xavier (see Professor X)
* Xi'an Chi Xan
* Xorn
* Y'Garon
* Yellow Claw
* Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara) (see also Henry Pym)
* Yeti
* Ymir
* Yondu
* Yrial (Ultraverse)
* Yukio
* Yuriko Oyama
* Yukon Jack
* Zabu
* Zaladane
* Zarathos
* Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man
* Zebediah Killgrave (see Purple Man)
* Zeitgeist
* Zemo, Heinrich (see Baron Zemo)
* Zemo, Helmut (see Baron Zemo)
* Zero
* Zero-G (see Alex Power)
* Zeus
* Zip-Zap (Ultraverse)
* Zodiak
* Arnim Zola
* Zom
* Zombie
* Zuras
* Zzzax
and in this link you will find the list..... of lists
2006-09-11 11:10:28
answer #1
answered by Zholla 7