Next time you loan someone money, make them sign a promissory note. That way you will have written proof that the money was borrowed and it owed to you. You do not need an attorney. You can file with small claims and present the case yourself. An attorney would cost you a lot of money and you are strapped for cash, it's not worth it. Hold on to those voice mails of him saying he is not going to repay you the money. He has admitted in that recording that money is owed to you and he is refusing to pay it back. If anyone witnessed any of the transaction, have them appear in court with you. If they can not appear, have them swear out an affidavit for you to present in court. Gather all your information and present it to the judge. He or she will make the final decision. Depending on where you live, you may or may not receive all of your money back. It depends on where you live. The court can not award you money in excess of the small claim limit for your state. Write him a letter asking for the money that is owed to you, send it registered mail. If he still refuses to pay, fill out your forms for court, locate the appropriate court and file your claim. Make sure the defendant is served, before the deadline, get proof of service and wait for your court date. While waiting, make sure you have all of your information that you want to present in court. When your court date arrives, present your information and your evidence and take it from there.
2006-09-11 10:38:13
answer #1
answered by ugogirl 3
I am actually in the same situation, but I have a legally signed contract. While you do not have a legally signed contract, you do have that voice mail as evidence. Do not delete and take him and the voice mail you have to the small claims court and present it to the judge. If someone else knew of this situation, have them as your witness. You may not have a legally signed contract, but words also bind an individual into a contract. Hope it works.
P.S Funny thing is, I also lent $5,000!
2006-09-11 10:24:37
answer #2
answered by aznbsbgurl97 1
You gave him the money without signing a contract. This is what you do: Go tell him that if he is ever able to pay you back, you would appreciate it. Go home. You have no case. You did the guy a favor & what you sow in this life you will reap. Think of it as a gift & save yourself the time & more money - let it go.
2006-09-11 10:34:21
answer #3
answered by Forever 6
Judge Judy
2006-09-11 10:14:46
answer #4
answered by drsteve362005 6
First on all I hope you learn your leans. OK you need to go to small clams court. You don't have to have a lawyer. You need to get all the details you possable can, because if he don't admit he took the money form you it is his word against your. Also see if you can save those phone calls and use then in court.
2006-09-11 10:19:42
answer #5
answered by Lori K 3
Take him to small claims court, no lawyers , Judge rules, county enforces judgement, or lean can be placed against him if he doesn't pay.
2006-09-11 10:25:11
answer #6
answered by captianpr 4
Hopefully you have a check or something.
Find out about small claims cout in your area and if they will give you forms in the lower courts.
2006-09-11 10:16:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would call judge Judy or one of the TV judges. That way, you all can have a good time, being on TV and you'll get the same verdict.
2006-09-11 10:15:38
answer #8
answered by Mama R 5
gee, don't know,,,should of had him sign an I OWE YOU. Verbal agreements don't hold much water.
2006-09-11 10:21:11
answer #9
answered by sonny 2
small claims court at your county courthouse
2006-09-11 10:16:32
answer #10
answered by MiaDiva28 6