While it is serious, there is definitely hope. There are technological advances we have at our disposal these days that weren't around even a few years ago. I have a grandson who was born 3 months premature. The little guy weighed in at 2 pounds, 1 ounce. He was in neo natal ICU for 3 months, and does have a few health issues, but none are serious and all can be controlled or overcome.....that was 8 years ago. He's doing beautifully. I'm sure things will be fine, but I will definitely put your friend and her new little treasure on my prayer list..
2006-09-11 10:21:09
answer #1
answered by kj 7
My son was 8 weeks early, at at 4lbs 4oz. He breathed on his own at birth, but they put him in an incubator for about two hours with oxygen, just to make sure. He also lacked the sucking reflex, and spent a week and a half at Hershey Medical Center in the NICU, then another month at our local hospital. He has had no major medical problems, his weight picked up quickly. Now he is a healthy three year old, with no setbacks in any of his development, either physical or mental. This is just my son, your case may be different, but most likely everything will be just fine. Best of luck with the baby!
2006-09-11 17:11:52
answer #2
answered by grey_sky_morning84 5
All babies develop differently but generally 6 weeks is no big issue. My son was 6 weeks early and weighed 4 lbs, 5 oz. He was in the hospital for about 5 weeks until he gained some weight. Also, he had sleep apnea and had to wear a monitor for the first year of his life.
But now, he is a happy, healthy 11 year old (tall and 115 lbs.) and no one would ever believe he was a preemie. My other son who is 8, was a full term 8 lb. 5 oz. baby and a total string bean now. They think it's funny to look at the footprints on their birth certificate and see how much bigger my younger sons foot was at birth, and how much bigger my older son is now :)
2006-09-11 21:37:10
answer #3
answered by CattGirl 2
Its the year 2006 and they have come a long way with medicine... If it was only 6 weeks premature, that baby is goign to be just fine... Espcecially since the breathing is ok. that is there only real fear at that point. ONce the suckling reflects come in, which are actually already there, the doctor and nurse will show the baby how to do that....
Once the weight is up the baby will be released.
Good luck...
2006-09-11 17:09:53
answer #4
answered by Tyana 3
I would'nt worry that much.Premies have a better chance of surviving today than they use to.My mom had twins at 35weeks
Weighing 4pd8oz & 3pd8oz.The small one stayed in the hospital for a week.She gained enough weight to go home after that.They are 9 now & very healthy but small for their age girls.My cousin was born when my aunt was 5 months pregnant & was a miracle baby.He barely weighed 2pds.He made it though.He is 16 today and the only health problem he has is asthma.Im sure he/she will be fine.I will keep all of you in my prayers.Good Luck& i really hope all goes well for the baby!!
2006-09-11 17:15:43
answer #5
answered by hotmama 3
Shouldn't be too serious at all assuming the baby is breathing on its own and all of its bloodwork is showing that its organs are functioning properly. In my generous amount of experience, babies that are born 6 weeks early are usually home in about 6 days after birth. BUT, when they go home depends more on sucking reflex than on weight. Babies are born every day much earlier than this---don't worry too much. Also in my experience, babies born early tend to have bronchial, ear, and throat problems in their toddler years and past so keep an eye out.
2006-09-11 18:10:44
answer #6
answered by lauren0531 3
Baby should be fine I know of a couple of baby's about this weigh and the same happened to them.
It is only really serious if there are other problems but since you haven't mentioned any I would assume there are none.
Remember most other baby's have 6 more weeks wrapped in cotton wool tummy's this baby also this amount of time to catch up with them that's all.
2006-09-11 17:12:59
answer #7
answered by tjjkara 3
A baby born at 34 weeks should be fine-good luck
2006-09-11 17:09:24
answer #8
answered by Caro 3
i work on a OB floor and its The baby will be fine as long as the lungs are developed and everything...my daughter was 5 weeks premature and she is healthy as a horse..but she was 6lbs 9oz at birth usually once it hits 5lb5oz it can leave the hospital so its not far from it
2006-09-11 17:10:53
answer #9
answered by sjeboyce 5
My baby sister was born 5wks premature (4lbs 8oz) and she did just fine. Had to stay in the hospital for 10 days and then was fine at home. It shouldn't be that serious.
2006-09-11 17:12:22
answer #10
answered by Mandi K 2