Tell your boyfriend. If it is good news, then you should have the baby. If it is unwanted, look into abortion or adoption.
But abortion is a whole nother level of options. You have to weigh them each individually. If you are pro-choice, then you should look into it. If you are pro-life, then you should look into adoption. You really need to see what your options are first. I have many friends from high school that had babies at 16 and grew to still be successful in their own way.
2006-09-11 10:05:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Talk to your boyfriend then your parents if you and your boyfriend don't want the baby give it up for adoption then you may even be able to see your child again. I am 17 and my dad still doesn't know and I am 5 months. My Mom on the other hand cant wait. She cried when the ob said it a boy!!!
2006-09-11 11:52:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would start by telling your parents. They might be upset for a while but it will be better if you tell them, then tell the boyfriend. Then look into what you and your boyfriend want to do. If you want to have this child then it will be hard and you will need surport from your family and his. Only you can decide if you want to keep this child. Because it is going to be your life that is going to be changed the most. Your the one that has to carry the child for 9 months, plus wake up in the middle of the night to feed and change the diaper. I would really think hard about having this child.
2006-09-11 10:15:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You need to tell your parents FIRST! Then along with your parents, tell your boyfriend and his parents. Hopefully you all can come to an agreement on what to do about the situation. If you decide to keep the baby, then know that it is not going to be easy to raise the child, especially at 16. It is hard for some people and they are way older. GOD BLESS YOU and good luck?
2006-09-11 10:14:12
answer #4
answered by corey 2
At 16 you are going to have a hard time with a baby. I had a baby young and if I could do it all over again I would have waited. Not that I do not love my kids but it is hard being a single mom. And you have school to think about still and how are you going to raise this baby? Whatever you do don't drop outta school you will regret it later in life. I know it is going to be hard but you may want to think about adoption
2006-09-11 10:09:36
answer #5
answered by ny3boys 2
First tell your boyfriend && parents, then if they are supportive, go with what your mind tells you. Do you want the baby or an abortion? but if you don't want an abortion don't get pressured into it. Then decide whether It's what you want, meaning looking after the baby. Do you think your too young, and you still have many years to settle down and live life to the full before that happens.
2006-09-11 10:14:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First you want to break the news to your boyfriend. Just let him know yall laid down and did grown up things so now yall have to take care of grown up responsibilities. Then you should tell your parents, they might be a little shocked and say things they don't mean, but you just have to let it settle with them and then they'll most likely support you. If they don't then there should be support groups in your area with teens that are in your same situation that you can go to, to cope. But Good Luck with everything. P.S. I'm 16 & pregnant too, So I understand everything your going thru.
2006-09-11 11:35:16
answer #7
answered by lovlouis 2
I got pregant before I was married. Luckly I was already engaged, but still. I found it very hard to tell my dad because I thought that he would be disappointed. I started out by handing him an 8 oz. glass of Jack Daniels and then told him the news. He was shocked and concerned, but came to grips with the concept. Now everything is great and I was glad to have my parents through out the pregnancy and even now. You need to tell your parents. They love you and may feel worried or concerned but that is their job. You have a lot of choices to make and sometimes you mom can be the best one you have for tough situations.
2006-09-11 10:13:35
answer #8
answered by kelliemag 3
The best thing to do would be to tell your parents... but you absolutely have to tell your boyfriend.
I was in your shoes a few years back, when I was 16. I didn't tell my parents and went to a free clinic and went through an abortion without telling anyone besides my boyfriend.
It was awful, and I regret it. I have a little boy now who is 8 months old, and I look at him and wonder why he got to live and his brother died? I ask who did I kill?
Think about it before plunging into anything, really think about it and don't choose your path because it is the easiest and you won't get into trouble...
Think about that little baby inside you, who will say goo goo ga ga and giggle when you look at him or her...
Your parents might be angry at first, but it is because they are scared for you.
My suggestion is to speak to your mom without your dad being there. Mom's have a way of understanding these sorts of things better... Tell her you have something to talk to her about in private and she'll just know what is going on. Let her break it to your dad.. Dad's can be understanding too, but they are alot scarier to talk to about these things...
Tell her you are scared, and you came to her because you are scared. Tell her you know there are free services out there that could fix things without them knowing, but you chose to go to her because you needed HER advice. She will respect you for that decision, and she will love you nomatter what.
I guarantee she will help you do the right thing, whatever that is.
I hope I helped, if you do chose to do it the other way... I suggest going to Planned Parenthood... Although, I really hope you do things with your parents love rather than alone.
2006-09-11 10:19:17
answer #9
answered by princessin_bluejeans 2
If you need courage start with someone who wont judge you like a counsellor they will tell you all your options in a frank and clear manner with no pressure, then tell your boyfriend and make sure you have a decision in mind on what you want to do about your pregnancy before you tell your parents. Admitting you made a mistake is important and remind your parents you need their unconditional love and support while you go through this. You will gain their respect by being upfront and honest. Depending on what you decide to do with your pregnancy you need to start making plans....good luck.
2006-09-11 10:11:27
answer #10
answered by Cherry_Blossom 5