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As far as I know I can breastfeed even for one year..but I've been told is too much...So, what is the best...can you help me..
Also, I am preocupied now - my baby has been vomitting a lot..I am wondering - could my milk cause any discomfort or stomachache?

2006-09-11 09:36:52 · 24 answers · asked by Nt 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

I know many women breastfed theit babies for more than an year..They say the more you breastfeed your baby the better is that for him/her..

2006-09-11 09:39:27 · update #1

24 answers

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing until AT LEAST 12 month.

The World Health Organization & UNICEF recommend nursing until AT LEAST 2 years.

The world-wide average age of weaning is around 4.2 years.

The natural age or human weaning is between 2.5 and 7 years, per anthropologist Kathryn Dettwyler.

As long as you and your child are both happy nursing, there is no reason to wean. As long as the child wants to keep nursing, there is no possible harm in it. It's natural. Don't let the close-minded people try to pressure you into weaning before you and your child are both ready to do so.

There are many benefits to nursing beyond a year. The link below will give you a lot of information about extended nursing.

How old is your baby? How long has the vomiting been going on? Any diet changes recently for you or for your baby? Anyone else baby is around been sick lately? Hard to answer the vomiting question without a little more information. Usually, if a baby is ill then mother's milk is the food they are most likely to be able to keep down.

I forgot to say that Michael Jordan's mom nursed him until he was 3 years old. I'd say he turned out pretty well!

2006-09-12 01:02:27 · answer #1 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 2 0

It is possible that your milk could be causing stomach upset, but unlikely. It is not your bresatmilk that causes that, it is something you ate that made it to your breastmilk. Here's a website that will help you determine if your baby has normal baby fussiness and spittiness, or if you may need to go on an elimination diet to get the offenders out of your system. http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/food-sensitivity.html You may want to also contact a La Leche League Leader in your area to specifically diagnose your problems and to correct them, especially if you are concerned about the amount your baby is vomiting.

You can breastfeed for as long as you and your child both want to do so. I'm still breastfeeding my 2 year old and there is no harm in that. The world average weaning age is somewhere around 4 years old.

2006-09-11 17:16:19 · answer #2 · answered by I ♥ EC 3 · 4 0

Your milk isn't causing discomfort...breastmilk is much easier to digest than formula! If your baby is spitting up on breastmilk, he will spit up twice as much on formula. Breastmilk is great for your baby. Nurse as long as possible and as long as you feel comfortable. Breastmilk is the perfect food for babies, not a chemical compound produced in a laboratory (formula). Breastfed babies have fewer stomach problems like gas, diahrea, constipation, acid reflux, etc...they also have faster brain & eye development and higher IQ scores, breastfed babies also have better immune systems and get sick less often because of the antibodies in the breastmilk. It is NEVER a good idea to stop nursing in favor of formula, unless there is an extreme circumstance like a mother taking a dangerous medication, or something similar. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for ATLEAST one year (NOT UNTIL one year) - the longer the better! And the World Health Organization recommends nursing for a MINIMUM of 2 years! Nurse as long as you can! Don't be worried that your breastmilk is causing your baby's discomfort. This isnt the case at all...you are HELPING you baby by nursing!

2006-09-11 20:57:35 · answer #3 · answered by dixiechic 4 · 3 0

You can breastfeed for as long you and your child want to. I breastfed my son for nearly two years, but by then it was only at bedtime and when I stopped, neither one of us had any issues about it.

As for the vomiting, my son had projectile spitup every once in a while. We don't know what caused it, but sometimes he would while I was nursing him and we would both be covered. He had also done that to the wall from the far side of his crib, it went really far!! If your baby is eating well and not having any signs of dehydration (eg dry diapers), then just maybe mention it to your dr. Otherwise, call right away if your baby is dehydrated.

Good luck!

2006-09-11 16:42:38 · answer #4 · answered by finding_my_dream 3 · 3 0

Breastfeeding is the best thing for your baby and many studies have come out saying there are benefits to breastfeeding up to a year and some have even said there are benefits up to 2 years. Also, studies have shown (I'm sorry I don't have references on hand, I read it all a year ago when I started breastfeeding) that beyond 6 months or so, solely breastfeeding is insufficient nutrition for an infant and must be supplimented with regular food.
It is highly unlikely that your child is vomitting because your milk is inherently bad for her. It could be that there is something in your diet that doesn't sit right with your baby. maybe hot peppers, maybe gas inducing garlic or onions. . . maybe dairy. Or she could just have an underdeveloped gastrointestinal system as many young infants do, and over time the issue will dissapear when the child develops more.
Ultimately it is you who knows what is best for your child. Don't just listen to people's advice, do your own research. Read first hand sources about studies on breast milk or vomitting, educate yourself beyond this message board. And when you have a concern you are really worried about contact a professional.

2006-09-11 20:22:52 · answer #5 · answered by trinitybelwoodspark 3 · 1 1

As almost everyone else wrote you can breastfeed for as long as you want. I am Tandem nursing 2 kids (one 2yrs & one 9mts) it is all up to you and how you feel about it!

Also, breastfeeding past one year WILL NOT give your child tooth decay, that is crazy!!!!!!!!!

"It is possible to continue breadtfeeding for over year, but it is not a very good idea. One of the main things that happen if you do is teeth decay. I had a neice once that had this happen... She had I'd say about 5 teeth left after the dentist got done with her."

2006-09-12 16:22:53 · answer #6 · answered by Diana O 1 · 2 0

You have already recieved some wonderful advice and information. Of course there is no harm in breastfeeding as long as you and your baby want to continue. One year is a great goal as the AAP recomends; the WHO recomends 2 years.

It's funny, I bet dogs and cats and elephants and whales don't worry about how long they should breastfeed thier babies. Why do humans have such weird cultural hang ups about it?

For the vomiting, it could be reflux which is actually more common and more severe in formula fed babies. Breastmilk is the very best thing for your baby; so long as he's making plenty of wet diapers and gaining well, don't worry about the spit up.

2006-09-11 17:45:42 · answer #7 · answered by doxhaelend 2 · 3 1

Feed your baby breastmilk for as long as you are comfortable with it & as long as your baby still wants to nurse. Breastmilk is THE most natural food for any baby. The taste of breastmilk can be changed somewhat by foods you eat. Things like garlic, onions, veggies which are known to cause gas in us can also cause problems with baby's taste buds or tummy. Babies will sometimes eat too much because they are sooo hungry because they are growing sooo fast. That's when the spit up happens. As long as a good portion of the whole days intake is staying down I wouldn't worry. If you feel uncomfortable as the baby gets older then stop breastfeeding but at the early stages all the antibodies you have are being passed to your baby which is a great natural protection you are providing for your baby. Good Luck & God Bless you & family!

2006-09-11 16:47:43 · answer #8 · answered by curiousgeorge 5 · 3 1

It depends on you. What do you feel comfortable with. Its not up to anyone else. I feed my son till he was about 7 months..then I put him on a bottle so when I went to work my hubby could feed him. You will know when to stop feeding him.
As far as the vomiting, did that just start? Has been going on? I would take him to the doctor and have him take a look. He may be Lactose intolerant or he may just have a cold. You can also ask the doctor how long you should breast feed him. But I think you will know when to stop.

2006-09-11 16:45:23 · answer #9 · answered by Just another day 2 · 1 1

I am breastfeeding my 2 week old son now and I have heard people talk about some babys couldnt take there milk but it could be reflux to that is something common with newborns talk to your peditrian as far as the how long you can feed your baby that is your decision I have heard them talk about feeding theres til they was 2 years old. SO good luck with what ever you decide.

2006-09-11 16:43:09 · answer #10 · answered by Angela M 2 · 3 0

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